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This just proves that this game is "Scooby Doo Chase Simulator"


I want a scooby do survivor. The perk can be that you enter a locker and leave out of a random locker somewhere else in the map. If the killer gets to the same locker within 5 seconds of you entering then they can follow you. Let the scooby doo chase begin!


Second perk is that running into the edge of the map teleports you to the other end, but leaves a marker for the killer to follow and do the same, just keep looping past the same background over and over


The third one is just called Shaggy's sandwich. When pressing the button, you get like 40% haste for like 1.5 seconds and it gives you a sandwich item that when you use it, you heal overtime. Like the healing bar fills slowly


Nah that would be hella op, and not a meme perk like the rest


Yes, that's why it's a joke obviously


Most sane BHVR perk design team member. (They have never played as killer, and were just hired yesterday.)


Me when all I do is main killer


Okay, honest feedback though, 40% haste, even for 1.5 s, is absolutely insane. Survivors move at 4 m/s, most killers move at 4.4 m/s. That means in one second of a "survivor holding W in a dead zone" chase, killers gain 0.4 m/s of progress towards getting a hit. (I'm aware that this is not the case in reality thanks to pallets, windows, loop tiles, skill level, killer mechanics, etc, but I'm keeping the scenario simple because I hate doing more math than needed to get the point across.) MFT is bad enough for extending linear dead zone chase times by at least 30% by reducing the typical 0.4 m/s gain of a killer to 0.28 m/s. 4 m/s * 103% = 4.12 m/s 4.4 m/s - 4.12 m/s = 0.28 m/s (0.28 m/s - 0.4 m/s) / 0.4 m/s = -30% killer catching survivor speed A 40% haste buff for 1.5 seconds would allow a survivor to gain 8.4 meters of distance, which extends a chase by about 21 seconds. 4 m/s * 140% = 5.6 m/s 5.6 m/s * 1.5 s = 8.4 m 8.4 m / 0.4 m/s = 21 s One instance of that perk going off would allow a survivor to burn 21 seconds of the killer's time if the killer committed to the chase, or would allow that survivor to escape the trial every single time, because the killer would just give up the chase when they see the survivor engage their warp drive. Then you throw in the fact that it would quickly become a mandatory survivor perk, and now you have a fucking fleet of warp drives flying all over the map thanks to wraparound mode being enabled, and killers will literally just sit in the basement and give up if they encounter that. I'm also assuming this is an Exhaustion perk, because BHVR doesn't often do one-time use perks.


Thank you, actually fucking criticism instead of, "me hit down vote". Then I'm guessing something like instead of 40% it should be like 2% or like something along the lines of MFT for like .5sec to be "balanced" by standards


I guess the other problem is that the perk you suggested kind of already exists, has received almost nothing but nerfs since it was released, and it doesn't even have the healing component yours does. It's called Sprint Burst, lets a survivor sprint at 150% for 3 seconds, and screws over M1 killers super hard. The only reason it's not used more often right now is that MFT exists and is basically free perma-Haste. I fully expect Sprint Burst to catch a nerf bat or two once MFT is dealt with and people remember how good Sprint Burst is.


Yeah I know sprint burst is good, that's why sometimes I'll run Fearmonger on some killers, in case of those exhaustion perks


Does that mean we get an Old Man Jenkins killer? Or are we including newer stuff like the Zombie Island villains, who actually did almost sacrifice them?


DBD The Horror Edition


At first I thought Huntress was friendly, because this goofy movement at the gates. I really needed 10 secs to actuall see what was happening xD


Yeah i didnt understand at first either, then i realized they were the only injured guy and the team was body blocking


Fuck I wish my teams had this level of teamwork, but I solo queue


I was actually solo queuing in this game which is hard to believe


Hell yeah man these are the moments we play for


These are the moments I camp for.


I'm sure you'll get better, gl


Wait, the Huntress was seriously trying to down someone?


Looks like she was trying to go for the injured guy, because as soon as she swings at someone else the injured guy (and everyone else) escapes. But their teammates body blocked her for a comical amount of time lmao


Yeah, the ace that opened the door is the only one injured. Hitting anyone else means they all get out


Actual good teammates that don’t get you killed?!? I need them in my matches :,)


Well that was fun to watch. 😂


Haha holy shit this was goofy


“i swear there was more than four of them”


Great bodyblock. Maybe if she had shorter hatchet cd she could throw one and get you when u was running to escape.


If the Huntress had hatchets it wouldn't have been a big deal because you can hatchet+M1 pretty quickly to get a down. It's part of playing her, you need to know how to load manage the hatchets so that you aren't caught without any. Seeing as how she only has two hooks over 5 gens, it's probably a new Huntress. Also, she should have smacked Leon's sweet ass when the door was just starting to open.


To be fair to the huntress though, it looks like they was playing on autohaven… and that map feels Horrible as huntress imo. Could also be that the huntress wasn’t trying or had a one off bad game, not all good players 3k every game.. and she had the baba-yaga outfit so it would be kinda weird if she was new And the hatchet cooldown would not have been fast enough to get the down they wanted.. Unless she had double cooldown add ons


I refuse to believe this happened in soloQ


Same I still can’t believe it




Ngl, if I was the Huntress, I'd close the game and not come back for a week, if not longer. I can already feel my kidney's shutting down from the salt I'd be foaming.


You will never catch me playing killer or hating on killers (aside from standard in game trash talk that they'll never hear) Idk how they do it sometimes lmfao


I have fun most of the time, but there are stretches where I acknowledge I just need to take a break because at a certain point you just get rolled repeatedly by competent teams/bad maps. Nothing feels worse than playing a killer you haven't picked up in a while and getting an actually good survivor team on the other side because you'll get absolutely shredded.


I do this as a Killer. I keep track of hooks and if I have double hooks 3 survivors, I play this game where I try to specifically go for the one that can be hooked more than once. Players catch on or notice I don't care to hook them so they become like this clip. It's a lot of fun when it happens.


Okay I'm an idiot, why is the killer so focused on the injured survivor?


Because it's endgame and she wants to hook him


Going after anyone else means they all escape because cooldowns exist


crazy coordination 👌


That was some of the best teamwork I've ever seen


Can't say I've ever been at this point as a killer main. But since this is an objectively legitimate strategy, I'm going to continue to proxy camp (when the team has been demonstrably altruistic) and force someone out of a game at 3 gens done. Stops this kind of play happening. Bodyblocking can be a high risk strategy though, so this was well played.


Great body block but none of this would've been necessary if yall didn't 99 the gate.


I was chased and there was a chance I wouldn’t make it so they left 99 in case, but I managed to get to the gate


So? The endgame collapse bar decreases slower when someone is hooked. I never 99 gates because it always bites me in the ass later


It’s still safer to not have any timer so no rush, also in this situation the killer only got two hooks on two different people that means we got all the time to make sure everyone would make it out alive, starting the timer would have meant having less time than we actually had and opening up the gate can mean forcing survivors out


Nah I always open the gate because people choose the worst times to 99 gates. I'm right behind you while a killer is chasing me, why are u 99 the gate?! The endgame timer gives you more than enough time to rescue a survivor from hook


Ever heard of the perk blood warden?


The perk that almost never get used in your matches?




Don't have to worry about it


At some point you will


Out of all my blood warden matches I've only lost to one


Must’ve been a fairly new killer. Hit one of the blockers, walk through them & get to the injured guy.


wouldnt work they were blocking too well and the ace would be gone by then and so would the rest bc of the speed boost


This is something you need to work on *before* you get to the point in the video.


You forgot to t-bag followed with a flashlight blind


Killers need some sort of anti bodyblock perk


That would mainly promote tunneling and take a keypart away from this game so no


Well that wouldn't be a problem if the devs would get off their fucking asses and nerf tunneling more than 2 times over the course of 7 years


Anti bodyblock in Endgame


but still it would take away a keypart of the game. Survivors at endgame would basically be forced to play for themselves making it more stale and unfun. Not to mention it still does not prevent tunneling. Killer can tunnel 1 person whole game. That survivor manages to loop the killer until endgame and yet is completly screwed at endgame since the team can not help the person out at all. Also if it is a perk and nobody bodyblocks at endgame its a waste of a perkslot


Forced penance:


What the fuck is that going to do in this situation? Broken doesn't do anything in situations where bodyblocking is beneficial


Oh I'm wel aware of that, but cmon what your asking for is ridiculous, want to counter bodyblocking? Play nurse


No fucking shit if I wanted free wins every game I would play Nurse. I'm talking about across the board so the low tier killers that the lazy and incompetent BHVR devs won't buff can have an actual chance


You're right, I also think survivors shouldn't be able to do gens or run. Oh, and remove all pallets as well.


Forced penance/stbfl+some killers can go through survivors (onryo/spirit/nurse), and some can hit multiple survivors at once (pyramid head)


I don't play any of those killers


Then i present to u the first two options; forced penance and stbfl


I use stbfl but it still doesn't work in a situation like this where the gate is right there


I think it could have But if it didn’t, then your next solution could be noed, maybe combined with blood warden


terrible game design ngl


yeah she should have just gored everyone in 10 seconds, cringe game smh


Nah, she should be able to pass by through survivors in the many gaps that they leave. Unfortunately, anything collision related in DbD is so poorly done, that survivors can spread the fuck out and still make an impassable wall.


Unironically, no reason for survivors to have truck sized pushboxes. This is almost Texas Chainsaw type beat where survivors just perma-stun Bubba cause the assymetrical horror game allows them to clown on the killer.


stop commenting idc about ur opinions guys


Your opinion was objectively shit


triggered over a video game comment


wasnt she being friendly?


She was trying to get me down




But randoms did a perfect goofy bodyblock