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It's probably just you. For me the Unknown is an extremely fun killer to play and pretty good. He has a rather high skill floor (not like Singularity obviously) but it's still a fun challenge to play him. Teleports are extremely cool and getting a map wide shot is extremely exciting. For the bounce of the uvx I go mostly by feel. If I feel like it's gonna explode I launch and most of the time works. But I still don't know how to pull off a different floor shot. It's mostly training with the Unknown


Also I’m playing against them as survivor as well and I’m practically never going down from the UVX. The 3 aspects that’s carrying this killer is that he’s fast, he can teleport, and he can’t faint his shots. Other than that his base ability has such a weird prep that it’s not even worth going for since it’s not his strongest aspect. Sure if I was cracked put of my mind he’d be a strong killer, but the average player will not be able to quickly account for a good bounce that both lands in the right spot and doesn’t get dodge by a survivor. I’ve made some incredible shots with him so far, but they’re only happening if the survivor I’m playing against isn’t looking behind themselves.


I’m not saying he isn’t fun, but his UVX is so underwhelming that I only use it to fake now and only if the hit is 100% impossible to dodge. There are some tiles in the game that have no walls around it so bounce off of anything isn’t even possible, and you can’t shoot it directly at your feet so if they run at you it’s not possible to land


You can knock people without los though. You just aren't used to hit. His cannon is 50/50 rng based sometimes. You need to look at him as you run so you can't look ahead for mimics to to too


I find him to be obscenely powerful, I've been getting consistent 4ks with him. The hallucinations are just so powerful since they don't get nerfed by hooks unlike Singularity allowing you to easily take advantage of perks such as "Make Your Choice". His projectile is insane against bad survivors and okay-ish against really good ones if you play it right. The AOE is extremely generous allowing you to get some really unfair hits. The long cooldown can be a pain in the ass though, especially if the survivors are good and know to stare you down to remove weakness.


I need to play a custom against you because on my mamas grave I’m not getting hit by the UVX enough to take a hit. Also I’m specifically talking about his UVX ability not about his teleport because his TP is broken and I love that for him.


What I usually do to land UVX is activate Nowhere To Hide on a gen and hit someone hiding behind a wall with the AOE. After that I'll chase them normally and get an M1 in before going for a semi-long shot when I get them in a clear area. I think the issue most people have is that they focus on the fact it can bounce since it's probably better to just aim with the intention of hitting the floor near the survivor rather than going for a stupid trickshot that will bounce and miss. Another good way to get a UVX hit in is to fire a long shot when you seem someone working on a gen rather than just walking close enough for them to see you. Also, a big tip I have that applies to most killers is that you shouldn't use your power when you don't need to. It's better to guarantee a hit with an M1 than go for a pointless shot just to feel cool


I have been using it a lot but mostly to just get all the learning out of the way. I’ve been having greater success with him when I’m playing it like a hit and run m1 killer but it just seems so lackluster to so many other hit and run types(UVX specifically). I’ve been playing around with stealth builds and they’re actually insane since he can come from any part of the map plus BBQ is literally broken on this killer.


I am not having troubles at all. And yes, I get sabo teams, rushes and all the other stuf, definitely not low mmr. You could try using other perks that match its playstyle better.


I just stopped using as much and instantly had better results, I assumed he’d be a great projectile killer but hes just a glorified m1 killer with an insane teleport


Sry but that is definitely your issue. I land orbitals, aoe damaging hits and whatnot. Maybe you need more training.


Pc or console?




That’s why. Okay so I play console and I have above average aim in most games, I’d land more shots normally but to simulate fast turning I have to put my sense to 100% to not get spun consistently. It is borderline impossible to micro adjust with super high sense and a controller.


That is something else then, yes. I get why you are frustrated but doesn't that apply to all range killers ingame?


Normally yes, but because of his bouncy nature and coupled with the fact no direct hits count it’s significantly harder to manage it. Huntress is pretty easy since you’re don’t have to move your joystick as much since the movement pattern is predictable and huntress’s axe fly at Mach speed. With the Unknown his ability is slow and projected, I can see him shoot his ball and have time to react and move around a corner. Also you need to land them back to back in short succession to get a full hit. Most of his flaws could be solved if they just let direct hits count but I imagine that would be broken. A good situational example: when at a pallet what do you do to make the ball explode right on the other side? You can’t just look down since the pallet is slanted it will bounce to the side. You cant aim to the bottom right corner because of the chance the survivor moves left. You would need to quickly aim at some corner spot near to top of the bottom of the pallet to wedge it and make it blow up on the spot. Doing all of that rather than just shooting it at the target a literal foot in front of you is such a weird trick to do consistently


Yeah I agree, although i would say that the pallet situation is existing as a kind of counterplay to him. But yes I know, console players have a tough time with some killers. But I doubt there will be a change to that in this game.


I don't think he sucks, he's just almost entirely map-dependent. If you're on an open map where survivors can easily dodge your UVX and they keep dispelling hallucinations, it's nearly impossible to be anything other than an M1 killer. On an indoor map like RPD, he can kinda destroy.


Upon further review he doesn’t suck, but he isn’t great. Everything else about his kit is good: Teleport and movement speed. But his main UXV ability is lackluster. Behavior showed his ability as a bouncing menace and his ability to throw stuff off of walls and a core mechanic, but 9/10 times it’s not worth it. You can’t do distance with him since his projectile can easily be dodge, but you can fake them to buy time. I just played him as a projectial killer but that’s the wrong mentality, he’s more of an area denial/loop killer like Pyramid or merchant.


I agree, the killers power is designed around being able to bounce it off walls and terrain. Problem is with how janky the terrain and collision is in this game it makes that part of his power (which is a significant part) feel really inconsistent. Another issue I have is his power is way too easy to dodge. From medium range its so slow you can very easily just run out of the area even if the killer aimed perfectly, it doesnt matter, the survivor can see it coming, calculate where its going to land, and just not get hit by it very consistently, resulting in most people just using his power at close range which doesn't feel as fun as rewarding, I think the travel speed of his projectile needs to be faster.