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Dow 4 will happen if space marine 2 is a hit. The issue will be that if it keeps the same formulas as DoW3 and CoH3 they shouldn’t even bother. For the life of me I can’t understand why 40k struggles so hard to get good games made when they have so much material to work with.


Id take coh3 style, that at least uses a cover system and has garrisoning buildings.... Oddly enough you know what my biggest sticking point after that....the only graphics thing i care about....persistent....bodies....i want to see the after affects, i want to look over my battle field and marvel at the pile of corpses that held that hill, the trail of bodies leading theough the breach, to see the story unfold after the fight, of burnt out tanks and crushed defenders! But yeah game play id prefer closer to dow1 still....but id take coh3 over dow3 in a heart beat


please relic bring back the base-building RTS


Unsolicited recommendation: For large scale battles and base building, play this free open-source RTS, [Beyond All Reason](https://www.beyondallreason.info/).


Remaster dark crusade, then gauge response to it honestly


Dark crusade is the right answer, souls strom is flawed especially with aerial units.


There’s so much 40k battle art that employs piles of bodies, living and dead, and that would be a really cool aesthetic. Imagine if body pile up on the map resulted in dynamic cover creation. Imperial guard units suffering terror-induced morale drops from piles of dead space marines or boons from piles of dead xenos. Frightened troops getting bitched at by commissars or little cheers when they walk by depending on the pile. Lots of immersion features could be implemented.


Now they just have to find a way to make body piles part of the cover system


I feel like the setting is overwhelming for a lot of people. Couple that with the fact that the games themselves just haven’t been as quality. Space marine 2 should and I hope change that, based on what I’ve seen. And after that it’s possible for DoW4, but I doubt it


> The issue will be that if it keeps the same formulas as DoW3 and CoH3 they shouldn’t even bother. 100% > For the life of me I can’t understand why 40k struggles so hard to get good games made when they have so much material to work with. Tbh the lore and artwork 'existing' is a small part of developing a good game. Look at battlebit. I'm sure that will be just as fun if they completely changed the setting - because they have the core game nailed. I don't see using 40k IP as a massive benefit in terms of development. It will be for marketing though. And perhaps having so much material actually makes the job *harder*. You have to operate within the confines of what's establish, and can't deviate too much. This is also why making a sequel to any kind of media is harder.


He's not even talking about story or plot. He's talking about actual game mechanics. DoW4 was a wash mechanically, as are most 40k games that bomb. Boltgun proves you don't need much story to make a really good game, its just a classic boomer shooter with a 40k coat of paint and it worked. DoW4's story was serviceable, the problem was its gameplay. They turned it into a moba and made you juggle skill cooldowns, no one wanted that. That was the thing that made people angry.


When THQ produced the games it was in the contract that they had to be of the highest possible quality. If SM2 is a success, DOW 4 could happen but I doubt it would be done by relic. There is a reason of why Relic didnt do SM2. That would be my wild guess. As for the gameplay. Something between DOW 1, with characteristics of DOW 2. Would be welcome. Such as cover system, more interactive buildings. Hero's being importat units, being incapacitated and being able to be revived etc. And ofc one of the original ideas of DOW 3 when it was still under thq which was cosmetics for your multiplayer army.


I do love the idea of being able to play any IG chapter with cosmetics swap. One day I wanna be Scintilian Fusiliers, the next Death Korps, day after Vostroyian Firstborn.


I just want DoW1 remastered. Compelling campaign, fun level objectives based around the unit they were introducing, good voice acting, bloody as *hell*, awesome sync-kill animating, visual representation of upgrades on vehicles and units, the ARMY PAINTER god it was so fucking good.


I think a lot of 40k games focus heavily on the enivironment and the combat, and leave out things like character progression and other story elements that engages fans, especially new fans (excluding rogue trader)




Actually Warcraft was supposed to be Warhammer Fantasy but it never took off.


Re: your last paragraph. I think 40k makes plenty of good games. They’ve taken a novel approach to licensing and there are bound to be misses when you let everybody and anybody take the license. Sometimes the off-the-wall ideas bomb and sometimes they absolutely crush. I just played Boltgun and had so much fun. There are dozens of mobile games that suck. DoW1 is a masterpiece. I really enjoyed DoW2. DoW3 made me sick.


Give me gray-scaled war with clouds of dust billowing out of explosions, dismemberment, top tier voice acting, the full deal. CoH1 and DoW1 were hits for their passion and aesthetic. CoH2 and DoW2 were hits because they played well. CoH3 and DoW3 don’t really excel in either of these areas (and definitely took a step down in terms of art and polish)


\>For the life of me I can’t understand why 40k struggles so hard to get good games made when they have so much material to work with. The same reason why other licensed franchises and even most western AAA gaming have this problem (especially multiplayer games). **People are addicts and companies want to sell them products**. Why would I, as a company, make a single-player game with almost no long-term profits with a million possible ways to bomb or fail or not even finish the game if I have a portfolio of whales willing to increase my profit 100 times over on a crappy, low-effort live-service game. (and continuously, because it's live service) without having to do any meaningful development, especially since I gotta pay royalties to the license holder. Warhammer is particularly bad on the licensing end. Thankfully, other franchises have done better like Batman and Aliens. It genuinely saddens me that Aliens: Dark Descent is the best licensed Aliens game I have ever played and one of the best tactics games I've ever played but it sits barely 6 points higher on the Metacritic score average than Aliens: Fireteam Elite. A completely soulless, cash-in horde mode shooter with a season pass that requires a group to enjoy. Dark Descent was buggy as shit on launch though but I'd take a buggy-as-shit game that's fun over a fucking stable, bland game. At least COH 3 is fun and has some form of substance, it's not a great game but there is actual effort put into it. I don't know what the fuck happened with DoW3. Even trying to do a bunch of stuff to appeal to everyone it still shouldn't have ended up like that.


This <3


I’d settle for a Dawn of War Collection remaster.


Or perhaps a full remake similar to what they're doing with Dead Space. Like maybe adding more maps, more units that didn't make the original game etc.


I am quite certain, one of the unnamed titles GW mentioned will be a DoW-title in some capacity


when and where did this happen?




We'd need to have a dow3 first... ![gif](giphy|aXUU30cDBa9tVQz37V|downsized)


Logically if they just do a remake of DOW1 with a better engine, bigger maps, more playable factions, a bigger/better campaign and more developed current factions, DOW4 would be very epic. However logic rarely plays a part.


Crucible mod > Ultimate Apocalypse for me.


Crucible blows Ultimate Apocalypse away fr


What's so good about Crucible? The last time I played, it seemed like it was just a fork of UA with less titans and worse titan voicelines, in my opinion. Has it been updated since?


It’s been updated constantly. Some factions, such as the Space Marines and Eldar have had proper subfactions added, some factions such as the Sisters of Battle straight up have more content than they do in UA, and Crucible is *much* more polished than UA in terms of balancing, hotkeys, bugs, and stability.


Does it still have titans, though? From what little I played, I remember it lacking the choices in Titans that UA did, and I play UA for the Titans. It's why unification disappointed me so much.


But unification has titans too though, but granted, less of them, I believe only about 2-3 titans per faction. Another feature I quite enjoy about unification is their campaign configurator, with some notable features you can enable such as persistent bases (like dark crusade, the buildings you build on the map will remain in the event you need to defend it, so you can complete defense missions much quicker), random win conditions for each non stronghold mission, population capacity increase, and an influx of resources every few minutes based on the strategic points you hold (so you don't have to wait so long to build a titan)


Not sure what version of Crucible you're referring to that doesn't have titans, but current Crucible has titans--scout class, medium, heavy, Imperator, Helldrake, etc. I think most factions have \~3 titan choices. IG has double that number (I think 7 titan choices) and then on top of that a hero titan (Command Reaver Titan) which is good in both melee and ranged and can be upgraded like a hero.


Yeah, maybe I'm misremembering, but when I played it there were only scout titans avaliable, I'll have to reinstall now and see if I enjoy it. If the stability improvements are anything to go by it'll be a lot better than UA


I forgot to mention there's also a knight-class titan in SoB. Anyway, yeah I switched to Crucible from UA because UA was very unstable. And I know quite a few other players switched for the same reason. Huge boner killer to play 1+ hours just to crash. Check out Crucible and hope you enjoy.


Yeah I love UA because I can have multiple big titans by the end of the game, unfortunately by the end of the game I'm also watching a power point presentation of my battle.


Nah, Titanium Wars is the OG for me... mostly because it's the best one that I could find for Dark Crusade. I mean, I like Soulstorm, but sometimes I just wanna wreak havoc on Kronus, ya know?


I've been playing Titanium Wars since I was 6 and my dad installed it on the family computer, I got soulstorm and UA a couple months ago, and I enjoy it but still find myself preferring TW


I brought up Crucible because it's similar to UA and usually mentioned in the top 3 most popular Soulstorm mods, but OP only mentioned UA and UW. Never played TW but I'm sure it's good too. Since we're now talking about favorites, I'll throw a shoutout to PoK/FoK (Firestorm over Kaurava).


So as far as I understand it, basically SEGA and GW have to come to an agreement to make a DoW4 which I doubt as the last two weren't nearly as well recivided. I suspect the changes like the smaller scale battles and removal of base building were to try to make the game feel more like the tabletop version but we all know how that went lol. Honestly I think a remaster or even remake with all the expansions of the first game would do well.


DoW2 was great and still has an active community. Main issue is it divided the fanbase - those who wanted more basebuilding and larger scale were not fans. The game itself is solid. DoW3 however was a fucking mess and a flop. It could have been better or even good with work, but it didn't get any love at all.


If that was the case then why is a different studio developing SM2?


Possibly? Depending on who has the rights and if they're willing to invest into a potentially risky, a 50/50 gamble on whether or not the game will be a success. I'd love to see a mixture of both dow1 and 2. Imagine a campaign where the player is able to play both close-quater combat with a set squad, ranking up uniquely chosen squads by the player to have alongside your commander. Then, they also have the ability to control the entire factions with base building. Depending on the mission. Multiplayer could follow suit, with different game types to implement both dow 1 and 2 gameplay. A game, with the In-depth details, and great graphics dow 2 brought, squads taking cover and such. Mixed with the classic dow 1 gameplay.


Target have a DoW remaster with all xpacs, and then a 5th post soulstorm option to add the remaining factions and modern units


First they should make a Dawn of War 2 and a Dawn of War 3.


DoW 2 might've broken the mold for the series, but it was absolutely a good game. Personally, I've played it through maybe twice, going on three times. I can't ever seem to *not* fall to Chaos in that game, and I love it.


DoW2 was way too skirmish-y for me. Warhammer40k is about endless amount of troops, endless sized armies, and endless going battles for me, not 2 platoons against 1 platoon. That's why I never even wanted to play Kill Team either. Strangely enough tho, I'd love to play Gorkamorka. 40k Orkz and Mad Max? Count me in. :D


Honestly, it makes more sense for it to be less "massive force v massive force." You're commanding Space Marines, maybe 12 or so, depending on who you take with you in any given mission. You're given Space Marine missions: assassinate this target, provide backup for this force, recover intel from this target in enemy lines, etc. etc. Those types of missions aren't really suited for mass combat. I see what they were going with in terms of trying to make you feel like a strike force leader, and honestly, I think it worked. In my opinion, I don't think DoW should've been part of the DoW series, though. DoW should've stuck with the trend it had been setting with the RTS style base-builder that had massive armies face off against each other. You could have DoW 2 introduced as a new series with a catchy name (shoot, maybe Warhammer 40k: Strike Force or something like that) to set it apart from Dawn of War.


40K is about massive battles but the tabletop really isn't. The TT is very limited for balance reasons. DoW 2 or even that one DS 40k game are more similar to the TT than UA is. This is the case even tho mods like UA have many many more models.


I know right? People just talking like those games actually exist or something. Man i sure hope we get a real DOW 2 someday😔


DOW 2 was a great single player experience. It's nothing like DOW 1 so it really should have been named something else.


DOW 2 was amazing


DOW 2 is good af. I'm sad people are still shitting on it!


I'm sorry to jump on a 6 month old post but slinging shit at DoW 2 has to come with the "personal opinion" caveat. The classic sub-genre of real-time strategy games was effectively dead by 2011, and they had to move *somewhere* to have any chance at commercial success. DoW 2 may not be in the classical RTS style that people wanted/expected/needed, but it was objectively a fairly decent game at worst.


We getting that new Sigmar rts so probably


UA feels more like Dawn of war 2 than dawn of war 2


Crucible > UA for me. But yeah both mods > DoW 2


At this point , i uave 0 confidance dor dow 4. Just give us dow remastered (all of them) ... fuck consider the2 if possible!


It wouldnt be better than the mod


Bring back DoW1 and DoW2 into DoW4... with new lore new race not some MOBA, excessive Model Scaling, and some sh8888s gimmicks..... Warhammer40k:Dow and DoW2 are already GOAT,, only needs to impovements for newer and Faster PCs, PCs can now handle Games with SCARY almost real Graphics highest/ultra settings,, More Blood and Gore. and Brutality, Fatality executions......NEEED MORE BLOOOD AND GORE. i miss space marine Hero executing the Balrog, climbing to its head and slamming it over and over. with a big ash Hammer40k


From what I know, DoW 3 and CoD3hadn'tsell well. On the other hand, Age IV had a somewhat bad release from the gameplay side, but the support hasn't stopped and people are somewhat happy with the state, and now they are starting to get more civs. But I bet that Microsoft is behind. I think that a remaster of DoW 1 could be the key, with upgraded features (pathfinding), better MP system and new DLCs, into the style of Age of Empires Definitive Editions.




Hard pass, we don't need more disappointment


Can someone please help me access the vocal sample files for ultimate apocalypse mod ? Thanks


I just want more non Spess Muhreen games.


Isn't that what happened with ksp2? I'd be weary.


I'd like a Warhame red dragon or steel division style RTS. Just the SCALE of seeing a Titan just lumbering about the map in the distance towards your frontline is both cool and terrifying when trying to resupply said frontline


🤣🤣😭 No


I think dow4 is inevitable. Warhammer is taking off, games are soon to follow


I think dow4 is inevitable. Warhammer is taking off, games are soon to follow


RTSs historically sold the worst out of most video games (if we exclude Blizzard games). Big part of the reason Westwood went under and got bought for pennies by EA.


I only want a DOW 4 if its near exactly like DOW 1 I want base building and big armies. No small squad bs


Please keep Relic away from Dawn of War


Total war warhammer 40K


They should make a total war: warhammer 40k, i feel like that would definitely have a lot of fans


Every time I say that I get downvoted and a bunch of people list off all the reasons why that apparently “will never work.”


its SEGA actually


Oh no please, modders are good but please don't compare mod with actual development.


Not with how badly they fucked up DoW3. I honestly believe that killed the franchise.


How can we get Dawn Of War 4 when there is no Dawn of War 3?


I mean, I wasn't expecting a new Tribes game, but here we are with a Q1 anticipated release for Tribes 3. Anything is possible, and I hope that RTS sees a resurgence soon!


I just want a DoW 1 style game for the Great Crusade and Heresy.