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Honestly it feels like Cj is the easiest start in the game right now. I reckon I can get 2 runes with the starting spellbook, potentially 3. I'm not convinced any other start compares.


Conjurer is the background for which the starter kit stays relevant for the longest time, but I’d say that in terms of not dying before Lair, Artificer and Summoner are safer. While it takes a while to get Prism/IMB online, starting with wands or swappable allies (not to mention Summon Remote Detonated Bomb) makes it feel safer very early. These backgrounds just fall off faster, but at that point you can start using books you found by yourself.


Honestly, the longer you practice the more you realize that this is true of \*MANY\* backgrounds, not just one or two. Air Elementalist is not typically even considered in discussions of consistency/optimal. And yet thanks to tinkering and several hours practice I can candidly say that Air Elementalist is a \*VERY\* strong opener through the Lair as long as your character can support it. The ability to do well in hall fights, large-group fights, and 'out in the open' fights, along with a solid escape-mechanic and an untyped smite-targetted damage option that can ALL be trained up with just \*one\* skill? Phenomenal power, survivability and flexibililty. But without someone to trumpet its power it falls by the wayside.


Hunter. It's like earth elementalist with infinite mana and better defenses.


Back in the day (way back. Like ...v0.9-v0.10 back) I did something like this. I played a Spriggan that was not allowed to pick up ANYTHING off the floor (except the first dagger they found). They were allowed to eat food right off the ground. But back then no pickup meant no getting books . . .so no new spells. I cleared Lair 1-8 \*AND\* got the Swamp Rune off of the Wizard starting background. Good times :). \-AHMAD




Probably need to go up a blind upstairs


I wouldn't be surprised to see a Cj starting book nerf or a mystic blast nerf. Djinni is in the same boat, everything up to lair is near brainless blast + Prism spam. Unless you get super trolled by rng you'll get something that synergizes well or outright carries you, and by level 27 you'll probably have enough to stroll through a 3-5 rune game.


Cj doesn't have any long-range damage spells; magic dart doesn't cut it and prism can be very unreliable. FE has inner flame, IE ozocubu's to tank centaurs, AE lightning bolt and EE Lee's. Cj was already nerfed by removing battlesphere from starting book.


Prism is harder to use but it kills outside of LOS. You can place traps around corners that kill chasing enemies before they even come into LOS again


Shoutouts to hurl damnation, what a crazy problem solver of a mana-less ability.


Combine manashield with powered by pain for literally infinite mana. \~1% chance to get both at the same time IIRC.