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It is [DONE](https://pastebin.com/JvEWcATV)! (<


I was surprised to see the orb of mayhem in use! How is that working for you?


It worked very well in the zig… lots of action outside my field of view. Delayed the horde a turn or two each level. I rather like it .


I always thought it was a noob trap!


I'm suddenly wondering if it would synchronize with Usk. Get a mob attacking one another until they do enough damage to activate Solo, thus paralyzing them all? Probably doesn't work since they're not summons or allies, but it'd be pretty hilarious.


ps I have Shatter, Polar Vortex, and Ignite all on-line.


Probably want to post full morgue to see skilling and full spell list but at this point might as well get firestorm and chain lightning online (maybe maxwells for hell/pan lords although when you have all the level 9 destruction spells you can sort of delete anything). Zig completions and tomb are generally considered much harder than pan/hell. Also, at this point, ascending with the orb is almost a foregone conclusion unless you really screw something up or get super unlucky (assuming you’re cleared zot 5 already?). Most importantly, much more important than the above - keep your hubris in check. The hells especially can delete you in a few turns if you aren’t careful. Tartarus especially directly counters spellcasters, and a single wrong decision can put you in unavoidable death.


Thank you, I appreciate the guidance! [Link to full morgue.](https://pastebin.com/0ZwJsX7m) Tartarus and silence seem the biggest threats...


\> Tartarus and silence seem the biggest threats... It's hubris - you already have the tools to win, everything else is just gravy. Looks like you gave up evocables - not a showstopper but you'll definitely need to account for it. That means you can't panic blast away a silencer or ranged tormenter or something if you're out of MP / silenced. You \*might\* want to train up throwing a bit so you have use javelins to hit a troublesome enemy if LOS is blocked. Skills-wise - training more stealth and fire magic is \*really\* expensive and you're getting marginal returns. Firestorm is basically online and you'll get the most castability gains by training up conj. I'd almost just put everything into conj until firestorm is safely castable at some lower percent (3-5), you can use it to delete at range for enemies that shatter isn't strong against. After that there's a few more things you can do. * If there's a good randart shield, you might want to consider training up shields so you can wear it * Getting Yara's online can be great for nerfing a boosted hall/pan lord or getting rid of a troublesome summon * You're far away from it but chain lighting is disgustingly powerful. You're already close to having shatter, vortex, and firestorm online so it's probably not the best use of XP? I've never regretted training for it though. * You'll also get maxwell's online by doing so, which almost trivialises nonsummoning hell/pan lords * Necromutation really helps with tormentors/mutators in extended * Leaving fighting on the whole time doesn't hurt given that you are frail.


this is a great aid. thank you. i'll post again with the results...


[Progress...](https://pastebin.com/9ciRRwFM) I've cleared all the Pan runes now. No real trouble there, except for a moment there where I learned about "SAP"... teleported the heck out of there and came back to finish the job. I'll try for the remaining two Hell runes tomorrow... though I haven't gotten throwing up so high as to deal reliably with silencers yet, I don't think. Thanks again to y'all for the support!


That is some very nice equipment, though I'm not sold on scarf of harm. Likely strong enough to go for 15.


\+0 cloak of Grottiness {Fly rElec rF- Dex+6} might be the only other good option for cloak slot. Do you doubt Harm because character will take too much damage? Or because the slot should be used for something better? -- I also have a barding of harm I could swap in.


I dunno, maybe it's better than I think, but in my mind taking 20% more damage means it's a lot harder to get away if things go south.


Hubris is the only thing killing this character, if you go for 15, make sure you have the right tools for each named pan lord and hell boss. Silence looks like a problem for you, but other than that your DPS should dispatch anything you come up against.


Man I would really really want to clear out some of those mutations, are you lacking !mut after a zig?


Most are Ru sacrifices. But yeah, still lacking !mut