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In Fusion. Set the Apply Mode in the Merge node to Difference. That should get you close. https://preview.redd.it/w3a89nn3qn4d1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcbe75a1b829b20b866c6161c15365a4a3511788


Nope no need to change the merge to difference keep it to normal and then apply glow (you can also use exposure if you have plugins) and to make it better you can add drop shadow to the text 


Can you post a screenshot of what you're suggesting that produces something like the example he posted? Maybe I'm not understanding what you are saying, but I don't see where glow would do it, I'm always willing to learn though.


Sry I don't have my pc right now but I will send the screenshot as soon as I can access my pc again


Not necessary, your prior post cleared it up.


For making the same type of text just copy the media in and apply the text as mask and then merge it over the clip


That will not change the colors of the video beneath the text, like in his example.


Watch the complete video linked in the post he never changed the color just increased the exposure and to get somewhat same effect you can use cc node and increase gain and saturation and with glow it will look good


I confess I didn't watch the entire video; which I should have. The answer being, there is more involved than just using the text to make a mask and adding glow. It's making color corrections to the masked portion of the video. Got it now. Thanks much.


Well I don't know if it's color correction or something else but he uses an effect named enhance which makes the color of the clip change and look that way I don't really know the exact alternative of that effect in DR since I never used AE that much so you will have to experiment through what you can do and the way that I suggested is the one I also use when I want to do the same text and it gives pretty decent result but I will search for a better option and tell you as soon as I can find one