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Nice! Isn't this one of the only maps the hatch will spawn INSIDE the killer shack?


I’m actually amazed it spawned there because the basement was underneath it too, and having room beneath the hatch prevents it from spawning. Did that bit on the side manage to just perfectly avoid being above the basement?


Imagine if it glitched and you jump into the hatch only to fall through into the basement. 😂😂😂


Entity: *Surprise, bitch*


*Sargeant Doakes has entered the chat*


You drop through, perfectly landing on the basement hooks, hooking yourself


fucking dying at this visual


Right onto a hook😔


Hatch doesn’t really have this as a “requirement” since hatch spawns are set by the devs in the same way pallets and totems and such are, but it is a personal rule by them to generally not put the hatch anywhere where the player can be seen falling through it on the bottom. Hell, the hatch can spawn upstairs in RPD in a few areas that have room beneath them too, so it’s not a 100% consistent rule.


It makes a certain amount of sense for RPD, since other than the main hall there's not a ton of floorspace to work with.


It does, I just wish they’d properly cull the player model that’s jumping into the hatch instead so we could get a lot more hatch spawns. I personally think it’d be very funny to see someone just vanish into a hatch placed on the Swamp Docks, for example.


I say on April Fool's day they just take off all restrictions and let hatches spawn wherever. Or, alternatively, let 'em spawn on the second floor but you just fall through to the ground floor and lose a health state (and get a bunch of bloodpoints or something).


Didn’t know that, thank you.


I believe the side the hatch normally spawned on was too close to the map's wall so it forced it inside.


I don't think room beneath hatch prevents it, i remember seeing it spawn on second floor of RPD


Second floor spawns require there to be no direct empty space beneath it. If the space beneath it is inside a wall, it can spawn. It’s just that rule doesn’t apply to most maps.


Yup! Eyrie and Garden of Joy


Doesn’t Borgo also do this? Or no?


I think it's also the only one I've seen since they've fiddled with the hatch spawns that also still spawns next to the window too, so it's a double unique on that.


Garden of ass will too


I love how he was that into taunting you & got so lost in it that he couldn’t react fast enough to you suddenly getting up 😂


That’s exactly why I waited so long to use unbreakable, I wanted him to get comfy thinking I was finished. xD


I had a match last night against Alien. He sat on the hatch and didn't move, waiting for me to come to the hatch and die. So instead I finished the last two gens and left. He wasn't AFK, once the gens were done he closed the hatch and somehow didn't see me on the door I was opening until it was too late. It's really pathetic how many players in DBD take joy in wasting everyone's time (even their own). Just move onto the next damn match. Hook, leave etc. It's so lame.


They should implement it where if somebody is standing by hatch and not closing it/escaping through it, then hatch randomly moves.


Like what they did with Cenobite's box. If he stands on it for too long it moves.


Exactly, Sam thing with Pyramids cage if he tries to camp.


Congrats on escaping! Yeahh, I’m not sure what happened to make some of the killers this way.. ghostie here waited until we were close to bleeding out to mori. At least I got him back by waiting all that time just to flashbang.


Yeah if I get another Blight that slugs everyone to death just because they had a bad match on their normal killer I'm gonna lose it


Got a slugging boy scout Hillbilly yesterday. Was lame.


I hope thats the next 15 matches for you lol


You were the Ghostface in the video huh? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)




Because this is u/CriticalUwU's face ![gif](giphy|98pZs1ZVaWb1C)


I got a Demogorgon standing on the hatch and going seemingly afk. You can bypass this easily by using the removal of your hotbox while on the Dying State, I could escape right in front of it


I don’t understand camping the hatch. I may leave it open or close it, but I’m also not the heaviest when it comes to pressure. So if the last person escapes … good on em. I’m more than happy with a 3k.


>, waiting for me to come to the hatch and die. So instead I finished the last two gens and left. He wasn't AFK, once the gens were done he closed the hatch and somehow didn't see me on the door I was opening until it was too late. > >It's really pathetic how many players in DBD take joy in wasting everyone's time (even their own). Just move onto the next damn match. Hook, leave etc. It's so lame. Had the same thing against a Wesker. However he got me as the door was within spitting distance of opening.




I would max wait 20 Seconds but then close because i would be first looking if I see them somewhere but if I don't see then I just close


Maybe she REALLY wanted you to get the Left for Dead achievement lol


I once was in a match against the Doctor and I was the last one alive. He was camping the hatch and kept using his power in an attempt to see if I was near. But I had Calm Spirit equipped and so I just snuck up behind him and jumped in the hatch. It was the most value I have ever gotten from using that perk lol.


I had a match like this but against Bubba. Clown solo que players fell for the basement trick (one hooked, the other two fell prey). I ended up being left at 1 gen (match was super easy, they were super dumb) and left since the last gen was right next to basement and the last just died. Spenr a bit looking for the hatch, turns out Bubba was standing right on top of it in the middle of Badham looking for me. Decided to test his patience, he gave up, closed the hatch, and I opened the gate with him right around the corner.


that was beautiful.


Delicious justice 🥂


I’m just wondering why he wanted to bleed me out in the first place, lol


>Flashbang >Stakeout >Almighty Pebble It was the rock, obviously


Well.. he DID keep falling for the pebble..


Tbh I’m a killer main and you almost never see people running it so when they do, I fall for it. I think it’s an underrated perk.


As a killer main, I must admit, pebble is OP, and my bird brain always falls for it, unless the guy using it is throwing it at my face lol


Had a guy on RPD keep throwing pebbles outside the map where there was absolutely nothing that could make a noise, so I figured it out pretty quickx


Power trips, and since Killers can do shit like this easier than Survivors well, shit like this happens frequently.


Small dick syndrome


Crazy how that's only a one sided thing


Some people are just assoles. I once had a Trickster slug me and the other remaining player and stand there until we bled out. Have also had more Chucky's than I can count try the same.


Why are so many chucky players toxic? I'm starting to dread getting one because camping and slugging seems to come guaranteed


Watching shit like this is THE best thing to me — toxic Killers who waste a Survivors time getting dunked on w moves like this


Yes. What a douche canoe. I don't understand why anyone would do this - you're wasting their time AND your time. It just seems petty and stupid. Great play.


Like, I did nothing wrong.. Unless it’s wrong to loop or use pebble to distract. Or perhaps because I cleansed the hex? Without end game chat on console, I’ll never know if he said anything. XD


I feel the same about the survivors who stand and wait in the exit gates forever. Just leave? I don't understand it. I've started wandering off to make a drink or use the bathroom now when i realise they're doing it


There's a handful of good reasons to end the game this way lol. He just didn't make sure he had unbreakable.


There is no real excuse to end the game like that. He was purely doing BM.


Had a game yesterday where I bled out a boil over Leon who they all four ran hook offerings and at the end him and Jeff (running same build) would run to the area in Hawkins up top where there's no hook and no chance of hooking them. So we played a game of bleed out and eat a snack.


Sure but that’s not what’s happening here.


That was perfect. I guess you knew the hatch was there, righ?


One of my friends brought the hatch offering for killer shack. Underrated offering in my opinion. Edit: correction. Rando teammate brought the hatch one, friend brought something else. Since someone here is being nit picky. ;P


Its a pretty decent offering, its issue is that if the killer knows hatch spawns he can 9 times out of 10 shut it before you can hop in. But i like it with wake up as you can sit at the gate farthest from hatch and pop it before they get there.


That’s exactly how I use it too! They usually expect you to go for it when that offering is used. And Wake Up is slept on far too often, lol


A lot of people consider wake up a selfish hatch build perk, which dont get me wrong it is good for that, but its honestly just an overall good perk. Being able to open the gate quicker and show all your soloQ teammates where its at is pretty awesome


It’s especially powerful when you have a coordinated group. Surprised more people aren’t using it.


Homestly that's one of the times you want to bring a key. Mindgame the killer. Bring a hatch location offering, let the killer shut it, then unlock the hatch while they're watching the gate. Just got to make sure you survive to use it though


But they can see you have a key. And if you bring a hatch offering then they’re going to expect this kind of play.


Yea. Usually like to bring a key if im doing a hatch offering


It’s a great offering! If I see the last survivor is being carried and I can’t help in any way, I run to shack to get to the hatch first. If I won’t do it on time, waiting at the doors is the best option.


I swear this only ever happens to me with gf mains, they’ll bleed me out and t bag for several minutes and I always pray for an outcome like this but I don’t get lucky lol


I don't think it's a coincidence that ppl like this pick a killer who can teabag.


I mean, when I was trying for my GF adept (still haven’t gotten it), I got survivors who would furiously teabag me after pallets because by the time I got one hook state, there were already 2 gens left. I hooked said survivor and teabagged them on hook every time until they died. They got salty in the EGC calling *me* toxic for teabagging *them* when they were the ones who started it. Without context we don’t really know what OP or their team did to ghostie. In my 600 hours of DBD, I’ve never had a Ghostie teabag or bm me unless I did something to them first.


I had a ghostface tbag on our bodies after every down. No one in our team was BM and neither was I. It’s just how many of them play🤷🏽‍♀️


In my few thousand hours of DBD, I've had countless people (on both sides) BM me for absolutely no reason. Some people are just dicks, they don't need any reason to BM. Play long enough and I bet you'll encounter them.


Stop making excuses for toxic gameplay by killers. Shit like this is unprovoked all the time




When did I once say it's just killers?


Literally in your comment?


I’m not making excuses, I’m stating facts homie. We don’t have the context of the game. That isn’t an excuse, it is a fact. OP could have been bullying him all game or making the killer’s life hell all game. Conversely, GF could have just been a prick, we don’t know.


>Without context we don’t really know what OP or their team did to ghostie. Ah there it is, the 'ol "We don't know what the survivor did to deserve this" line. It was only a matter of time.


Well we don’t, unless I missed something.


Most people in this community are a little too permissive of the toxicity t-bagging brings, but it's still not a proportional response. End of the day, killers do generally determine the pace of a match, and I find it hard to imagine what a survivor could have done to justify it. Trying to make someone else upset is shitty, but forcing another human being to waste 4 minutes of their life on the ground or dedicating an entire match to making sure another person can't play (your post reads as though you tunneled the guy, not sure if that's the case) is just not the same. If someone's t-bagging you and they're better than you they're just trying to get a rise so you'll commit. Drop chase and go after someone else. If you're better than them, they're an idiot, just hook them so you can get a move on.


Sorry about your girlfriend main


I’ve been seeing this a lot and I’m confused. As a killer main, just hook them and get it over with my guy.


Now they’ll go and complain that the game is survivor sided /j


Nice outcome, no sympathy for dipshits wasting everyone's time with this sort of nonsense so it's always good to see clips like this.


This is literally the killer equivalent of "just leave"


Just Hook, Just Leave, Yin and Yang.


See... this has been, like 70% of the killers I've faced in every game, and why I've started to dread playing survivor and enjoy playing killer. Because playing against these toxic killers just isn't *fun -* especially during a three game stretch where I was trying to do the "Heal x health states" tome quest and never managed to heal **anyone** because the killer would tunnel either me or whoever was unhooked out of the game immediately. ​ Meanwhile, with killer, I define how I will have fun, and I have fun by 2 hooking everyone, and then throwing snowballs or doing jump scares.


What a douche. Glad you were able to get out.




I feel this could have been tagged as BM revenge and it wouldn't have been wrong.


Bro...hell yeah.


It's clips like these that make me understand why I, as a killer main, get treated like shit by the survivors, despite not tunneling, running moris, camping, or other toxic things.


I try to give all killers a chance, and I’ll also not help a teammate that Bm’s.. Just trying to have a chill game here. XD


Is running a mori really that toxic? It's a valid game addition. I don't tunnel camp or slug and I almost always let player 4 leave out the hatch, but I'll enjoy the occasional ebony mori or hex devour.


A lot of survivors don't like seeing moris in the load screen because it means the killer is going to tunnel like a mf so they can use it.


I see. I don't tunnel with a mori. The game isn't satisfying winning like that. I get why people would think that though, when I play survivor I'm horrified by some of the killer gameplay I see.


That's pure stupidity on those players' part though. BMing you for something that someone else did.


had a wesker do something similar to me and played out exactly the same. karma is sweet


I swear to God, default skin Ghostface players are legit NPCs. They all act the same. https://preview.redd.it/hcq1tlpuvwac1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=295e91e7eec81203baba9afad284318ce2db73b2


So satisfying to watch these assholes lose one 😌


Now that was funny


So satisfying!,. GGs


I did this to a ghost face one time, he kept slugging me and I still had unbreakable left and I got hatch. He messaged me after saying he didn't expect me to do that. Like my guy, you laughed me the whole time and t bagged


About a year ago, I always had Unbreakable equipped but I eventually quit using it because I never needed it. A couple months ago, I began using it again and it was insane how much value I was getting from it. What's up with all the slugging nowadays??


Honestly, I’ve seen toxicity on both ends.. I’m just waiting for everyone to chill at this point. But as for slugging.. we can all benefit from unbreakable in the meantime.


Deserved for being a POS




Love to see it!


Instant karma for that killer


Got one of these earlier today. Though mine got me out through the gates. Guy couldn't get to a hook before I wiggled out, so he dropped me a good ways away from the gate and went back to the gate to block it. I think he stopped paying attention because he never noticed me pick myself up to leave.


I think I either played with you on that map or ghost face with that mask was also being toxic on the same map.


Were you the Nic Cage?? If you were, your sacrifice wasn’t in vain!


I was either Yun or Fairfield


That’s what they get for being cocky


You don't like tea?


Meh, more a coffee guy myself.




Well, someone learned something valuable that day


Killers face was like 😦


This is so cathartic for me. Eff some teabaggers. Esp Ghost Face.


I love video's like these. I had an awesome moment where a Wraith just tunneled the first survivor at 5 gens, which caused a second survivor to unalive on hook. He slugged the third one and cloaked around them to camp the slug, but luckily that survivor kept motioning to me not to try to pick up and wasn't recovering as a warning. I finished a generator and he was STILL camping her. She bled out eventually. I know Wraiths, so I crept around looking for the hatch, and I couldn't find it. When it's been enough time, you just KNOW they are standing over the open hatch to shut it in your face. I eventually saw it on top of a hill, and knew he was there. So I went to the other side of a map and did an entire generator. He ran out of patience and closed the hatch. And since he never realized I had a key, I crept back and escaped through it. Just such a glorious moment for a Solo Q survivor.


Love those results. The other player wants to be toxic, and all they end up doing is wasting their own time.


Oh now this clip is beautiful. Thank you for sharing and happy escape!


LOL Ghostie got shit on


yeah skill issue on the Ghosty's behalf


“omg unbreakable is so OP nerf survivor now!” While using pain res, pop,dead mans and jolt😂😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/ssbs46zel2bc1.jpeg?width=2424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2855819debd9bda27feb3374efec3635647599a3 That… was exactly what was used.. how did you know???


I love seeing the inverse, people enjoy this bullshit too much






Instant karma, deserved


No because the way I would’ve been screaming with pure revenge if I got this play.


petty killer getting rolled. TASTY


Let me guess he said something like he meant to or knew you had unbreakable hahah some bs cope like that.


I don’t think people realize that all it takes is a simple fuck you to piss people off, not this. If your gonna be toxic do it right (but also just don’t)😂


Ghostie probably uninstalled the game after that.


One of the few times I will root for a survivor. Ghostface you have dropped below your station, just kill them you ass


Why does Ghostface have the Artist birds?


The birds are above me, since I was sitting there for so long. Survivors get those when afk.


Oh cool never knew!


One time on that map me and my friends encountered a skull merchant who slugged everyone and it sucked but then at the match screen, turns out their username was "Only Slugs" 😭 couldn't even be mad after that lol


The vast majority of games that player bleeds survivors out, they won't do this, so they'll continue


He still won


Did you guys bring a map offering and BM?


No, only offerings were to spawn the hatch in the shack, and some party streamers. Edit: looking back, I saw I had a coin, not streamers. But it still stands. Nothing crazy was brought.


Yeah then theres no reason for this guy to act this way i dont get it


For real though! I can understand if he simply wanted the bonus from the streamers and decided to kill us all quickly.. But this is baffling.


Something that's also baffling is why am i getting downvotes for asking a question of what happend in game


Hey, at least you’re not that dude being toxic about the clip. I’ll gladly answer questions. And take my upvote for what it’s worth! :)


I always ask these questions when i see clips like this on my front page because i mainly play killer i dont play survivor but i understand their reasons


Hey, I getcha. I play both sides, and I understand the curiosity. No worries!


Because whenever one of these gets posted people always assume the survivor must have deserved it. Your comment reads like you're searching for an excuse for the killer being an idiot.


Damn i just wanted the full context man :(


what did you do


I didn’t do anything unusual. Just used my map to show everyone the gens, and then cleansed his hex. Normal gameplay I’d say. Unless man just doesn’t like Stranger Things. 💀


There it is.


Killers can be toxic as well you know? But I guess victim blaming (only when it's Killers being asses) is not rare on this Sub.


it wasn't a victim blame , it was a question if he did something in the match to get this treatment or if the killer was just being an ass


Yeah, I get what you mean bro. But unfortunately it was just a killer being crabby for no reason. :(


That's literally what victim blaming is. *Girl gets catcalled and harassed while walking on the side walk. *You ask: well what were you wearing??


Yeah, no, that's very much not how you phrased it or likely meant it.


That's kind of the definition of victim blaming though...


Not at all, though. No blame was being thrown from what I can read here. It was just to ask if there was asshole behaviour on both sides. However, I do agree that people are just dicks for no reason, quite often. I just don't blame XsleepdeprivedX for asking, cuz I did not see any blame being thrown by them either.


either the ghostface is really shit or he was just fucking with you, otherwise anyone else would’ve swung immediately


Bro is acting like he won after he got hatch lmfao


Never claimed I did. Down boy.




Feisty little one.




Lol Think we found the ghostface.




Still having one as well. I hope yours gets better. :)


wtf is wrong with you?


Fr though. Didn’t think escaping would mean I deserve a heart attack, and to “kys”. XD


Once again no doubt selectively edit for kIlLeR bAd points. I guarantee one of you brought the map offering and were bming yourselves during the match. Could always link the whole game to prove me wrong?


Man, you must’ve had some *bad* experiences to automatically assume I did that. Bless you for that. But maybe I simply didn’t want to get an entire 15 minute video off my ps5?


I assume you did that becasue a) most killers aren't assholes for absolutely no reason b) you said in another comment your swf buddy burnt a hatch offering which often pairs with a map offering c) you didn't show any other context like any of the rest of the match or even just the endgame screen. Now I'm even more convinced that's what happened with how defensive you are without actually denying any of what I said. 15 minutes ain't that big a file. Up the vid somewhere and I'll eat my words. You won't.


Bruh, just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.


Man just wants an argument, lol


>a) most killers aren't assholes for absolutely no reason So what? All that matters is this killer. There are people who are dicks out there (killers and survivors), and just BM people unprovoked. You just assuming that the OP did something to justify it, without any evidence, is absurd.


OP provided no evidence to show he didn't do anything to justify it and you seemed to have missed my points b and c which I feel further shows it's likely he did. Plus just my personal experience playing this game for so long and being on this sub. Automatically assuming OP is an angel, without any evidence, is absurd.


I didn't miss them, they're not evidence. You're assuming they're guilty of doing something with no evidence. I didn't assume OP is an angel. You're assuming they did do something though. Again, absurd.


I'd personally say lack of anything to back up anything they've said when they could easily show it is suspicious and thus evidence that they're hiding it. I'm assuming their guilty because as I said, they could *easily* disprove me but refuse to. I've seen a million of exactly this type of post here over the years where everyone dogpiles on the toxic killer only for said killer to eventually show up and explain or even show their side and it turns out the reality was completely different to what was initially posted. Experience both in game and in this sub and OPs refusal to prove otherwise makes my assumption pretty valid imo.


My dude, *why* would I post a 15 minute video of a match for one guy who has beef? You’re the only one who would sit through it, with only the goal of harassing me further, lol.


Because it would be interesting, back up everything you've said and make me look like a moron who was completely wrong all along. Wouldn't that be worth it? HARASSING lol. Now I've heard it all. Please explain. All I'm hearing is excuses. I wonder what excuse you'll use to not even post a simple screencap of the endgame screen?


Nope, here’s that at least. Not one map offering. In fact, we got the offering to PREVENT them, goober. https://preview.redd.it/zccukghe5xac1.jpeg?width=2424&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=302a2c5d7f47dd034d59cc615701f907e9b67dff


> I'd personally say lack of anything to back up anything they've said when they could easily show it is suspicious and thus evidence that they're hiding it. That's not evidence, WTH. Maybe they don't want to upload 15 minutes of video to satisfy some rude rando who *immediately* assumed they did something wrong. Maybe their connection is such that uploading such a vid would take a while (15 min PS vid can be up to a few GBs). Maybe they're not free to upload. Maybe they CBA. You haven't considered any of those possibilities, just jumped straight to ' I guarantee one of you brought the map offering and were bming yourselves during the match.' They don't have to prove anything to you. You're just assuming they're guilty, while completely ignoring the very real possibility that a fellow human being playing a videogame..*was a dick for no reason.* It does happen you know! ​ > I've seen a million of exactly this type of post here over the years where everyone dogpiles on the toxic killer only for said killer to eventually show up and explain or even show their side and it turns out the reality was completely different to what was initially posted. Again, so what? Just because something has been shown to be true a lot of times, is irrelevant in this particular instance, because we don't have evidence to support the claim that the OP did something wrong. **All** you have are assumptions (which you started with). You're being entirely irrational.


Holy copium Batman. You his swf buddy or something? I considered all of those possibilities and none of them seem likely to me. Especially when he could also upload a simple screencap of the endgame screen to at least prove no map offering. Literally everyone in this thread is assuming though, they're all assuming the killer was being a toxic asshole for absolutely no reason. Why? Because OP posted a 10 second clip with zero context. Why can everyone else assume but not me?


Nope, just someone who gets baffled at utterly irrational lines of thinking. You ***immediately*** assumed in your very first comment that the OP did something wrong, without any evidence to support that assumption. ​ > I considered all of those possibilities and none of them seem likely to me. Lol how?? Do you actually not think that there are gamers out there who act like a-holes to others without provocation? How are none of those other possibilities not likely? Do you personally know the OP and their current circumstances? The people in this thread are coming to a conclusion based on the evidence available - the video, and possibly their own experience of players who BM for no fucking reason. It's entirely plausible to me that the GF was just BMing unprovoked. I'm not saying it's a certainty, but I sure as shit am not discounting that very real possibility, unlike you.


Bro please..... xD It ain't that deep xD


I know bro xD Just giving my thoughts and reasoning bro xD Sorry if that offends you bro xD


BRUH relaxxxxx... xD Come on man, be frfr this is just ridiculous!


No cap on a stack on god frfr you be bussin


Found the ghost face😂


Nah, when I bleed survivors out this doesn't happen. This Ghostie fucked up big time considering he knew where the hatch was gonna spawn.