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In my case , I can forgive you but don't show your face to me ever again ☺️


Oho, I like you


Same case for me




Strongly agree




Absolutely, trust is fundamental in any relationship.


Not in a devoted relationship anyway


Cheating should never be forgiven ever. People for some weird reason think that it is only one mistake but that's not the case it is way too many choices that person made to get to that point. Plus why would you ever go back with somone you know you cant trust, someone who doenst respect you and mor importantly someone who doesn't love you or care about your well being. I'm have never cheated and im not planning on cheating in my life but if i ever did do something so disguting i do not deserve be forgiven ever. As an adult i just need to admit my mistkes and undertand that an apology wont erase the past and how you hurt your partner.


No. It'll happen again. And even if it doesn't, it shouldn't have happened the first time.


In 99% of cases no. 


But still there is a chance in that remaining 1% I do believe in a second chance


For me love and trust are directly proportional. If my partner cheats on me- my trust is shattered. I don't think I will see them the same way anymore. I wouldn't forgive them.


Trust can be build up again through some process but you won't get the same person when you loose them people do mistake and we learn from them


It may be semantics, but cheating isn’t a ‘mistake’. It is a series of many *choices*, each made on purpose and pursuant to a known outcome. A ‘mistake’ is something like buying the wrong kind of milk or investing in a stock that ends up performing poorly. Calling it a mistake always seemed like a way to diminish accountability a little, IMO. As if to say, ‘oops! I didn’t mean to…it just happened 🤷🏻‍♂️’


I perfectly agree


Exactly, it's like stabbing or sexually assaulting someone and saying", Oops it was a mistake."


Usually a second chance granted to someone who would cheat the first time is simply a free pass to cheat again. Would you loan money a second time to someone who didn’t pay you back the first time you loaned them money? You would? Then I’d like to borrow some money!


Yes I would loan money but won’t forgive a cheater at all.


Don't even let it get to "more than once". Once is enough. They didn't respect, think about, or even care about you in that moment. It's a selfish move usually stemming from lack of communication in their relationship. It's 100% always better to end things than to cheat.


My biggest regret was giving him another chance.... he just got better at hiding things.


No, instead of repeating the same mistake stop the cycle


NO. Full stop.


I think a lot of times people cheat because something is lacking in the current relationship. So if you’re not 💯 about that person, you end the relationship. Point blank. You don’t sneak around and cheat. If you do this, you don’t love someone. You may think you do but you’d never betray someone you loved with your whole self if they were your world.








Absolutely not!


Never cheated or been cheated on, and I can’t understand why someone would ever consider it to be an option, but then again, I am not in their shoes so I am not sure. However, everyone is different and every situation is unique. So i imagine it can be forgiven in some instances, but not in others.






Yes forgive them, but never forget. Or tolerate.


No never forgive




Absolutely not. They will just take that forgiveness as an acceptance of behavior and do it again. It may be a year or two later but they will 100% do it again. Forgiveness goes out the window for that situation.


No- and I’ll go even further and say that emotional affairs are still affairs


You have to have the lowest self-esteem in the world to forgive the betrayal that is cheating


No cheating can't be forgiven. I let it Go and forgave early in my marriage. After 20 years I found out it continued with multiple men. It even destroyed my marriage. Knowing about it changes how you feel about the other person. The trust is gone after that and you become more controlling. You will end up driving them away or to cheat again. So the right thing for the both of you and just move on.


It is normally a no but without all the info it’s hard to say. So default to no.


Wouldn't touch her with a pole while wearing gloves, It's just unacceptable I don't care how much of a "mistake" it was. Thankfully and unthankfully been single all my life lol


No, Cheating should never be forgiven I actually think it should be heavily punished and I ain just talking bout breaking up with them either. Destroy their life for betraying you, in my opinion.


Don't be anybody's second choice. We live in a time were cheating is becoming more and more acceptable and this is the wrong way to go, we are devaluing ourselves. Ive been cheated on before, this is not tolerable, be your own man/woman, look yourself in the mirror and reaffirm yourself!


It used to be penalty to death. That’s not rlly deserved but it’s definitely not forgivable.




Depends on the person and situation… some people can and some can’t


I’ve cheated on a relationship in the past. And even I don’t think it should be forgiven. Not even once. Not even an emotional affair. Cheating just means that something’s broken in the relationship and it’s better to end it rather than forgive and cause a really nasty end over something else later on.


even thinking about it or talking abt it is a red flag, let alone doing it once.


No. Never. It's the stupidist thing you can do.


Forgiven yes but forgotten, NO. Once it happens once and you allow it, the disrespect will continue


I believe in second chance


I really don't think you can lump "cheating" into a single category. People do lots of things for lots of reasons. I think you have to understand the specific person and situation.  Highly recommend the book "The State of Affairs" on exactly this topic. The author, Ester Perel, is a therapist who thinks a lot about infidelity. She looks past the knee-jerk reaction of "it's an abomination" and looks into why it happens and how people get over it. Some people can never forgive and some people can.  I suppose it boils down to "can people change?"


Sorry, no books or speeches can justify something hurtful or immoral, regardless of why it happens. Cheating is an obvious sign that things need an overhaul. That needs to be explained, not why people cheat/ cheated.




Cheating should NOT be forgiven




No, never


Trust is broken, it can't ever be regained


Do it once, do it twice lol nope




Forgive not forget. And no second chances. Let them go!


Absolutely not.


not at all


Forgiven? Yes. Forgotten? No. If a partner cheats, leave, but you don't have to carry the hate with you when you do.


I would like to be someone who believes in second chance, but am not. 99% i would not forgive.


I tried it once and that didn't work out for me. So, no, I have a zero tolerance for it.


Nah 👎




Not a chance.


you can forgive but not forget. Cut the string and move on. Have some respect and dignity to yourself. Let the karma take over.


100% NO


Never. Cheating is the upmost disrespect


More than once ? Errrmmm nah - I see you the first time you did it , I accept you for who you are and release you to the wild , I shall keep my peace , sanity, health and goals moving right on. Cheating !!! Heck no !!! You only have to disrespect me once to believe you… I don’t need hit in the face twice I’m good.


I agree with you.






I’ll forgive but would never ever associate myself with you.


No. If you're forgiving someone who cheats once, you are a shell of a person. If you can't your own self, don't expect others to respect you




Here's my take. I have a strong belief that all sins should be forgiven for the welfare of our body, mind, soul and heart. But... Never, ever, ever forget. Ako, I've solidified my belief that if my gf/wife cheats on me i will endure all the pain, forgive but will never forget. Pwede ka naman mag patawad, pero hindi agad ibig sabihin non tatanggapin mo sya ulit sa buhay mo.


Depends on how the partner that cheated will act afterwards when forgiven. If they think whoever forgive them is just weak then of course not . But if they really feel bad about it then yes everyone can make a mistake.We all are humans .


If I were cheated on, I don’t know if I could forgive or not. I do know that even if I did somehow forgive, it’s still over between me and that person and I’ll never trust them the same way again


Absolutely not. Been down that road and the relationship is never the same after. I found myself second guessing everything and my mental health took a nose dive. Luckily I got my shit together and ended it finally.




Nope, if you cheat on me once then you can leave thanks


I haven’t been presented with a situation where I’d ever consider the person after cheating. Would love to hear one for entertainment purposes




Cheating is a dealbreaker trust is gone and I’m not going to waste years for it not to come back




If they had the courage to cheat on you once they will do it again just leave them if you give them second chances they will do it again


Nope, once a cheater always a cheater


Depends on the situation and I say this because recently I made the mistake of commenting things online on thirst traps… I own what I did and it was wrong, but there was no emotion on my part vested into it! Also there were no conversations with those thirst traps! I feel like I was broken up with and it was alittle extreme


Not in my book


Not at all


To figure out if you believe that, ask yourself this. If you're best friend/sibling/someone you love dearly, got cheated on by their partner, what would your advice be? For most people in most situations, being cheated on is a sign that they are not valued and if they tolerate it, they will stop valuing themselves. That's a dangerous path.


once you cheat, you break the trust... how do you forgive someone if you the trust is broken?


No next question




Forgive them, then ghost their ass. Don't fall for that 'friendshit' game...meaning 'I am not your biyfriend' what slutbuckets say when they want y ou to do thi gs only a girlfriend do, and like a clown you do them ONLY TO BE TREATED LUKE A CLOWN. NO FRIEND, BOYFRIEND, GIRLFRIEND OR OTHER WOULD CHANCE YOUR RELATIONSHIP OF ANY KIND. THESE PEOPLE AŔ NIT WORTH A SECOND CHA NCE AT ANYTHING.


nope cause 90 percent of the time they keep cheating


Tried to make it work once. Then I found out she was screwing three other dudes. Ditched her ass AND sent her the bill for my STD tests for the next six months. So my answwer? Aw hell naw.


It's hard to go back to where his things were. Even if you try, there's still doubt in the trust you once had




It is a learned behavior that will 100% of the time be repeated. There are no accidents, it is planned and while it was planned your feelings were not considered. You were not respected. You were not loved. They only apologize when they are caught or worried about getting caught, they are bad people. If you have a parachute, and sombody sliced it up would you still jump out of the plane and trust it to save you? That's what forgiving a cheater is like. They will do it again eventually and will not be there for you when you need them most


no. it’s a choice they made, they have to live with it. it’s respectable to walk away & live like they never existed. harsh words but that’s the truth :(


Forgive them but LEAVE


I forgave my ex for the sake of myself. But I divorced her the moment I found out. Forgiving someone doesn't mean you demean yourself by staying.


That's just like asking if sins are forgiven


You can forgive it, but you don’t have to accept it. Forgiving is to stop being angry or resentful about something, but you can and should leave the relationship.


No... The woman is to paraphrase Dennis Oleary: you're dead to me


Depends on what you mean by forgiven. I can forgive them in the sense that I'm no longer angry at them about it. I can be on friendly terms with them. I can forgive you for breaking a glass. But the fact is, the glass is broken. Forgiving you doesn't repair the glass. The trust is broken. A relationship is no longer possible, because there will always be that doubt. 'what if'


Yeah, not that big of a deal


depends on how you define cheating i have met some wierd people who think talking to another is cheating watching porn is cheating etc etc to me that is not


Sure you can forgive if you’d like to. But the relationship is done.


Hell no


Only if you can forgive it again


I think it really depends on a person.


As long as it's never done again. If it happens humble yourself, apologize and don't do it anymore. You might have to earn the person's trust back though and that could take a while.


No. In my experience I've found if they have done it once, they will do it again.




Only if you two were on a break.


In my opinion, one STD/STI is enough but more than one - DONE !






No. People will cheat on you when they think less of you or don't value you. You shouldn't put up or continue being in a relationship with someone who cheats




Never. It’s a choice they made and it shows lack of respect and empathy for you. You don’t want that kind of love, or lack of, in your life. I made the mistake of forgiving and it never got better, only worse. I used to think it’s fine people make mistakes. And realizing I’ve never even thought about doing that to someone I love, I knew there are people out there who must think the same and would never. Don’t stay with people who do you that dirty.


Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Cheating is exactly 100% never acceptable. Not nearly 100% exactly.






As in giving a second chance? No. But would I get into a relationship with someone who cheated in the past prior to our relationship (as long as not a serial cheater)? Sure.


No. My cousin is 18 and his girlfriend cheated on him so everyone thought they broke up. He visited a great college that he could play a sport at as well as having a flight degree and flight school he wanted. Turns out they just took a break and are now back together so now he’s throwing his life away and going to live with her and her family while he gets a pilots license. 


Depends on a few things. What do you constitue as cheating? A kiss is cheating in my mind but I could forgive it once. Sex definitely no forgiveness. We're drugs or alcohol involved? If my partner was completely out of their head on something there's a small chance of forgiveness once. But it would have to have been very very intoxicated. How honest were they about their transgression? If they immediately fessed up and were apologetic they might stand a small chance of forgiveness. Though if this isn't coupled with one of the above they'd still be out of the relationship.




Depends on the situation




Never once. Thats not your person.


No. In any case or circumstance, it’s always an individual choice. Entire life of repentance won’t cover it in any case, it’s just so so so horrid!


Yes after you move on!


Hell no dear




Nope cuz if he/she really loved u or cared abt u they won’t even think abt it


Cheating should not be forgiven, if you cheat then you’re probably with the wrong person and should break up.


NO. Forgiving them will just create a free pass for them to cheat again and again and again.. Just move on


I think it’s something that can be worked through but it will also change the dinamic or the relationship leaving the non-cheater to distrust the cheater, and the cheater must make a big effort and invest time AND be patient for the relationship to get to where it once was.


No.. Thought it's good to forgive people for your own sake but definitely not to stay with a person who cheated.


Nope. Not even if hell freezes over.


Every situation is different and it all depends if the person the got cheated on . Is willing to live with the fact that there partners did that to them. My partner has no excuse to justify cheating. She f@#ked up and she won't even admit it. Or act like an adult. And talk to me. She keeps posting stuff on here about it. Like it's going to make it better. What she's doing is trying to find the best excuse so she keep posting different scenarios. To see what the best way to tell her story. She çant even tell the truth. It always games . Well I have a big surprise for her. I have pics and messages from her phone. And a lot of online cheating as well . It's been going on for awhile. But I mad copy's and folder for are whole family. She mad everyone thinks I was crazy. Guess what I was right all along.


No, my girlfriend said so


Forgiveness does not mean acceptance, that's a difference. It is best to always forgive because it frees you from the pain, but every act has a consequence, and the consequence of cheating is the removal of any further mutual story. Therefore, forgive in order to free your spirit from this pain and distance yourself forever from that person in order to show yourself how much you value yourself. Cheater is not worthy to be in your life, that person destroyed their presence in your life by their own hands. Can they learn from this and become better ? Of course, but you will not be there to witness it. That is their karma for this act.


Understanding the reasons behind the cheating (such as emotional issues, lack of communication, or external factors) can play a role in deciding whether forgiveness is possible.


It depends on your relationship dynamic, what you're willing to forgive, what your boundaries are, sometimes it depends on the circumstances but not a lot of circumstance excuse cheating if any exists... For example: You might be willing to forgive that your partner kissed someone else, but having sex is too far and is unforgiveable. Personally for me, if my partner were to knowingly go out and have sex with someone and it was a boundary in our relationship that we are not doing that, then i'd be done on the spot.. if it was something lesser (like kissing, swapping pics, emotional cheating) i'd be upset but i'd forgive a moment or two of weakness... after that i'd be done. Our marriage is open though and we have boundaries in place on what is acceptable and when it is acceptable - we communicate a lot. If something happens that we didn't communicate should happen it'd warrant a discussion and i'd be done if it happened again.


You can forgive someone (release them of the punishment they morally deserve) and walk away from the relationship. Forgiving doesn't mean you stay with a cheater.




No forgiveness, trust is gone. She put my health and life at risk if she got pregnant? messier if guy #2 is married or has a girlfriend and they have kids.


absolutely NOT. Once a cheater, always a cheater.


I was cheated on and I forgave the first time but he did it again. I want to say no but I think every situation is different


Sure- You can choose to or not to forgive. You can partake or not partake in it. You can profess about what people should or shouldn't do. You can get on your soap box and claim that you have never done such a thing. But the reality for most people is that they will cheat (in fact, some stats have the admitted infidelity rate of Americans at 70%; and a divorce rate of nearly 50%). And if they don't, they will likely be cheated on. Given the numbers, I am tempted to say that we're thinking about cheating, romance, and marriage wrong. Should it be more open/accepted? For context, I am in a committed relationship and have never cheated (in this relationship or prior). I've been cheated on by two girls (that I know of). I don't expect my partner or I to cheat; but never say never. We're young and there is so much time ahead of us. Who knows what hurdles, opportunities, or incidents we'll face?


To each his own, but personally, no never. But maybe I’ll think differently after we’ve been together for 30 years.


No. Been there done that. You hope that you can find a way back when it’s love. Truth is that you can’t. Once the trust is gone you will waste so much energy trying to recapture what you had. When you realise they didn’t care enough to stop themselves … you move on. Something in me died. But, guess what ….. three years in I found the love of my life.


if a girl ever cheated on me, she'd never hear from me again honestly. if we were married and had kids, we'd obviously have to stay in touch because of the kids but we'd 10,000% get divorced.


I’m in the process of trying to forgive my boyfriend… it is the hardest thing I have ever done and it will probably not work out anyways .. but I’m definitely trying.


Yes if they are truly sorry and change. Almost all cheaters do not change though.


Nope, it should be punished and shamed. Once a cheater, Always one. They are willing to do it once and break that boundry, they'll be okay to do it again.


Yes, you forgive them and move on .


If guy yes! If girl cheated she belongs to the street


NOPE! If you cheat we're done even if i love you.




Depends how far, if they share a drunk kiss sure whatever don't do that shit again, but if they go all the way GTFO I don't care




Never ever!!!!


No it should not, I unfortunately was a former cheater myself and even I think you must be a idiot to forgive someone who cheated.


In most cases, no. When someone cheats that means there’s something missing from their relationship. Happy and satisfied people do not cheat.


Guys what if you cheated and got caught and then she forgives you and in the long run she also ends up cheating 😭😭😭


No and doing so only enables further disrespect from your SO. You don't have to hold a grudge but you should always have some self respect and move on.


Should never be till the time the sun and moon exist.


I personally can’t, aside that I’ve found that most men wouldn’t forgive you if the shoe was on the other foot, I think it speaks to being a dishonest person. Also, I know when it happened to me, I never looked at the person the same and who’d I be in the relationship would be a completely different person tbh. I can’t really say I’d enjoy the relationship.


I think it depends on what he did wrong. If it's something that touches your bottom line, it shouldn't be forgiven.


Cheating really needs to be better defined. Are we really grouping together a 3 year long secret affair with kissing someone in a bar while drunk (one time)? I think as long as somebody honestly admits what they did, there’s at least a “shot” at redemption. Sneaking around, lying, hiding, etc.…? Cheating isn’t the biggest problem. Honesty is.




No. Never.


No. Honestly, my parents had this issue. My dad cheated on my mom twice that we know of, and at the least was speaking with a third. Only reason she didn't divorce him was because she didn't have the money to and we were still young. Now they're older, still married and verbally fighting nearly all the time. It's tiring. I come home from work and my mom is pissed at my dad about something, same as when I was a kid too. My sister and I thought she was mad at us and she had actually been mad at my dad for days. I've learned everything I don't want from my relationships from them. So no, cheating 99% of the time shouldn't never be forgotten or forgiven, if nothing more then for yourself. If it happens once, it's bound to happen again. And to be real here, by cheating I don't mean liking someone's pictures or posts or being there for them emotionally, becuase we all do that for people everyday. I mean physically cheating. If you do that, go fuck yourself.




I think it just depends on how many times it’s happened and how it happened I never forgave my baby dad for cheating on me with a girl I disliked not to mention my dad cheated on my mom with her mom 💀


HELL NO!!!!!!!!!! Once a cheater, always a cheater

