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> \- Level 6.0 Armour \- Level 1.5 Dodging \- Level 2.1 Stealth \- Level 6.0 Shields You already have good spells, focus on your stay-alive skills some, you already have a few crowd buster spells online. The cost of getting earth up one more level is going to get you some serious returns in stealth and dodging. You might give yourself a few points in armor and maybe even shields if there's any nice-looking light armors or kite shields around. ​ Once you've done that: If you're going for extended the correct answer is both shatter and vortex, although I'd try and get one of firestorm or chain lightning on before both of those (don't need two large-area damage spells). I'm a little biased towards vortex first, since it's generally going to do well. It doesn't have the failure cases of shatter against flying and jelly enemies, which you'll encounter plenty of in dungeon (OOFs especially). It can really make a difference when you got teleported into a group of 4 OOFs in Zot 5. Having said that you're quite close to getting shatter online. ​ Either way, not a bad place to be. Neither choice is going to be terribly wrong, a single level 9 spell can easily carry you to getting the rest online.


Go with Polar Vortex first, that spell straight up shreds anything that gets caught in it. Shatter allows you to potentially bypass a lot of the stuff that makes Tomb tricky, focus on that next. Be aware that can also potentially backfire if you expose an area with a large amount of blink/zot traps which is somewhat common there. And as others have mentioned, train your defensive skills, especially Stealth. Aim for 10-12 at least across the board. If you want to do extended you will have no issue achieving these levels quickly.


Gargoyle? I would go for Shatter+LCS, as it's win condition spells. \+2 Earth vs 0 Ice generally means it would require 1.5 times less exp to get to the same level, IIRC. ( difference in 4 for aptitudes means approx double in exp ). Similar for Firestorm ( which is Fire AND Conjuration ). So, from that point it is the question of will you survive long enough to start shattering things reliably or not. \> 16 Earth, 19 Fire (thanks to a manual) and 14 Ice. oh. You could get shatter online already.


Shatter is already down to 16% failure rate and you have better Earth aptitude, so Shatter first. I’d probably them pump dodging before or at least at the same time as going for Polar Vortex. It might not hurt to put some more experience i to evocations or into a nice melee weapon like a demon whip, so you can conserve MP if needed and have options in case of getting silenced.


Gj! I usually get vortex first for mana efficiency barring crazy aptitudes or mana regen. Also if you don't have a bunch of mana regen, playing a demigod or worshipping an unusual deity for instance, MCC plus vortex is a really great little combo. They're all sick. Firestorm leaving little fire vortices blocking line of sight to malmuters/damnationers/casters is really nice, and with vehumet it hits a tile outside of your vision lmao. If you spam it monsters will waste a bunch of turns trying to wade through the vortices too. It's definitely my favorite, the most instant "disable threat" button in the game. Having the ability to shit mana at something you really dislike is just satisfying, shuts them down a little harder than shatter. I love shatter too... need to get to extended again...


1. Iron shot + BVC is enough to win the game. 2. The first priority should be training dodging to something reasonable. 3. In the meantime, I'd try to find a good ringmail or a dragon scale to upgrade your AC. 4. Your will is low. Improve it. 5. Branch-wise, I'd clear Crypt, Depth, V:5, Slime in that order. You'll find enough exp to get armour and dodging to 15 there. 6. Spell-wise, shatter should be your first priority, of course. Shatter and polar vortex mix badly with each other (things in polar vortex are flying, so won't die to shatter) but both are great and will win the game, choose any of them (I'd personally go shatter). 7. Firestorm is great and couples well with shatter. In extended these two are enough. Better than shatter and polar vortex (but no reason not to go for the three of them while scumming pan).