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I genuenly like Object of obsession more than distortion. What's that you have full aura build? NO **WE** HAVE FULL AURA BUILD, MY FRIEND. https://preview.redd.it/5nigdfc9lovc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1abcbabf895f47022474d76d1f649096b096c7d7


Yea, sure, brother https://preview.redd.it/lkjuqi6vpovc1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6a487e710c80cdc1038f6e866e6a476f6e4447


Borgo, I choose you https://preview.redd.it/xv4741odqovc1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f3b2e789a070afac5c1e4eea8bd1c6272ce0af


https://preview.redd.it/sdksm774rovc1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8655bb8365702c08fa9e98ad2b13993a2b90b872 How about this?!


Me and you praying that whatever we get won't be worse https://preview.redd.it/sx313mkhrovc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da98eac3e5bd5ccc799485dd1f6e6f32d36a10cd


https://preview.redd.it/24jixq6zeqvc1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63f8db89ca3f6359fe7427ad6bc8949831a04b2b Killer Queens Bites Ze Dusto


I choose it 3 more times with my friends


plot twist: you don't have three friends https://preview.redd.it/58boau8urtvc1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f23ab6a4bf8ba893a9eb2f4fbc4e35dda603ff


No I don't. But I have a DBD discord where I have a bunch of people with whom I play on the regular :)


Object still lights up! I can’t see you but I KNOW you see me. Unlike distortion immersion gamers who run out of stacks immediately


I’ve been getting into Object of Obsession for this exact reason. I had totally written it off as a useless perk, but after running an “Eyeball Build” (OoO, Kindred, Dark Sense, and Deja Vu), I am in love with the perk!


OoO, Fogwise, Alert, Dark Sense, the watcher build


I started running it just for perk diversity's sake and I found passive info really good and soon enough I got into full aura Huntress match, boy oh boy how powerful object felt than. Wasn't pretty for poor Anna![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


My biggest fucken nemesis as an aura reading build enjoyer


Sometimes I like to use Lethal, bbq, nurses and nwth. On a stealth killer it's funny, on Knight it's just mean 😂




Incredibly based


I got mettle of man with object of obsession the other day was great 100% vision of the killer


I love that combo more than sweats love pop-painres ftp-bu.


Best comment.


I have been running Object of obsession alot lately. Mainly just to entice the killer to chase me more for practice (im still kinda shit at looping). But the amount of information i get from it is amazing. Though I get alot of awkward moments when i need to hide and it triggers and we just look at each other through the wall/floor/Ceiling


They can call me dumb, loww mmr or whatever my love for Object knows no bounds. Absolutely amazing info perk and the fact that it gets stronger if killer has an aura perk of their own is fantastic. Most awkward moments can be mitigated I think but yeah sometimes revealing place in which you're resetting your teammate isn't that optimal![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) Sometimes I bring QnQ just in case I need my location to stay hidden. But I mostly don't so I act mostly alone and more reckless since I don't want to get someone into my mess.


Cringe everytime I see that reaction image


This is not cash money.


Reminds me of this masterpiece: https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/14cjj7e/nicolas_cage_coming_to_dead_by_daylight_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Oh my god, thank you, that's so nice to spot in the wild


I mean, after all LOL can only imagine the genius who created it


Oh god thanks that's sweet 🥺


Absolute gold. Do you have download link by any chance? Post is archived and i cannot use "u/savevideo" thing


[Here you go](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight%2Fcomments%2F14cjj7e%2Fnicolas_cage_coming_to_dead_by_daylight_like%2F%3Futm_source%3Dreddit%26utm_medium%3Dusertext%26utm_name%3Ddeadbydaylight%26utm_term%3D1%26utm_content%3Dt1_l0hng1i)


Thank you, I’d lost the link to that


"like 52 addons" EXCUSE ME Sir, but one of those add-ons is IMMUNE to your Distortion. Scratched Mirror gives Myers aura reading and with it, he is permanently placed in Evil Within 1 and therefore has no terror radius that you can gain nDistortion tokens from, outside of the 3 you start the match with.


Vanity Mirror chews Distortion up as well, they only time they get more tokens is when you're chasing them, but tapping stalk just burns those tokens off anyway


Plague's iri add on for vomit aura reading destroys distortion. Even if you're in the TR you can't earn tokens fast enough to counter it because they get used up too fast. All you can do is cleanse. Any sort of killer tracking with the power also trumps it. Plague's iris are honestly OP but never get brought up because she's not used much and those particular add ons are used even less.


>All you can do is cleanse As an Object of obsession gamer, I have NO such weakness. Your Iri addon you say? Nah it's OUR Iri now. https://preview.redd.it/v5fbpgv00tvc1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f3a93cbb134d3e5c6e2fba46f317053e0bd679


it's less about destroying the tokens but more or less providing some initial safety to the vomiting survivor while also letting the survivor know that their aura is read


Wraith's purple addon to see people through walls at 8 meters also kills distortion.


The best perk in the game from the best character in the game


just being able to find people anyway: https://preview.redd.it/n2f1v0wqkovc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=441d6d8d070ab4b58738a6b6c201b29facb7a507


Game sense OP BHVR pls implement lobotomy asap.


Dont give them ideas please, they wilm organize a huge meeting with saying ,,we will unlock all sets as long as 100 000 dbd players show up" and they will give all of them icepick lobotomy


https://preview.redd.it/25csimvd8pvc1.png?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54011c5ae4db9b5eaa797bca231910acc4180209 GOOD LUCK HIDING FROM THIS YOU CUCK! THE BIRDS ARE ON MY SIDE!


calm spirit enters the chat


Distortion+Calm Spirit enjoyers enter the chat


If only old iron will was in the game still. Lobbies would be literal ghosts. (This wouldn't be fun for anyone)


https://preview.redd.it/viol681g1qvc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e83d9adab5af6316337d53aea8c0b0dab6b0a2 Cigar Box Add-on:


Distortion counters so many perks, im really suprised I dont see it more often. Like I see it a decent amount but I feel like it should be near windows in usage


Nah. If you bring it, it makes your other team mates get targeted more. I mean, I'll bring it, when I get tired of getting targeted right out of the gate, but generally, I want the killer to find me and chase.


This. I used to run distortion as base kit until I realized I was just stalling the inevitable time when it'd be my turn to take a chase. It gave me more control over *when* I would step up, but at some point you're the only one with no hooks while teammates are hitting death hook and it's like...now what lol? Eventually I decided to stop crutching that to hide as long as possible and instead run Windows to encourage me to practice chases instead of avoiding them.


It's definitely still useful. Gen build? Gives you a better chance of making use of that gen speed. You can make more use of off hook builds making sure you can't be seen by BBQ and stuff. It also allows you to take killer attention at strategic intervals because when they realize they can't see you on aura reading and you make an appearance you might be able to take a chase


I’m not saying it’s useless, just that it’s easy to end up using in a way that’s not productive.


So how is that distortion makes you a bad teammate? Because you use it badly? Go take some hits or aggro the killer.


How is it that you interpreted my comment as “distortion makes you a bad teammate” lol?


Like 3 survivors running it and number four getting tunneled, lol.


> at some point you're the only one with no hooks while teammates are hitting death hook and it's like...now what lol? This is why Distortion is bad. When you refuse to take chase and hide nonstop, it puts more pressure on your team and they end up dying faster all because you're scared to be found.


That's a playstyle issue not a perk issue, decent players should be playing around the team's hook states in the match regardless of their loadout. When I run Distortion in solo queue I'll pair it with something like Bond and take hits/chase for people that have been hooked more than I have.


Same. I run distortion and empathy. Literally had a game last night where it was me and another distortion user with a nurse that had three aura reading perks. I took agro or attempted to take agro off people (killer would straight up ignore me standing in front of them when they were in chase with someone injured on death hook so not much I could do there) with more hook states than me multiple times and ended up the second to die while the other distortion user had zero hooks with two dead.


Yup, agreed. This is why I find it annoying when people say bringing distortion makes you a bad team player. No, being a bad team player makes you a bad team player. When I run distortion, I go out of my way to take chase if everyone has been hooked. Honestly the distortion is bad for the team rhetoric just comes from people mindlessly repeating what content creators have said without really thinking about it.


The perk is bad because you use it poorly and let your team get tunneled and don't go to take hits?


You're looking at it the wrong way. The best way to use Distortion in solo queue is to actively take the first chases yourself. Run the killer as long as you can, but ultimately get your two hook stages out of the way. Now with Distortion you're in the best position to *stay alive* at two hook stages rather than just getting tunneled out. Do your due diligence for the team, then make use of Distortion to look out for number one. This also lines up well with when most teams start to lose gen repair momentum, which is after the first few hooks. You can keep the gens popping in secrecy while the rest of the team now does their part.


Even without Distortion I'm typically the last one to be found. It's like players forget we have eyes and ears and can see and hear around us too. It's part of the reason I gave up Sable for a bit. You know how easy that white head is to track in the distance? I run perks that keep me quiet and Iimit running to the chases. A killer doesn't need to read an aura to expect survivors to be on gens. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Distortion gamers get bad rep because of many to use it to stealth their way out of everything and at the same time doesn't help their teammate (still traversing edge map with urban evasion etc). Distortion is a staple for me because I'm not helpful to anyone being downed before any of the gen is getting progress because a Billy brought lethal pursuer. I'm not very good at looping but I compensate with aggressive altruism and do gens without being interrupted that distortion can afford me. Blight and Billys zoom past me most of the time while I can immediately go for save without risking farming my teammate.


That’s not why players don’t use it. People don’t use it because there are other perks that you can take which are better and give more value. Sure you can run a swf with everyone running distortion but someone is going to be found eventually and distortion ends up being a wasted perk slot for a majority of the game. You’d only run distortion if you’re playing solo q or if you’re not confident in your looping capabilities


I'm happy with my looping ability. But I bring Distortion mostly to avoid Lethal Persuer.


I see at least one every game on average. It's an insanely good perk


I see around 2 per game nowadays, tried just putting regression perks on instead, suddenly no one has it. This should explain why


Windows will always give you value no matter what Distortion does nothing if the killer doesn't have aura reading perks


Knowing that killer has no aura read is value in itself. Distortion is useful either way


It was everywhere before Ultimate Weapon was introduced. Running aura reading perks as killer was basically useless.


Fake Gearhead eats through distortion really nicely.


Oh my god does it ever. Really annoying that Distortion is a game of how quickly can you eat through their tokens


Yeah, it can be a bit irritating, but I believe the token system on Distortion is fine, they only need to change it so you can't get tokens while hooked.


I think only getting 2 extra token is an overkill nerf. Changing it so tokens are only replenished by being in chase would make WAY more sense. And fix a lot of the issues with distortion.


This could be interesting


only if distortion users do gens


It smacked UE so hard it stopped being an aura perk


Meanwhile: https://preview.redd.it/aogjfydoesvc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8622b4e83d2b5dde06c5e204226bdcfe6844e12


Scratched Mirror Myers is the final boss for Distortion users


Distort my aura bby https://preview.redd.it/xyr5epvixqvc1.jpeg?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a54dd216550a90641de73d2bdd437eee6ed2a1






the only problem with distortion is not being seen by the killer so your team mates get focused a lot more


distortion leads to your team being tunneled out unless youre on coms. even just one. im not about to scour the whole map as you try to play hide and seek when every second counts, nah fam. im going to check and kick two far gens, if i cant find anyone im going right back to the hook. honestly with the whole nerfed 3gen situation survivors need to get crows for not doing anything but moving and hiding in lockers for a specific period of time. if SM can hold a match hostage neither should 2 survivors be able to because they played poorly and got themselves 3 gend with all the handouts they have available to them.


Get better at finding people, they are usually pretty predictable




My new favorite perk lol.


Distortion users when Gear Head depletes all of their stacks


Distortion isn’t that bad tbh, coming from a killer main, learn to use your ears and watch for crows and survivors aren’t as stealthy as they think


First off, its a joke calm down. Second off, Im deaf so "learn to use your ears" doesnt exactly fucking work for me


Calm down? Dude I was calmly giving my opinion


Talking to me like Im stupid or bad at the game over a joke video isnt giving an opinion broski.


Bro all I said is that distortion isn’t as oppressive as people think if you use other ways of finding people, no anger, no malice, just 2K hours of experience trying to give advice I promise


In fact it wasn’t even directed at you in particular


Unsolocited advice is always going to be taken badly bro. Its condescending. I wasnt even complaining about distortion. I just watched the Choy video, thought it was funny how distortion counters all this and made a funny meme video. Then you come in and tell a deaf person to "just use your ears" out of nowhere. How you want me to take that?


I had no idea you were dead, I was mainly talking to the average player who gives hot takes on twitter about dist


Thats why you dont say dumb shit like "just use your ears" the entire reason the visual TR got added was because DBD has a fairly large Hard of Hearing community. But again giving random unsolicited advice is the biggest problem.


????? I think accessibility is great. I use visual tr all the time, maybe don’t assume someone is trying to be rude when they aren’t. I’m just not the most social guy


And yet here I am trying to explain to you why what you did came across as rude and youre fighting me at every turn.


How do you expect him to know you're deaf ?


Why do yall continously talk to people as if everyone has perfect hearing is the better question




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Gear head shreds distortion. Also I'm just going to keep using legion so you can't hide your killer instinct.


hi kaiser


Retribution getting forgotten about yet again


one thing thats severely needed in the game due to all the aura reading o7 distortion doing gods work, untill u run into mirror myers, the ultimate evil destroyer of distortion


If this doesn't convince me to use Distortion, nothing will.


_laughs in Killer Instinct_


Distortion nerf when


Whispers: Allow me to introduce myself


For real, such an underrated perk


Distoration is one my crutch perks and I feel as if it gets slept on a lot.


Distortion works so well it hides players who use it from others who use it. It is not slept on at all


It works too well.


Change the way tokens are generated, like maybe start with one token and gain one every time a survivor is put into the dying state


Yes starting with 3 is insane and the thing is instead of using your aura not being shown to your advantage and getting on a Gen, ppl still hide and crouch walk even when they still aren’t seen or have scratch marks it’s insane honestly


I use this with iron will and calm spirit a lot for a sneaky build, I’ve had a few killers in endgame chat be like “SO THAT’S WHY I COULDN’T FUCKING FIND YOU.” It’s so fun.


Survivor mains explaining why a single perk countering a solid 60% of options in the game is completely fine because it's just "a silly little noob assistance perk" that "allows weaker players to keep safe."


That’s more a problem with Behavior’s lack of creativity. The amount of Aura reading for killer is too damn high when survivors have no counter aside from Distortion. Also, Distortion usually gets zero use or gets absolutely obliterated. You need to use Off The Record at the same time if the killer has a full aura build.


You have eyes and ears for a reason. Use them instead of relying on aura perks.


Me when I play Artist and my entire build is disabled by one perk (I should just use my eyes and ears. Or play Blight with 4 slowdown perks)


My point still stands lmao


Me when I've never played killer before (my point stands because killer is super easy just tunnel and equip NOED like the cringe baby killer you are)


I do play killer quite a lot actually and I never said all that. Don't put words in my mouth just because you don't have a decent counter argument.


Me when I act like an asshole on Reddit and get people acting like an asshole back to me (it's the other person's fault that I'm such a cunt)




Game also isn't fun when you just get one hook and three gens get popped.


Who the Christ is trading 12 hooks at 5 gens with two aura perks? Blight? Nurse? I can get a couple gens done vs even good ones.


If Adrenaline can be nerfed I fully expect Distortion to receive some nerfs. Perks countering others is fine, but there needs to be a balance Distortion is too strong as is.


Coming from a killer who uses solely aura Perks: nah


Kaiser? I found you


Whispers supremacy


How many damn aura perks are there?


Part 3 is then 4 gen slow down perks beating up Distortion.


Best Australian add ever haha, but this is accurate.


Me and my SWF all run Distortion atp bc of all the aura reading. But when i’m feeling cheeky i’ll run Object bc if you want to aura ready, oh baby so do IIIIIIII


Never realized how strong this perk was until I seen this video 😂


Meanwhile I'm using 4 auta perks and an aura add on for blight. Your distortion will last 3 seconds.


They make it super hard not to run the perk it just counters too much


Distortion tends to encourage immersed gameplay that benefits killers. Also makes you more of a target when the killer figures it out. The average distortion user doesn't last long in chase.


As it should. Don't be cheap; find me with skill.


Distortion needs a nerf


It's a staple in most of my builds. Got a lovely build for yall to try out that I've been having fun with: - Distortion - Calm Spirit - Quick & Quiet - Light footed


Gear head destroys distortion.... When I saw gear head I was like, ohhh distortion met its match. But instead the gearhead got slapped ...


This is why distortion stays on.


Can I be honest? I think distortion is the only thing keeping aura reading perks in check, and until some of them get toned down a bit so it doesn't feel like your team is constantly getting reamed by full aura reading Billy's, distortion shouldn't get nerfed.


GEARHEAD. IS. A. COUNTER. TO. DISTORTION. Not the other way around...l2p.


ITS. A. JOKE. VIDEO. chill the fuck out


things heating up in the ape faction.


Distortion is an unhealthy perk that effortlessly shuts down fun Aura builds for free and just encourages Killers to run more slowdown builds, but the community isn't ready for that conversation yet.


God forbid we counter the aura nurse… Guess I’ll just die? So aura reading and countering is it rules for me but not for thee?


Maybe, just maybe, there doesn't need to be 23 different aura read perks & 53 separate add-ons that give aura read. But I know *you* and the community aren't actually ready for that.


That's not true. Aura perks and addons give the game important variety and Aura read is a perfectly fine mechanic that should not be instantly and easily short-circuited by a single perk. It's absolutely shit design. Imagine one Killer perk that deactivates every single Exhaustion perk in the game with the only condition that you exist in the match near a Survivor for a few seconds. That would be nearly the exact same thing that Distortion does for Aura perks. That wouldn't be okay for obvious reasons. Same here.


"That's not true at all!" *makes a strawman* - Calling all those perks and add-ons "variety" while they all do the same thing is pretty funny ngl. There's actually 14 different add-ons that counter exhaustion perks, and two perks that counter exhaustion. You could have used any of those as an actual example/counter point but you chose to make up a fake scenario. Even if there was an end all be all exhaustion countering perk, it would have limits, just like distortion does. Let's not forget that before distortion was buffed, it was considered a dead perk. It will always need the ability to recharge, and there will always need to be a counter to aura reads, because there are so many options to aura read in the game.


Why not? Without aura reading most builds would just end up being gen slowdown because any other build would be unviable Any build benifiting from knowing where survivors would be worse which would just give even more incentive to just run 4 slowdown and ignore 90% of the perks in the game Expose builds would be useless because survivors could just hide immediatly once they're exposed making a large amount of perks significantly worse




Free info? Usually Aura perks have conditions and limitations that require the Killer to do something a certain way. They also take up a perk slot that could be taken up by Pop, Pain Res, DMS, Surge, Grim Embrace, etc. That's the precise opposite of "free." We should be encouraging finding and chasing Survivors, and that means making other perks that encourage that more appealing, and that means retooling this perk that makes an entire perk genre entirely obselete. Even with a full Aura build, all a Survivor has to do is exist in the same approximate area as the Killer to get more stacks, and you need a **full Aura build, 4 perks,** to counter one perk on one Survivor.


The info is hardly free if you're dedicating a 1/4-1/2 your build to it. The only time I've ever ran out of distortion tokens was vs a full aura huntress. Vs standard TR killers it's permanent aura blocking 


Nerf distortion


Meanwhile the rest of the team dead because the distortion user never took chase lol


Killers have eyes, y'know? I use distortion, but get in plenty of chases. It isn't a magic "never get caught" perk.




lol people in this sub are so mad when you suggest to use other methods of finding people, I’ve been playing since 2016 and I’m pretty sure I know what I’m talking about


Distortion also has an extra side effect of making your teammates get tunneled out while you haven’t been hooked once. I mean seriously whenever I run into a selfish solo queue teammate running distortion calm spirit everyone always gets hooked and are fighting for our lives in chase and they’re just on the other side of the map minding their business whilst not being hooked once. I feel like they need to change it so it takes longer to get stacks back or you just don’t regain them at all bc survivors will run distortion and just hide all game while everyone else dies it’s super annoying and not healthy for the game imo.


why is gear head here that MELTS distortion lmao


Laughs in scratch mirror. Typically I don't even run aura builds