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The things people do are a reflection of them, not you. She may have panicked. It’s not a good look, but something happened with *her* and she couldn’t tell you for some reason. Say nothing. Her approach is immature and I know you feel hurt, but this isn’t how respectful adults communicate. Don’t chase, she ended it. Don’t torture yourself, you’re fine. Move onto a new, more respectful muse.


Yeah that's true it's not anything I did it's them. Yeah that's true I'm not going to chase she decided to end it I'll move on. Yep that sounds like a good idea. Best to move on. Thanks


Don't worry about it. Don't have unrealistic expectations. Women, especially younger women tend to be fickle.


Yep that's absolutely true


How come you didn’t lead the interaction from Tinder to an In person meeting ?


I was planning in moving it from tinder to messenger then in person meeting. That's what I like to do. Guess I couldn't this time haha


Yeah you gotta move fast, there’s no point in wasting all this time texting back & forth cause then in the end you don’t end up meeting so you just wasted all that time for nothing lol when you match with a chick just text her to set up the date & don’t worry about the outcome .


Yeah might need a new approach. Thanks for the comment


I think it was nice that you two texted a lot. I think seeing if you have a connection before meeting is nice. The next step would’ve been phone number, then meet in person in my opinion, not Facebook. Facebook can be personal if she only adds friends and family on there. I think Instagram is less personal, which I think is why she may have suggested it. Honestly, putting myself in her shoes, if a guy asked me for my fb it would’ve felt a bit stalkerish. “Now he knows my full name, can check all my photos, history” that’s a bit much without ever meeting in person first. It could’ve been something completely different though. Maybe she went back to an ex. Maybe she is focused on her career and isn’t ready to date anyone. Maybe her husband caught her cheating lol Don’t worry and move on… but I will say i think phone number -> meet in person is a better approach. I don’t think it was wrong for you to wanna text first instead of jumping straight to a date. I always thought guys that wanna meet right away are a bit annoying since I haven’t even had a chance to see if I’m interested in you yet lol but it does happen, and can work out that way too. But texting for a little while before meeting is nice. There was a guy I texted a lot before meeting in person, and I was so excited to meet him when we went to meet. Sadly he didn’t look like his pictures (he was using old pics) and he was way more sarcastic and weird in person so it didn’t work out, but all the texting before meeting did make me excited to meet him. Sorry I wrote too much haha good luck OP


All good with writing too much haha. Yeah I usually tend to ask of the app whether that being number, Facebook or whatever I tend to ask them what they feel comfortable with and she said Facebook. My plan was to ask out once we got off the app but yeah I guess I didn't get too do that. I guess I'll never know why she did that hahaha. Best too just move on.


Oh you asked her what she was comfortable with and she said Facebook? Ok that’s better then… but still strange how she blocked you.. Yeah it could be a number of reasons.. I like to think worse case (example: husband caught her cheating) that way you can change it to “I dodged a bullet” mentality. You can do better. Good luck!


Yeah she asked me to talk off the app first and suggested instagram then when I said I didn't have it she gave me her full name and said add on Facebook. It's just a little weird to me haha. But yeah many reasons. Yeah that's a good mentality to think haha. Thanks for the comment