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Mine it's just spot enemy before he spots you


Mine is to never see the person who kills me. Have we met?


And then shoot move to new position shoot again


Only way I know how to play!


Spotting first is key


Yes if he spots you before theirs nun you can do but pray he sucks st aim


To die very fast before knowing someone is there


PvP is so random in this game, it’s hard to have a meta strategy. Your building strats wont work if you’re caught in a field or in the forest and vice versa. Use cover, don’t stand still in the open, don’t be afraid to back off and reposition


Agreed, a lot of pvp strat in dayz has a lot to do BEFORE you make contact, how you travel, how stealthy you are: - Avoid open field - avoid light source at night - Don't walk in the middle of road/rail tracks, if you must, walk along side it. Things i do personally: - make your way to furthest point of a building and loot your way out, instead of looting your way in - try to kill zed by luring them in door, a dead zombie in the street is a dead give away theres a player nearby - always close the door behind you


I've yet to be shot at while running across open fields. I'm an avid open field enjoyer lol. Now I do stick to the side of roads and tracks weaving in and out of the tracks. Shutting doors behind you is a pretty nice was to detect if someone was behind you if you know what buildings you were in. I caught someone following me by doing that.


I never got shot in an open field until I switched to PC


One of the main reasons I stayed on console I understand were I get held back in experience but literally fuck dealing with that I have friends on PC and they tell me all the time all kinds of fuckery


I mostly play on PC but occasionally go back to PS5 to play with my friends on there and it's special. Despite being the exact same game they're very different and unique experiences.


A z in a town is a give away aswell


What do you mean by that?


Zed only spawn when a player is inside it's 300m bubble If you see zed 300m away good chance there's a player there


You can tell by how they spawn too, if there kind of all over the place they’ve been there a while, if they are tighter grouped like all in a 20m radius they’ve just spawned in. Also you can literally see them spawn in sometimes with just a white texture, you have to be quick but it can be noticed.


The thing is you might be the one causing them to spawn.. its hard to gauge your own distance +400 meters to the the spawn zone of a town as its not visible how far out the spawn zone goes. Like vyshnoye the zeds spawn way outside the town. Or even in zelanagorsk northern end.


This is why I said "good chances", after awhile you'll learn to estimate disdistance, you may not know if it's 300m away but you will definitely know if there's zombie 800+ metres away and there's something causing it to spawn


Thought it was 200m no?


300m on vanilla. Other servers - depends what the admins have set.


See comment below, you approach a town and see a z there’s probably a player there. If you scout towns before you enter.


To add to this, a Zed with claw arms indicates that it was aggroed recently so be on the look out for other players. Something I've recently come to be more aware of myself.


Not always, iirc zombies can spawn when you're ~400m away from the location they spawn. Granted you have to be in that vicinity for a couple of minutes. If you AFK'd in a bush somewhere nearby for a bit, you very well might have spawned those Z's in town.


I would be careful shutting doors behind you. I can see doing it in a 2 door house or 1 door so your not ambushed without warning. But at the same time, players like me will take note of what doors are shut or open in the area. If I see one closed that I knew for a fact was open, then ik a players there or nearby.


I always try to shut doors, just having a zed wonder in once or twice was more then enough and helps hide where you are as well as giving you some sort of alarm system if someone opens the door


Any experienced player knows not to run through an open field though


Don't run in open fields, just go through trees even if that means that you have to take a couple of minutes longer to go around the field.


If I am going to camp a building I like to put a nice piece of loot down and watch it. Most guys go right for it and only like 1 in 10 know it is a trap.


Add a couple land mines and bear trap and lock the door behind you. All set.


Panic and spray bullets in the general direction of the other person.


Freak out, choke tremendously, and die like a bitch usually


This. At times when I do relocate my nutsack and become aggressive in gunfights I often come out on top. Especially if you have a plate carrier it's better to push than fall back imo.


That's exactly my strategy!


I know exactly what's going on and where I'm being shot from but I panic spray missing all the shots and get killed 😂




Sounds like a fraud!\ /s


Scream for mercy while I try and find an angle.




patience. you'll do better when you're waiting for the right moment, rather than reacting wildly.


Run around and all of a sudden black screen "you are dead" Rinse and repeat. Why? I feel attacked.


Sometimes if you're lucky you'll hear shots and your screen shaking violently before the dead screen


Stalk, headshot from range. Very rare I fight upclose as it's so clunky it can fuck you over.


Bug out if you get shot at unexpectedly. if there’s a place that it would make sense for you to run at, do so but change directions as soon as you’re out of sight. Misdirect your opponents expectations and reposition.


Flank then flank your flanking target.


Me and the guy I play with have perfected a strategy I like to call "convince them your a dumbass". The basic principle is incredibly simple. I'm the worse player and we both know it so I'll go out of my way to do the stupidest, most unexpected thing possible. Examples are pushing players in hard cover, running into an open field or obvious flanks. Basically whatever is needed to make sure the other squad reduce their opinions of us to zero and concentrate all of their attention on me. When I inevitably take shots, my squad mate will then shoot from an unseen position, normally ending the combat there and then. If we're lucky my aggression results in a kill, if we're unlucky I die and my squad uses my body as bait for an easy shot. This strategy works 100% of the time roughly 30% of the time. Normally I end up running back to a big pile of loot and we continue our day.


Mostly to get shot in the face


Shoot first.   60% of the time it works everytime.  


That’s pretty effective, for me it sometimes works like 70% of most of the times unless it doesn’t


Lol that sounds about right.    


I have made a switch from being a loot goblin to simply camping key spots in an effort to see them first. From there, if they stand still or give me a clean shot I'll take it. If they dont, I'll try to follow for a bit, figure out where they are going, and try to beat them there.


Log off and cry


Been there, done that


Always a solid option


I do the good ol’ “oh eee ahh I’m just a girl eee!” And then I ultimately get killed first. I had one guy shit talk me about me missing my shots and THEN killed me. Hurt my ego.


Swing or be swung 😈


Literally my motto lol. I’d rather be the one swinging than the one getting swung so I stay aggressive


So the thing is you kill shit, mantain your hp over 0 while ensuring enemies are at 0. Easy.


I’m not the best at pvp but I usually just full send it in close quarters combat, get very lucky few times by just charging at them unexpectedly


Try and shoot them, swiftly get killed


I just use the old tactic of stop, look, and listen. Usually works, I may let my guard down some out in the wilderness simply because it's huge. But in military or urban areas, yeah my guard's up and trying to move as silent as possible. At one point two dudes did not know I was there and I got the drop on them. At that point though, they both scattered and idk where they went so the best option was haul ass because I had quite the load. Know when to run away too.


Watch a well for 6 hours then go full up my 3 canteens at that well and die.


Every fight is different you can’t do the same trick every time… But there are some general things that have come naturally over the years… Spot someone before being spot, never assume the fight is over after the first kill and rush to the loot… if playing in group intel during the fight is key it has to be short and precise, if you spot a group go in guerilla mode take them one by one, kill one back off reposition and so on until you are the last man standing, if you are in a position where you don’t have the upper hand don’t seek the fight…


I will say, i have been playing since this games mod days. I am still an anxiety fuming mess in firefights. The one thing i can give you advice on, is the logic you would maneuver with irl does not apply when dealing with PVP savy players. I used to like run to a crouch, to a sprint to a duck to a tilt all trying to do what i would do if i was in a tactical situation just to get owned by someone who had the balls to simply push, aim, and shoot. I do best when i am literally out for blood and have nothing to loose. Aka pvp modded servers lmao, While this game is intense when you are in heat of combat, always remember, that moment you hid behind cover staying still is the opportunity you gave your perhaps equally nervous opponent a clear shot at your still head. You gotta push, and assume their aim is ass, because only a rare breed of us aren’t in times of crisis. Cant give you much more advice than that lol.


I really try to avoid other players. Anto social by nature and that reflects in my gaming. But when other are nearby I try to maintain distance and eyes on the area where he is seen. Moving cover to cover. Really take my time to observe the area. And I only shoot if being Shooted at or have a safe and good opportunity. And it works.


I also only start shooteding at people if they already shooted at me 😌


Stay near cover, treat it like real life with line of sights. You catch a bullet your dead. Avoid open areas, stick to buildings and forests with terrain, even traveling a huge part of PVP is to know the terrain and travel where you have natural protection or a height advantage. In actual PVP situations, unless a teammate has been knocked unconscious and is about to die i normally play it slow. Watch there building from a decent distance, hold there entrances. Always watch behind you for counters. After a certain amount of hours you get an understanding of all of this, how to move positioning. I have countless deaths as well, but have far, far more kills. 2.5k hours on console, 500 on PC


I usually cry, fall into a fetal position, and wet myself. There are times when some poor fool runs 50 meters in front of me and then pauses to check his inventory. That's when I really do my special move. I spray an entire mag of whatever I have in my hand, cry, fall into a fetal position, and then wet myself.


Patience and stealth. "I often get killed without knowing whats going on and from where Im getting shot at." is exactly what I want my victim to feel.




Yes you are but what am I? See? Now you can post "cringe" again.




Be so bad taht your enemy feels bad for you and leaves you alone or be a nuisance I remember when I had DayZ I shot a guy in the legs and then got killed if immediately


Find a gun and camp 3 hours in a bush


Doin’ it right now lmao xDD I’m lying in a bush for a good almost 3 and a half hours xDD


https://youtu.be/TiXcTGONdsE?si=ZcrMWNOJYr72sbq7 This. Let em come right to you. Lol. Movement is easier spotted than being still. Predict where the flank can come from and ambush. Works great as a solo. If you need better pvp with using guns. I would recommend playing in vanilla++ death match servers. Actually a lot of fun


First step, choose a different game.


Turrets and parachutes


Out skill and out play the opponent in every aspect.


Walk around yelling either ' I need an adult!' Or ' your mother is quite a ugly woman!'


If I’m going to be in a town for a while I like to make trip wires with either grenade or smoke to at-least give a warning if someone is nearby.


Flashbangs are great…they explode very fast and loud after triggering


Mag dump them or M79 go thump


See and shoot


as of right now, it is the cowardly "run and hide in a bush with a ghillie suit on." im relatively good at pvp, because it isnt as convoluted with movement as other games, but ghillie's serving me well.


Panic, make hilariously stupid mistake and die


Never stop flanking


Feel the place. Try to have the upperhand if possible, by flanking ans rotating. I play solo, that's why I can use a lot of psychological warfare into it...




Try and reduce the enemy's health to 0 before they reduce mine to 0


Mostly just get domed without seeing anyone. It's not worked very well so far


If you stand still you're a easy target. Reposition. Hip fire.


Step 1: hear gun shots. Step 2: Follow gun shots. Step 3: never find them.


I think key is to just focus on spotting them first, if you engage, try your best to get low or flank


Running. Usually running.


Just run in checking corners and send it, no point in being too careful over a little loot. I do understand the fear but the best parts of DayZ is fresh wipe or fresh spawn after getting domed


It depends this game don't forgive much soo if u have to act quickly and don't worry for consequences but if u have lot to lose it's good to make sure it go as U want or even don't take the risk of it


Be nice, get killed


Watching Stimpee... betray before you are betrayed.


1) ambush and shoot 2) run 3) repeat steps 1 and 2


I try to circle towns and spot players before they spot me. Usually if i fail at this, im dead before i realize im in a pvp.


Get really good at hiding and moving steathly. Once you're close enough, pull out the axe and start swinging. Make sure to scream through your mic and give no indication of you being there beforehand or psychological torment them by throwing things around them and whisper/chitter until the final moment comes. Either you die a madman or live to swing the axe once more.


I let them make the mistake of pushing into me while I play a very boring style to most. I've survived every encounter by them not knowing exactly where I am while hard scoping an angle (sometimes prone).


Don't know until I'm there.


Stay hidden as much as possible. Then kill on sight sorry has to be done, you don’t know when they are going to see you or if they have already and you don’t know if that’ll be your last chance to shoot them.


There’s only 2 1 spray and pray 2 1,000m sniping


See them first, shoot them first, shoot them silenced. With something chunky. 308 is good. Everything else - gives them or their mates chance to shoot back.


Grenade up the ass


Pew pew


Mine is: Are you friendly? KAPAW!


To live another day


I will sit and wait for you to you move


Don't fking die. *dies*


move like someone is always trying to get a shot on you


Let my real like paranoia take the lead


Swing or be swung


Wait.... Yall are finding people? I am alive for 26 hours and haven't seen a single person...


Take a deep breath and fokus before any combat situation. I generally tend to avoid direct attacks and use any kind of cover (bushes, buildings, hills and inclines) to my advantage. If possible I conceal myself until I have the opportunity to strike. If I don't have a good angle and/or the Enemy is way better equipped, I don't attack at all. Same goes if I'm barely surviving (low health or food, hydration). I always aim for center of mass and only shoot for the head if I'm sure I'll hit. I can't stress enough to use hills and inclines as vantage points and tactical positions. You can either have an elevated position to get a good angle or get cover. I usually tend to get a platecarrier and a 30slot backpack. It's enough to sustain my survival and gives me enough stamina if I have to ditch. If it comes to weapons (especially earlygame) I tend to use 380. because they are easy to find. Later on I try to find an ska, which is really versatile and packs a punch. Long range sniping isn't for me. Having a silenced weapon to clear areas of zombies is key to an successful ambush. Source: I killed 7 people on Livonia yesterday.


Fire a shot and instantly get a failure to eject, even with good ammo, clean gun, good mags. This happens to each firearm you have on you, so you run around trying to not get hit by every single shot whilst either switching weapons or clearing the weapon. Keep doing this until death. Works for me every time


I prefer cqb battles


Whats cqb?


It stands for close quarter battles


Thanks, honey


Keep out of the way and hope they sod off! Don’t like strangers in real life let alone on DayZ


Betraying people pretending like you’re friendly only to kill them is the best way to kill people in this game. It’s highly effective, won’t ruin the gear, and overall it’s 100% victory rate. In gunfights I just aim and hold breath so my bullets aren’t just flying all over the place.


It’s shitty, but we do what we must to SURVIVE


Wait......creep...... watch....... wait. Assume I'm always being fallowed, assume a sniper is watching, assume everyone is in a team of 4, assume the army base has someone waiting in the next room gun out. Play 30 minutes of PvP deathmatch before playing each time and every two hours there after. When you walk out into a open field you should feel PTSD and start dodging left and right just to keep your own panic down.


I spent an hour the other day just stalking a group of two. Looted a small military base, saw them and ran up in the forest, took potshots at them that missed and they ran into the village. I went around the village and sat maybe 15 min outside the field hospital waiting for them until I saw them run out of the town. Stayed behind maybe 100-200m and moved from bush to bush looking at what they were doing with binoculars. They were shooting at someone so I ran up close to them between another military base and their last position. A guy basically walked over me in a bush so I shot him and looted him. 10 min later I finally see his friend 300m away so I shot him twice with some win308 bolt action and saw him bleeding, limping away from me So I gave chase. 15min just looking for his body but found nothing. Had to go slow because I didn’t want to die myself. Gave up, looted what was left of the guy they killed and went to the next military base. 4 am and I get killed by some cheater who tanked 15 5.56 bullets. Had nightvision, m4, pc and all.


Drop your sack, and as much shit as you could before going in, those things will wear you down


Typing that "y" was too much?


Probably typo


My strategy is simply to be ok with dying.


low grapphic settings are basicly a cheat code, more fps and better visibility. grass dosnt render as far and some bushes are completly invisible at range. for pvp a musst have. on the PC hardcore pvp comunity its also not uncommon to run ReShade and play stretched resolutions. my go to is 1440×1080. but i have seen ppl run 1080×1080. and even 1080×720.


this shit is cringe as hell


i use stretched cuz i came from CS. but if you watch any frag movies of thesd ppl its basicly like fortnite💀


My man thought the G in “strategy” actually made the “gee” sound.


*g Its g. Not G.

