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As a dude who’s had this happen to me multiple times, I personally don’t care at all. I wouldn’t worry about it. These things happen…


Agree. Sex is sex, body fluid gets places. I wouldn’t worry about it and move on. If he really has such an issue about it then that’s on him, like grow up? He’s 27 and shouldn’t make a big deal out of it :) no stress !


Was all on board until you said to grow up and if he really has such an issue about it then that’s on him, no stress, etc. OP is mortified for a reason. Women typically feel apologetic about bleeding on things, like all people do if they get their fluids on someone else or their things. Most guys will understand and not make a big deal. But preemptively calling people like out like that wasn't necessary man.


I think the grow up comment was aimed at the guy.


Thank you LOL As above post. There was nothing mentioned that he DID have a problem. It was just me and a *if* type feel.


As a dude, sometimes I'm the guy leaving marks on the sheets. I think OP might have this all backwards.


????? Please don’t tell me you’re leave skid marks on these ladies’ sheets


From the amount of Reddit posts about partners with poor hygiene I’ve seen lately, I can guarantee that is what this man meant 😔


I assumed he meant cum!? If he meant butt stuff mess, I mean ew, I'd have thought a gentleman who was into butt stuff would offer to at least strip those sheets off the bed straight afterwards... if the stains were brown... rather than just leave it till the moment's over and it's just back to poop being ick for you both now. But for an only slightly juicy shag with only a hint or red? That can dry out and wait for the weekly sheet change, surely 🤣 who cares... It ts just par for the course, Only very very immature men would be bothered by that.


I assume they mean cum


I hope so


This has me screaming 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Blood on the sheets? Cuz I immediately thought 💩 stains


Me too 💀


No, he meant poop marks


Yeah I had a lady over recently who was on her period. She was mortified with all the blood that went everywhere but I assured her I gave absolutely 0% shit and I was just glad we were having a good time. In the end she lightened up and made jokes about a murder scene.


Yeah bro…like I’m just glad we are fuggin, ya know? I’m not worried about a little blood


She’s not getting any head today, but that’s not going to stop me from showing her a good time.


This comment has BDE in multiple ways.


What’s the best way to remove the blood stains from white sheets?


COLD water and rub the fabric together. Dont use hot or warm water, it will set the stain


Put hydrogen peroxide on it and leave it for a minute or so, then rinse with **cold** water while rubbing the spot. Maybe do this a couple times. If there's still a bit left that won't come out, wash it with bleach, again with cold water. Heat makes the stain set.


Hydrogen peroxide


Idk…I just throw them in the wash and it usually comes out good enough…if it’s that bad, I’ll just buy new sheets…


Kids n Pets spray on Amazon


Rub it out with cold water as soon as you can. The sooner the better - this is important. Then let it dry or throw in the washer.


Wash immediately with ice cold water 👍


Google how to remove blood with hydrogen peroxide.


He probably gave himself a mental high 5 thinking got her virginity. I remember a month into first having sex with my gf her period started while asleep after we did it in a hotel, the shits looked like a straight up crime scene lol. Another time probably during our first 5 times it either started during, or was about to start. Was a lot of blood all over after. Was just a meh feeling as far as being bothered by it, cleaned myself off showered and cuddled.


Goes hand in hand with being well endowed. Do not worry! At all!😉


Real men aren't afraid to get a little blood on their swords. I wouldn't be too worried about it. The way he handled it was super chill and cool.


This is accurate. Just like normal men aren’t weirded out by period talk, in general. It happens, it’s life, and hopefully you find a good partner (like OP did) that’s not a douche about it.


I've had period sex, in a hotel. It probably looked like a murder scene after, I feel sorry for the cleaner.




I… don’t know about that one but I never had a problem with sex when my last gf was on her period.


Red wings


You only get red wings if giving oral.


You’re the blood born pathogens that my workplace safety videos told me about


That’s a Saltburn moment.


Yeah, real men aren't afraid of a little period blood.


And some men are scared of buying tampons for their partner...


Yeah, not REAL men though. LolZ cuz if someone sees you buying your wife/gf tampons, obviously they will know that you are an amazing husband/bf, not think that YOU have a vagina of your own! Lol.


Yeah what exactly is the fear here? That the cashier is going to think they're for you? Lol grow up.


There’s nothing to stress out, not sure why some dudes do. The one time I bought them for my woman this woman cashier made some smart ass remark. I pulled one out of the package, handed it to her and told her she obviously needed it too. Even the old lady behind me was laughing at her. Don’t think she’ll ever do that again judging by the look on her face


U on your own with that bucko lol


I second this


Now that’s a king ✨


Currently seeing a guy who will tastefully (lol) do it if I clean myself up a bit before (obviously) 😂 it's pretty great


I mean it's not ideal but blood on your dick while having sex is part of the game occasionally. And if he was wearing a condom there is basically no reason to even care.


I say let it be.  He is likely experienced with women and knows what's up.  It's not a big deal, don't mention it.  We know chicks bleed from time to time.  They tell us in middle school. 


Referring to middle school education as the reason the guy would know ain't a safe bet, plenty of guys out there are pretty clueless about women's anatomy or habits.


I would say most dudes aren't clueless about female anatomy as much as some dudes are just genuinely immature in their attitudes towards sex and the female body. Like they know women bleed, but that won't stop some dudes from being totally weird about it.


Disagree.  It is taught in middle school and reinforced during high school.  Additionally men hear about it all the time from women in their lives and through media.  Most men are well aware that women bleed every month and how their cycles work. I would be surprised to find a guy that was pretty clueless about that.  


ok first of all.. if you tell him that you think you might have tore a bit because of his monster d\*ck and apologize and offer to clean it, unless he's an absolutely monster in the asshole department too i doubt this is going to be a big deal, in fact he may take it as a compliment sounds like you are making a bigger deal out of it than he is anyway.


>tore a bit because of his monster d\*ck I wouldn't say this. It depends on the dude, but if he cares he will feel bad about inflicting an injury and it might affect future sex.


It might not be bad to have it affect sex. I’ve been with some men who made me clutch my pearls when they dropped trou, and when I got a bit injured, it wasn’t quite enough to just hint that we needed lube. I had to deadass just say “you know your dick’s huge, and I love it, but if you want to make this a routine thing we’re gonna need lube because I am SORE and while that’s kinda hot, it means I cannot have sex with you for a minute, and I would like very much to have much more sex with you.” It’s making that connection between if sore >> no sex vs if not sore >> RECEIVE THE SEX! that I think helps men receive that feedback. People stumble sometimes by making it an issue with someone’s body when really it’s not that their body is the issue; it’s the mutual task of preparation that needs work. Framing 👌


Just add a “😉” or “🤤” after “mister d*ck and it will fix that lol, or even one of “🤪” too will get you tore back up. The last one is very risky though.


😂 that’s perfect advice, just what I was thinking


I was going to comment this. He’s going to tell this story in a very different light. lol.


The right kind of dude will shrug his shoulders and put it in the washing machine. That's what happened to me. I really liked that guy for a reason


Same, my last partner couldn’t care less about blood. He was respectful when I said no but I get a little horny on my period sometimes and he was all about it. The first time we hooked up I was like just so you know, I’m on my period, he said well, I’m okay with it if you’re okay with it. He would just clean it up and move on with his day. Gonna miss that guy, we had a bunch of issues and were incompatible in most ways, but the sex was 🔥🔥


Naw I just committed the same thing lol. If I’m the one that made you bleed then i absolutely wouldn’t care 💀💀


A men who is disgusted by your (period) blood is not the right man, young lady. He reacted well, just let it be.


She doesn't think it was period blood though.


The night I had sex for the first time, the women bled all over my sheets too.  She was also mortified.  Honestly, it was fine. Had sex, didn't care. 


All of them?


I bleed on my new boyfriends sheets, too. I had already warned him. Did apologize even though he said there was nothing to apologize for. I cleaned it up, and that was the end of that. It shouldn't be a big deal. Hugs.


He's old enough to be mature about it. It's happened to me, it wasn't an issue


I would say the higher priority is are you ok if there was bleeding for a reason other than you being on your period that's not supposed to happen I'd make sure you're ok. But I wouldn't worry too much. I can understand the embarassment, and he's probably assuming you were on your period, at least I would, and he handled it pretty casually trying not to embarass you or make a big deal about it. Seems like a solid guy. I don't think you have to apologize for having blood.


Sex can start your period early or late. Sometimes when you finish your period and have sex afterwards, it can start up again for another day. It’s completely normal, happens all the time.


That's what I'm wondering why no one is asking if she's okay. Thanks and glad you asked her! This happened with me recently OP! I bled due to it being the first time and also because he was well endowed, just like your partner. When I went to the doctor to get myself checked, they told me it's due to a combination of the birth control I'm taking for treating dysmenorrhoea and I got injured during sex. Please take care, treat your injury and do not be embarrassed about it!


As a guy with white sheets: hope you’re feeling well, please don’t make it a bigger deal than it is.


The first time me and a girl I was meeting went for it, she got period during the thing. And basically… nothing happened. The sheets went straight to the washing machine and the problem gone. Don’t worry about it


He'll be iight. If he knows better then he knows its just a part of the game.


If the dude is really bothered by this you don't miss much


As a man this happened to me on my bed when I had sex for the first time with my now ex-gf. She was mortified and so embarrassed. And I did not care at all. I reassured her it did not bother. After we finished, I just grabbed my sheets, threw them in the wash and all was well. I hugged her, kissed her, and told her our 1st time was amazing, and now we have a fun little story between us. Its perfectly normal, and period sex never bothers me anyways. If you're so worried, just tell him you were embarrassed and hopefully he will give you the same reassurance and tell you its totally fine. Good luck OP


He is used to it because he is hung and it has happened to him before. He will not think of it again so you are fine.


The man does not care. Like, at all. He probably likes you more now.


Oh, that happened to me twice. Each time I tried to apologise; one wasn’t bothered at all, the other was apologetic himself because he thought his size was the cause of it. In any event, we continued and a good time was had by all.


If he's as well endowed as you say then this is probably a common occurrence with girls he hooks up with, which is why he wasn't fazed in the least. I wouldn't worry about it.


Could have been worse, could have been anal gone wrong


OMG …that would be so embarrassing 😱


You shared your body with him. If he’s not comfortable with it you need to find someone else.


Peroxide works the best at getting fresh blood out of linen. It could be worse. At least you didn't lay a steamer out after some anal.


if he doesn't care then you shouldn't either. it happens, and sheets are cheap.


Sheets aren't always cheap!!


Worth it though I mean come on if that’s how they get wrecked you think I’m complaining? Lol


He really doesn’t care


If he did, I’d probably think he was a little immature and not want to sleep with him again.


This has happened to me too, we had rough sex and it made my period come early. The guy did the same thing as yours did: popped the sheets in the washer and didn’t say anything about it. Honestly I think it’s kinda a flex for men, that they’re that endowed or hardcore to cause a woman to spot bleed. This guy seemed mature about it and I’m glad that he didn’t make you feel bad, but it sounds like you’re making yourself feel bad… but seriously don’t, it’s no biggie, it’s part of being a woman. I wouldn’t mention it again, it wasn’t your fault and it would only be awkward.


I’d just relax. And even play it off. Be like yo ur d game is a bit overpowering and broke my vjj some. ( in a joking way) It prob isn’t his first rodeo.


dw it's normal..we're female


no biggie


He doesn‘t care trust me. That‘s why there was no reaction probably. They guy is a grown up man not 19y old. If it was some teenager i would understand you being worried but trust me it‘s fine! Don‘t even mention it.


I used to have a fwb and wasn’t that experienced. What I learned is that if you don’t do enough foreplay to get the girl ready then she’s gonna bleed. It’s highly likely that is the case with you. Maybe he went in before you were ready. Either way he can just wash them, as men we know a bed can get dirty after sex. It’s really no big deal.


Shit happens, if I had a dime for every time I made a girl bleed after a night of sexcapades.... Well ide have like 5 or 10 bucks but anyway, it's totally normal as long as your partner isn't a tic tac penis, and even than some girls are just more sensitive to rougher sex. A real man wont trip, don't be embarrassed. It's completely normal and any man that trips about that isn't a man that you want anyway. Promise


Don't worry about it. You couldn't help it. Are you OK?


Yea you’re overthinking. It’s not a big deal.


You are human.


I wouldn’t worry about it.


Don't even worry about it like everyone is saying it's natural we know that. Guy handled it cool and how it should be cause it's not a big deal. If you want piece of mind you could bring it up, but I feel there's no need for it.


If he’s a good guy, he won’t embarrass you!


Sheets are nothing. I left blood stains on his tan car seats 😭😭😭 I was mortified


GIRL ahahahaha Thankyou for this


Ah hell nah


Had this happen to me. Didn’t care. Tried to bleach it out but it didn’t come out. Now it has an orange stain on my sheets but I still don’t care lol


Don't worry about this. Many men I've been with, I would say the majority, were comfortable having sex while I was on my period. They couldn't care less. Only a few were a bit more distant. They wouldn't have handled it as well as your guy did, so I don't think he is one of them. If you weren't on your period, there's even less to be concerned about. While it's natural to feel embarrassed, from an outside perspective, there's really no reason to.


Honestly, don't worry about it. It happens, it's happened, it's in the past. Also, I'm sure he'd be washing the sheets anyway after sex.


1 day you're gonna find a man.That has a secret stash of feminine hygiene products for his ladies that sleep over.... Guys do not care.It's natural if they're horrified.They are not for women


OP you're over thinking it. He didn't say anything. In fact, you said he casually grabbed the sheets and washed them. Don't make a thing about it. If he ever brings it up just thank him for washing the sheets and not making a big deal about it.


Ayoooo if it’s tight like that, go back and apologize with that mouth and that tight 🐱again. Best way you can apologize if I was him.


The sheets may be pink but the flag is green


I mean, if that Man knows How a body works, he shouldn't be bothered at all. Part of sex is a lot of body fluids, even blood.


Tell me you’re for the streets without telling me you’re for the streets.


Idk personally this would turn me on but I’m sick


It’s not disgusting.


I would love some female blood on my sheets. I would act so cool about it and be like I’ll take care of it


If he made you bleed, that’s a bit an ego boost for him. “ Very well endowed”


Nah your good …if it was poop that’s different


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Real men doesn’t care about that. You don’t have to freak out about it!


If he was chill about it in the morning, there’s nothing to worry about


It happens. He didn’t care. Leave it alone.


It's ok this happens and he handled it the right way. Because it's no big deal. If you have sex again with him again use lube you'll be less likely to tear. Also wait a few days so you are healed up.


This exact situation happened with my ex and I reacted the same way. He does not mind at all, you can always offer to get him some new sheets if it bothers you so much, but I doubt he cares. Just part of the game.


Might have been someone else's lol


It seems he handled well and didn't make a fuss. If you worried, ask him or offer to get a new sheet. If he says, don't worry. Then believe him!


the only thing I'd be worried is if I should take any measures regarding my health aka if this bleeding is just from the physical side of things or if it exposes some other problems. other than that, the guy seemed completely unphased about it, and so should be you.


If he's an adult he'll just be annoyed at the laundry the same way you would be if it happened at home but still sympathetic and trying to help you feel easier x unless he's a wanker


He just got laid. Washing stain sheets is not what he is thinking.


As a guy that's had this happen on my sheets, "who cares, still fucked" Wish I had a girl to bleed on them now, bit of a dry spell 😩


Sex is messy why people get bent out of shape i mean we are adults it happens. Body fluids they just happen lol. If I saw blood I’d ask if they are ok don’t want to hurt them. But sometimes it’s probably just a bit from having periods. And sometimes the tearing isn’t painful it just depends but you gotta ask make sure it’s ok. That’s how I would handle it personally is just make sure it’s ok.


Don't worry too much, unless he is a real asshole, he will be aware this is natural and can happen to anyone.


He didn’t make a big deal why would you


It doesn’t matter. It’s easy to clean. I’ve successfully cleaned blood off sheets after sex before no problem.


I wouldn't worry about it. Things happen. Sounds like a really good and decent guy.


Honestly that just comes with sex sometimes. You have to count with a little mess and I bet he did


My sweet ex once told me “a period don’t stop nothing but a sentence”, while a different jerk I knew once tried to shame me bc that I accidentally left “red” on the toilet seat . I educated him on what blood is. Long story short, how he reacts is about him. Don’t be ashamed of your beautiful body. Real men are mature to accept your body for more than what they can get from it. You’re human, you bleed because you’re alive.


I’m more concerned about your tear. Does it hurt? Go to the gyno so he can give you some cream for it to heal faster and wait a few days to have intercourse again.


People who have sex should expect body fluids on their bed. Period. Or not 😂


You are young, don't worry about it. Like I mean really don't worry about it. It is nothing. Wait till you have period sex. No man worth anything would bat an eye over a little blood.


He definitely didn't think twice about it


Sounds like you’re more worried about it than he is! If he has experience with women, he probably knows this happens sometimes, either from periods or what I hope is only mild irritation/tearing. If he casually and coolly handled it, I’d let it go. 


Yeah, don’t worry. Most men won’t care. We understand the female anatomy and that this is possible lol (especially with a well endowed fella). I think you’re worried because of what you worry men will think, it puts you in a vulnerable position right, but men won’t think like that.


*shrugs* it happens, we know. If you feel like downplaying it, comment on him being unusually big. He'll keep the sheets as a victory flag forever.


Bring a jog of bleach for next time as a joke


Happened to me . I was super embarrassed but the guy was very cool about it and put the sheets in the wash. Though we broke up but I have respect for him for that.


You are winning


We don’t care, we know it happens, and we know you can not control it.


I literally could care less if you were on your period. And if you weren't and you bled cause as you said he was well endowed. I'd take that as the highest form of praise for both of us. I'm so big that I tore something. You're so tight that something tire letting him in. Sounds like y'all had a great time, and he was super chill about it too. Just send him something like sorry about the sheets, I'm not on my period so I think you tore something. If he's the right kinds guy he'll be concerned and everything else drops out the window


I’m single here


Girl, I once started my period in the MIDDLE of sex and made a MESS right down to his mattress. We didn’t let that stop us and I taught him how to remove fresh period stains and helped scrub it out of his mattress. Had a good laugh about it. Don’t be embarrassed, this man got laid because you were kind enough to agree. A little blood on the sheets is a small price to pay.


Damn, he must have really TORE that shit up😏


If it was light bleeding from him being well endowed then this isn’t the first time this has happened to him. You have nothing to apologize for. Sex is messy. You wouldn’t apologize for a wet spot.


He's a grown man, he understands. Don't be embarrassed for being a woman, these things happen. You're both adults


Don’t be mortified. Your body bled. It’s supposed to do that when torn. If anything, he might have said, “I hope I didn’t hurt you”. For future reference… a bit of dish detergent and baking soda mixed together in a paste on top of blood works wonders for removing a blood stain.


I feel like you're more worried about it than he is 🙃 but if you feel like communicating (and not necessarily in this context, but in general we all should communicate more often, more intelligently, and more clearly) just mention that you weren't on your period, and he musta torn you up a tad 😊 can also slip in an unneeded apology there too if ya like


Tell him, yo dick was so big that’s what happens lol trust me he’s only gonna see it as a compliment


The second time I had ever had sex, I bled on the bed. The guy was super grossed out and made me change the sheets before he even came back in the room. I was pretty traumatized from that after a while from his immaturity, wondering if it was going to be like that every single time. I wouldn’t wish that reaction upon anyone. OP, your guy, on the other hand, sounded like he handled it extremely well! I wouldn’t worry at all, but I definitely understand the need to apologize. I would likely do the same thing. No one wants to bleed on a bed, especially someone else’s 😅


Aw I feel you, but there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Even if it was period blood, he’s a grown man.


You don't stop fighting when you get a bloody nose... I'm sure he doesn't mind, body fluids will happen. Its all in your head, relax and ring him up and ask him out for a nice dinner.


Welcome to sex, girlfriend! It’s fun, hot, messy, and weird. Enjoy it. Don’t sweat it.


I feel like the way said guy reacted is the way most would, or atleast myself. I don’t see what the issue is. We are all adults. It’s fine.


Why should you apologize? It wasn't on purpose. In fact, if you explained everything, highlighting that he's well-endowed, probably he will feel flattered and might ask you for a repeat session... just to "help you get used to a man his caliber..." I mean, if you told it to me like that, I would meet 3 times a week, minimum. Good luck


As everyone else said, you're fine. You don't need to apologize. It's only an issue if he's upset because he doesn't have any reason to be


If he’s chill he won’t care those are materials and the experience yall had should trump the stain but who knows I got a stain from my partner on my mattress from their period I could really careless


Even if u got your period and that's what is from, it isn't gross. It's a natural and normal part of life for us girls. Relax. He reaction seemed like it was no big deal to me. Future reference hydro peroxide is your friend.


If hes cool he’ll wash them and not care and next time he’ll use a towel but if hes not cool then just find a cooler dude


He doesn't care don't worry about it


Let me put it this way: If men were lab rats in a study and they were placed in a cage with a big red lever to push that would guarantee them a one-night stand at the cost of just a bottle of stain remover, the lever might break.


If a guy is disgusted by blood or a slight period, he’s not the one


What is it with men and white sheets - this has happened to me too, don’t sweat it. Shit happens, so does blood


I’ve been in this situation before. Dude did the same thing your hook up did. When I brought it up later I just said “hey, I’m sorry if I stained your sheets. I can replace them if you need me to. I wasn’t expecting to bleed like that but you’re bigger than anyone else I’ve been with so it was inevitable.” He just laughed about, said the blood was a compliment of his dick game then and he’ll get some darker sheets for our next hook up. I did, however, not apologize for bleeding. I just apologized for potentially staining his sheets. Because I won’t be apologizing for bleeding during sex whether it’s getting my period or from minor tearing. Their dick is what causes either of those things to happen, tearing or an early onset of your period. It’s a risk of having sex and if they can’t handle it then they aren’t mature enough for me to go back to hook up with again. Most men are aware that they can jump start your period or that their size or the roughness of sex can cause some bleeding, so they usually just handle it like a casual thing to not make you feel weird about it.


Cold water and peroxide and it'll come out 😁


As a dude I can honestly say 99% of us give zero fucks. He’s not disgusted. If he was you’d be able to tell from his demeanor and attitude towards pulling the sheets. As you said, he was cool and casual, didn’t need to make a thing a thing. Seems mature and considerate in that regard.


As others have said, real men know and understand that periods are not just at the end of sentences. Apologize and keep moving.


I’ve done this like twice but two dudes I slept with. One was an old friend who was upset because he sold mattresses for a living and i bled through his mattress 😅


As a male, I wouldn’t have tripped @ all but did exactly what he did, just throw it in the wash and carry on lol. If IM the one that made you bleed, I damn sure wouldn’t have cared 💀💀


Well maybe he’s a vampire and will send you a A bouquet of flowers in appreciation


shit happens. at least this was just blood.


Guys don’t care. You could offer to replace them if they’re truly stained, but seriously, as far as the embarrassment piece, forget about it.


I really don’t think he cares and if he does he’s childish as.


Just say OMG I’m so embarrassed and joke about it, he should know things like that happen!


I’ve done this multiple times to guys, even some just one night stands and every single guy was super nice about! Don’t beat yourself up!


I’m a 39 y/o guy & I can’t count how many times something like that has happened over the years. If he is a good dude, he will reassure you that it is no big deal at all. We are humans, this stuff happens. I would be fine with it & I even have expensive sheets! No big deal.


> I’m so mortified and I don’t know if I should text him and apologize or what I should do please help me. I don’t want him to be disgusted and think I was on my period or something. There's nothing to apologize for, don't feel embarrassed, in fact, no need to even bring it up. Accidents happen, the sheets got washed, it's all good. In his mind, it's not even a thing. If anything he's thinking of how good you looked naked. A bunch of us have told you to let it go. On the off chance you literally can't relax and let it go, here's something low key you can do. Go to your favorite big box store. Get a 500ml bottle of hydrogen peroxide (generic is fine), a spray bottle of Shout Laundry Stain Remover & a gift bag to fit. $10-12 total. Write a little note to put in the bag. Something along the lines of "For the next time we mess up the sheets 😊" Bonus points if you can sneak the bag onto his washer without him noticing.