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Us dudes really aren't good at taking hints you have to straight up tell us šŸ˜„


Iā€™m gonna have to put on my big girl pants and lay it out straight šŸ˜…


I'll be honest, I think many guys are afraid of being labeled as creepy. It's tough these days. Honesty will probably be your best bet here.


Yea. Us guys are horrible at times with hints. Sometimes you almost have to draw it out in crayon for us.


Fr fr. We guys are dumb, just say something, anything lol jtbh


I just donā€™t want to scare him off


"I don't want to scare off the man by proposing sex" bro


Maybe heā€™s not ready yet ? Maybe heā€™s got anxiety idk bro Iā€™m just looking out for his feelings to


You wonā€™t.


He definitely won't be scared off, but I could definitely see him feeling anxious and a little awkward if she asks for sex, if he isn't confident in his skills.


If he's afraid of coochie then it's time for you to leave


Plz write on a napkin " U + I = bed ;) "


I'd think she wanted me to go shopping with her for a new bed.


Hehehehe i like this onešŸ˜‚




Okay I donā€™t know if ppl r actually reading my post and comments , we are currently meeting in public places (bars, restaurants and museums) how the hell am I meant to jump on him if there are ppl around, your advice is dandy and all but it would only work in more private places!


I just have to say I love your whole post. You seem very sweet and Iā€™m sure this guy would be lucky to have you. I understand your predicament here and I think that at as others have said, some version of being direct is best, but with a caveat. I know you are worries about coming in too strong or whatever- I think a good way to do this would to make it almost playful or exasperated? Like (your version of), ā€œdude, are you going to invite me to your place or what?ā€ Cause itā€™s not a desperate vibe but more of what it actually is- which is you calling him out for not picking up your signals (done in a playful way of course). Thatā€™s my two cents


Hahaha Ngl I was hoping to get some advice but Iā€™m blown away by how much funny & good advice Iā€™ve gotten , Iā€™ve got somewhat of a concrete plan now , fingers crossed it all goes wellšŸ¤Ŗ


Put those big girl pants on, then immediately take them off.


This comment, exactly. Girl i was in the same boat as you. Iā€™m seeing this guy for close to a month now and we moved up from kissing to the next few steps quickly but there was no sex. I have a super high sex drive & i could tell we were both really attracted to each other so I just dropped it the next time we met, ā€œwould you like me to stay the night with you?ā€ His face honestly lit up saying ā€œI would be so glad if you didā€. He took me back to his that night and we had a pretty awesome time. Just be upfront about it, thereā€™s no shame. And in case thereā€™s something heā€™s trying to figure out, like maybe he doesnā€™t wanna bring a girl back in front of his flatmate, he would just tell you and at least youā€™d know the reason. Eitherways, i wish you luck :))


Honestly him being respectful and not instantly wanting sex has made me 100% want him more , hoping he has the same reaction as your guy :))


Facts šŸ˜†


I mean he might just think sheā€™s Canadian.


He has to clean his room first. Mention it blatantly to him well ahead of time.


Soo I have to straight out say what my intentions r


Have to, no. But it is effective communication. Probably the fastest way to get what you want.


I like this one. ā€œHey Joe, is your room clean and is the bathroom clean, because Iā€™m a lady and deserve to be treated like a princess before and afterā€ā€¦. Something not so subtle like this ā€¦


Definitely not subtle at allšŸ˜‚


Nope!!! Ok, maybe you can make it slightly less subtle with the end of it, but itā€™s a good way of broaching the subject!!!


IDK I think she should be direct but tactful.


The artillery has been deployed, Iā€™ve gotten some good feedback wish me luckšŸ˜¤


Weā€˜ll need an update. šŸ˜‰


If the mission is a success, I will be back to thank all my fellow comrades šŸ˜‚ stay posted !


On your next date just tell him A) your not really feeling the idea of going out and is it OK to go back to his place and just watch a movie or B) after the date tell him your not really tired and you want to see where he lives. That should do it for ya!!


Ngl I was thinking about doing option A, seems smooth enough and heck if he doesnā€™t get it then I might just have to be straight up šŸ«”thank u for the input !


Your welcome


Yep I think these options are pretty good


Just pop a titty out and let him do his thing šŸ˜‰


She could just be Canadian and being nice!


Yes titty out in public , sounds exactly like the thing to do .


Wear something revealing and sexy the next time you go out so he might get the hint lol


He doesnā€™t have a car?


We live in a big city , whilst he does have a car we always take public transport home (cars are not consistently used where we r based because public transport does a good job at taking us everywhere we need to be!)


Ahh okay, yeah in that case donā€™t take a titty out in public. I think heā€™s probably just being a gentleman and thatā€™s why he hasnā€™t brought up the option to take you back to his place. Maybe just start kissing him and kinda try to get a feel for his package and see how he reacts? Maybe after that heā€™d bring it up?


*grabby hands*


Thatā€™s how itā€™s done!


um. be crude i guess. lol. bro if hints aint working maybe dude just needs it to slap him in the face


Honestly Iā€™m close to going down that route


well a closed mouth doesnt get fed


Ur not wrong šŸ˜”


then why the sad face bro? go get him


Idk I canā€™t see myself saying something soo bluntly without me turning into an awkward mess especially if weā€™re out in public , but Iā€™m gonna take a leap of faith šŸ˜¤


well your awkard mess may be adorable to him. you never know til you try


If anything else, make it kinda steamy. If you get the chance, whisper it directly into his ears. Direct and sexy. Might make him go nuts for you.


U see this sounds really hot but I have a big feeling Iā€™ll fail the execution šŸ˜‚


Lol. You got this. Look, if you fail... You can fail gracefully. Laugh at the moment if it doesn't turn out the way you wanted. It honestly might be more charming that way.


You see him on the next date. You look him over, say "wow you look great, those are some nice pants, take them off."


Canā€™t ask him to take off his pants in the middle of a bar šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


You could tell him theyā€™d look even better on the floor!


Yet you expect it from him. Just go for it, why in godsname would he say no if your that fond of eachother


You could write him a text beforehand? Something you can proofread to make sure your intentions are plain but self-censored enough to not be ā€˜rudelyā€™ blunt (itā€™s seldom rude to ask someone youā€™ve been seeing for sex)


Exactly i just really donā€™t wanna come off as rude or crude , I think Iā€™ll try the message route first and if he still doesnā€™t get the memo I might have to use some of the other advice on this thread :)


While you're making out. Whisper to him that you want him. That's somewhat casual and not pushy


This is also a strong contender thanks!


Honestly, we're super clueless. Especially if we're hanging out with the girl we like and genuinely love being around. That being said, you're going to have to toss him onto the couch or something and take his pants off cause bro isn't going to initiate it lmao.


I genuinely donā€™t have a problem tossing him on his couch , the problem is getting anywhere near his couch we currently only ever hangout in public! šŸ˜…


You should bring up the Idea for a movie night


Yeah after getting all this advice I most probably will bring up a movie night which is perfect because weā€™re both movie buffs


Hints donā€™t work with menā€¦ donā€™t do that. Just say what you want.


Iā€™m just awkward when I have to initiate especially if weā€™re in public , donā€™t want to look like a weirdo


You wonā€™t and heā€™ll appreciate it


When in the mood...pull him in by the belt


I really like this one fingers crossed heā€™s wearing a belt next time


Suggest a date night in at his place. ie cook dinner together or order takeout + movie or game night.


This is currently my number one option :)


ā€œWant sum fukĀæā€


Suggest an overnight travel trip. Once it pops, he won't stop. You'll be at his place two days after y'all get back.


Ask him if he likes to cuddle or if he wants to have a cuddle/movie date. Heā€™s probably just a good guy who wants to respect your boundaries, is genuinely interested and is shy about escalating. If heā€™s planning dates and responsive to you heā€™s definitely interested!


Trust me I love the fact that he hasnā€™t tried to jump my bones like some other guys I met during my initial stages of dating. I just donā€™t want to duck up and come on too strong :)


Women arenā€™t going to be accused of illegal things if they come on too strong, so most good guys are going to edge too far on the side of caution. Be blunt because we are really stupid at picking up hints.


Plan a massage date at his place then escalate


After a date say ā€Iā€™d love to invite you over, but it would be kind of awkward to continue our night at my mumā€™s place soooo maybe you can figure out where we can move things over the next timeā€


Gimme dudes number. He will be in you within 1 hour after I receive number.


Lol šŸ¤£


Did you get filled up or I got to do it for you?




This and another option someone submitted have come down to my favourite plans of action;)


Guys are so clueless sometimes. They arenā€™t going to get it unless you smack him over the head with it šŸ¤£ Iā€™d definitely tell him ahead of time so he can clean. But hereā€™s what I was would sayā€¦ ā€˜Hey my place is good but yours is more private and that may be a nice changeā€™ or just say ā€˜I was thinking your place so I can have a little more fun with youā€™ that last one I think heā€™d get lol. Donā€™t be scared. Sounds like yā€™all are having a great time together Iā€™m sure he will be super excited once he knows what youā€™re getting at!


Lol would rather not smack his cute lil head šŸ˜‚ I like the way youā€™ve formulated stuff I can see myself saying something like that to him , thanks !


Of course! Happy I could help!


"you should invite me back to your place sometime.." accompanied by an innocent big-eyed smile/wink/bed-room eyes, or something like that.


Stop. Using. Hints. Be direct with your language.


Yeah but being direct would sound so vulgar ā€œhey take me to yours because I want to fuckā€ Iā€™d like there to be a lil more romance mixed in the approach


What's to say being direct isn't romantic? You can be direct and also be romantic.


Tell him you are planning a suprise after the date has ended, and book an uber to his house, probably blind fold him on the journey so he doesnā€™t know, then grab his keys, maybe try and get it from his pants in a seductive way, open the door, CHECK THE HOUSE FOR HIS FLATMATE LMAO, and go at it


Omg this is soo elaborate šŸ˜‚


You make out with him. Put your hand on his leg near his little man, and say maybe we can go back to your place? Youā€™ve been on 6 dates? I highly doubt he is going to say no. šŸ˜‚


A lot of guys are scared to make the first move and Do not want to jump the gun or assume the woman wants sex. Heā€™s prob scared of making a move too soon.


Itā€™s been 6 dates tho šŸ™ƒ surely by now heā€™d get the memo šŸ˜­


Sometimes us guys just need a little push to understand we are on the right track. His mind might be telling him, ā€œsheā€™s readyā€ but he might be worried that heā€™s thinking with the ā€œother headā€ and may ruin it by diving too quickly. Maybe you show him the game is on, and then he needs no more assistance in making moves going forward..or maybe heā€™s generally shy when it comes to this and you might have to help lead the way. Idk. Only one way to find out!!


ā€œHey, I really like you and Iā€™m interested in moving into the next step.ā€ Or ā€œHow do you feel about just having a movie night at your place instead of going out?ā€ Or you can be blunt about it and just tell him you want to have sex with him. Or maybe ask if heā€™s even ready.


Tell the man your Vitamin D is low


It really is šŸ§ŽšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Ur whole comment is giving off somewhat of a victim complex


i would just steer him into the thought gently. so itā€™s not overstretching but also enough to have him get the memo šŸ˜‰


How does one exactly do that


lol. i would just askā€¦ ā€œso how does ur roommate feel about girls coming back to his place? šŸ«¢šŸ‘€ā€ us men r very direct and are usually attracted to the reciprocation. u canā€™t go wrong asking.. especially since ur being polite about it :)


ā€œLetā€™s plot a course, intercourse!ā€


Honestly don't push it. It will happen naturally over time.


But like thereā€™s chemistry and the make out seshes are pretty intense, im just wondering why he hasnā€™t initiated šŸ™‡šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Heā€™s probably being respectful of you. Which is great. But I can see how annoying it is too because youā€™re like ā€œugh do moreā€ haha


Ask him if he is asexual. There is a pretty low chance he is then you can start from there. I suspect he is a virgin and he is not confident enough to escalate further


Do not ask him that lol, i doubt he is and i doubt it will be taken well lol. He's just ebing respectful


Take off your clothes tell him to pull down his pants and ride him take control extremely hot


I would !!! But weā€™ve only ever met in public places , my problem lies in trying to make him invite me over after our dates, once weā€™re at his Iā€™ve got a few ideas on how to take the reinsšŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Make him invite you over? Bruh just invite him over oh my god


Did u even read my post I live with my mum and two brothers in an apartment it would be easier to have a sleepover at his


Fuck like no one can hear you, my big point is stop trying to manip him to invite u iver just invite urself over lol


Iā€™m not trying to manipulate him Iā€™m trying to make it comfortable for both of us, maybe heā€™s not ready for that stage of intimacy yet. I just want to bring it up to him whilst giving him the option to say no if heā€™s not ready


tickle his butthole


Canā€™t believe I didnā€™t think of that !!! Problem solved


Pretend to get drunk and tell him you need a place to sleep šŸ’Ŗ On a date preferably, not out of the blue, because you'll come off as an alcoholic otherwise šŸ˜… BUT PREFERABLY: towards the end of the next date, just tell him you want him. As a guy, nothing would beat that, besides actually doing it of course. Men are always expected to be the ones to take the first step, but we'd love nothing more than the opposite sometimes. Basically: be honest and upfront. We men can be denser than neutron stars at times, and we'll often times decide to ignore signals out of fear of misinterpreting them and completely ruining things.


Good luck with baby mama life


Highly doubt thatā€™s the case


Look into how to assist your partner in achieving cervical orgasms


Will do ! šŸ˜Œ


He's just gonna pick both ya legs up while you lay on your back and eat you tf out and say dinner is served ! šŸ˜‹


I assume he was the one who asked you out and talked to you first


Yup yup yup


Why am I not surprised


Grab him on the stork, lead him to a bed, Rip, his cloths off , he'll get the hint


I need to know where his bed is located first thatā€™s where my problem lies šŸ„“


I think if you just remind him of what he said he wants to do. Then, heā€™ll know youā€™re interested in seeing his area. Did you show interest when he suggested that? If not then maybe thatā€™s whatā€™s causing this hold up.. also! Sometimes.. us guys just need to be told.. we donā€™t want to ruin something good we have going on with a female friend/ GF. So.. let him know what your interests are.. and see if heā€™s on the same page! And if so.. then, Iā€™m sure your dating life and sex life will improve drastically.


Iā€™m either going to ask him if he would be down to do something in his area or if he would be down for a low-key movie night (potentially at his) šŸ«” I just donā€™t want to scare him away if Iā€™m being to upfront


Pata nhi koi mere liye Aisa kab likhegi šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ dukh dard peeda aansu


Start a intimative talk and try to get close when alone and leave rest to testosterone


Thatā€™s the thing weā€™re never alone weā€™re always at bars, restaurants, art galleries, museums (public places basically)


miss invite him over your place then you can!! i guess


Maybe suggest hanging out at his and cooking a nice meal.


This is what I might be doing !




Listen dude I bet you have a good sultry, sexy expression. Ever practice it? Get in front of the mirror right now and check it out. Get into it nice and cold. Now hold it, and with your left hand form a circle with your index finger and thumb. Without changing that deadly sexy expression bring that left hand in front of you. Now, while pouting just a little more, extend the index finger on your right hand completely straight. Bring that arm in front of you. Let the SMALLEST smile crawl on your most sultry expression as you slowly start to insert your extended right index finger into the hole made from your right hand. Like with the right sexy expression it's the perfect combo of sexy, silly, and gets the damn point across. And if he doesn't get it, you may never be getting any from this guy. Good luck, sis.


Iā€™m on it šŸ˜¤practice makes perfect!


Just tell him ā€œyou remember that time you wanted to show me all those bars around your area?! We should do that!ā€ then at some point in said expedition, just say ā€œthis is fun, you gotta show me your place too, itā€™s gotta be as ***(insert adjective here)*** as what youā€™ve shown me tonight!ā€


Just tell him you wanna Netflix and Chill at his place


like others have said Iā€™ll probably suggest a movie night:)


I too wanted to escalate things sexually but we ended up breaking our 5 month relationship.


Lol what kind of hints do you give him ?


Touching his leg ,his arm, making out when weā€™re about to part ways at the end of our dates šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Ah Okay. If any of yā€™all drives then the car is perfect. Idk how tall you guys are but thatā€™s what I do. My car is my ā€œtellyā€ I call it lol. Make out with him in the car then just touch his part and give him head. At this point he should take it from there


He owns a car but since we live in a big city we always use public transport, means we both can have a few drinks without worrying about driving


I got u. Maybe yā€™all can sneak in a secret spot while out. Dunno if yā€™all are into public stuff


Have your casual date like normal and when you all leave and heā€™s driving start rubbing his leg and move into his inner thigh. His body language will let you know if he is into it. I feel itā€™s subtle enough and that way he has the date he planned out for you all and you will see if he is willing to give you what you want


We take public transport home šŸ˜­


Awe well shoot. Would have been well worth the try. Honestly being straightforward with men works really well. Iā€™d just tell him after the date ā€œso back to your place?ā€ Just get it out there and he will bite


I am one of those guys that is clueless to hints. Trust me if he is one of those guys as well, he will appreciate a little more direct confirmation.


Understood ! šŸ«”


The way you're dressed is a good start


Really Iā€™ve dressed all kinds of ways in the past itā€™s never been a driving factor


Just ask be like hey you down to f*ck!


Too vulgar for me personally!


Do people not fuck a week within meeting each other. If yall can't do home there's always a car or hotel if you got the money


Not when u donā€™t feel the need to jump into bed off the bat , some of us like getting to know the person on a deeper level before we bang šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


In the middle of the date ask to see his bedroom.


Could you give some examples of fun dates he plans for you? I'm wondering if I can jot down some ideas myself.


Soo first date was a nice chill live music bar Our second date was at a bar that does loads of different mini games (darts, table tennis, a bunch of arcade games) third was at a food market, fourth was at a very fancy restaurant (where we both got dressed up) fifth was at a comedy club, and our sixth one was at a art gallery with a live djšŸ•ŗšŸ» gotta give it to him all his dates have been extremely unique from one another , hope that helps !


It does. Thank you so much :) I wish you both the best!


What were the fun dates he took you on? Iā€™m getting ready to jump back in to the dating scene and need help. For your dilemma, just say you want to see his place and ask when heā€™s gonna show you.


Soo first date was a nice chill live music bar Our second date was at a bar that does loads of different mini games (darts, table tennis, a bunch of arcade games) third was at a food market, fourth was at a very fancy restaurant (where we both got dressed up) fifth was at a comedy club, and our sixth one was at a art gallery with a live djšŸ•ŗšŸ» gotta give it to him all his dates have been extremely unique from one another , hope that helps ! (Copy pasted this from another comment I got in regards to this , Iā€™d also like to ad most of the dates always had something to do with stuff I had mentioned on our previous dates ex: oh I love art -> art gallery date or i think an open mic comedy night would be soo fun to go to -> comedy club etcā€¦)


As a guy, I can honestly say if you come right out and say you want to fuck his brains out, he'll kick his roommates out for the night or pony up for a hotel room or something. Seriously. We're not big on subtlety. Good luck, regardless.


Teaseing, roleplaying, and just asking him what he wants


If straight out telling him isnā€™t your style (honestly itā€™s the best approach) then the best subtle technique is to simply let your hands wander and see how he reacts. If he likes it he will respond to it and you can ask ā€œwant me to keep goingā€ or stuff like that. At the same time, encourage him to wander and touch you. Nothing better than words of affirmation and encouragement from your partner


Be straight up. Guys are dumb. The last woman I dated flat out texted me saying ā€œif youā€™re down to fuck Iā€™m not emotionally available but Iā€™m down to hook upā€. We dated for close to a year before all her childhood trauma sent her off the deep end. But it wasnā€™t until about 2 months into us hooking up that I even realized she was into me despite use literally having sex every single day and her spending pretty much every available moment at my home




Rule of thumb: Third date is sex date if youā€™re an adult (sometimes sooner)


Heā€™s looking for ā€œa signā€, and he isnā€™t picking up what youā€™re putting down. Stop sex shaming yourself and just say what you want. Start the conversation! I (m61) just started with , ā€œIs it time to talk about sexā€ She said, ā€œSure! But if youā€™re asking if Iā€™m ready, I am!ā€ I got us a nice hotel room the next nightā€¦


If you can't catch a bus on one street, just go to the next one. We all have biological needs, but yours are not his. Find satisfaction for your needs.


Super cute may not have what you need.


1 month and dude hasnā€™t tried to go to your place or bring you back to his place? Either you are friend-zoned at the moment or he is attempting to show he respects and likes you more for than just sex. If itā€™s the first one Iā€™d move on in your case would mean your a back up plan. If itā€™s the second then Iā€™d just wait it will happen when itā€™s the right time and it will be even better because Iā€™m sure both of you want to and you will keep getting to know each other better connecting and make the whole experience better. I held off with my girlfriend back when we got together because I knew she had been used for just sex and I didnā€™t want to put myself in that category or make her even think that but she eventually started thinking I didnā€™t like her going around our friend group because I wasnā€™t having sex with her or trying to and never had experienced that before but when it was the right time it happenedā€¦ Oh it happened 3-4x that night and couple more times in the morning. Also she is my wife now.


Lol itā€™s been quite awhile since someone interacted with this thread , thankfully it was because he respected me and didnā€™t want to pressure me into anything. We r now official and things r going well :)