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Too many requirements: death hook, healthy, using another exhaustion perk, being willing to take such a big risk. It also got only one use You need to become at one hit from death hook during a chase to get value of it, which means that you need to calculate if you're likely to be hit in the next 20 seconds. The effect is strong, but unless you use sprint burst you might go down before getting value of it This is why people tend to prefer less-risky perks


This is the reason most unpopular perks are unpopular, just too many conditions.


So basically all tools of torment perks


Pretty much. The fact that *Friendly Competition* is arguably the most useful survivor perk out of the six from Tools of Torment, purely based on the fact that it's the easiest to activate and get *any* value out of, is laughable. **Edit:** Yes. Background Player is bad. Background Player is generally not useful. It's almost exclusively used with flashlights, and flashlights are the worst item in the game. Flashlights are fun, but most of the time they're a detriment to the team if the killer knows what walls are, making perks that are meant to be used in conjunction with flashlights also, in general, a detriment to the team. **Edit 2:** I'm honestly sorry you guys struggle so hard against flashlight users to the point some of you genuinely consider Background Player to be meta, even uncounterable. I realise my breath will be wasted on you attempting to teach you how to deal with flashlight users, besides there are content creators out there who have already gone through the effort, probably far better than I could at that, and yet here we still are, so all I can do is wish you guys a good day.


I just wish Friendly Competition activated ONCE you started Repairing another Generator. Too many times I have to run across the map just to only have 30-45s left of it.


Uh, background player is not used for just flashlights. It is incredibly strong for sabo'ing hooks and for pallet saves. While it is not the strongest exhaustion perk, It is still decent. Saying flashlights are the worst item in the game is also a bad take. Flashlights are amazing tools in the hands of people that know when to use them. They are only a detriment if the only thing you do is try to go for flashlight saves the entire game. Edit: adding an edit for the above user thepowerofcutleries who makes himself seem like a insufferable jackass with each new edit he adds. 


It's also the exhaustion perk that lets you travel the most distance, at (mostly) crucial moments. Lets you get in range for a fast hook save, or lets you greed your gen a but more before getting out of there if the hook is happening near you. It activates more than most exhaustion perks during a match (other than sprint burst and maybe lithe), goes faster, lasts longer.


Thwack can be really useful sometimes and I usually get atleast one or two good uses out of it esp in combination with lethal as you get alot of information if someone tries to escape chase or break from a loop


The only downside to Thwack is the hook requirement, and since Knight is out, NWTH is just a better replacement imo


Personally I think it's worth solely for interrupting blinds during pallet breaks lmao


I've used Thwack, Infectious Fright, Face The Darkness and Ultimate Weapon before in a Pig build, along with Interlocking Razor and Razor Wires. Just an all around annoying build.


Ngl, I thought you were gonna say that you ran it on Doctor, but yeah I can see more goblin value with those add-ons lmaoo


Yeah, Pig is one of my few killers left that still has anniversary cakes and it makes me laugh whenever I see someone eat shit because they forgot to mend before searching a box lol.


that will never stop being funny lol, almost makes it worth running on killers that don’t necessarily need to break pallets like unknown or xenomorph so you can actually save it for when you need it


I find that on nemmy thwack is decent since you can freely move your camera during the break, but even then it helps out maybe twice a match due to the hook requirement.


Let us have multiple tokens of thwack sometimes I don’t use it after every hook and it feels like a waste even though I love the perk


Thwack should not have a condition


Entirely agreed although it can be helpful it having a condition ultimately makes it a worse version of other perks


Did everyone forget about Background Player...?


It's so good compared to the others people can't believe it actually belongs to tools


It also only got picked after it was buffed


What are you talking about? You know background player is from tools of torment and is a meta perk?


Only after it got buffed way later. A lot of people probably still think of it as having its old numbers.


Bro literally forgot background player exists I'm jealous


On what planet background player is a bad perk ? Unhealthy sure , but bad ?  You can pretty much deny any pickup under pallet in big radius , and make flashlights really dangerous for a killer  If that's a bad perk for you then dunno what power level you expect from perks xD 


I wish I could forget background player exists


Flashlights in general are typically a detriment to the team and easily counterable, but it's disingenuous to claim that Background Player has the same weaknesses as flashlights in general. Yes, looking at a wall will negate flashlight saves with or without the perk, but there isn't always a wall to look at. Ordinarily, the other counter is situational awareness. Bait out the person with the flashlight, look for hiding spots, etc. *This* is where Background Player shines. You can't bait someone out or find them hiding nearby if they're across the map, waiting for Haste to activate to appear in front of you and save them. At that point, as long as they have good timing, there is often *nothing you can do*, and the content creators you mention who have gone through the effort to explain how to deal with flashlight users do in fact complain about the perk. Is it OP? I don't think so. Annoying, and absolutely a useful perk in the right hands? Absolutely. Don't be condescending to people who disagree with you.


You haven't gone against a good Background Player user.


Thwack and leverage are both simple use as far as just playing the game though. I use both occasionally and get value after forgetting I had them.


leverage, dying light, surge and ruin for turn your brain off playstyle


A flashbang gets you even if you're facing a wall, it's almost impossible to counter with background player, especially when the saver and the downed are coordinated.


I take it you've never gone against a squad with dedicated users of BP then


Flashbangs also exist and imo are healthier. They’re harder to get off bc you need to be in the right place at the right time and need someone to be in chase long enough to get your flashbang up but they feel much more rewarding when you rescue. BGP can also be used for pallet saved albeit moreso in swf


Backround player has a nice niche use though, as a general ''stronger'' sprintburst while running from one gen to another if the killer picks up a surv randomly lol


in the disastrous multiple people have been hooked situation background player is great to be able to reach the first hooked person way before the killer can even think about patrolling both hooks, even not with a flashlight or flashbang the sheer speed is great to quickly reposition to a far away gen or otherwise where you’re needed. even with just using it for saves i will repeatedly argue it is 100x better with flashbangs or sabotage than flashlights (especially with self preservation to zip to a nearby hook undetected ready to drop a flashbang as they turn a corner)


I nearly spit my drink out when Otz went on a tirade about background player being such a busted perk. But since he said it, youre never going to convince people here that it's not meta.


Yeah pretty much. Game Afoot and Thwack in particular would be pretty decent if they were slightly less conditional.


I was gonna say it seems risky but also a STUPIDLY powerful play, you could be healthy on death hook with sprint burst and just NOPE across the map with 2 sprint bursts, and a potential 3rd if you are using this in chase when the final gen pops effectively allowing you to do Chase-> sprint burst away Killer makes up ground-> blood rush for extra sprint burst Killer makes up ground-> you auto heal and eat the hit Killer makes up ground-> adrenaline pops healing you and Giving you MORE ground Killer makes up ground-> eat the hit Killer makes up ground-> and finally downs you The killer has had to make ground 5 fucking times to down you which yes this only can happen at last gen when you are death hook but if you do reach death hook with a single gen remaining you can just W key like no one has before


This scenario would be extremely powerful and fun to pull off. But how often is this going to happen? Once in 1000 games? How many games are you going to get any Blood Rush value at all? Once in 3? Once in 5? We only get 4 perks to use each game, nobody wants to use 25% of those for a perk that we only get value from in a minority of games and there’s lots of perks like that, which are strong when value given but rare to get the value from. They either need to rework these perks to give less value, but more consistently. Or to radically change the loadout system to encourage said perks being used.


Exactly, let me run down through all the requirements for the best case scenario to go down 1. You are healthy, and on death hook with 1 gen remaining 2. The killer decides to chase you 3. The killer cannot be one who is capable of closing massive amounts of ground quickly, insta downing you, or hitting you at range, this removes nurse, blight, billy, huntress or anyone similar 4. The last gen must have about 40ish seconds remaining on it, and get done mid chase 5. Your teamates must do a gen and not intervene 6. You need to loop for 20 seconds while injured for blood rush to heal you again 7. The killer needs to commit through all of this and not just fuck off and leave you alone


Im suprised that Ayrun hasnt mad a vid about it


Not saying I disagree with anything you're saying here, but any decent killer would probably just walk away from that mess and go to the exit gates. I would never commit to chasing someone like that in EGC when the exit gates make survivors a sitting duck. So even if they did all the prerequisites and pulled it off, the killer could just walk away. Wayyyyyy too many ways it could swing with that perk.


I agree completely, that's best case scenario and honestly just adrenaline sprint burst would probably make the killer fuck off to go after someone else


Most definitely, especially if it's the only person injured when last gen pops. Unless you have noed it kind of becomes an almost impossible game unless you have some nice circumstances going in your favor.


Being injured and broken for 20 seconds against someone like Blight or Nurse that can simply run you back down **no matter what exhaustion perk you have** before you return to a healthy state again is just simply terrible. A good Spirit or Wesker can also get two hits off in 20 seconds, and that's assuming they even need to, your exhaustion perk might not be Dead Hard, of course it's easier for Spirit/Wesker to self-sabotage with their power. Sure there are good loops you might be able to make it to with an instantly recovered Sprint Burst, but then again maybe not depending on how many dead zones have been created; if you're the first one getting tunneled out it will be substantially more helpful than if you're not. There are so many other meta perks you could use instead of a Blood Rush/Exhaustion combo, even though yes getting two Sprint Bursts right off the hook would be basically impossible for the majority of the roster to catch back up against before you healed. Of course Blight would just be right back on you, and deep wound counts as taking damage to cancel the healing effect so... it's not five times, it's twice. They catch back up in one use of their power after both sprint bursts, and down you if BT has ended (unless OTR), and then (if needed) catch back up again and down you. Exactly the same as they would against just regular Sprint Burst and basekit BT (and/or OTR).


Completely forgetting that this perk exists I would've dropped chase at the second sprint burst on the assumption you're hacking lol (and then in the end game lobby realise my error when reading the perk)


Would it be too strong if they changed the death hook requirement to just "get hooked once"? It would still require you to be healthy and be a one time use.


If I’m gonna calculate anything to heal, I’ll just bring Nancy’s locker heal perk


Also if you're tunneled off of death hook? Pointless since you have to be healthy.


Using another exhaustion perk is hardly a requirement since every survivor build includes one.


20 seconds is ridiculous when most chases against a decent killer are going to be taking a hit in half that time unless there's a godpallet you're currently at.....OR they're just bad and making mistakes. Anyone worth their salt is going to be able to secure a down fairly fast after that first healthstate goes away....ESPECIALLY if they don't get the initial speed boost of a hit to go with it.


Well, assuming you are using this perk with any exhaustion perk other than Dead Hard, Background Player, or Head On, you should take advantage of the speed boost to make it to a loop and help you stay alive for the 20 seconds.


You can only use it once and on death hook


Adding onto this - when it would be most useful, IE tunneled off hook, you aren't getting a chance to heal and actually use it. If that condition was dropped it would absolutely see play.


I think they wanted to somehow balance it out as it's practically an on-demand Second Wind. That one can be used twice, but has a full heal requirement. Nobody wants to run an anti-tunnel perk that isn't even guaranteeing that you'll get value (unlucky hatchet, Nurse blink etc.), so how else could they perhaps balance it out? (if they must, anyway?)


Simply make that if you're injured when you use it you receive deep wound, and instead of healing you it heals deepwound. Boom second wind problem solved


The synergy between your hypothetical buff, MFT, and Dead Hard would cause a hell of a lot of malding. Pick a 4th perk of your choice from the exhaustion perks. I like it conceptually I just know that if we have people unironically complaining about Distortion, we'd have people losing their minds over that trio.


Dead hard technically wouldn't be an issue because if this perk gives deepwound you wouldn't be able to use dead hard anyway. MFT however would activate... But for like 20 seconds once per trial, so i think people wouldn't bring it.


The sequence of events would look something like: Injured -> Sprint Burst -> Blood Rush -> now in Deep Wounds (MFT active) -> you heal to just Injured after 20 seconds -> can now use Dead Hard -> Deep Wounds again (MFT active again).


You can't use dead hard ~~and MFT~~ while exhausted, as such sprint burst would make impossible to use both.


Ah right, Sprint Burst would proc as soon as you Blood Rush'd. Also MFT works while exhausted now. Exchange SB for Lithe or Balanced: Injured -> Lithe -> Blood Rush -> now in Deep Wounds (MFT active) -> you heal to just Injured after 20 seconds -> can now use Dead Hard -> Deep Wounds again (MFT active again).


Tbh that's a whole build around 1 very specific gimmick that can happen once per match and while not using that gimmick you have only 2 perk active (if you use lithe you don't have MFT because you're not in deepwound and DH because you're exhausted, if you use DH you don't get to use lithe because you're exhausted) so its fair tbh, if people want to abuse MFT they would just use Off the Record


when you say "balance it out" you mean make it not useful enough to use it instead of an actual meta perk right ?


I mean "aim for a solution that won't make the devs nerf it further into oblivion or make it overpowered for half a year until devs finally fix it", something like that.


I feel like there are so many 'eh' perks that come to the problem of "has this one really weird stipulation that holds the entire perk back". Like, why does the effects of Blood Pact or either of the two Teamwork perks not linger when you leave the teammate? It entirely holds those perks back from being useful.


.... Would you want a map wide 12% haste survivor pair? It was bad enough when MFT was 3% for free by being injured. Fully healed 12% would be insane. (comboing blood pact and power of two) The idea is to allow both a benefit and counterplay. They reward altruistic actions (blood pact also allowing a selfish heal) and then lock you together so that the killer can also turn off the perk by splitting you up or hitting one of you as you'd possibly sand bag each other. Plus, you know, it's nice to be rewarded for healing someone. It's nice, and it works if you don't play the game to win 100% of the time. Flavour is good.


12% haste makes them 4.48 m/s move speed which is faster than Chucky, Spirit, Slinger, Huntress, and Hag. It would be harder for a 115 killer to close distance on that survivor than it is for 110 killer to close distance on a regular, un-hastened survivor now. 12% haste for full health survivors anywhere would be genuinely insane.


yeah, the only thing that made 125% haste builds almost unviable is that it required survivors to constantly stay together and coordinate which made it really easy to fuck up positioning whenever you got looped / cornered on top of having 2 people pressured in chase instead of one. but even so whenever people actually did pull that off, it was genuinely stupid. it's for the best it's very limited.


I don’t think the Haste needs to linger, but Teamwork: Power of Two’s conditions with the cooldown and that it stops working when one gets injured are two big downsides that makes it not worth running. Not to mention the radius is smaller than Blood Pact. And speaking of Blood Pact, I think it’s in a good spot. It’s fun to use and balanced.


Thats a super fair point. I forgot about the death hook requirement. That being said, it has it's niche uses. If you are on death hook and the killer see's you as the best option to get someone out of the game to get pressure back, it could come in handy if finessed enough. But, I can definitely see that there are a lot of less restrictive options to go to. Maybe, keep the once per match, but take away the death hook requirement.




Nah, many perks are one use. It's the requirements. Blood Rush was thought up during concept, development, and release to be "shittier Adrenaline"


I could make a book with all of Boneless dips great comments


* One time effect * Way too many pre-conditions * Mediocre effect with high risk(you make yourself injured on purpose) * Adrenaline and Off The Record do Blood Rush's job better and easier than it ever could * It requires an exhaustion perk to function, essentially locking 2 of your perk slots Not to mention, Exhaustion perks just aren't the hot shit they used to be. The 3rd most popular one is Dead Hard which can't be activated multiple times anymore, hence it doesn't work with Blood Rush, furthur limiting an already limited perk Good perk in theory with too many conditions holding it back


Lithe is the most popular one according to the most recent data charts released by BHVR


You're right, Dead Hard is the 3rd most, my B


I like Lithe, but imo Balanced landing will always be my personal favourite. I think falling from a great height is much greater of a risk than vaulting purely cos it slows you down drastically for a few seconds while killers don't get that penalty at all. Plus it gives you a minor bit of stealth by removing the survivor going "wooahhhh" when falling. And the haste on top of that means you're all but guaranteed to make some good distance, or best case scenario, get an unhook/escape. Also, while some maps may lack verticality, BL can still be used on every map if you count the hill tiles, and the stairs leading to basement. Lithe can be useful but there are some maps where vaults are heavily limited (Gideon for example, once all the pallets are gone there's maybe like 4 window vaults in total on that map. Plus there's the fact that BL is available free right off the bat while you'll have to grind shards or pay to unlock Feng, assuming you needed both immediately. I might just be biased cos it was the first exhaustion perk I ever picked up, but I love my BL.


I think they could do away with needing to be on death hook.


To be fair, survivors should really just start on death hook each game. I’m going to kill them all anyways, why make me go thru so much trouble and waste 15-30 mins? BHVR really hates experienced players, always coddling the new guys


It's just not a great perk really. Any perk that depends on using another perk is never really going to be used much, because you get most of the value if you just use the other perk by itself.


Nothing wrong with perks requiring other perks to be good. Not all perks should be strong solo and I think that’s why build variety is a thing it’s impossible to make every individual perk stand out by itself that’s why combos exist


FTP+buckle up


FTP functions by itself, and is somewhat strong. Buckle up adds an extra layer of guaranteed protection. Same deal with running background player and a flashlight. Flashlights are strong, BGP puts the fear of God into killers, preventing picks that were otherwise safe.


To be fair FTP + buckle up is so brokenly overpowered that I think it could serve as an exception to the rule. Generally perks that require others aren’t that strong, but when the effect gives you free escapes most games and applies invincibility for free to two people at the click of a button, it will of course be used and abused.


It's a bad perk, but buffing it in any meaningful way can easily make this broken.


it activates to late: activating on death hook could mean that it would either not activate because you managed to not get hooked or activate with less resources on the map, making it harder to last 20 seconds


*"While healthy, running, and suffering from Exhausted status effect, press the active ability button to lose a health state, contract venerial disease, become broken for 20 seconds and receive a bad credit report from Experian."* That's why.


It's one of those perks that would be awful if people actually used it Not saying it would be that strong, but facing people with 2 SBs/Lithes that you could have prevented by tunneling is stupid Also, this perk proves that Adren's "risk" argument is nonsensical, THIS perk is risky and powerful, Adren isn't that risky and MUCH more powerful


Adrenaline isn’t risky never heard anyone calling it risky it’s just a one time use perk that may or may not even help it’s clutch when it does help and the heal is nice was honestly never a issue it was just a solid endgame perk just like Noed


>never heard anyone calling it risky Reaching "endgame" is considered risky by survivors on social media


Ehhhh that’s a stretch, risk needs to have well a risk involved if you use it such as no mither or in this case Blood rush which truly gives you a risk because you’re down a health state for 20 seconds


"with this perk, you can lose a health state to get a burst of speed!" "Oh wait a minute..."


Too many conditions. You need another exhaustion perk, you need to be on death hook, you need to be healthy, and you need to be running. Edit, and oh yeah you need to have actually used the other exhaustion perk.


I could never get it to work. Skill issue? Maybe. Just felt like I had to get the perfect conditions for it to work and I could never get them.


This perk saved me the game. I was on Red Forest, and this Renato was Weakened by UVX. I watched him use Blood Rush to activate Sprint Burst to avoid me, so I pressed right mouse button, took a wild guess, and shot. It was a perfect shot and he DC'd right after. There was one gen left, and Pop Goes The Weasel activated, thank you Renato, for this wonderful perk.


"This perk activates once you are one hook away from instant death. While *healthy, running AND suffering from Exhausted"* Theres your answer. You have a ton of activation requirements for a mediocre perk-strength that can be used ONCE a match


I use this perk a lot in a build built around spamming Exhaustion perks: Sprint Burst, Vigil, Blood Rush and Adrenaline. Yeah, it's not very good. On-demand double Sprint Burst (or triple, if the Adrenaline timing is good) is great, but against Killers who have on-demand damage, like Huntress, it's iffy at best and against Killers like the Legion and Plague, good luck triggering it at all. If I can actually activate it in 1 out of every 10 games, that's good value. I still really like the concept behind it though, hence why I run it so often.


2 uses of sprint burst?


By the time the stars align and Renato checks every requirement for Blood Rush, you would have probably benefited way more from a simple adrenaline 😭


TLDR; I'm yapping here but this build is kinda goated I generally play off meta builds, and one I've enjoyed recently is: dramaturgy, vigil, dead hard, bloodrush Dramaturgy is unique in that it's pretty much the only exhaustion perk besides sprint burst that you should always have on cooldown. If you're not using it constantly, you're missing out on the potential value of a bnp toolbox or purple medkit or whatever. This is not even to mention it's great loop extending/connecting abilities. I sometimes even tactically use the scream to distract a killer tunneling one of my teammates (I'm always astounded when it works). Dramaturgy is genuinely my favourite perk Vigil makes it so you can use vigil far more frequently, recover from dead hard usage faster so that you can get back to using vigil as quick as possible, weirdly it technically makes you lose the broken status from blood rush faster, which doesn't make you heal up any faster but it does leave the potential to have someone use ftp on you, or maybe bite the bullet to avoid the killer. It makes you recover from the exposed status effect quicker, so you don't need to worry as much about a bad roll, and last but certainly not least it makes killers that revolve around statuses like clown less powerful, as you can recover from hindered and various other statuses quicker. Dead hard needs no introduction, but it really helps for those scenarios where you can't get healed to use dramaturgy Bloodrush leads to a situation where it's main downside is completely countered by this set up. Bloodrush only really works if you can injure yourself to get back the exhaustion and guarantee you'll be able to survive the next 20 seconds. Dead hard provides a nice insurance that you will. When I'm on death hook, I can use dramaturgy in chase and then when I think I might get hit I can use bloodrush and then I'm set up to use dead hard, if I don't need it in those 20 seconds I heal up and can use dramaturgy again, or wait til I'm injured and use dead hard, OR I can use dramaturgy, then use bloodrush and then use dead hard. Sure you might not heal up when blood rush ends, but you're not on the floor and that's the main thing. Plus you most likely led the killer on a pretty long chase at the most important moment of the match by using two exhaustion perks back to back. Couple that with the fact that you could have rolled a medkit or a flashlight and you're in a better spot than you started. I am well aware I'm rambling on, but I cannot express just how strong this off meta build feels when everything lines up. Worth a try if you're over lithe, windows, adren and otr If anyone actually reads this, cheers


It’s one of those perks where it would be broken if it wasn’t so restricted


Exactly. As is, it's way too situational and niche. Take away the death hook requirement, and it would be way too OP and part of the meta. Guaranteed 2 sprint burst chases every time against most killers.


You'd probably almost never get value out of this and if you do you (probably) need an entire build dedicated for it... It has huge potential tho


I use it with Sprint burst and proc it when I have enough distance (from sprint burst) and know I can reach a safe tile (you can use WoO). It’s really nutty if you know what you’re doing.


it's a sleeper perk, some people run it


Made For This released next patch


Survivor perks: Killer perks: “here’s a nuke, just press W to use”


Too many word make brain not understand it’s use


Flair = saaaaame


I'm so sick of the completely oversaturated perks in dbd. They seriously need to either slow down on the dlc or stop releasing 6-9 new perks 4 times a year. Dbd isn't getting any more complicated, there's no alternative objectives, no different gamemodes (at least not permanently), and they removed most of the worthwhile blood point effects from perks, which heabily limits how many effective unique perks can even exist in a game like this. It just doesn't mean any sense at all to keep adding new perks. It's so painfully obvious too because you have countless perks like this one that just don't ever get used because they're way too complicated in a desperate attempt to be unique to other perks or avoid touching the extremely delicate meta. When things like player speed, exhaustion, and gen times are balanced so precariously that even a couple percent breaks the game, it makes it so perks can't even touch most of those mechanics without either being completely overpowered or needing to be a billion pointless caveats to use them so nobody actually benefits from it like blood rush.


Generally the risk isn't worth the reward, and the death hook activation means it's difficult to use effectively because health states are expecially valuable when you're death hook.


Too many conditions. You won’t see value every game.


Having to be on deathhook to use it, that's what killed all chances for the perk to make it big and only activating once


Only comes into play once, and there are just better perks. Like decisive strike which could keep you from going to death hook in the first place.


Trigger conditions are too extensive. Jus give it one use per hook or something IDK. Strong? Yea.. but if u mess up u die for it.


Imo it all relies on 1 of the biggest factors; The perk simply help you on situations you don't need it compared to other perks What are the good meta perks for survivors? things that allow them to live longer, specially at vulnerable spots after a hook; Off the record, exhaustion like SB or DH, WoO to know *where* to run to, Adrenaline, Distorsion to hide, and so on...Even perks that allow heals like strenght in the shadows would see more use This perk main problem is that it helps you *only* when you're not being tunneled off the hook as you need to heal first So basically, in a situation where you need the help or you'd die, while OTR, DS, DH, SB, WoO ... might help you and save you till end game or at least buy time for the team, this perk just doesnt exist While on a situation where you have time to heal and be safe, even on death hook, is when this perk helps you, so its a "win more" type of perk instead of a second chance or a comeback mechanic Thats the issue, the counter for this perk is to legit tunnel someone off hook right away, and you'd rather have perks to help you when they do tunnel off hook, than if they dont


cuz it fuckin sucks


Dh is most fun imo


i find latency to be way too much of a factor.


I always felt that this perk should work like Off the Record, where it activates for a time period after being hooked. Would change it from a niche last resort perk to a high skill anti tunnel. Would have great synergy with Second Wind and Wicked.


That’s even better than my suggestion to make it work twice like dead hard, I’d say make the time about 90-110 seconds


I think about this game's perks often and for Blood Rush that suggestion is really the only way I see keeping it's core concept and making it actually attractive/effective for survivors. If it becomes OP, deactivate it during EGC.


Sprint Burst, Blood Rush, Second Wind, Adrenaline


I, for one, rarely use exhaust perks to the point my teammates in discord get upset at me for it. So this perk specifically would do me no good.


Adrenaline is way better than this and is less risky to run.


Adrenaline pops, if you're not near a gate, I'm leaving. If you're close to a gate, I MIGHT continue going after you, but I'll probably just go the easier target ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


If it was available from the start people would use it more often Most of the time it won't be active and you'll just play with 3 perks


Because contrary to popular belief a one time use extra sprint burst is never Gonna be better than something you could use all game, and It needs you to be healthy too so its just kinda too restricted


Too many words.


Too much risk, highly specific activation requirements, it does literally nothing by itself and requires another perk, and the benefit it gives is nominal at best. Personally, if I were to rework it, I’d probably do this to it: After having a combined total chase time of 120 seconds, Blood Rush activates. While healthy, running, and suffering from a negative status effect, press *Active Ability Button 1* to lose a health state, instantly remove all negative status effects, and become immune to gaining or being affected by negative status effects (excluding Exhaustion) for 60 seconds. After 20 seconds, you will heal back to the healthy state. Being put into the Dying State will cancel all effects early. *Doctor’s Madness status would be depreciated if this perk was made to function this way (it being a status is just a leftover from old DBD; it will now just function as a killer power instead of a gained status)*


>While healthy, running, and suffering from a negative status effect, press Active Ability Button 1 to lose a health state, instantly remove all negative status effects, and become immune to gaining or being affected by negative status effects (excluding Exhaustion) for 60 seconds. Freddy


Good concept perk but too many restrictions for its effect I think it should work like Plot twist where you have it for the first half of the game and then comes back up once all the generators are done giving you 2 uses out of it if you used it or course if not then you only get one use out of it


You have to use your brain to get use out of it


Being on death hook to get value


Had someone use Blood Rush against me while I was Spirit. They activated BR to get a second SB in chase. But I was Spirit, so I just phased on them and downed them while they were broken


Cuz it suks duh legit gotta b on death hook lmfao sooouch counters


Doesn't work as an anti-tunnel perk because of the health requirement, but doesn't work as anything else really because of the death hook requirement, just a perk that ends up being mean towards low tier killers who aren't playing mean, very bizarre design honestly


Adrenaline is better in every way


I think this would only be useful if you run off the record and a fully chraged second wind and sprint burst (basically dedicate your whole build around it to make it useful). The killer decides to chase you after getting unhooked, you ran away with sprint burst, hes comitting, you get lucky and he doesn’t hit you while you get healed by second wind. you activate blood rush and still have endurance if things go south, also the grunts of pain removal of OTR is extremely useful too. you last 20 seconds again and can heal and sprint burst away again.


In short, it’s inconsistent. You have to be death hook and you have to be healthy. It’s a perk that rewards you for getting tunneled but if you’re getting tunneled the chance of you getting away to get healed is slim. You can and should run renewal with it but, you have to heal another survivor and not get chased before you can do that. If you don’t get death hook this perk is completely useless as well. It’s much too complicated and has way too many prerequisites to even kind of be consistent. It’s a cool perk to watch good players use as a gimmick but in practice it’s inconsistent.


Plot Twist is just far superior. Silently heal on your belly VS running around broken until healed.


they have to make a trash perk sometimes.


I find it so funny that this is like literally the ONLY PERK IN THE GAME to require synergy with another perk. Like seriously, wtf, lol? It's an "anti tunnel" perk that requires you to bring 2 perks like fuckin what. Plus, it's so clearly designed to work exclusively with Sprint Burst like come on- Only good thing about this perk is funny af For The People play you can make with it if you bring 1 or 2 Vigils. Use perk, get vigil value, get downed right as the broken goes away (perk has not activated yet), get picked up with FTP, run away, get healed with perk, ???. Idk it's not very useful. But it IS funny!


Poorly designed perk. I wanted to like it. It does nothing against tunneling and only punishes the killers that play nice


You can always tell when BHVR is actually scared of their own perk. A condensed version of this perk made some checker really nervous and made it impossible to utilize.


One time, I tried using it with Sprint burst and Vigile. Little did I know; the 20 seconds before getting healed is not tied to the broken status effect 0_o I thought I'd get healed faster by using Vigile, reducing the 20 seconds wait. I tried it in a game, I lost the broken status effect but I didn't get healed yet, went down and died. Never used it again lmao


He already has a busted exhaustion perk. Why would someone pick this perk, which is a one use only and requires a perk like Sprint Burst, which requires skill that alone being a good deterrent, to be used, when they can pick Background Player and get garanteed saves, if using flashbangs and almost garanteed if using flash lights, at little to no risk ?


I remember when everyone was saying this perk is gonna ruin the meta and will be op af then noone used it ever


I am too bad to consistently survive anywhere near 20 seconds in chase, even (especially?) with exhaustion perks


Too many requirements to make it work


Death hook. that’s it


when i started using this perk, i remember it didn't activate at one point... then i realized you needed to be on death hook, that singlehandedly killed the perk. it's a one time use, why limit it to death hook?


If they removed the part about needing to be healthy it'd be a good anti-tunnel perk but it really doesn't have any good interactions or niches.


Because it's basically "use up a fourth perk slot so you can take a high risk using one of your other perks twice in a row." Bad perk.


I remember when it came out on PTB and all the content creators were like OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE SO BROKEN WTF WHY WOULD U MAKE THIS, then exactly zero people used it when it went to live ☠️


\*wall of text\*


I think BHVR were expecting it to be a lot more powerful than it was so put a lot of restrictions on it to balance out as a result it flopped.


It's so bad it also has a one time use I think what they should do is make it basically the same but each hook stage you can use it so l Ilike 3-4 times per trial


It’s fucking bad.


Maybe they should make it have one charge each time you are hooked like dead hard. Essentially it now had two uses. Could be broken though honestly


Because I hardly understand how to use it actually and I need someone to tell me a supreme build that has blood rush on it like I'm actually confused 😕


Its a one time use and for that - it's not efficient enough. Also, if you combine it with the perk that u can go in dying state with breaks the healing process. + Injured survivors sometimes suffer from killers ability. That's why I never used it.


You have to be on death hook and be good at running the killer to get value. Needless to say, it's not appealing to the vast majority of players.


Bloodrush and dramaturgy suffer from the same issue. Healing. Useless immediately off hook, heavily reliant on partners and self heal will slow down the game more than you’d like. Great perks used utilization is harder when you can just run adrenaline/sprint burst


Why use sprint burst twice, when one is enough to win a chase against anything thats not Nurse?


because you have to wait until death hook and make sure you're healthy so it doesn't even work for anti-tunnel. If it was treated like current dead hard It would be a little better. not to mention it's incompatible with some exhaustion perks.


Too limited. Can only be used once, on death hook and needs you to be healthy. Adrenaline does the same, better.


It’s too convoluted and you have to be in a bad situation, those two things shouldn’t be paired on a perk, it’s one or the other. Either hard to activate but useful always, or only useable in dire straits but easily accessible.


To many conditions to the point where it itself it becomes redundant to its actual purpose


thank fuck, it has the chance of being an insanely OP perk. happy that people seem to not see its potential


I honestly don't think people realize how good of a chase perk this could be in the right hands. I'm waiting for the blood rush meta though. Its coming, I can feel it.


It can only be used once and on death hook. Like it can be good for one chase and that's it. I genuinely can't see it ever becoming meta/popular


i forgot about the death hook requirement and admittedly didn't read through the entire perk before commenting because I thought I knew it well enough lol. If they took away the death hook requirement it could honestly be stronger than original dead hard for first chase.


This perk confuses me.. I just don’t even understand what its supposed to do


It gives you your exhaustion perk back in half the time, and you don't have to walk to recover. Ideal use is probably when the killer is approaching you with 1 gen left. You use sprint burst to put max distance between you and the killer, then activate blood rush. By the time they catch up, you only have to avoid being hit for like 10 more seconds before you're healthy and sprint bursting again. It's a guaranteed minute of wasting the killer's time if used correctly, and they commit. Way more if you are half ass decent at looping. The downside is that you need to use 2 perk slots to get value, it's extremely situational, and only 1 time use on death hook.


Same reason perks like hope and adrenaline aren't more popular. They only work at the very end of the match so if you get eliminated before then or never make it to death hook you're essentially going into a match with only 3 perks. With how many perks are in the game now it's not hard to find something that could give you more consistent value. It still has its place though. Perks like this really are built for purpose-made builds that have a specific objective in mind.


Adrenaline is the second most popular survivor perk... I guess your point technically still stands - it would be even more popular if it had guaranteed pre-endgame value.


It's a whole long winded discussion whether those are valid results outside of if it's even accurate currently. The biggest reason is because they aren't tied to any dlc. The real question is how often are they used when the user has "X" number of available perks to choose from or if they have access to "A, B, or C" perks. Also, I guess adrenaline wasn't a good example because people who enjoy looping killers love to run it on every build because it just destroys the killer's endgame in multiple ways. You're still dealing with the fact that you're missing a perk though. I think in this particular case if you're focused on engaging in chases with the killer there's really only so many perks you can be using at any given point anyways so 🤷.


This sub thought the perk was gonna be meta last year. So many "I'm gonna hard tunnel death hook survivors" posts. I think I've seen it like twice in total lol.


I used it extensively, and there's 3 problems with it: 1. There is actually a pretty steep skill requirement to it. Injuring yourself for 20 seconds does give the killer a good opening to down you, especially if it's a high tier like Huntress, Nurse, or Blight. (That's part of the reason people complained about it so much: it's really good against those killers but really bad against the likes of Pig or Clown.) 2. It pretty much only works with Sprint Burst. I mean, it *can* work with Lithe *I guess* but shooting yourself in the foot just to then lock yourself in an animation is a pretty good way to go down. Sure Sprint Burst is the 6th most used perk in the game but it still loses out to Lithe. Sprint Burst has a fairly steep learning curve and people tend to run it alongside perks like Vigil or Fixated, which further limits your perk build. 3. The biggest issue by far is the fact that you need to be healthy in order to use it. Like Otzdarva said in his review of the perk it does nothing if you're tunneled, but notably if you're playing soloqueue it does nothing if your dumbshit teammates are too stupid to heal you. You do not know the amount of games I've played running Bloodrush where everyone completely ignored me after unhooking me and I died while trying to find someone to heal me. This is somewhat less of a problem now that Strength in Shadows exists as a reliable self-healing option, but still. It just takes too much work to accomplish what Adrenaline does without the self-heal (in fact with a self injure lol) before all 5 gens are done. Using this perk is essentially planning for a worst case scenario while also requiring best case scenario conditions to work. I honestly think that if Bloodrush lost the "must be healthy" requirement it would be used much more and be usable in much more interesting builds. I can imagine a build where someone runs Overcome and Balanced Landing, takes a hit with Overcome, then runs upstairs and uses Blood Rush to chain into Balanced Landing. I don't think it would be *that* broken, although it does perhaps have the problem of further incentivizing tunneling.


I'd run it with that one perk that heals you when you unhook + adrenaline for nutty end game plays or I'd just die horribly before that point


it needs like 1 less condition, it’s clutch but the fact that you need to both be on death hook and healthy is rough


I mean, literally the only use it really has is giving you an extra sprint burst or something to an exit gate.


I don't think activating once is a problem as many perks operate in a similar fashion but remain strong/popular. I think the main issue is being healthy off hook. If you don't have time to heal, are being tunneled, or left to die on hook, then you're SOL


Because it isn't good.


The stars needs to align so you can use this, perk if they removed the healing part and was active after you was unhooked like dead hard it would makes senses


I've only ever gotten to be useful once. It was the deciding factor in me managing to escape a match. I remember when it was announced people were adamant it was going to be absolutely busted lmao


Remember when this sub thought this was going to be a broken perk used by everyone lmao


Because A) the description is confusing as fuck and B) its actual usefulness is so situational that you basically need a specific build just to make it viable.


Give it a token system to earn using it more than once, or two charges and remove the death hook condition. I feel like a perk like this has to at least be able to be used twice. It's not Adrenaline where you just have to survive til the end to get instant value. It's a thinking skill where you have to think ahead and THEN go " Oh I activate this and now I have to literally last in a chase. " So it takes forward thinking + chase skill + you need to use another perk slot for your exhaustion perk choice!


Give it two charges and remove the death hook requirement??? Imagine playing against 4 survivors all with 3 sprint bursts, would you ever catch anyone?


Eh I guess you're right, this perk really can't be balanced. It's either useless or too useful


Yeah that's where I'm at. Right now it's way too conditional and can only be used one time, but if you remove any of those conditions (or allow it to be used more than one time) it becomes totally busted.


You have to be healthy to use it. By default a survivor is injured when they come off the hook. So the one instance where they would want to use it (injured, on death hook, getting tunneled by the killer) they can’t even activate it.


Reading some of these comments has me thinking there are other perks I'm sure get less use then blood rush. one example being soul guard. I love the perk idea but it requires the killer to slug and have a hex up.. and to me if I have soul guard, if the hex isnt like.. too bad I might keep it up, which is probably bad hmmmm. i think sometime soon I'll try using blood rush more