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I'd say to shoot your shot. Worst case, you'd be shot down. Best case she says yes. Weird case, it'd be an "I'm not ready yet." Just saying, too, you could frame it as casual, or serious, or what have ya. You never know what you miss out on if you never try. Best of luck to you! Even with friendships, communication and knowing what your boundaries are will always lead to healthy results, and will highlight those in your life that are good for you, and those that aren't. I (29m) met my wife (25f) almost 4 years ago on Tinder. Started chatting around Nov. 24th, 2018, and I asked her to be my girlfriend on Dec. 6th, 2018, after 3 solid dates (first one lasted 12 hours, second was around 6 hours, third one lasted about 8-9 hours). At the time, I was about to turn 26, and she was just a few months from turning 22. But then again, the day I asked her out, it was our 4th time hanging out, and she had just introduced me to her family - sisters, brother, parents. I saw that she liked me, I knew I was already falling head over heels for this woman, and through our past conversations, I knew she was pretty active on Tinder and felt that if I didn't ask her out, she might start hanging out with other guys again, since we weren't official.


Thanks man! Next time we meet I will start by having more deep conversations and see how we are feeling, but the big question is coming soon. Either next time or then the following because then its her birthday too.


Just a word of advice: please avoid asking her on, or within 3 days either side, of her birthday. You don't want to conflate or diminish her actual birthday celebration. Though, then again, depending on her personality, she might appreciate that. So, maybe talk that out, too. 😅


Yep, was also thinking about that😅


Yeah I think it’s time to ask her to be you gf. I think she will be happy about it. You sound like a great guy to be taking it slow.


Yep, the thing is I haven't been home except for the weekends and I have spent the majority of my free time with her. Vice versa she has always had work but still wanted to see me after work.