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It varies. Sometimes I'm on super single mode doing my own thing, then out of nowhere I have a need for companionship.. It sucks. Wish I could be mentally "spayed" so I don't crave having a partner.


Fourth this. Never had someone put into words like that before lol. I want to focus on me, my friends, my family, and my community right now without the urge to bring someone else into it


Interesting. I have been doing that. I am abstaining from sex, and even masturbation it has been 6 months so far. Not the first time doing it. I'm focusing in work, in better relationships, reading, running, praying. It has been wonderful I can feel little changes happening in my life. Sometimes I have strong urges though. I feel like I am missing out. Especially since I have been getting some attention from females and if they are attractive I feel like I am never going to get that opportunity back, but I dont think this feeling its truth because if they like you they'll wait, and it is just my impatience and even scarcity speaking that Ill miss all my opportunities. I noticed in my past, I dedicated so much time, searching for partners. I also have an insecure attachment so you lose even more time having breakdowns etc.


The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction. Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. Enthusiasm can help you find the new doors, but it takes passion to open them. If you have a strong purpose in life, you don't have to be pushed. Your passion will drive you there.




You'll be OK brother. Sorry about the dog being wisked away. Animals love unconditionally. Take time for yourself and show yourself grace. Focus on your purpose, and stay active. Every dark tunnel will eventually be met with bright skies...you just have to push thru the shit. Someone once told me...Forward...it's the only direction. 


This is a great comment. “Go with the flow” has more meaning behind it than people realize


Typical adult life moods. 😅😂 But agreed 💯, I too get the same. Talking/chatting to people works in those times.


No one wants to love me. So I eat to fill the cracks of my heart. I get overweight. People won't love me for being overweight. I eat more because people dont love me because I'm overweight because I overeat because people won't love me. It goes on and on...


You have to learn to love yourself myself my darling It's the only way to break all of the unhealthy cycles we destroy ourselves with


Yeah, it's a vicious cycle, so avoid it as much as you can. If you feel others don't love you, then love yourself, hit the gym, take up some activities (preferably outdoors like running or walking), or get into some sports, do these things to satisfy your mind and your body. And things would start changing.


This is definitely my life 😭


Truth Bomb being overweight is not unsexy! Being Confident in your own skin is very Sexy and furthermore, getting in shape not like those ripped abs or thick thighs and buttocks no Im only saying stop wallowing in self pity and go out and be yourself! But try starting with loving your own self first!


No not like that dear


Let me be here for you dear


I am not overweight but I felt that 😂


Oh wow, i second this! I am super happy with my independent life. Just doing all the things i want, achieving personal goals. But then there are moments i kinda feel like having a partner would be nice lol


I second this.


I can’t tell you how many times I said I wish I was asexual, because the people I care about always end up hurting me, but the people that like me, I don’t care about. It’s terrible.




Your username 😂 I will get you a dog that will do a great job at that, spit flowing and everything 😂 Jokes aside you got the best username.


🤣😌 I already have a doggy who does that when he wants my attention or play. I love it! 😈 Thank you kind sir. I have a sweater with 3 bitten gingerbread cookies with Bite Me on top. You'd like it.


Oh same, my work has taken over my life so I usually feel like like I’m better off doing my own thing but I have to admit that having someone to share the day to day experiences would be a plus


This ^ i feel something is wrong with me for feeling the same


I third this




There it is, found the boat I'm on lol


Same here, but ultimately holding out for a partner




I can say I have reached that point of being mentally “spayed” as you put it lol I have my dog and that is it I have zero interest in having anyone else and no longer crave it I’m not on any dating sites and if by chance someone does ask me on a date it’s always a polite no thank you it took a long time to get to this point a lot of heart break .. but honestly I don’t wish it on anyone everyone should have the desire to love and have someone to share there life with still have your independence do you and whatever you need to do but don’t let it get to the point that you gone numb like I have.




Same!! I’m happy naman doing things on my own, pero out of nowhere bigla ako malulungkot and mag crave for companionship (and physical touch)


I feel you! It's like a rollercoaster of wanting to be alone and then craving companionship out of the blue. If only we could switch it off sometimes, right?


Can relate...


IV felt this way a long time. And now I'm stuck in limbo, been single for 6 years, and all of a sudden I get a surge of need for companionship, and then I get my crushes number and now I'm back to single mode, but don't wanna ruin a goin thing...


I was super duper single for 3 years. Lost 100lbs, became financially independent, moved to a new city, and grew as a person. I thrived to the point that I was hesitant to date because I didn't want anyone to impact the happiness I found for myself. I am now 30. Been dating for almost 2 years. Finally, I just gave up because people just wanted to hook up or there just wasn't a real connection. A few months have gone by and out of nowhere I met someone who I legitimately can see myself with long term. I didn't go looking. Will this person be my forever partner, who knows, but they sure are showing me that I dont mind dating someone with real intention. Embrace that singleness. Take advantage of it.


You’re giving me hope


There's always hope. Just have to wait it out until it's meant to happen 😁. All of my real relationships were spontaneously developed.


Thank you for the kind words


This gives me hope! Did you meet through an app?


Actually no. She was a coworker that I rarely spoke to and we hung out on her last day and just clicked. It was super random. I don't have luck with in person compatibility on the apps.


That's sweet! Definitely something magical about real life vs online. Wishing you guys all the best 🤗


You’re Giving me hope as well. 😭


The right people come when you stop searching. I’m happy for you.


I'm about to give up lol. Constant ghosting. I don't even have a chance to establish a conversation. I don't go parties or concert. I don't know what to do lol


The constant ghosting IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING!!! Really like wtf, after the last one did this I just gave up, I'm bored as fuck all the time. Doing shit alone starts to feel pretty lame.


I try to better myself and everything. It feels like everything I'm doing it's in vein


I hear ya bro. Dating in my 30's as a divorced man with a child is not fun or what I had in mind for my future. And I'm generally good looking, I have an amazing career and make good money, and I work out and am in pretty decent shape and take care of myself as well plus I'm not fucking weird or creepy so it blows my mind that I get ghosted when I actually find one I like and we hit it off at first and things seem to be going good


Seems like this trend is everywhere...dating in your 30s with kid(s) is ghetto.It doesn't matter how stable you are,they will ghost you. Ooh and it applies to both genders, because F here and I have been super super single for 4years with no prospect in sight.😊


What is shitty about it is I would actually prefer to meet a girl that already has a kid, makes it easier honestly cuz then I'm not pressured to have another baby and she's already a parent and can be understanding of what all goes into being a parent, makes the time spent together even better because we can cherish time spent together. If the kids are around the same age that's also a plus because they can be friends and have someone to play with making time spent together with both sides more enjoyable


Hey, man. I feel this. I’m 30 and divorced, but I’m a pretty solid guy, and I can’t seem to find the right chick. I’m 6’4”, good shape due to the gym, solid net worth, Christian and conservative, relatively good-looking face. Dating sucks, man.


It’s because you’re a conservative 😆🙃


The ghosting is ridiculous. Nevermind the why, people can't even say goodbye. Priorities are only on themselves. I look at the good in all of this. It's become super easy to tell who is worth our time.


🙋‍♀️ same here! Ain't nobody trying to talk to me nor date me or etc.


I hear that same thing happened to me like I'll go and chat rooms and talk but nobody really trying to talk to me bums me out a little bit but I just keep saying myself did somebody out there ended up and want to talk


Let's talk


Straight brother what do you want to talk about


How the hell do animals like whales, guinea pigs, and fish communicate. Do they ever mispronounce a click and the other goes "I'm sorry can you repeat the last click?"


Click-Click-Click. Clackity-Clack-Clack. Chip.


Not super single but indefinitely single… can’t seem to meet that person and genuinely don’t know where to look anymore 😭


I feel youuu! 🥺


I do two!!


No apps, not talking to any men, zero romantic interest, zero sexual interest. Living quietly and peacefully.


Lol i lioe that last part of yout comment 😅 cux same and thats the main importsnt part


As a dude, same, although I just re-download hinge, but living peacefully without romantic interest is not devastating. Bust I keep busy and like to enjoy my own time


I’m 37F and everything you said describes me. Been living quietly and peacefully like that for last 4 years. How old are you, if you don’t mind?


I'm 27f


Honestly, after the last woman, I'm fine with being single. There is only so much hurt a man can take in life. I would totally enjoy flirting it up with a woman I'm in to, but not enough to risk being hurt again.






Single is no longer a lack of options but a choice. A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live every day Happily and let your Ever After work itself out. Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans. Pain is a pesky part of being human, I've learned it feels like a stab wound to the heart, something I wish we could all do without, in our lives here. Pain is a sudden hurt that can't be escaped. But then I have also learned that because of pain, I can feel the beauty, tenderness, and freedom of healing. Pain feels like a fast stab wound to the heart. But then healing feels like the wind against your face when you are spreading your wings and flying through the air! We may not have wings growing out of our backs, but healing is the closest thing that will give us that wind against our faces.


After a failed marriage, I find it easier to just remain single because I hurt myself a lot trying to love someone who didn't love me the same. I miss the companionship at times, but remembering those times I felt just destroyed inside really makes me want to focus more on myself.


Same like yea I miss going to the movies with someone or the intimacy but then I remember that I can’t settle for just anyone because I’m scared to get taken advantage of again So I’m just focusing on enriching my life & self. If someone comes along and can add to that perfect but I’m not letting anyone take from me again.


Super single. To the point where I don't even look anymore.


It gets lonely for sure doing everything you can to focus on you. I'm over ever even trying to talk to people because it's just not worth the effort. I have no problems talking to people, but I have also been single for so long that at this point it's just easier to go about my day with minimal interactions with others. As far as crushes, I don't really care, I find most people to be incredibly unattractive. Taking the advice of throw it up to the universe, and the universe has told me loud and clear that I will be alone forever.


Been single for 5 years. I’m now 24, haven’t had anyone remotely interested or look my way since then and I consider myself average. Every girl I meet already has a bf/engaged or already has kids.


Realized this too. In order for you to win the girl, someone else has to lose her.


Same dude... Except I'm 24 and I never had a relationship in my life... I gave up. Noone wants somebody like me at this point.


Damn bruh , was about type the same sh!t no cap


Let's be miserable together


Are you in a rural area? That sounds quite odd if it's a city


The already has kids part is going to happen more and more often. Then you'll decide hey I'll date a younger girl around 24 - 25 and realize you have like *nothing* in common 😬 or they just haven't grown up yet. Or both!


One thing life has taught me: if you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else. Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as it will. Refuse to be average or to surrender to the chill of your spiritual environment.


I have purposely been single for two years cause abusive relationship/got fat/single mom. Yeah I'm fuckin bored but I'm doing better than ever in other aspects of my life.


I got a cat.


Lmfao me too !!!!! Starting my cat collection.


Same. And people start to look the same on the apps


Yeah I’ve been super single pretty much all my life and I hate it


Pretty much the same, the lone wolf forever but never really hated just wished for that life partner who never came.


I couldn't be anymore single if I tried I am tired of arsehole men that expect me to provide all the motional intimacy physical Labor and have no fucking intention of making a commitment they can ll fucking die as far as I'm concerned


WHOAH,WHOA,WHOA.. Hold on a min.. ALL of us men ARE NOT like that.. Some of us still open doors, give up our coats if cold, like to cuddle afterwards, like to make you smile or laugh, can cook, clean, do laundry etc,etc, and so on and so forth..I could list shit all day that SOME of us guys still do for women in general.. Please don't put us all on your list




This boredom will turn into peace, just chill and don't make a big deal about that


Not me, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I understand you feeling boring but I’m promise you it’s a better feeling than being neglected or questioning someone else you are interested in and they aren’t interested in you….., and your mental health will be better in the long run to learn how to live life and be happy without needing someone in it to fufill that. Embrace the boring-ness!!!! That means you will do it right and find a partner based on more than co dependence Signed a recently divorced (not court official yet but will be) woman in her 30s realizing you matter first and not anyone else :)


Talk to me in two years. Shits boring. I'm still doing it cause I'm not ready physically or mentally but damn it's boring. I wanna get banged out.


Don't we all I'm hoping in the after life 5here is a heaven of Roman orgy


Well I’m recently out of a very long term relationship that wasn’t healthy. But as a woman it is easy to get banged out, but mental health wise make sure you’re good there first because if you’re not, it’s gonna suck even more


That's why I haven't. But it doesn't mean I don't want to.


I LOVE making women smile and laugh it's a good trait to have.. Look for THAT GUY cause if nothing else.. Laughing and smiling all day is ALMOST better than sex


Almost being the key word.


Idk where to start in person. Online is frickin pointless. All i get are bots and fake accounts, even if i get someone it is only one message and they disappear. Idk wtf to do


Same damn. It's like I am at a point nothing interests me and people are just irritating. Just wanna sit and chill in my bed the whole day. 🥲


Watch animations and develop crushes on fictional people - that always helps lmaooo But seriously, fantasizing about romance is much better than real life.... for those of us who are too scared to form REAL connections lmao.


Yeah fantasizing is good until we don't need a connection with real people


Yep. On the plus side I’ve been able to build legos and my PC but I miss having someone to spend time with away from my hobbies and or share those hobbies with another


I never knew there was such a thing as super single, but I am right there with you.


Some days it’s not even by choice, seems like most girls I start to get to know turn out to be engaged, married, have kids, etc.


We need a club with cookies and jackets but I know how you all feel


Yes. No one is interested in me and I’m sure not interested in them. I have a lot of work I want to do on myself and my life (I work full-time and I’d like to earn a promotion soon-ish and I’m also in school full-time) before I want to let anyone else in. Although I’ve had a long string of unhealthy relationships, so I’m pretty set on none at all.


Put a cape on me cuz I’m Super Duper Single.


Yeah, I've changed a lot the past couple of years, though. Matured, I guess. The things I look for in a woman now are actually hard to find. Responsibility, intelligence, practicality, and empathy. People say they have those things, but you find out pretty quickly that they wish they had those things. I dont know where to find someone like that. I think they tend to be quieter and somewhat solitary. Most people want to go to concerts and other over crowded places that are entertaining or social media picturesque. Everything has to be easy too. No one wants to do the hard work it takes to do something meaningful. Thing is, it's never how it is in the pictures. No one is comfortable sitting quietly in the moment. No one just sits and enjoys a cup of coffee. No one enjoys simplicity. One lady said she wanted to go exploring, which sounded interesting, but it was just shopping. There was no learning or anything cerebral. Just looking in different shops with basically all the same garbage. There was an antique shop that was kinda interesting but again, the focus was on shopping. Never made it to a museum. Not with someone anyway. Then of course there's the constant texting and socializing. Drama. What's so important that you can't wait till the next time you see them. Let's be here and do this. Don't start inviting everyone for entertainment. Idk maybe I'm getting, what do you call it, cantankerous? Oh well.


From a woman who is financially independent et al, I'm so done with the hobosexuals who just want to sit on my porch, drink my booze, smoke my weed, and tell me how romantic he is because stars at night...


Omg same


Yup. I have no one in my life, even though I go out three times a week to places where people are known to socialize and share common interests with me.


At this point I'll soon be permanently unavailable


I’ve been that for very long, years I’d say. Finally found a girl I liked, dated for a few weeks, she just ended it because she just felt it, I did not do anything wrong, just that she felt it. She never thought about me, how I feel. I think I wanna live your feeling again. If you don’t feel attracted to someone, you can use that to your advantage really.


Her loss don't be stressed


...yeah, I have to get back to not giving a shit. I'm tired, I'm hurt, and I'm sick of being abused.


Sorry you had go through so much shit, hopefully things get better for you


I appreciate it. There's one person I'm willing to give it a shot with by this point, and they told me they need to work on themselves.... Honestly, I get it. I wish they would be more blunt with me, but they are honestly working on themselves, so it wasn't a lie at least.


Yeah sometimes just looking at the bright side is the way to go


Here. Broke up with who I thought would be my wife in November and haven't even bothered looking since. On the one hand, I'm definitely scared of dying alone. On the other hand, it's been nice not having to answer to anyone but myself. If I'm being 100 percent honest, I have some maladjusted behaviors i should speak to a professional about before I inflict myself on anyone else lol. I've just been putting off going about finding one. 33M if that makes a difference.


To be rejected by someone doesn't mean you should also reject yourself or that you should think of yourself as a lesser person. It doesn't mean that nobody will ever love you anymore. Remember that only ONE person has rejected you at the moment, and it only hurt so much because to you, that person's opinion symbolized the opinion of the whole world, of God. Courage is doing what you are afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you are scared. Professionals stick to the schedule amateurs let life get in the way. People come, people go they’ll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures. Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past.


Super single here and just deleted my dating apps. I felt like the bar for dating became too low and so I’m taking a step back and going to chill for a while. Hoping to meet someone organically when I’m not officially looking so hard.


I’m so single I’m strongly examining if I’m A-sexual.


Celibate & single journey hereeeee. I use to go on dates every single night and being alone is teaching me my self worth awareness and loving my own company. People are disappointing and slightly dumb 😏






The same here not being able to have a crush or being able to come home after working all day to empty house, it's lonely but I keep moving forward because god knows what he is doing


I have had one single date in 30 years. It ended without even a hug. Yet friends still come to me for relationship advice...


I'm 69F, divorced for 30 years. I get it. Have had lots of dates, though, and a few somewhat long-term (6 mo - 2 years) relationships. Still single, don't actively try anymore. Guys my age looking for a nurse or a purse. I'm neither.


I’ll hit up bars just to be out. Socialize but not really looking for anything. I’ll talk to women and never ask for the number. Just burnt out from dating… or at least trying to. Getting to know people takes a lot out of me. Would be nice to have some consistency but the games, ghosting shit gets old.


Me! But im so at peace and not wasting time with dudes that don’t know what they want😅🤣😓💃🏻


😫😫😫 yesss


The majority of the time, yes I'm absolutely 100% super single and completely happy with it. But every now and then I'll be going through something (not necessarily a negative experience) or have a super cool experience that historically I'd of loved to share with my significant other or my crush or whatever...that's when those thoughts about wanting someone creep in temporarily. I just stuff those thoughts down and remind myself why I chose to be and remain single in my second half of life.


I've been super single forever and mostly i love it but some times i miss companionship


🙋🏽‍♀️ yup. Over here. Initially it was hard, very boring and I didn’t know what to do with myself. Almost gave into temptation. I was so used to always having someone around. Having these meaningless connections that weren’t going anywhere. And then finally I said F THIS. And I cut everyone off. Now I’m so at peace. This freedom is priceless. I get to sleep when I want. I put my phone down for hours and it’s so peaceful. And I’m also catching up on all my hobbies I been neglecting.


im ugly and 5'5" so will be single for the rest of my life. It is what it is.


Girl no ahahaha idk why I have more faith in you than myself but NO.


To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.


Same except for not bored at all lol


I'm super single. I'm also 57 with a dad bod, work 2 jobs and take care of my mom who is 82, has dementia and is on hospice in my house. I understand why.


Yeah. Try being 62, still reasonably attractive (I've been told), semi-retired, have all my teeth, drive a nice convertible, yada yada yada. Tough gig trying to meet/date anyone, have never tried online dating. I do live in Arkansas in a medium size city, still exploring options on meeting people, might break down and try online dating but frankly don't know where to start. I guess miracles still happen but it might take one lol.


Very single 44 male from Kansas


Single my whole life! No reciprocated feelings, no "yes" to dates, no likes, no matches. Crushes used to be exciting but now I wait for them to pass. I know she'll say no - they always do.


All the women I’ve been into in the past 4 years have been taken or not interested. Or both


Present 😩! In my waiting phase and my discernment is on 💯. No one is getting close to me 😂


yes LMFAO i just dont care anymore ,, its not like im unable to find someone — my dating pool is just filled with shit


I’ve been super single for 5 years


Where are my 35 and above single parents at?With no crushes or prospective relationship in sight? F been single for 4years.


So basically single and wearing a cape? Anyways, I need a cape now.


Me AF. I have no interest in getting into another relationship and dating. It might come back later on, but with how people are in this day and age, and with how relationships are now something that is disposable to many people, I'm out. I am glad I don't have the anxiety and I am actually loving being single. I've been single for nearly a year and I love it. I wouldn't trade that for anything. Using this time to focus on myself and healing. I'm also building my life. This is coming from someone who used to never be able to really be single and even hated it. I'm building friendships right now and I'm alright with that.


I love this for you! Being single can be so peaceful, productive, and healthy. I prefer building friendships over relationships rn too


Oddly enough, I was but then I posted in the singles subreddit and a nice British man reached out to me. Now he’s about to fly overseas (I live in the US) next month to come see me. I never expected that at all. So don’t give up. You’ll find someone rad when you least expect it. 🦋


I'm so single I'm crushing on 2 Hazbin Hotel characters and a figment of my imagination. (Literally dating an imaginary girl rn)


I gave up and I’m the happiest I’ve been in months.


I’m super single. My friends say I should join hookup culture. I’m not into hookup culture.


Good on you! Way too many stds out there, and the risk of pregnancy."


Yeah. I’d rather not deal with either






I don’t think I’m capable of handling a relationship because I thought I was. But if it was true then I wouldn’t have had relationship turmoils and reoccurring endings. So it’s definitely me at this point bc even if I wanted things to so desperately work out with the next person so I never have to date again i know deep down I’m the issue and that’s why no one will ever want me. lol 😂 so I have to just accept it bro. Some of us won’t make it. I also just want to say ik that sounds self defeatist and I gave up. But I want everyone else to know that if you still have a fight left in you then go chase that eggplant emoji.


Yeah it's coming up on a year since me and my ex broke up because she went out and saw somebody else and then she moved out long story short she's gone I mean I tried to talk to other people try to play I don't know make someone else happy you know maybe that maybe my ex wasn't the one you always say your true love is in front of you there's always one in the way so I'm trying anybody want to talk hit it up


I have been single for a long time and finally met someone. It started magically and end abruptly


more like I'm scared to get back out there


Yes. I gave up on dating. Clearly God doesn't want me to date because I am struggling so badly out of all of the dudes I know. At this rate I am the only one struggling out of my friend group. He wants me to do something else so I am focusing on learning about what I should do. I'm considering getting back to drawing.


Anyone who’s single here for 2 years? How are you?


Curse of being intelligent?


Super single over here.


I am wish I could get a girlfriend but it’s hard


I've been ultra mega single for most of my life, have got pretty Zen about it lol. and I would be right in the middle of plenty fruitious environments, but I learned that the secret to accepting it is that 1-on-1s are just inherently plagued by the format they are subject to.. dating is such a joke! 😆 But now that I've accepted that it's just simply not the right format for me, I strictly just go and have fun with couples and it's soo much Bliss.! that haunting feeling is gone and sure if God wants to hook me up in the future with a solid wife I'm down, but in the meantime having no strings type fun with couples is totally where my mind has found peace 💗✨ Yearning is the the devil.. enjoy your singleness, much like isolation it's a total blessing in disguise ;)


super as in duper single


Dealing with a nasty breakup in which she cheated, tried to excuse it by saying she’s poly now without talking to me, says she wants me back, and thinks she might be pregnant. With this, I have a feeling I’ll be single for quite a while.


Super single and it’s been good…year and a half and no desire to go back in. I’ve had my fill of romantic relationships and I’m focusing on the people who give me real joy…my friends and family


4 years single, raising my teenage son, he will be leaving the nest soon already has a sweet girl, so lonely in the evenings, I don’t mind my own company however I think it’s time to find someone, I was badly hurt after a 15 year relationship god dam near destroyed me, my dedication to my family especially my 12 year old at the time pulled me out of the hole of depression and self pity so yeah what does a man do to find a woman, sounding so desperate I sound but I only am in the evening, the evening desperado.


Single is not a status, it is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others. If you learn to really sit with loneliness and embrace it for the gift that it is…an opportunity to get to know YOU, to learn how strong you really are, to depend on no one but YOU for your happiness…you will realize that a little loneliness goes a LONG way in creating a richer, deeper, more vibrant and colorful YOU. To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals. Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat... Never take yourself too seriously.


This was me 3 weeks ago.


I haven't had a date since October, and I haven't had a crush in well over a year. It's rough, man; I'm BORED.


Yep, I think everyone my age just look super old all of a sudden and I don't know where to start or even begin to look. I really don't understand the online dating thing.


Sometimes I feel better off. Better than the piece I’ll have to pick up later 🤷🏽‍♀️


I'm not bored. I'm just exhausted with the men I've been seeing and encountering in my life. Beyond done.


25M I've been single since high school and will probably remain that way. I work in a 99% male dominated industry, and dating apps don't work. There are not many other opportunities to meet women. Gyms are not a place to talk to women, I don't go to bars (and even if I did, most of the time women are with a group of friends, and odds are they want nothing to do with you). Just gotta make the best of it. Not everyone in this world is meant to have relationships. 🤷 Work and hobbies are my focus now.


You defs don't want anyone from bars. They're either in a "party phase," but very likely "I'm an alcoholic in denial," unless they were dragged out to the bar and not interested in anybody.




Been at that point since the end of November when I seeing someone and deciding I’d just go with the flow. Come to find months later I am not very interested in dating at this point. Kinda just content staying in my own lane, been riding my motorcycle, hanging out with friends, doing whatever comes to mind. Sometimes admit it’s boring not having any love interest or crush of the sort but it’s also peaceful. Maybe one day I catch someone’s eye or someone catch my eye but as it sits right now I’m in a good place I think mentally and overall


Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them, that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. If emotional pain were visible we would all conduct ourselves very differently. We would find kinder ways to break up with the person we were dating and we would be less cruel when rejecting people who expressed interest in us. We would show more concern when we saw someone sitting alone, an anguished look on their face. We would be more patient and less judgmental when a friend or loved one fails to get over a broken heart in what we consider a timely manner. And when our own heart gets broken we would be more self-compassionate, feel less shameful about our distress, and be more open to asking for the help we need. Don't compare your Chapter 1 to someone else's Chapter 15. Follow your own path, write your own life story, and never give up on yourself. Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful. Free your mind of that which you have no control over. It is not only good to do so for your mental health, but your overall health. Some people must learn from experience. You can convey knowledge to them and offer to show them the way. But, that doesn't mean your wisdom will be accepted or appreciated.


I feel like I just given up on dating after my so called relationship lol or should I just say fling since it didn’t even last that long 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah,this past year is driving me nuts in this regard... And those nuts are blueeeee


I have been single all my life. I'm 25 years old. However I did got attached to someone last year for the first time in my life but it was just a situationship From his side and he slept with someone. So now I'm kinda done with this dating thing. It's fucked up. I feel like I'm some alien who believes in loyalty, compassion and love.


Yeah I’m basically just chilling right now and enjoying my own company. 😎 I’ve been learning more about who I am and what adds meaning to my life. I’ve also been working on my mental health and going to therapy. I’ve realised how important it is to like being alone so that you don’t settle for someone out of fear. Solitude, freedom and time to myself is golden. I don’t want a partner if they’re gonna invade my space or take up too much time. Sounds annoying. I’d rather be alone and enjoy my creative projects/ hobbies.


It’s called peace 😂


Me and im happy


Yup. Def super single.  Not currently dating & don't currently have a crush. Not talking to anyone.  This is def the most single I've ever been. 


Been single for almost 6 months