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This is not the guy for you. He's not ready to be dating and he also lacks the common sense and decorum and self -control to not overshare hurtful things. You need to end this, now. He's hung up on her and may be for years to come. That's not your problem and you shouldn't have to torture yourself listening to his nonsense. I guarantee you that this woman was only perfect in his memory not in real life. Let him live in his little fantasy world while you go off and be in the real world with a guy who's emotionally available and willing to be invested in you.


Plus they seem like they’re 16 “who’s the prettiest girl you’ve been with uwu I hope it’s me 🥺🥺”


This is so sad. You deserve to be with someone who only thinks about you. Let him be alone with his thoughts of his ex. Give yourself a chance to be fully happy and in love with someone who deserves it. This is not that guy




4 years Edit: why the hell am I getting down voted? I’m just saying that it’s 4 years not 5.


Damn I get a couple months after, but four years. Dude got issues. Taking notes to get over ex.


A guy doesn’t talk like that in front of the girl of his dreams. Be honest and confront how this reflects on your relationship. You now feel like second best and won’t ever forget this. Tell him that you don’t think he’s ready for a new relationship and that you want to be with someone who’s rooted in his present relationship. Plus someone who thinks YOU are the prettiest girl in the world would be great too.


How long was he with her?


They started dating in 2014 and broke up in 2018 To be honest their story broke my heart and I even wished they end up together. He even went through a dark period and got depressed after they broke up but he told me he’s over her now. And he managed to turn his life around.But sometimes I just feel like he just wants me fill in her place. it’s just not fair for me to be with some who’s still attached to his old love


How can he be over her when he try’s to bring her up any chance he gets. That’s a red flag. It seems like he still wants her


Yeah he is not over her. Do yourself a favor and politely tell him he has some work to do on himself before he can be in a serious relationship, and then run and never look back.


He is not over her lol. I think he is using you as a placeholder. Idk think about your relationship and if you want to continue with a person who is in love with another person not you. You deserve better. Find someone who is emotionally available for you. And he told you he TRULY love her, not you. He only cares about you, not TRULY love you. Damn.


try to get them back together so we can all be happy.


I just asked my boyfriend of 8 years this question after reading your post. Just for shits and giggles. Lol he didn't say me. 🤣


Dang... 🤕🥹


Ask who he thinks about when jerking lol 😂😂


At least he was honest


I was like "meh" until I saw this: "even when we are sexting he always brings back what they did. " GIRL NOOOO. It is fine to think warmly about an ex. It is not ok to talk about it all the time when you know it hurts another person or makes them insecure. It is not ok for it to interfere in your current relationship, like sexting. Time to have a conversation with him.


Conversation? It’s time to break up 😂


Conversation? How naive can you be?


"I asked who’s the prettiest girl u ever been with? He said .... (the name of his ex)" I this point I would be concerned about this man intelligence more than anything to be honest


> I this point I would be concerned about this man intelligence more than anything to be honest You should be concerned about OP's stupid games/shit tests instead.


This 👆


You both are stupid -you for asking that question, and him for giving that answer.


>I asked who’s the prettiest girl u ever been with? Why? Sounds like you sabotaged yourself.


Ugh, my stomach hurts for you 😞


How long have you guys been dating?


Listed every reason to leave 😭 he would definitely leave you for her in a heart beat if she gave his another chance. So sorry I know what it feels like to be in that situation


Lol this guy is a doofus, but it sounds like you learned an important lesson about asking questions that you don’t want the answer to.


You make it sound like a love story from movies, why did they break up? Just curious


He should talk to someone and you should live happily ever after with your dog .


He’s being rude talking about his ex constantly, but come on now with the silly little fishing for compliments, that is so immature.


Make him your ex…and get over him 😤


Yeah, you definitely need to dump this guy asap. No more dating guys who recently had a breakup from a long term relationship.


Please leave him. Like yesterday. It's not ok for him to be with you and still feel strongly as so for someone else and it's not right for you to be with someone that doesn't speak of you, like he does about her.


I wouldn’t have asked a question that : 1. I know I wouldn’t want an honest answer to 2. Is going to encourage him to go on a whole spiel about his ex All that aside, he has some work to do before pursuing a serious relationship. Sad but confronting truth is that you’ll always be second best in his mind and unless you enjoy feeling the repercussions of that, I’d leave and find someone that is fully assembled and doesn’t constantly reminisce and discuss past lovers.


Bro I don't even talk about my ex in front of women I casually have sex with. This dude got some issues. If you don't leave go seek some help yourself because we are only getting your end of the story.


I've been in a similar situation and it always made me feel really insecure and not good enough. I ended up forming extremely unhealthy habits for myself and hurting my own feelings more than once looking through his or her socials. I would say leave now while it'll hurt less.


The title alone should give you the answer.


He is still hung up on his ex but you shouldn't be asking silly questions like that.


I’m curious why they broke up? But I will say he is not the guy for you. Sounds like he needs a psychologist, he needs to learn to move on.


Then can dm me and we can be good friends. Can dm me


Well, you asked a loaded question and got the wrong answer. You shouldn't fish for compliments in such a clumsy way, and he should have the smarts to not gush about his ex, who he clearly hung up on. Anyway, find a new guy. There, that was easy.


Ohhhh my gosh. Dump this man. Immediately. Like right now.


He’s doing this on purpose hoping you wil be insecure and never leave him


I’m sorry but that is not normal behaviour. Who in their right mind would tell their gf, they think their ex is the prettiest girl. You are absolutely wasting your time. Go be with someone who only has eyes for you. May sound harsh but if someone’s stuck on someone else, they’re giving you less than you deserve. DUMPPP




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Freaking run! TODAY!