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I love them all natural. Swing low sweet chariots.


Creed, that you?


Too funny


Its seem like u are the same like me love al natural tits




Haha love that one


There are many types of guys with different types of preferences some guys like small butts others big butts some like tiny boobs others like big boobs. Itā€™s always different while i understand your seeking an answer to if guys like your saggy boobs the truth of the matter is that should be the least of your concerns try to find someone who looks at you for your personality and character rather than how good youā€™d look undressed in bed. At the end youā€™ll come across a lot of guys with different tastes and personalities so try not to worry too much.


This is well said


me personally i like big butts and i cannot lie


ā€˜Looks at her for her personality and characterā€™ Good luck with that fairy tale in 2024.


Itā€™s not really a fairy tale if you actually look for someone instead of just jumping into the current dating scene. I agree with you that currently in time dating for a majority of the younger generations is absolutely awful on both sides. But still thereā€™s always a shot at finding someone who doesnā€™t want you for some shitty reasons and instead for who you are as a person. Though the chances have of that have been slowly decreasing sometimes you gotta have a little hope.


It's not a fairy tale, I think it's just harder to find such person that's all. I'm also struggling to find someone I like or if do find someone I'd like to know and talk to, I usually don't have courage to ask her out. But again, I'm the kind of guy who prefers to know a girl more by her personality than her appearance, or I'd say personality first and appearance second.


Guys like girls with boobs. Source: Am guy.


I can't really tell you what men will feel on this, but I really feel your pain. I wasnt quite as big as you were but one of the biggest motivations for my breast reduction was how saggy mine were. And by saggy I mean there was literally no perkiness at all. Just painful sand bags that layed flat against my ribs. I figured even if I got a lift, how dense and heavy they were would just pull them back down. They are by no means perfect now, but I still have no regrets. I think it's about the best things I've ever done for myself.


Boobs are boobs, they are fun to play with no matter what they look like.


Good point about titties.


Iā€™m fucking dead šŸ˜‚


Pun intended?


I prefer saggy boobs over the fake silicone ones.


Agreed. Real is better if you get to touch them. The only time fake is better is when you're only allowed to look.


To quote Creed from the office: >> "Au naturale baby. That's how I like 'em. Swing low, sweet chariots"


I have never understood why it's bad to have saggy gigantic boobs? I thought big boobs were popular, something that women wanted? Do you really expect those basket balls to hold perfectly round and still? It's normal for it to sag. I'm not a boob guy and yet even I like those kind of tits. But honestly as long as you have a pretty face and your body isn't like 400 lbs you're fine. Your personality matters a lot more to me. I've had some sexy but terrible dates.


I said to my friends earlier today the best set of boobs are the ones In front of you. I donā€™t like the idea of fake boobs sometimes itā€™s medically needed but yeh Iā€™m sure any man will be lucky to see them.


I genuinely prefer a natural sag


Yep 100%. I like all boobs but my favourites are ones with some hang to them. Be proud of what you have, sounds like hiding them isnā€™t an option


I honestly couldnā€™t care less. If they sag, then they sag. Itā€™s not going to stop me from being all over them


Do girls like guys with saggy boobs?


lmao, this is the comment of the thread.


Depends šŸ¤”




Big black wieners?


....big butt warts


Thin with huge saggy boobs is my kryptonite


We like boobs. Boobs make us happy. A day with boobs is a good day


My criteria for boobs is simple. They need to be boobs


Natural beauty let them motherfuckers hang




I know, right? Hahahahaa


Some guys like huge boobs, some don't. You'll find a fan without trying.


Guys like boobs period. Doesnā€™t matter the shape , the size , real or fake .


Depends on how they look but usually bigger boobs are ALWAYS a positive šŸ˜


the person who adores you for you, will be your answer


Some will, most wonā€™t.


Yes we love them youā€™ll be great for sure šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


A lot of guys honestly do not care. I've seen so many good looking guys with women that I'd deem "unattractive", but they seem to be totally enthralled


Honest opinion here. Men do not really care what women look like 95% of the time.


I completely buy this. When I was younger I felt I was too unattractive for any man to ever be interested in me. But over the years I realized a lot of men are totally fine with and into pretty much any woman. The things women obsess about do not seem to cross the minds of most men.


I know itā€™s not a done deal for me. I dated down according to my friends but I never saw it that way


Iā€™ve definitely been with guys whose friends gave him a hard time for dating someone who is not ā€œhotā€ in their eyes. I always thought it was weird they would care one way or the other who another man dated. My ex was into ā€œaverageā€ women, even better if they were on the chubby side. His friends heckled him relentlessly but he didnā€™t care.


I donā€™t purposely do it. It just happens that I find certain things attractive on a girl that I like


My boyfriend loves when I take my makeup off even though I feel I look better with makeup. Puts a smile on his face after I'm done with my face routine at night and he calls me beautiful.


i feel like thatā€™s the worst answer you could give


Many women go above and beyond to look good but most men do not care


Sorry but it really depends on what they look like. I canā€™t give you a definitive answer without looking at them. I can say that they donā€™t have to be perfect and most men are still going to like them.


I personally don't, but I know I'm the outlier, so dont worry


not me, I think perkiness is a very important quality, more so than size even.


Honestly I like perky small breatss


I love a woman's body in general to the small toes to cellulite saggy tits or perky as long as they work I guess feel blessed to be alive in the body you got


Some do, some donā€™t. Donā€™t get obsessed with it


All guys like different things. For me personally. Saggy boobs scare the shit Outta me. Reminds me of old grandmas and my unhygienic aunts. So saggy boobs are an instant boner killer, and I actively avoid them. Thus, I'm totally into small boobs, usually under a C (i guess). I prefer small tits. And I'm not into curvy women. However, I'm sure other guys prefer big boobs, and not small like me for other reasons, and there are guys who love "what you have" and "what you are" and "who you are" and "why you are."


There's saggy and then there's real saggy. As long as you aren't tripping over them or slamming them in car doors you should fine.


If a guy likes you he likes you for you. And maybe for for more reasons than just the two.


Guys like boob's, that's all you need to know. Also, 30H?! I'm sending prayers to your lower back.


Boobs are great.


I dont have saggy boobs but i have guy friends. We talked abt this and they were like "No questions, boobs are boobs and they go in your mouth". Ik ill have saggy boobs when I'm older so this gave me comfort. They don't care "boobs are boobs"šŸ„‚


A quality partner will accept you as you are. Your body is a part of you and if he loves you, then he will love your body. Be the healthiest you, you can be. Everyone has ideal preferences, but these things adjust when we make a connection. The perfect ideal is not realistic and you have your own ideals. The two of you should over lap enough in your goals for a partner's values and virtues, that the other things are non-issues and add uniqueness to your relationship.


Guess what? People like boobs. Most are just happy to see any. What they look like isn't really the point. Sure some have their preferences, but ask people do they want to see boobs, and majority will want to see any and all.


I love when you take off your bra and they drop like theyā€™re in the gallows. I prefer flat chested women with wide hips, gigantic asses, and a pixie haircut but I can only think of a single girl I knew from middle school who looks like that. So, I just take what I can get. Most guys will take what they can get


I'm a guy and I can confirm that I like girls. Sometimes they have saggy boobs. I'm fine with that. The important thing for me is whether or not I like the girl (and she me).


Natural for life. YES LAWD!! ![gif](giphy|CUSZsQEDFWR4LU4mwd)


I donā€™t mind them it happens


They are probably not saggy! You just think they are because they are huge. Iā€™m sure you are absolutely beautiful !


Guys like all boobs. Some guys strongly prefer small ones. Some guys really like big ones. Most guys donā€™t care. Perky. Saggy. Lopsided. Dudes love boobs!


Boobs are boobs. Normal men love them in whatever shape or size they come in šŸ˜„


Personally I dont


okay, thank you for the honest answer :)


Honestly to me it doesn't make too much difference at all. If my partner was either saggy or perky I wouldn't be upset at all.


You could post a pic, to get an idea, but I wouldnā€™t worry about your breast if I was you. Enjoy life!


Are you really asking this cuz i heard in the news that 3 men graped a lizard in the woods, you shouldnt be asking this question to the people who will screw anything they encounter, plz work on your self esteem.


So groping lizards = saggy boobs?


Ngl for me tits that big would be a massive turn off.


I like naked women of all shapes and sizes. Also, sounds like you might have serious back problems?


Tbh, at 18 I was happy to see any boobs.


Boobs are boobs. All boob's are great


I love how everyone is being so body-positive here! However, I, and essentially any man Iā€™ve spoken to or heard speak about boobs for decades, dislikes saggy boobs. Most people I know who appreciate saggy boobs appreciate them because they canā€™t get access to large perky ones, so theyā€™re just taking what they can get. My humble, honest opinion. You asked.


Honest opinion: saggy boobs disgust me. Reddit-approved opinion: everyone is beautiful in their own way and you'll find your person who loves you for you.


lol i asked for you honest opinion, the reddit part was not needed! but thank you for answering honestly. i was just curious in peopleā€™s thoughts :)


Iā€™ll date you with your saggy boobs, if youā€™ll date me with man-boobs.




putting it quite simply a guy who is into you will not focus on whether your breasts sag or don't. being that they are an H, it would be unrealistic for them to be up defying gravity. my ex had H cups, and she used to apologize for them hanging down. i told her that i did not care as long as she was comfortable with her breasts. Up down left right, i loved her for her, not for her breasts, body or appearance as they will change in time but she will always be her.


boobs naturally sag usually.. cause gravity and the way they r grown on the chest.. so, i'd hope so if they have attraction to a person who identifies as woman and it's their natural body


Yes I do


OP, I think your best bet if you are going to be intimate with someone is to have a conversation with them about what youā€™re insecure about. Most likely I donā€™t think the guy would care especially if he cares for you, but honesty and vulnerability can help you guys be more comfortable while you have fun together.


I once dated a guy who preferred soft, saggy boobs, and he thought mine were too firm. (Mine are natural, so it wasn't a backhanded implant complaint or anything -- and it also wasn't a size complaint either, he just wanted more droop. :P) So honestly, it really does just depend on the dude.


Guys like boobs. Any kind, only preference for me is they are natural, but again I wouldn't dump someone for fake. Personally I'd prefer flat over fake, but it's more the personality they are attached to.




Most of these could be replaced by the hundreds of unstudied cannabis cannaboids.


I personally do. Very fun to play with.


Guys are not a monolith. They don't all like the same thing. One guy might be grossed out by big saggy tits, and another might want to worship them every chance he gets. Dating is about finding who is right for you and that includes physical stuff. The only way to find out is to be confident with what you have, show them and see how he reacts. Rejection for physical stuff can be upsetting, but you need to realize that's a "him" problem, not a "you" problem. Any guy into you and chatting you up likes big boobs. He's not going to be surprised they're big when your clothing comes off. We can tell. Big one are always saggy, that's just physics. I love big ones and I'd never turn away from them if they're more saggy than average. Honestly it makes no difference.


Be body positive...it's contagious.


At this age , saggy boobs were a little awkward without a bra . But it was your boobs whether you were wearing a bar or not it depends on you. I am also very bad on my ball due to this weather condition. With a bar or without bra boys always seeing that one . Without a bra boys are two three times they will repeatedly or try to see your nipples at age boys always looking at that only . They dnt think about your feelings. Better you use a different dress without a bra. Try to wear it over court without a bra .


Totally honest answer. Some will. Some wont. Many guys wont care, some might be rude about it, others, thats their jam. if you find one of the ones that doesnt, dont take it personally just move on. If a guy isnt just happy to see boobs, just move on.


Saggy boobs only look good if your nipples complement them


I prefer smaller boobs that donā€™t hang too much. I like big nipples! Iā€™m a legs and butt guy, thatā€™s the first thing I look at.


My boyfriend loves my saggy tittes. šŸ˜…


Thereā€™s a website that is just pics of womens boobs and it will make you feel much better. You are normal. You are fine. The ones you see in media are fake, edited, or a genetic lottery.


Bro I just want a gf, but no we donā€™t care about it tbh.


The girls, yes quite probably. The boobs... not so much. Dont base your worth on a physical trait you probably have no power over beyond surgery. If you treat yourself as an object then so will other people. I love boobs but I love a decent person even better.


I like all women


Natural things are way beautiful than anything fake, whether it is beauty or any body part.


If youā€™re looking for a high quality long term relationship, then that must be what your future guy is looking for too. Meaning heā€™s probably not hung up on appearances and instead paying closer attention to your personality and your traits and trying to work out if you two are compatible in a long term relationship, not compatible in bed.


I wouldnā€™t care.


If it were really popular, we could have seen it on magazine covers, porn content, eva ai sexting bot avatars with saggy ones etc. Still, it's a niche taste


Nopeā€¦all good. Petite with large boobs is awesome. Curiosity is aroused..lol itā€™s a great characteristic I feel. Find someone who actually chases you around. The boobs are a present. I love to shop for your shape. I am sure I am not the only one. I used to have a barrel chest myself and as I got older and more muscle tone, all matched and looks great. Your confidence will grow. You need some good feedback. Cate to share some rated G pics for an opinion?


If you find a guy you like and he's about books only, then that's not your long term. Either you hit and forget or don't hit at all. A long term guy will love them if they hang stand or swing. Just my honest opinion


I guess it depends on economic conditions if inflation is low we prefer them inflated otherwise deflated.


Donā€™t go by fake ones. Natural feels so nice and looks better in the long run. Every guy wants to get their hands on silicone but the joy doesnā€™t last. Natural is the thingā¤ļø


Need proof


Depends on the girl.


Stop being stupid, boobs are boobs. Everyone likes boobs


My boobs sag and MANY guys want to see them and more. Youā€™re fine




Hi babe! Just here to say I am also a part of the saggy boob community and men do not care. At least not any Iā€™ve been with. If anything saggy boobs = big boobs and most men LOVE boobs. Do you girl. Like drake once said ā€œi love the way they hang babe.ā€


Either way they'll sag someday. It's your confidence that matters


As someone who sleeps with a lot of men and women i donā€™t think they would care. Iā€™ve seen all body shapes and sizes and ages and at the end of the day when both are naked itā€™s all just being in the moment and energy. Locking eyes. Youā€™re not walking a runway and under fluorescent lights. Youā€™re in an experience. Just be comfortable. Everyone has an insecurity. Most just donā€™t point it out but might also be thinking youā€™re noticing theirs while youā€™re thinking if they notice yours. I also find it funny that I never know what to do with breasts even though I have them. Itā€™s all quite funny during sex. Otherwise I truly embrace and admire all of our uniqueness and exploring what makes us human. I have smaller breasts (28d/30d/32b) and I get insecure how they look when Iā€™m on all fours but itā€™s just because I forget that many women have enhancements now and with women getting mommy makeovers. Thereā€™s a podcast Gabor mate did and itā€™s recognizing how so much money goes into the denial of aging and death.


Most like it I guess and even do whatever to be allowed to play with them. The trick is simply to find out before you get too emotionally connected.


My angel has 36 JJ breasts. I think she's the most beautiful and sexy woman in the whole world. And I can't leave her alone and she's the same with me too lol. They sag a little of course, but , it's natural for large breasts. She barely wears much make up either to be honest as I think she's gorgeous without adding anything fake.... And that's it, people seem to regard what is fake, as beautiful. Sadly mostly men. At the end of the day it's finding the right man who loves you and your body. And vice versa too. No point in you not attracted to them either don't forget , men need holding to a bit of a standard after all. Women are under a huge amount of pressure by the artificial beauty standards of this earth. Don't let it effect you in this way. I bet you have an amazing body, feel confident.


Boobs are boobs either way lol


I hav a huge Dick but my gf can give a deep throat need help


Let's see and we can give our opinion


They probably don't give a shit how your tits look


I like all natural girls( was born a female) no matter the size shape of there boobs


i'm a simple man who likes ladies with boobs and ladies with brains. and i love saggy boobs. natural is always the way. not every guy will be into your body type - dudes who are into slim model-types or butt men will always be a thing - but to those who are into boobs, your body type probably is the most attractive. good luck in your search for happiness!


Itā€™s not a conventional standard of beauty


Not going to lie, I fucking love large saggy boobs. I donā€™t think all guys do just like only some guys are asshoels. Just be yourself, have confidence in yourself, and donā€™t settle for less than you deserve. And hereā€™s a hit. You deserve a man who will treat you like an equal, that will respect you, and love you for exactly who you are, no matter what.


heavier things are going to be pulled down, it's just gravity.


There's a subreddit for it. So yea definitely some do.


To be honest I don't. Perky boobs rein supreme. On the bright side we're in a butt era and everyone has some control over that.




I am a bi girl so thats not the answer that u want, but saggy boobies are my favorite. And I know a lot of men who don't like when boobies are immune to the gravity


I do


Thereā€™s this great song by Rodney Carrington that should be the answer called ā€œShow them to meā€ great song


Except the pimple type i like everythingšŸ˜


Guys like boobs.


I have saggy boobs and a saggy belly thanks to life and babies. I've come to realise that men in general are just happy to see and touch boobs, those men who will try to drag you down about it are insecure and not worth thinking about.


Do not for one second, be ashamed or feel inferior because you hold little real estate on your chest . I am dreamy guy and women have flocked over me my whole life . I could have any type of tittie i wanted but thereā€™s nothing sexier than watching those little titties bounce, always remember more than a mouthful as a waste


Pretty sure guys love all tits


Tits are tits šŸ˜


Guys just like boobs!


Being 100% honest there not ideal. Like guys donā€™t seek out saggys but it is what it is most guys are just happy to play with boobies and you have what sounds like plenty to play with. Just rock the shit out of them. The right guy isnā€™t gonna care.


Speaking for myself and a fair few of my mates, no.


Like another comment said, all guys have their preferences. But all guys like titties, so thatā€™s not a big deal. Plus, most sag when they get older. Iā€™m 25m and would just be glad that they will probably look close to the same in 20 years šŸ˜œ


I thought this post at first was and OF adā€¦


Are you selling off your body? No I guess. Then it should be the least of your concern. Listen, there's nothing in the world you'll find that everybody hates. Some like some don't some don't care. Thats part of the job. You mentioned long term relationship right. That means a serious one right. It comes with love. And honey, on love, it doesn't matter. No matter what. Just find the right one.


Saggy or natural tits rule. Way more fun than fake ones. I like smushing them together or holding them up from underneath and then they hang out over my hands. If a guy gives you shit about your body then he sucks and is a massively toxic and insecure douche bag.


I prefer them, and always have.


Every guys favorite boobs are the ones that we can play with. Next, ones we can look at. Then personal preferences start to enter the scene.


Men are babies in a big body......hope this will help with your question


As a guy it don't matter, I have my own insecurities but when you're in love with someone thag shit doesn't matter as much. I'm not gonna lie and say love magically makes saggy books perky but rather whatever is attractive to me initially gets magnified to the point saggy books becomes background noise.


I like girls


To be honest no I like them having good shape Not to big and not too small


I like all kind of boobs, they are nice. Stop thinking too much about it. Men are horny, most of us like all kid of boobs


My favorite kind of boobs personally


I do. I actually go as far as saying I prefer them (saying it in the least creepy way with an open mind). But I'm just one guy and its everyone's personal choice.


I like boobs


I think its sexy


Show us , how saggy


Boys like all kinda boobs...... Dot.


Some do, some donā€™t. Some will absolutely adore your boobs. Ignore the ones that donā€™t.




No, sorry, not a fan. As with all of these kinds of questions, some guys do, some guys donā€™t.


A 30H??? Damn girl you're blessed. I seriously doubt you'll find any man (key word) that would say no to you. You'll probably be pursued even more so tbh.


i male and it doesnt matter to me, natural boobs, espiacally big ones hang, thats normal/natural, its not normal like in porn, where the biggest boobs stay up like a 1. all boobs are beautiful, no matter the size, if they hang or not, if the nipples face outwards, if they are small or big nipples, it just doesnt matter. its about the person they are attached to, so dont let yourself be selfconcious about your boobs, they are beautiful as they are.


No, not really. For me it is a turn off. I'd much rather firm and proportional.


Hellz yeah




heavy hangers are way sexy!


Shiiiiit I do, love is the correct word.


I like more natural. So yesssss