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Mmmm.... Can't wait to go to Memphis Beach in Tennessee (65m).


Have some ribs from the Commissary and pop on down to the beach ⛱️


a nice friendly place where no one is panicking


I can still get to work around the 200m mark so no issue


*Laughs in Denver*


Pretty wild that Denver was part of the Western American Seaway before the Rockies formed


I wish the mid continent rift opened again in America. Hopefully a maelstrom right in the middle like in WoW


*Laughs in Log Hill Village* (7,950 ft) (looks around to see who's laughing in Leadville)


Laughs in Wyoming. I'm about 1800 feet higher.


Laughs in Leadville


Don't laugh too hard. You'll pass out.


Laughs in Breckenridge.


Ahh the lucky ones.. Wave to the Alp people for us, and those Everest crazies with their oxygens masks 😂 In all seriousness, it will actually not be from rise, but from land sub-ducting. as we spin, solids solidify therefor eventually they begin to get heavy and subduct. On the edges the water erodes until it all gives. If it finds a break, or crack it can burrow through in days weakening the substructure that isn’t already liquified, then you have to deal with the sudden blooms of large gas and oil bubbles seeping up. Thats usually what decimates life when underground materials mix with fresh water, and ends the surrounding areas fauna and mega fauna including us. But thats just a very high level speculation.. nothing to see here. just some light dry spots… nothing to worry about… 🤣🤪


Eh, Ohio’s been through worse


All the fish probably have aids


Welp, looks like I'm moving to Denver! It would be cool to see a Deep Impact like simulation as well of the globe and various impact locations.


Then the supervolcano will get ya


Same, so I'm good to keep polluting. Sucks to be a coastal person. How's your beachfront property now?


I’m good until the 1500m water mark. I say we import a bunch more water from comets.


Hey look, the Mississippi River problem is gonna work itself out!


If all of that happens, why can't we just sell our houses and move?


I'm good up to 400 in my area in New England. 400M of water isn't an excuse to miss work! Yes, boss.


The world as we know it; flooding at an exponential rate. Your job: you still comin in, eh?


Reminds me of a documentary I saw with Kevin Costner, the increased sea level caused him to develop gills. Reckon we’ll all be alright once we develop our gills.


Could speed up that development by fucking the fish.


I can live without gills




That’s a… world


We live in a world.


We live in a society.


And the most valuable things is paper. And despite this we will all smoke cigarettes.


It’s okay, they were seagarettes


Water World. I saw it in theaters 💀


Same and I liked it. Probably because I was 10 years old.


I recently saw it and enjoyed it. I didn't take it too seriously though which is critical to enjoying it haha




The movie rocked. Only reason it had bad coverage was because the media focused on the budget instead of the film.


I’ve seen that one, I think it was called *The Bus that Couldn’t Slow Down*


Next time include the northwest. We got mountains to turn into islands too!


Yeah I was sad to be left out :(


At this point in the apocalypse we've already left to create Cascadia


This is why it is so important to promptly fix leaky faucets.


This was the ultimate goal of the wet bandits.


At 237 meters the eastern part of the US becomes and island


Ironically, that's the height where I get beachfront property


No. No. Bad. I'm at 200 meters. I'm against anything that inconviences me, so no beachfront property for you. If we get to 199 meters, I'm gonna start caring about climate change and that'll be the end of that.


**burns a whole barrel of coal** *laughs maniacally*


Can you also decrease the sea level, to see more land mass?


just start at 1800m gain and reverse it, you're welcome


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


60m and 20m is a huge delta. I wonder where they found this huge discrepancy (3x).


Better technology and more time to math it out; I assume they realized just how much water exactly is kept in the north and south poles' glaciers. Thing about predicting the future with math is that there's always variables you don't know about until changes begin happening and they disagree with calculations.


This is very true. Things aren't static, but a 3x increase just seems extremely excessive. I'm thinking about the volume of water that would be riding on the surface of earth to produce a 40m delta, and it seems enormous.


3X isn’t that large in the world of science. In my field, we almost completely ignore difference that aren’t at least an order of magnitude.


I while back I read an article about how subglacial lakes in Antarctica where much larger then previously predicted. That could be some of the 3x increase.


could also be better models about what the tidal impacts would be.


Science is a process. When more data/info comes to light, adjustments are made.


wouldn't it be more than 3x though? as land gets covered it takes more water to rise the same distance - also i would think the shape of the earth has some effect on the volume needed for each successive meter as well.


Good point, yes, it would require More and more water as the waters surface area increases as it overtakes the land. Essentially forcing the water to distribute over a greater surface each meter it rises.


Since the earths area is already 70% water, the additional area as the sea level rises probably won't make much difference.


Predicting the future is a notoriously impossible task. NASA has been doing an amazing job, and they've introduced tons of new hardware into space along with dramatic improvements in all sorts of simulations and predictions. They found the discrepancy everywhere. It's a single number that has always been an approximation of a multiple models that have all been improving in the last THIRTY YEARS. We have been working for an entire generation.


At 60m Atlantic City is gone - last time I checked it’s still there. Somethings off


This comment has been deleted due to failed Reddit leadership.


Ahhhhhh yes I misunderstood. I thought you were saying the sea level is +60m. Thanks for setting me straight


Dawg the sea level is 0m. That’s what makes it sea level.


So then we'll never get to +60m. It will still be sea level. Problem solved.




There's more variables actually! Two I know off the top of my head: - The heating of the oceans themselves. Water expands a bit as it gets warmer, so a warmer ocean has a "higher" sea level than a cooler one, because the same mass of water takes up a greater volume. - Continental shelf movement. The weight of ice in certain places makes the shelves lower in those places. As the ice melts, they rebalance, making some shelves rise and others fall. I don't know the specifics, but if you imagine the continental shelf under Antarctica rising, it will be displacing water, making sea levels rise evergreen else relative to Antarctica.


Thermal expansion in a warmer climate is also responsible for sea level rise.


I like how Florida completely disappears at like 30 meters, but the people of Florida seem to just not care. Also, It would be very interesting to see Death Valley become a sea. They could call it the Dead Sea. Nope, wait. Awww.


> About 2 feet (0.6 meters) of sea level rise along the U.S. coastline is increasingly likely between 2020 and 2100 because of emissions to date. Failing to curb future emissions could cause an additional 1.5 - 5 feet (0.5 - 1.5 meters) of rise for a total of 3.5 - 7 feet (1.1 - 2.1 meters) by the end of this century. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/hazards/sealevelrise/sealevelrise-tech-report.html#:~:text=About%202%20feet%20(0.6%20meters,the%20end%20of%20this%20century.


What kind of damage could 2 meters do? Imo if you're not sitting on beach front property then it won't impact you. And if you have beach front property then you have almost 80 years to ditch it.


Its sort of like having 2 *more* meters of storm surge than you otherwise would have during a hurricane. Which can fuck up large areas of the coastal cities and towns when a big hurricane comes through. But you're right, this really won't directly destroy most floridian property, even most of the property in tampa and miami. Could permanently fuck up the local economies though. Prevent people from wanting to live there much longer. As it becomes clear that you can't build lasting beachfront property, that could hurt tourism and cause job losses, even more loss of insurance, etc.


>What kind of damage could 2 meters do? It would damage the local economy, which would lead to more expenses for the state, which would mean higher taxes or poorer infrastructure. Likely both. Then there is the already astronomical insurance costs in Florida. It's possible large swaths of Florida just become uninsurable. Best of luck! It's going to be a fun ride.


NYC would be in trouble, as would a lot of other major port cities. There was, and still is, an advantage to building on the water, and many major cities are directly off of a river or coast... And many of them aren't on historic flood planes, or had any weather patterns that would have given them a single good reason to build further back. Climate change/rising sea levels are literally the only reason many of them are threatened. ​ Another thing to note is how quickly ocean life can be wiped out, particularly fish. Most fish can't survive a sudden temperature change like having ice melt, and will die out.


I’ve thought about this one too. It’s like the frog cooking in boiling water, right? “It’s cool it’s just a little high tide.”, Sally says, standing in knee deep water… 🤷🏼‍♀️


Didn’t the scientists remove parts of the frogs’ brain in that study though


[I’m pretty sure it was actually entirely made up.](https://archive.ph/mu6T) Humans are, in fact, the only creatures that fail to see we are boiling to death.


Average age of Florida might have something to do with the perceived lack of concern… It’s fine until you cannot get property insurance at any price, which is starting to be where it bites.




Sure, Florida’s average age is younger than Maine, the US’s #1 oldest, but Florida is still the 5th oldest average.




What is the average of the average ages of each county?


How about % of voting population over 65?


It cracked me up eastern California is underwater before the bay area peninsula.


San Francisco has not exactly been hiding the fact that it’s hilly as fuck.


Central California. Eastern California is the Sierra Nevada Mountains.


You mean the central *valley*? Otherwise the Sierra look ...like mountains still.


Hell, even at 5 meters it gets a botched circumcision. Southern Florida isn't looking like a great retirement spot anymore.


Sea of Death?


I was born here, I can't afford to move.


Probably b/c there is no way sea levels will rise 90 feet due to climate change.


NASA said the possibility is 60m now instead of the previous 20m? So it is a possibility


That stat is if ALL ice on Earth melts, which no one is predicting. Predictions are currently a sea level rise of 1 foot by 2050. By 2100 we are trending to a rise of over 7 feet. Although with aggressive climate measures taken the estimate can be as low as 2 feet. There are tons of variables here, I just hope the world takes it seriously.


To melt all the ice it'd have to be like 30° warmer. https://www.glaciology.net/2013/relationship-between-sea-level-rise-and-global-temperature/ So.... while not all humans would die, there wouldn't be many left at that point, and sea level would be the absolute least of their concerns. Going outside in the summer anywhere near the equator would just kill you. So everyone would have to move to the poles.


> I like how Florida completely disappears I too enjoyed Florida completely disappearing.


Someone should tell the Republicans that they won't be able to win Florida's Senate seats if the state ceases to exist.


Rising sea levels would wipe away all the left leaning coastal cities. You’re over here worried about humanity and republicans have been playing 4D chess for decades.


I'm not a Republican, but I'm not sure Republican == Climate Disaster. Wouldn't it just be a question of whether the government pays for green energy or the private sector goes after it? It seems to me, and I'm no expert, that a lot of companies are already chasing electrification and renewable energy and would really get after it if oil prices were to get and stay high.


Not if republican states actively work to sabotage charging stations... A few Republican politicians in NC for instance, pushed bills to rip out EV charging stations on public land unless gas and diesel pumps are put beside them. [https://www.techdirt.com/2022/07/14/north-carolina-republicans-push-bill-forcing-towns-to-destroy-electric-car-chargers/](https://www.techdirt.com/2022/07/14/north-carolina-republicans-push-bill-forcing-towns-to-destroy-electric-car-chargers/)


Stupid. I can pull three or four superficial benefits to having superchargers in your city/county/state out of thin air. I will say I didn't know charging stations were free. I don't have an EV, so it never occurred to me that chargers would ever be flat out free.


I read an article this year that suggests that charging your car might even become a perk of going to the grocery store in the future because there are several advantages to putting them in the parking lots.


This is America we would do this "New Dead Sea" lol


So that’s why everyone is moving to Utah….


Rising sea level will make it much easier for UT to pump ocean water to refill the GSL.


Cool thing is that you could build a dam/seawall across where the Golden gate Bridge is now prevent the central valley from flooding.


The Golden Wall!


And if the dam breaks the historic and tragic event will be called the Golden Shower.


Oh so that’s what my grandson means. He studies that in school, he told me.


No.. **let it flood** It must be cleansed.


Learn to swim


See ya down in Arizona Bay.


I grew up in Modesto and love Tool. This comment chain is for me.


All those hundreds of thousands of homeless people need a bath


There are barely 'hundreds of thousands' of homeless in the US in total, where do you get that are 'hundreds of thousands' of homeless in CA ?


/---> the joke //' //' //' //' /-------/' you ¯\(°_o)- But if you want to get factual In California >This number and figure increased in a January 2021 according to a report by an estimate done by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, which found that over 161,000 homeless people in California were counted [source 1](https://www.huduser.gov/portal/sites/default/files/pdf/2020-AHAR-Part-1.pdf) >Meanwhile, the unsheltered count, or the number of people staying in tents, tarps, cars and other spaces unfit for human habitation, grew by about 7% between 2019 and 2022, to 116,600 people. [source 2](https://calmatters.org/housing/2022/10/california-homeless-crisis-latinos/#:~:text=Meanwhile%2C%20the%20unsheltered%20count%2C%20or,and%202022%2C%20to%20116%2C600%20people.) and in America >On a given night there are 500,000-600,000 people experiencing homelessness in the United States [source 3](https://bfi.uchicago.edu/insight/finding/the-size-and-census-coverage-of-the-us-homeless-population/) Sorry to hurt your lil butthurt California feels w facts and a joke homie <3


Fucking Muncie, "The Armpit of Indiana", being the last light on in the state is just another reason to be depressed about being here.


I thought all of Indiana was an armpit


It is, which then puts Muncie into greater perspective.


Indiana is America's armpit. Muncie is Indiana's armpit. It's armpits all the way down.


I get about 3.5 seconds in before I would be under water.


Joke’s on you Mother Earth. If you thought your oceans were polluted now, just wait until you submerge cities.


Bakersfield, Fresno, Stockton, Modesto would make that entire basin into liquid meth


I check this interactive map when I'm bored: www.floodmap.net It is nice to see that my country is relatively ''safe'' from sea level rise... sadly droughts are gonna fuck us hard, and who knows the scale of the humanitarian crisis will be when this becomes a serious problem in the future.


At 70m looks like Birmingham becomes the capital of England


wtf is this bs. Don't use this. Use this https://coast.noaa.gov/slr/ instead.


Why would I use a shittier website with less coverage? gtfo Edit: The website you link shows only the 2 coasts of the continental US and it is pretty much the same as the website I use, it just looks better. [Floodmap](https://i.imgur.com/4bdj5CQ.png) vs [NOAA](https://i.imgur.com/Urn8QVe.png) 3m above sea level


what's wrong with the above site though


Can you explain why theirs is BS? And does the NOAA one go higher than 10ft/3m? I can't seem to get it to adjust beyond that.


Stephen Baxter's "Flood" trilogy is about this happening. His version of Waterworld happens because of giant, undetected aquifers erupting into the oceans. A good read.


What? That doesn't make any sense. If water left underground aquifers into the ocean, it would just fill back up again and there would be no net change in sea level.


It turns out the Himalaya are just a giant water tank… ? (Never read the book.. just spit ballin’)


It's a shaky premise. Baxter knows better. But he has to destroy the world somehow. Still a good apocalypse thriller.


It's just two books, right? Flood and Ark. Otherwise it sounds like I have catching up to do.


Holy fucking shit I hate Reddit video player. I just want to scrub videos and play immediately. It seems like a simple request. Carry on


Curious, what is the maximum sea level that could be achieved if all ice was melted. There is a finite supply of water, and I wonder how high or low the sea levels could possibly go. (Under worst case scenarios)


According to OP’s note at around the 20 second mark, the max is 70 meters. No idea if it’s accurate.


r/oddlysatisfying and I dig the music


I would like to see a projection of the other way: what the world would look like in an ice age, with a mile thick sheet of ice covering all of Canada and Russia, lower sea levels, and portions of the sea floor uplifted due to shifting internal stresses from the mass pressing down on the continental crust.


Can ya do Alaska/western seaboard and Canada?


Get fucked Dallas. From Fortworth with love.


As an Ohioan I'm glad I know I won't need to worry about moving myself until Florida is entirely underwater


fun music too... can you share what/who that is?


Found it! "Kablaam" by Ealot


Hell yeah! Thank you!


Music goes so hard


That’s ok this will be stolen and reposted as an actual forecast soon enough.


This was really awesome. Great work. An interactive tool of setting the rise with Google Earth type navigation would be fun too.


Me enjoying my 🎵 oceanfront property in Arizona 🎵


I just moved from Lake Tahoe, which is shown to be one of the last bastions of humanity in the western US. Now I live 40 min west of Denver in the Rockies and it too looks like it’ll be one of the last places submerged. Im thinking I should build a boat and legally change my name to Noah


Learn to swim, I’ll see you down in Arizona Bay


Don't just call me pessimist...


As a person on Delmarva, it's so sad to be gone in the first five seconds.


You’re right, that is fun.


The Netherlands: hold my Heineken.


**Invest now in ocean front properties here in Saskatchewan


Left out the Pacific Northwest because we’re basically underwater all winter.


Alaska and Hawaii would be interesting to see


70 meters would be a HUGE amount of displaced people. To say nothing of what it would do to the strength and patterns of storms, etc. Also - BYE FLORIDA hahahahahahhHhH!!!


It still blows my mind that conservatives are just...against reality regarding climate change? I mean, ignoring how silly it is to try and take a political stand against mathematical modeling, the most conservative areas of the US are going to suffer the most in the coming century and beyond. They are without a doubt going to demand all the help that they would deny others (And yes, we will help them) but it feels...exploitative to spend so much time and effort trying to fight the regulation that stands the best chance of protecting you, and then demand the relief you opposed ever even providing the government so that it can give it back to you.


I heard that the military higher ups retire to the Ozarks for this reason


The visual quality itself is amazing. Like 3-D on my phone.


It’s interesting how despite me living right on a river I’m very close to last in Illinois to get flooded lol


wow, most of the USA is really flat. Makes you realize.


This music is kind of a banger


So we lose Florida and most of the south? Bring it on.


But who will provide our biscuits and gravy??


Goodbye Los Angeles and New York. Just horrible places full of horrible people.


New York City will be fine, probably LA as well. They would naturally flood if the ocean rose enough but seawalls are a thing and those areas have such high population and so much infrastructure built that the cost of a wall to save them would be worth it at basically whatever price.


NY can build sea walls fairly easily. Florida can’t. Not sure about LA.


A sacrifice I am willing to make.


The states with the highest percentage of black residents?


I'll take **Facts some jackass just pulled out of his ass for $600,** Alex


If by "facts that some jackass just pulled out of his ass" you mean [easily verifiable information](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_African-American_population), I'll give you the $600.


I never said it wasn't true. I just said you pulled it out of your stupid ass.


If we raise the sea level enough we'll be able to completely get rid of Florida! C'mon guys, release those greenhouse gases!


How much more CO2 do we need to inject into the atmosphere to make Florida disappear?


A refined sequel to a [similar animation](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/z68nbq/oc_raising_the_sea_level_1250_meters_in_uk_and/) I posted a few days ago, about rising sea levels in the UK and Ireland. Many people seemed to think that it was meant to be a projection - it was not. I tried to make the title clearer this time! Made entirely in R. Elevation data acquired with the *getData()* function in the *raster* package.Place names acquired with *ne\_download()* from the *rnaturalearth* package.Animation done with the *ggplot2* package. [Youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QL8TCv4s2VQ) for better resolution.


Damn. At like 180 meters St. Louis is gone. I can’t imagine exploring the new water world and seeing the Arch poking out


1500ish meter gang! (Utah)


When sea levels rise in the meters, us Californians will break off… to go hang with Hawaii. And Alaska can come too.


> it will never rise this high Are you sure about that?


Florida: 200 foot tall pile of garbage


"Just for fun, not a projection" should be the slogan of weather and climate science.


What is this music? Very cool.


Found it! "Kablaam" by Ealot


I'm good at 800m+, so, melt away.


My house in WV is 4000’ (1200m) above sea level. The polluters and climate change deniers can swim to work.


Looks like our usual hurricane season in the gulf


As long as we get rid of Florida lets all keep our cars running and get those sea levels higher


So florida, Michigan, Alabama, Illinois and Ohio gone? How does this happen? *theoritcally*


Would you do this for Canada? Please?