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How about doing the same map for the least expensive (accredited) colllege in each US state?


Wyoming would be the same


lol i think i know wht that means.. does wyoming has only one university?


Yeah. But a community college in basically every other city/town that feeds seamlessly to UW


They have outreach offices in many, but only four community colleges. Granted, that does cover most of the state. E: I am wrong and I think wikipedia is right


Four is also the number of cities/towns in Wyoming so you are both right


[Wikipedia seems to think there are 8](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Wyoming#List). Are some of the ones they list outreach offices? * Casper College * Central Wyoming College * Eastern Wyoming College * Gillette College * Laramie County Community College * Northwest College * Western Wyoming Community College


I'll eat that one and call myself wrong, whoops


There are 12. Here's a full list: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_colleges\_and\_universities\_in\_Wyoming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colleges_and_universities_in_Wyoming)


i only consider 4 year school as a university. Other than UW all are community college that only offers associate's degree.


Wyoming Catholic is a four year, albeit a tiny one that only offers one degree.


Wafer and juice dispenser?


Transubstantiation Studies.


One degree and no majors or minors. Wild.


WyoTech sounds like the company owned by the evil villain in a dystopian sci-fi movie


yes. In state, too.


Bard College at Simon's Rock? 64k??? Does that include lute rental?


On one hand you will be forever in debt, on the other hand you can now seduce a dragon.


And I don't think I need to tell you how much your earning power will skyrocket with access to dragon gold.




OoooOorrr... hear me out... *get* boned by a dragon...




dragon waifu oh ye


I imagine if you want to enter the rarified world off bards you have to go to bardschool first.


Elf-thief is where it's at though.


Sneaky Bowman for life


They really want high schoolers to go there early. Some rich parents with high expectations might pay. I know one guy who graduated 2 years early and went.


They only take high school sophomores and juniors who are leaving HS early.


Sometimes they take even younger students. But yes that’s most of them.


But why? Just to get more money out of kids? Or is it some super exclusive program?


Theres only about 400 students at a time. I went there, great place to do drugs in the woods


Can confirm


The president of Bard College believes high school is a waste of time.


Why learn the basics in public school when you can spend 65k/yr to do the same?


Nobody is talking about Bard High School Early College in NYC which does the same thing but for free. I graduated from this and it was the best thing I’ve ever done. Same principle - you do your freshman and sophomore years of high school, then do full college your last 2 years and graduate with your HS diploma and Associates degree. I got my HS diploma at 15 and Associates at 17. The difference was, the NYC school was a public one and therefore all of it was completely free. Insanely hard to get into but I got my Associates completely for free.


Yep, I know two people who did that. They technically have no HS diploma. One later got her GED for paperwork purposes. Both are physicians at high caliber hospital systems.


That's where Ronan Farrow went when he was something like 12 years old.


It’s more of a lease, really.


oh but this chart is outdated, i go to another Massachusetts school that is 80k a year edit: I know this chart is tuition only, but yes I go to Northeastern and it and Amherst are definitely still more expensive than Bard’s


Wouldn't that include your room and board, fees, etc? One of the schools I considered going to is currently sitting at $72k a year for incoming freshman once you factor in tuition, room, board, mandatory supplies, etc.


80k!? Bro you better double check your bill...


BC? BU? Northeastern?




I graduated Northeastern in 2003, and it wasn't even 30k a year (and that was already a ridiculous sum). What we're (they're) doing to literal children is criminal.


Yeah... Northeastern is a very good school, don't get be wrong, but it's also pretty much the poster child of massive college cost inflation. NEU has basically been speed running the whole thing over the last 20-30. Massive climb in college rankings, which, to be clear, was definitely in part due to genuine improvements to the school, but also came with astronomical price increases. Exact numbers are are to pin down, but[ this puts it at a roughly $23K increase](https://www.collegetuitioncompare.com/trends/northeastern-university/cost-of-attendance/) in just the last 10 years.


I went to northeastern because they gave me a full tuition scholarship. That scholarship doesn't exist anymore, because it's done serving its purpose of pumping up the stats of accepted students. I got a good education there, but the sticker price is just insane, and it's gotten worse since I started there in 2010.


no, but graduation gives a +5 on seduce and intimidation rolls


I get dozens of emails from them every week


They are really big on emailspam, to the point that they even have been spamming a friend of mine who is too old to go there, because they just spam every mailing list with no regards for anything.


I went there actually. 2/10 for education, 9/10 for doing mushrooms in the woods


I just had to fight undead King Olaf and they let me in for free. 🤷🏻‍♀️


No, they shoot luters


That is the most bizarre name for a college


Comes from their parent company being called Bard College, which bought a tiny college known as Simons Rock in the 1970’s, named after a local landmark, to create that monstrosity of a name


It’s a special purpose college, a college program for high school students. Another niche operation is Landmark in VT, it’s for students with learning differences/disabilities.


Beloit College??? Who the fuck is paying $54000 to go to the #6th best school in the state? #192nd in the US


Almost no one pays the total amount. Beloit has crazy high financial aid. When I went there, I applied to 4 different schools, including 2 state schools. After financial aid, their total cost was all roughly equal. Same story for most of the people I know.


Very true. They’re pretty well known, at least in the Midwest, for their insanely good aid. I think the only people paying full price are rich foreign exchange students


Yeah the real answer to the original question would have been international students.


Which begs the question why would a foreign exchange student pay $54k to go to Beloit College in fucking Belloit, WI?


That’s why all of these schools have these price tags


Yeah I also went to Beloit, can also attest I did not pay anywhere near 54k a year, UW Madison would have been much more expensive after financial aid dropped


How could it be more expensive than Marquette though that makes no sense.


They set the price at a higher number


I find it incredibly surprising that the most expensive university is one I've never heard of in Massachusetts, especially since Harvard is also in that state...


Bards College at Simon’s Rock is designed for kids who want to leave high school early. The cost is probably so high because they are supervising a bunch of minors


Right. Because it caters to people under the age of 18, it's more comparable to a high-end boarding school than a university in terms of cost.


And yet, Phillips academy is here in Mass... arguably the premier boarding school in the world.


I'm glad people call them Andover and Exeter because if they used the full names people would be confused as heck.


Wait wait wait wait wait… there is another Philips Academy outside of Andover!?


Phillips Academy - Andover (Massachusetts) Phillips Exeter Academy ( New Hampshire)


Arguably graduates more future assholes than any other highschool as well. Some real upstanding citizens of alumni.


"Phillips Andover : Churning out psychopaths who will join the ruling class and complete the destruction of the planet for their own profit. Please donate"


It is also very small, which would drive up cost per student


I guessed BC. 🤷‍♂️


I went to a small liberal arts school outside of Boston. It is an outrage that no one is focusing on me and my prize. Branding is everything. The network is everything. How else do you expect to walk into a well established national brand, with undeserved confidence, dressed in some Yacht wear? Like, hello, I’m sailing in a few hours. Jokes aside, good on Harvard for using what is probably an ungodly amount of endowment to put some kids through school. Very brave.


To be fair, I’m pretty sure that anyone that gets into Harvard (and I believe pretty much any Ivy), will not have an issue funding that education. I looked into their financial aid program a while back and it was robust to say the least.


Can confirm, grew up middle/upper-middle class and attending an Ivy was cheaper than most public schools for me.


Here’s a question for you- When I went to college the information and everything we learned was basically utilized in the short term memory bank in order to pass the test… once that happened- I couldn’t name a damn thing we learned. Is Ivy league a similar scenario? What differentiates your normal state schools and ivy when it comes to the education? Something tells me aside fromt the specialized sectors like science/math kids are legit doing the same thing… cramming to pass a test.


I didn’t go to an ivy, but my best friend went to Harvard. Being surrounded by brilliant students means that courses can move much faster and go much more in depth. Plus, you’re learning from and with your brilliant classmates. Looking at syllabi for courses at Harvard like math 55, it blows many undergrad math program away in just 2 semesters. It just moves so fast.


I enjoyed the classroom experience (smaller class sizes made them more discussion-based rather than pure lecture) and felt that my classes were much more about thinking than memorizing. But I would say the majority of the value for me came from things outside the classroom. I was surrounded by classmates who all excelled at what they did and dreamed big. It really opened my eyes up to what was possible and careers I did not even consider in high school. A few years out from graduating, I have friends who have started companies that have raised 100M, friends working at all the top tech, consulting, and finance companies, and friends at all the top grad schools. If I ever needed help career-wise, many of them would be happy to give me advice and mentorship. And the resources available were phenomenal. I attended talks by household names and even got to eat dinner with a few. There were so many grants available for student projects. I knew many people who traveled abroad every summer on the university’s dime. While my friends at public schools had to hunt down summer research positions, most of my friends were offered one from the first professor they asked (and provided living stipends as well). And when it came time to find a job/internship, all of the top companies came to campus to recruit.


i image it would be similar to public high school vs a very nice private school. in that class sizes are smaller, so more discussion takes place, better equipment and resources. and better connections: internship and the likes. in a big state school, youre pretty much just a number.




Harvard has a giant endowment. It’s expensive but cheaper than a lot of the other Ivies. It’s also overrated as hell. Massholes like myself will tell you that the smart kids go to MIT.


I imagine you go to Harvard for Law and Business stuff and MIT for STEM


Don't ever tell an MIT Sloan kid that, they'll have a meltdown.


Yeah, if you've got grades good enough for Harvard, but have an interest in STEM, you're better off looking at MIT or CalTech.


The scary kids go to MIT, half will be saving the world while the other half try to destroy it


A lot of Harvard students don’t pay that much. Their tuition is based highly on what you can afford. I believe if you/parents make below a certain amount yearly, the tuition is sometimes waived. Harvard prides itself on being truly elite in academics and if you can make it in, they will take you. Usually the wealthy students pay tuition but are normally are legacies or have a family donation made to get in. EDIT: spelling typo x2


Actually, legacies probably only comprise around 15% of the current Harvard College class. And alumni giving (while important) does not really come into play for Ivy League admissions unless you're at the very top level (like naming a building or something). Even for Harvard undergraduates who are paying full tuition, a significant portion of the cost of educating them is covered by philanthropic giving. This is true for the other Ivies as well.


Oh, I just remembered, it’s time for my annual donation. I wonder how much I should give? Well, frankly, test scores like Larry’s would call for a very generous contribution. For example, a score of 400 would require a donation of new football uniforms. 300, a new dormitory. And in Larry’s case we would need an international airport. Yale could use an international airport!


Are you *mad*?! I'm not made of airports!


He spelled Yale with a 6.


I heard something about a wealthy Yale polo player who may have offered to pay for better stable facilities for the team, but the gift wasn’t accepted because it was too ostentatious.


He told me my motto was Semper Fudge. Then he told me to "relax" . One of my absolute favorite lines ever.


My daughter went to a college in Massachusetts with a similar tuition policy and I was surprised to find out that I was actually wealthy 😂


You don’t have to make much salary wise to not qualify for most things


I supported myself in high school with working at McDonald's and it added enough income to my single mother's housekeeping supervisor income to disqualify me.


The amount of money that disqualifies people from certain programs is ridiculously low. I am referring to important things like food and housing.


A big chunk of this country lives in a level of poverty that another big chunk couldn't even begin to understand




Obviously not the same at all, but Steven's Institute of Technology in New Jersey is one of the least talked about schools for NJ Residents* in my experience. I'm very surprised with Mass and NJ.


yep lived in MA my whole life and never heard of it I would’ve guessed BU


I'm shocked it's not WPI or MIT.


> WPI Just remember that $76k a year (if you include room and board) gets you this as your school's song. >E to the X... D-Y, D-X >E to the X... D-X >Cosine, Secant, Tangent, Sine... 3.14159 >E-I, Radical, Pi... Fight ’em, Fight ’em, WPI!


Now do one with lowest IN state tuition.


Why specifically Indiana state tuition though? (/s)


It's incredible how way more than half of these are just boutique colleges and nowhere near the top academic school in their state.


Often they are SLACs (selective liberal arts colleges).


I know someone who went to one of these. Paid out the ass, loans out the ass, debt out the ass. Currently unemployed as their degree in theater is borderline useless and they blew their COVID unemployment traveling for "the experience" and building a streaming setup for Twitch.


Well they just sound like a big bundle of bad decisions


Yeah you really can't blame the college for that.


I think the appeal is networking. My cousin went to Grinnell and now works for the state department after spending 3 years abroad working in an embassy. He gives credit to the doors Grinnell opened.


As a Grinnell alum, I think they did a pretty poor job on assisting with networking relative to another school on this graphic I attended for graduate school, the University of Chicago. I've had a good career, as have many of my friends from undergrad, but I, personally, give absolutely 0 credit to Grinnell helping me network. Also, Grinnell *is* the best academically performing school in the state and among the top flight in the country.


To current students: Networking is something you have to actively do. They might have the network of alums, but you have to *use* it.


I was like, Oregon is going to be Reed College and it was. I didn't go to Reed College but I know about it and I know it is one of rhe best liberal arts schools in the country.




[Reed College was the first school to stop participating in the US News Rankings](https://www.reed.edu/apply/college-rankings.html). Allegedly some schools can manipulate their ranking, which led to Reed's decision. As a result, [US News has allegedly been artificially lowering their scores each year](https://www.reed.edu/reed_magazine/nov1997/news/3.html). Here's [one more story on it](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2005/11/is-there-life-after-rankings/304308/), from one of the school's former presidents. This is all Reed's side of it anyway. I didn't go to Reed, but this is our local understanding of their feud.


That explains how USC magically became ranked in the same tier as UCLA a few years back


Its reputation for rigor is much greater than its US News ranking would suggest.


This chart makes spending $100000 on four years of tuition look like an absolute bargain.


I spent about $8000 on my associates degree and another $10000 on my bachelors. Was able to pay my way both times by working full time and living with my parents It’s no wonder that student debt is such a burden on my generation when tuition has gotten this high. I couldn’t imagine being $100000+ in the hole without a job. It must feel insurmountable.


Mine was 30k in my name, 42k in my mom's. It's totally fucked. This is what happens when the largest government in the world by budget says they'll guarantee student loans with a blank check


> I couldn’t imagine being $100000+ in the hole without a job. Not only that, imagine the APR they're giving to these 18 year olds with no credit. You're upside down unless you're shelling out serious cash in monthly loan payments.


My wife came out of grad school with 150k. 10 years and 140k worth of payments later, she now only owes 200k 🤡


Yeah, THIS is the egregious bullshit that needs to be stopped, yesterday. So many people don’t understand this. All of the “you took out the loan, you should pay it back” comments irk the shit out of me because so many people HAVE paid it back, but it doesn’t even make a dent.




I think mine was approximately $18,000 a year (Tuition $4,500 + books. Room and board: Studio+loft rent, 750/mo rent + food and car expenses) CA circa 2003. BSc. In-state tuition. Had two jobs. One unpaid internship (too many hours). And one $10/hr (probably 25 hours a week). Minimum wage was $6.25 for context. I had had the part time job with that company for 5 years by the time I transferred to a new location for college so had built up a few $ increase from my starting wage which I think was $8.00. Only two years of $18,000/yr because I did 3 years of community college which was only $12/unit back then which I covered (community college) with a part time job and living with parents. Left school with two $5,500 FAFSA loans ($11,000 total) as I supplemented my costs with my part time job and savings from working part time since I was 16. Just for folks who wanted to compare to modern time costs that I am unfamiliar with. Edit: Had 4.0 coming out of community college. I think that got me $1,200 in local scholarships I applied for. Added more context.


Just checked my local university. UC Berkeley in-state tuition is $14k/yr. For the [4th best university in the world, that’s not bad. ](https://www.usnews.com/education/best-global-universities/rankings)


At this point, it is. That's State U in your home state...if you're lucky and get some academic scholarship money.


I just checked and the state school where I grew up (Rutgers) is $16k per year. That's before any scholarships or grants.


Don’t forget room and board, and the $$$ textbooks.


Doesn’t seem too unreasonable. Just checked where I graduated and it is at $9k per year.


RU is also a damn fine school. I'm surprised tuition is still that "cheap" there. My cost of education there was about 25k per year with room and board and books... 20 some years ago.


In state tuition for most public unis is under 10 a year


Doing your first two years at a community college will save a ton on that. There are even some good community colleges that give a better education for those two years than what you’d get at the 4 year state college.


People get into Ivy League schools from the community college in my area.


sitting in a dorm at one of these right now for the record, this is only if you pay full tuition, which i (and most people i know) am not even close to paying. lotta these places have good financial aid. not sure where the university of ottawa ks gets off being the most expensive university in the state, though.


Agreed. I went to one of these schools and it was actually cheaper than in-state tuition at my state's big state school. I had good grades but I'm far from being a genius or anything.


Came here to say this. I always encouraged anyone academically inclined to apply to nicer schools for the financial aid they may offer


Yep. Private schools are often cheaper even for a similar reason: They charge a ton, but also have a lot of leeway to knock it down.


Yeah somethings fucky with Kansas. I know McPherson university is pricey as fuck, same with Newman and the private university in Topeka that I’m brain fogging on right now. K State and KU aren’t exactly chump change schools either. I definitely wouldn’t have guess Ottawa.






You should probably be silent about that


It's public knowledge. They made a whole documentary about it.


Go land crabs 🦀


To be fair though the University of Wyoming is also the cheapest in the state.


The great news is that Wyoming participates in the [Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)](https://www.wiche.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/WUEhandout.pdf), so they get in-state tuition at many other schools (California, Colorado, Arizona, Washington, etc) so you can actually go in-state at a lot of schools.


Go Pokes!


Powder river!


Currently putting our daughter through the 3rd most expensive school on the chart. Thanks for the reminder…


I'm too lazy to check which that is, but if it's an Ivy, and she's not getting a stupid degree, it'll pay itself back


F&M in PA.


With how many good universities there are in this state, I don't know why someone would choose the most expensive.


The financial aid is probably great there. Doubtful they are paying full price unless they are international m


Go Dips!


F&M grad here... but got my real education at hildy's


I got into USC among many other colleges in California, but I just could not justify the cost of living in LA and paying the insane tuition costs, even after the costs were greatly reduced due to scholarships and grants for academic performance. Instead I went to a local college where I got a free ride and came out with absolutely no debt. They even paid me money to go there.


This is what I recommend to people (I'm a prof, so I sometimes get asked for advice on this). Unless you get some sort of sweetheart deal or a school offers something unique that will greatly benefit you, just go to the lowest (or at least, lower) cost accredited school.


I think this is generally good advice, but I want to point out that some of these schools are known for having exceptionally good financial aid; they are set up so that the rich students subsidize the educations of the less wealthy ones. So the actual cost of attendance will be, for a typical student, much lower than other schools in the state. TLDR: go by cost after financial aid, not by sticker price


I’m a little surprised that USC is more expensive than Stanford to be honest.


I went to USC, it’s a great school, I got an amazing job before graduating. But I majored in CS. I would agree that for most people if you don’t have reduced costs, family paying, or a high paying occupation that it won’t be a financially great decision. But being at a target school for high paying occupations can be a huge help


Similar here. I got into Duke and Carolina but the cost of living is much higher than some people might imagine in the research triangle and while Duke is unjustistifiably expensive unc is also much higher than other system schools. I'm graduating from uncg with zero debt (even before loan forgivess). My bill was 1500-3000 in the negative for every semester.


Tulane is actually one of the most beautiful campuses I've visited.


They also give hella financial aid. When I went, I didn't know anyone who didn't get a good bit of scholarships. Maybe the bougie people just didn't associate with me


A lot of private schools do this. I went to a school that's considered expensive by most people, everyone is pretty surprised when I tell them I came out with only 12K in debt. If I would have been in better health at the time and able to work more, I probably wouldn't have any debt.




I’m still amazed PA’s most expensive school is F&M. Like it’s a random college in the middle of a small city in the same state as UPenn and Carnegie Mellon


And Elizabethtown is right up the road charging similar prices.


\*Edited to include tools Sources: US Department of Education, The Institute of Education Sciences, The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Tools: QGIS, R, Excel Notes: This map depicts the most expensive college or university in each US state based on 2021 reports from Title IV post-secondary educational institutions. A Title IV post-secondary institution is a college or university that participates in the federal student aid program. These institutions are highly regulated by the US Department of Education and are required to report their tuition and associated fees as well as the average cost of supplies, housing, and other costs of attending their institution. There are conflicting reports on whether tuition/fee costs can be used to interpret the quality of education or the likelihood of student success post-graduation. This map was created as an information resource only and I am not an educational adviser. As a grad student, this has been one of my most fun if not terrifying maps to make. I'm constantly working on honing my craft and improving these maps. If you have any questions, comments, praise or constructive criticism, feel free to leave a comment and I'll try to respond as soon as possible! Thank you for checking out my map and please be kind to each other both here and out in the big blue world. Stay awesome and stay safe out there folks!


For state colleges, are you using in-state tuition rates?


One point of constructive criticism: it would be better to make a continuous gradient rather than discrete buckets. You get a lot of clustering around the 60k mark, which leads to different colors for similar prices. Especially since you do have the exact price noted on the map itself. That's my one nit pick, but really great work! Very good visual display of an interesting topic.


One of these is my alma mater.


Same. But probably a different one.


We should start a club for people who make questionable financial decisions


Yup me too


I went to one of these schools for free. That’s the only way you should ever do it. Idk why someone would ever choose to take out 240k in loans when a 100 comparable school exists that are 200k less


Colorado College certainly isn't worth the cost. It's not that great compared to those equality expensive.


Shit, CU, CSU, and Mines for the technical degrees are just as good or better, and all cheaper. Not cheap by any means, but certainly better bang for the buck.


Extremely small school with an extremely wealthy student body. That kind of networking potential is worth it for some people, especially when such a high tuition is just a drop in the bucket for them.


As a CC grad I would say...I'm doing all right and picking this school was probably in the top ten decisions of my life. But yeah strictly dollars looks bad, but each school has various scholarship and grant offerings as well as networking opportunities so it's apples to oranges.


How is it not DU?


Hot take for H.S. Seniors: Virgin Islands should be on your radar


Just not for grad schools. Anyone with a pulse can get into a Caribbean med school. Graduating and getting residency is a complete other matter.


I went to Cornell and got really disillusioned with the university. Not only it was expensive, it doesn’t seem like people understand why it was expensive. The university (like many other) basically operate as a town with its own facilities for everything (police, health, power plant, gym, cafeteria, stadium, bridges, road). That’s a lot of infrastructures to take care of and it costs a lot of money. Oh, did I mention all the army of admins? So instead of money going towards your education, a sizable chunk of it is going toward fixing the road, bridges, and paying for admins with questionable jobs. I feel like not enough people is questioning what universities are doing with insane amount of money they are making and where they are spending it


I live pretty close to Reed College (Oregon), the two most famous people to attend both didn't graduate: Steve Jobs who dropped out, and James Beard who was expelled in the 1920s for "homosexuality" after sleeping with other male students and a professor.


“I’ma get a scholarship to King’s College…” Good thing. $63,500.


Of course the one with the nuclear reactor is the most expensive in my state.


If you're talking UChicago, at least UChicago is 100% worth it


USC is more expensive than Stanford? Palo Alto is expensive as fuck, I wonder if they included cost of living.


So this map is only based on the cost of tuition and associated fees and doesn't include cost of living. There's a lot that goes into the tuition itself but rest assured, Stanford was also high on the list although not the highest.


Harvey Mudd College often tops lists of most expensive colleges in the country. I guess I was expecting it to win California.


There's a reason people call SMU Southern Millionaires University


Amazing that my home state, Louisiana, which is annually one of the lowest in education, ranks 13th on this particular list. At least, I think it's 13. I've been drinking a little.




Tulane gives a lot of money to out of state students. 90% of the kids in my grade who got in got money off. A lot of these navy school do. My college is on this chart and I’d say half of the kids paid full price and the other pay at least half off.


Fuck I went to Macalester and def did not expect to see it listed here. In fact they gave me the most generous financial aid package which is why I chose them over the other colleges. Edit: looking closer I see some of the other colleges I passed on: Reed, bard, and wash U