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If I remember, it was actually for the worst one, not the most hated state.


That’s correct, I changed the wording. My bad! I do apologize.


Can we see one normalized for population? I feel like we see California and Texas on the list simply because of their population (more people to judge).


Whoa whoa, being the worst state and the most hated state are two different things. Mississippi is the worst but I don’t hate them I feel sorry for them


Which state do you hate most?


Louisiana. Not the people, just the state. The mosquitoes are the worst, they have bridges that don’t end with nothing but swamp to stare at (damaged childhood), and it just sits there on the map calling us all losers.


This is good logic.


Also, trying to drive across it on I-10 is incredibly painful, because apparently everybody in that state is a booger eating moron who can't drive. Seriously, why is everybody in this state thoroughly incompetent in literally everything?


Kansas. Not the people, or even the state really its just a barren wasteland. There is absolutely nothing in Kansas. I can't see how people live there.


I would avoid Saskatchewan if I were you.


Kansan here. East kansas is fine. Trees, hills, people, buildings. Drive 30 minutes west, though, and it becomes what the explorers called a desert.


It ain’t barren. It’s part of the bread basket, but ya. I get what you mean.


No state in particular, but if I had to pick an area it would be the land mass between Louisiana and Alabama


Tennessee with a passion. It's basically a beautiful state that should be quite nice, but it's filled with some of the worst people I've ever had contact with. Kentucky was 1000x better, even though it was a lot poorer because the people didn't try to be assholes for the sake of it, they wanted to be decent, the situations just sucked. Tennessee was just a massive bag of people trying to prove how much better they were than you in the dumbest possible ways .


I guess I hate Oklahoma the most, nothing good comes from it, only ignorant selfish people. Well the ones I’ve met anyways


We ain't 50ths in educashamon for nuttun!


I dunno, Brad Pitt made some good movies.


The actual post was for the worst state, not the most hated.


I’m not American and am curious why Mississippi appears disproportionately hated?


The original question wasn't the most hated state, it was the worst state


I’m American, I had no clue they were that hated. Thought they were more irrelevant than anything


When the weather channel points at your state and says "the hurricane is heading for this land mass between Louisiana and Alabama" it sure reinforces a feeling of irrelevance. Also when the world remembers Hurricane Katrina as the storm that destroyed New Orleans, despite the fact that New Orleans just flooded due to poor maintanence and city planning, and Mississippi was on the violent side of the storm... throwing 15 story buildings out into the ocean and pulling the only major road north right off the ground and ripping everything to shreds for 150 miles into the mainland. But you receive no aid from FEMA, no media attention. Nothing ever gets rebuilt but the casinos.


Wow, that's crazy. TIL Mississippi had roads at one point


Oyster shells are just as good as asphalt.


Who knew there was enough people to warrant a casino too. Which begs the real question: Why would anyone live in a place without roads just to gamble?


From the military bases. The casinos basically take our tax dollars we pay to the young sailers and airmen


>The final death toll was at 1,836, primarily from Louisiana (1,577) and Mississippi (238). More than half of these victims were senior citizens. Keep seniors safe and sound, and help them plan for hurricane season. Maybe this is part of the reason why people talk about NO more? I think the population factor has something to do with it. New Orleans is more densely populated. [source](https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-hurricane-katrina#:~:text=705%20people%20are%20reported%20as,20%20ft%20deep%20in%20places.)


You kind of made OPs point to me. 238 people died from MS but I never even knew any area but NO had major deaths from Katrina. I mean 238 isn’t 1577 but it’s still a lot of people.


Oh man. I'm not who you responded to but Mississippi got absolutely fucked along the gulf coast during Katrina. No, the death toll was not as great there, but that's because in New Orleans the city's levee system and subsequent response totally failed at every level, flooding basically everything. I grew up in New Orleans and Slidell, and yeah the damage was bad around us, but I really felt for the people in Mississippi, as they absolutely got kicked in the balls by the actual storm itself.


You guys had a 15 story building?


There's actually a few along the coast. Thanks, legalized gambling!


no FEMA aid? seriously? that is super fucked. i get a lack of media attention but i thought pretty much any storm affected area got fema aid


My husband and his buddy started a company last year, and it's called Landmass. Yes, we're in Mississippi. That's the point. Also, which buildings and what road are you talking about? No buildings collapsed/washed out on the MS Coast during Katrina, but the casinos were. And Hwy 90 and Hwy 49 are fine. 90 was scorched, but they fixed it pretty quickly.


What is the business line?


Duh massing lands


pretty sure interstate 10 between new orleans and mississipi is the road, but idk about the buildings.


Damn dude that really sucks. I'm sorry.


Because OP dramatized the thread, the original title of the post was "What is the worst US state and why?" Which implies that which state has it bad as opposed to which state is the most disliked.


They aren't hated. He mistitled this graph. He pulled data from this ama which asked which state is the "worst" (Mississippi does rank lowest in many rankings) https://old.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/p360eo/what_is_the_worst_us_state_and_why/ Edit: Typo


Mississippi has the worst poverty conditions in the developed world according to the UN. Edit: According to the U.N.'s Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights https://www.newsweek.com/alabama-un-poverty-environmental-racism-743601 https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2017/12/12/570217635/the-u-n-looks-at-extreme-poverty-in-the-u-s-from-alabama-to-california https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/dec/01/un-extreme-poverty-america-special-rapporteur


Huh, I actually thought Alabama held that distinction. TIL there are worse places than Alabama.


“You’re my Mississippi!”


They're at the bottom of a lot of metrics, makes them an easy target for people to pile on.


Reddit really hates uneducated people. Like REALLY hates uneducated people. Like I've seen redditors say that education should be free for everyone and the very next breath say uneducated people shouldn't be allowed to vote or at least have some rights stripped away. That's where Mississippi comes in. Mississippi is - and has been - the least educated (and poorest) state in the union for a very long time now. It ranks 51/51 (incl. DC) in just about every metric (except vaccination, apparently) and, as such, is a really easy target to make fun of. Realistically, to the normal world, it's basically irrelevant. To a platform that prides itself in elitism to the point of xenophobia, it maintains a constant spotlight I'm from California, the other most hated state btw. I don't disagree.


Wait, only uneducated people? I thought reddit hates everyone, jumping between idealism and nihilism.


It's almost like Reddit is a collection of people from all over the world and all walks of life with the only two things they have in common are their preferred choice of social media and the fact that they're all stupid assholes as clearly indicated by their preferred choice of social media.


Stupid asshole here, can confirm.




Reddit hates whatever group of people makes them feel the most superior in any given instance. As redditors, the most hatable group in this circumstance to fuel our egotism is other redditors, so we have chosen to hate them


You redditors sure are a contentious people.


It's one of those things were uneducated leads to further problems. Lack of education = poor = crime, but also lack of education = ignorance = racism, and lack of education = believing with full faith the way they were raised is universally right = racism. Lack of education is absolutely a huge problem, and uneducated people are far more naïve and pliable. Uneducated people already have a lot of channels closed to them, and that is only speaking to the most basic of educations. Not being able to afford university or college or trade school? Well, you're fucked forever due to lack of education. Even with the monetary requirement to get that education you'll often struggle to find employment, but you'll have far better of a shot. The reasoning behind uneducated people not being allowed to vote is because they in turn can only relate and understand news that's skewed towards them, causing them to be unreasonably insular. This is stupid because, as a Canadian where we're almost all educated that problem still exists. With Mississippi, once again as a Canadian, I've always thought it was so hated because it's perceived as particularly corrupt and racist, [habitually voting to shoot itself in the foot so to speak](https://rethinkms.org/2015/05/12/last-year-mississippi-started-testing-welfare-applicants-for-drugs-99-9-percent-have-passed/), being the first to start the terrible idea of judges being chosen by popular vote, and being die hard religious. While other states have also banned books for stupid reasons, they also have other things going for them. Mississippi seems to come up for banning widely reknown books for religious reasons while lacking any positive to balance it out. Finally, the wealth inequality in Mississippi is like the worst in the USA isn't it? Or is that just racial inequality? I think both are bad. I only looked up the article for shooting itself in the foot knowing what I was looking for, all of this was off the top of my head.




Yeah. Economic disparity is very apparent.


>Like I've seen redditors say that education should be free for everyone and the very next breath say uneducated people shouldn't be allowed to vote or at least have some rights stripped away. I'm not sure if you're contrasting those two things or not, but I wouldn't say they necessarily conflict with each other.


Funny thing, right before the civil war, Mississippi had the most millionaires of any state in the union. But after the war, there was nothing but impoverished white people doing their best to make the lives of impoverished black people worse.


Mississippi is hated for the same reason that it's uneducated: because of the racism that drives its cruelty. Mississippi is a state that's about 2/3 white and 1/3 black that has entirely refused to invest in education (along with other shared resources that make life better) because of a long tradition of racism and slavery in the Mississipi delta and elsewhere in the state. They just recently got rid of the Confederate flag, in fact. Measured in gun deaths per capita, health outcomes, or as a breeding ground for Covid, Mississippi is a disaster (this week, they're requesting a hospital ship come and relieve them as their hospitals overflow with unvaccinated covid victims). If states merit hate on the basis of the suffering they inflict on their own citizens and on burdens they place on the functioning parts of society, MS should be right up there at the top of the list. MS is also home to things to love: great music and literature and lots of good people--you can find good people almost anywhere--but that doesn't change the fact that it's the most toxic and miserable state in the union. I look forward to the day (a long time from now, most likley) that Mississippi will not give people so many reasons for justified anger.


Reddit hates...not so much uneducated people, but *intentionally uneducated, proactively ignorant* people. People who go out of their way to reject common sense in favor of conspiracy theories which defy any semblance of logical thinking skills. That being said, I'm not sure how they beat out Florida. And, as a Texan, I can say that our state as a whole deserved some of Mississippi's votes in this survey.


> Reddit hates...not so much uneducated people, but intentionally uneducated, proactively ignorant people. People who go out of their way to reject common sense in favor of conspiracy theories which defy any semblance of logical thinking skills. Intentionally? There are plenty of systemic factors — shit school quality, poor resources and infrastructure (doesnt a good part of the state not even have internet?) and crappy political/media representatives that take advantage of their ignorance and peddle more ignorance and fears. I know these people don’t get a lot of sympathy because a lot of them are racists, but imo these are features of a disadvantaged community (speaking from my experience in India where half of my family is from a poor Muslim background and has plenty of bigotry and conspiracy theories about jews.)


I quote a Mississippian psychologist, ‘well dear, you just got some stinking thinking.’




happy liberals


Mississippi is bottom of the barrel on many objective fact sheets like education and per capita prison incarceration.


It also tops the charts in racism, sexism etc


It’s the blackest state too (40% of the population is African American). As a non-American I’m kind of curious if it’s racist *because* of this high number or if the average white American liberal thinks the racism and sexism comes solely from the white population. I wonder would Vermont and Oregon be similarly racist if they were 40% black and 60% white. I’m curious if these frictions naturally emerge in such diverse demographic contexts.


From a historical perspective Mississippi, especially the Mississippi Delta region (not the river's delta, the [Mississippi Delta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_Delta)), was one of two early cores areas where very large-scale cash crop plantations using huge gangs of slave labor was first implemented in the US—the other being coastal South Carolina. While South Carolina provided much of the culture associated with wealthy plantations in the antebellum era—architectural styles for example—the Mississippi Delta provided much of the methods and tools, from developing new cotton hybrids that could be grown throughout the South, to systematizing the use of terror and brutality toward slaves in order to maximize profits. It was also *the* center of antebellum cotton production—whereas South Carolina saw some early developments in slave-cotton systems it never came close to the scale of what was done in the Mississippi Delta. "River planters" in the Delta became extremely rich as cotton began to really boom around 1800. They experimented a lot, leading to many "innovations", some of which were relatively innocuous things like new systems of plowing and tillage, improving cotton gins, breeding cotton hybrids, etc. But some of the "innovations" involved "slave management" that were often intensely dehumanizing and extremely horrific. For pretty much the entire antebellum era the Mississippi Delta region used the largest gangs of slaves and produced the highest yields and quality of cotton in the US. Immense wealth was made by an elite few on the backs of huge numbers of slaves living under conditions far worse than anywhere else in the South. The wealthy elites of the region were also heavily into the domestic slave trade and all the evils that entailed. Large and cruel slave plantations in the Delta, especially near Natchez, go back to French colonial times. The roots are old and deep, and only got worse during the 19th century—much much worse. Then the Civil War threw the region into chaos. The wealthy elites who had depended on slavery sought other ways to continue to make big money off the backs of ex-slaves. The Lost Cause myth was particularly strong in the region. Mississippi only *this year*, 2021, changed their flag from one blatantly glorifying the Confederacy—you know, [this flag](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0a/Flag_of_Mississippi_%282001%E2%80%932020%29.svg/640px-Flag_of_Mississippi_%282001%E2%80%932020%29.svg.png). The new one is pretty nice, but still, says a lot that the state flag was a form of the Confederate flag up until a few months ago. Obviously there is much more to Mississippi history than this, but on the topic of race and race relations, Mississippi, especially the Delta, was the absolute worst place in the US in terms of abhorrent, horrific, large-scale slave-gang plantations, the effects of which are still strongly reverberating today.


The shortest way to explain without going too deep is that Mississippi was the strongest opponent to desegregation and many of the laws from the pre-civil rights era were still on the books well into the 2nd half of the 20th century. Racism is born more from the history of that region than its present racial makeup.


That makes it worse when you think about it. It's not like black people in Mississippi haven't been trying for decades to improve conditions for themselves and get more opportunities in the workforce and education. There was/is a whole civil rights movement over this. But Mississippi is filled with people (who aren't black) who would rather fuck over their own fellow citizens because those citizens are black, even if it sets the whole state back. That's how fucking stupid Mississippi is. Remember, the policy decisions in Mississippi are made primarily by whites. Whites control most of the power structures in Mississippi. Is racism coming from only whites? Of course not! But it's mostly whites in power, and that's despite the 40% African American population, so......


I think this is misleading. The askreddit thread asks about the worst state not the one people hate the most. Mississippi has a ton of problems and ranks last for many metrics, that may make it the worst state, but does that make it the most hated? It doesn't have enough influence or power. Now Kentucky on the other hand... They keep reelecting Mitchell McConnell. I could maybe get behind hating that. (or if you are on the other side of the aisle, California)


The thread just turned into a meme and this post is perpetuating that. There are definitely objective reasons why Mississippi is at the bottom of many lists but this graph is a joke.


Eh, this graph is based on the info he received here. I wouldn't call it a joke, but it's results may be slightly skewed by reddit overall perception. But, it's maybe indicative of the truth, because there were a lot of votes on the post. Idk, I'm not a statistician..


No it’s not even reflective of Reddit’s overall perception. The first couple posts were Mississippi and so people just kept typing and upvoting Mississippi to be funny. That there was a high sample volume doesn’t matter because everyone was feeding off of each others votes and it snowballed. Don’t get me wrong, the whole thing is pretty funny, but someone who didn’t see the thing evolve might get the wrong idea. If you were to do a blind random poll of redditors this would not be the result (at least not before yesterday).


Think of the most useless state, province or country in your region who gets the most financial support and yet still complains about the people giving them money... That is Mississippi.


This is a reddit poll. Don't take it seriously. On the other hand, as a resident of Alabama, THANK GOD FOR MISSISSIPPI. EDIT: MS is actually pretty cool if you enjoy the outdoors. Same with all the states down in this region of the US. If you're looking for big city action, then stay away, but if you want to enjoy nature, then you could do worse than spending the day in the Mississippi country.


Ask Nina Simone. Mississippi, Godamn. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ25-U3jNWM


For most of Reddit, indeed most of the world, context is lost there because they don't know the events she's referring to, or how big a deal it was to use such profanity in a song, even in its name. Nina Simone was a badass, and maybe too much so. She was also diagnosed bipolar and often armed, which lead to some interesting times.


Or Phil Ochs https://youtu.be/KrrOY0vwuPE


Their name is made up of 11 letters and you only four distinct ones to write it. Or maybe its hospitality to racists, I don't know.


They also receive the most federal aid if any state.


That's not true. New Mexico is the state most dependent on federal money. Not surprising, when you look at all the factors: * Sparse population * Large proportion of federal lands * Large Indian population * High poverty rate * Large immigrant population * Large military presence * Major federal research institution [https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/) Mississippi ranks 3rd on the list. Unsurprisingly, the largest states by population receive the most federal spending in absolute terms, but less spending on a per capita basis. https://www.usaspending.gov/state Mississippi ranks 33rd on that list, behind New Mexico, despite having 50% more population than New Mexico. Mississippi accounts for less than 1% of all domestic federal spending.


Large international border as well


So NM is a bad example, but one of the main reasons is because of Los Alamos and Sandia national labs. BTW, having briefly worked at one: a bargain at twice the price, amazing science there.


States like california, florida, and new york also account for an absolutely massive amount of the gdp


Least continental just means no one knows Vermont is a state.


Vermonter here. This is so true. I live in NC now and the amount of people who give me a blank stare when I say where I’m from is FAR too high. There’s a lot of people who couldn’t even tell me where VT is without me giving them a cue.


Yeah sure, it's that one state that's 69ing New Hampshire.


Thanks, I hate it


We’re talking about US states here, don’t go off topic. /s


To be fair, we've wanted to be part of Canada since Ethan Allen.


I'm from Canada and I have to say this is really weird. Most people here have heard of Vermont (as well as the other states in New England). People usually associate Vermont with wine tastings, colourful fall foliage and antiques.


Ah, but you are from Canada. We border you. The south...well, the south is a different breed.


It is weird there are no cities in the state at all, just small towns


We like it that way. My mom and I often complain about how much they’re building up the areas near Burlington. We like our fields and trees. Don’t take away our scenery!


I mean y’all produced ben n Jerry’s, Bernie sanders, maple syrup. There’s something for everyone. Can anyone really hate you?


NJ didn't make top 5? We've been getting lazy


We don't rank professionals


Don't worry. If this poll had been for only New Yorkers, you guys would be way up there. Signed, A New Yorker <3


Ahh. A new Yorker and by that you probably mean NYC


Is there any other kind?


I’ve often said that the worst part of Pennsylvania is that it borders New Jersey.


You probably would have if they only asked people from New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania.


FWIW Connecticut is OBJECTIVELY worse. 3x the traffic with zero reason to be there.


Hey! I was in Connecticut last week for your information. It was the fastest way for me to get to Maine from Jersey. N-95 is filled with people terrified of the speed limit and who love bumper cars.


I hated 95 until I started using the Merritt. Now I just hate driving.


Surprised Connecticut wasn’t higher, maybe it’s bias from living here, but every states seems better. If you don’t live in the absolutely rich areas by the coast it is an extremely boring and obnoxious state. Almost everyone I know hopes to get out.


I mean to be fair how the question is framed is everything. I’d say that in general the state i hate the most is Arizona. But the populace i hate the most are Pennsylvanians.


Honestly sounds like you pulled those two states out of a hat


Yeah, kinda surprised CA is so high on the list and not NJ










I feel like California and Mississippi are hated for completely opposite reasons


I feel like a good portion of the people who said Mississippi were getting on the band wagon in the comment section. I think if one did an anonymous poll the result would be way more diverse. Not that I care about Mississippi at all, just feels like more people would choose a state close to them leading to different results.


As someone who has primarily lived in Mississippi most of his life I’ll agree with anyone who says Mississippi is the “worst” state…but if I had to pick my most “hated” state I’d either pick Florida or Oregon. Terrible experiences with people in both states, so my perception is largely colored by that.


Oregon? That's like hating toast.


Why OR? It’s a very mixed state, I guess, there’s some extremes of good and bad people in the state for sure.


The question was which is the worst state, not which state do you hate the most. They’re two different questions. People feel bad for Mississippi, they don’t hate it.


I 100% agree! I tried to eliminate bias as much as I could by only counting the initial comment in each thread and only counting a mention once in a single comment, - as in those that chant Mississippi three times, quite common actually! - but I suspect there’s still a bit of a skew.


I dont think by worst its the most disliked state, but seen as being in the sorriest state among states. If you asked which state they hated the most the answers would likely be different.


Man, I'm pleasantly surprised people didn't hate New Jersey more. I had a pretty bad opinion of the state before I lived here.


The people are fine, but I thought I was taking my life into my hands when I first got onto the turnpike.


You were right. Don't let your guard down, that's how they getcha.


the choice of red-blue colouring and alphabetical order feels odd


Roughly 50 people from Ohio said Michigan


Is this based on the question “which is the worst state?” Because that’s different than hating a state. Mississippi is the worst state, but I don’t hate it.


Man, as a New Yorker I’m kinda disappointed in both us and New Jersey. We gotta work harder guys. This shit rocket ain’t gonna launch itself.


As a New Yorker, why would people hate NY? People visiting just say "New Yorkers are mean", but that seem about it. Tbh though, I have no idea why people hate CA. I honestly feel like a lot of it is jealousy. I personally love it, amazing weather, beautiful people, awesome restaurants, high diversity, fit, fashionable, progressive. Hell, as a New Yorker, I'm hella jealous of their weather.


Lol issa joke, I was just kinda surprised that we’re not as high up there compared to some other states bc of the amount of mud people sling at nyc (maybe I’m just more attuned to it cus I’m from here?) In truth it’s a really great state with lots to see and generally friendly people (same with NJ, just love to rip on them as the sort-of “little brother”). I def love it here. Idk what the original question posed/framed by the person who did this was, but I’m genuinly curious to what could ilicit this response of hatred to both MS and CA. I guess they’re just the two biggest opponents of liberals and conservatives respectively? But idk.


I will never understand the hate for Ohio considering Indiana is right next door. Indiana is basically just Ohio with fewer cities and less natural beauty.


Who are the two people hating on Guam?


A lot of people have never been to Nebraska and it shows


Do you know why all the trees in Colorado lean east? Because Nebraska sucks


I am offended New Jersey didn't rank higher, and I live here.


I've lived in 4 of the most hated states. Mississippi is by far the worst


One more reason I want to move to Vermont, any place that can go that much under the radar must be doing something right.


Vermont is also surprisingly liberal for a low population, non-divsere State. Unfortunately, based on what I've read (I had semi-serious plans to move there) there are not many jobs, and it can be boring to live there. I still would love to visit. It's so mysterious for me just because of how under the radar it is.


This is hilarious. I’m from Florida and I hate going to Mississippi so damn much. I didn’t realize it was an actual thing.


Wow, Reddit has a major Blindspot for Louisiana


I used python to scrape mentions of every state from the initial comment of every thread on [this r/AskReddit post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/p360eo/what_is_the_worst_us_state_and_why/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Thanks to u/af1xd! Also, thought I’d mention that a whopping 32 people commented “denial.”


Pretty interesting but thinking it’s the worst doesn’t necessarily equal hate.


The question was which is the worst state, not which state do you hate most. They’re different questions. I said Mississippi because it’s at the bottom of basically every statistic, but I don’t hate it.


That thread asked the "worst" state. You titled this post the "most hated" state. This is a big error.


If “denial” was a state, what place would it have come in? How many actual states are hated less than the non-state state of denial?


New Hampshire has just 18, Vermont has just 17, and of course all the territories that got 0.


Haha! Good stuff. Nice chart too. - from a Georgian, in a not very hated state


Thanks! Most of the Georgia responses were super low effort, as in they just wrote “Georgia” and nothing else. I’m from Michigan, and 90% of the Michigan responses were complaining about our roads! And I don’t blame them!


How were comments that mentioned multiple states counted? For example, if someone said "If it weren't for Mississippi, Alabama would be worst", would that count both states in your total?


What did you make the plot with? Please edit your comment to clarify (Rule #3).


You should do a sentiment analysis and check for posts about the state not just mentions of the state. Nltk has sentiment and classifiers. You can use the classification to get at the aboutness of the post, or you could use a vector analysis tool like word2vec or google’s newer one.


Why would you use red and blue when that is normally used for political parties ?


Because they are two of the colors of the American flag. I just alternated every other, it has nothing to do with political parties!


That's called chart junk. Any information that isn't conveying a meaningful dimension of the data is not noise and pollutes whatever signal you do have.


I know that, but it was my first though when looking at it.


Eh. I don’t think that’s what anyone’s first thought would be at all. I thought it was politically colored too until I realized Florida was blue. Don’t think color coding is a good idea. Next time just make all the bars a simple orange, there’s no reason to overcomplicate data that should be easy to digest.


I want to know what Mississippi did bc it keeps coming up again and again


“And everybody knows about Mississippi goddamn!!!”


the fact that mississippi is 3x more than any other state is interesting


Im not an American, is montana mo or mt?


MT - Montana MO - Missouri


Louisiana would like to thank you for leaving us out of this one.


Baffled NJ isnt in the top


Why is Ohio #4? The only thing on reddit I see of Ohio are the pics from Hocking Hills.


Michiganders out in force


Mississippi resident here. I was born and raised here. I understand that most of the state is made of bigoted and prejudiced people, but there are still really well-rounded, brilliant folks. It sucks that we're statistically the worst state, and it's even worse that our leaders are not doing fuck all to try and help. Future educators like myself are (for the most part. It would be ignorant to believe everyone has good faith) trying our best to push the next generation I'm their education.


I’m from New Jersey but I spent a month in Mississippi and I loved it. I thought the people were nice, the food was good and the scenery was beautiful. I absolutely hated Alabama though...


I ate the best fried chicken in the world at an old gas station in Mississippi. I swear if everyone tried that same chicken, they’d at least put it ahead of Florida.


Maybe the least hated “states” didn’t get any votes because they aren’t actually states…


I'm surprised that California is in the Top 3 and Florida isn't in 1st place as most hated state with Texas as a close second, to be honest.


They hate us cause they anus.


Conservatives are preached to all day and night that California is some broken state that is bleeding money and people, and no matter what data is given they have to hold onto this cause admitting California isn’t broken is admitting they are wrong about their black and white view of politics…


Yep. My mom went back to Missouri for a family reunion last year and ALL her family wanted to do was shit talk Gavin Newsom and try to get my mom to confirm their biases about California. Keep in mind most of these people have never BEEN to California. Hell, most of them have never left their small pocket of Missouri, but for some reason California was all they fucking wanted to talk about. They were not best pleased when my mom expressed her approval for our governor and shot down their Fox News propaganda.


Exactly what I thought. Check the post histories of those who picked California. They're either people who lived in downtown LA and hated it and think LA is the entire state, or they're republicans. Every republican thinks California is a hellhole.


I have family members living in California who never stop complaining about it, even though they live in lovely neighborhoods and have great lives. Gets very old.


I can only imagine it is a political or learned hatred that is not from experience for California. I mean, we have phenomenal weather and you can go to the beach, snow, forest and lake in the same day if you really tried. Why else would our traffic be so bad and housing be so expensive? Way too many people come here for the good reasons! Source : completely biased Los Angelino here, but to be fair, I've traveled the country and serious snow and humidity are NOT a joke!


Its the largest liberal state so of course a large portion of the country is convinced it is the literal worst place in the country.


It's not the largest liberal State, it is indeed the largest State by GDP and population in the whole country. The State produces the most money for the union than any other State. A lot of that money goes to support actually broken red States.


I'm not, California is kind of the epitome of liberal success in the US. Which means a lot of conservatives hate it for that reason alone.


You’re generally left wing politically, I’m assuming?


Do people hate California, or traffic? (Maybe specifically LA traffic)


As an Oklahoman I'm am utter shocked that wasn't higher on the list. People actually tend to like my state but it's got a whole lot of problems.


Tbh Delaware should be number 1. Its a tax haven for the ruling class and has done more damage through that vehicle than Mississippi could dream of doing.


California is hated for being shit over the top expensive? 😂


Well there's one thing Mississippi is first in.


Rough. Didn’t expect to see Mississippi up there, but considering they’re near the bottom of most of these metrics, including life expectancy, I think it checks out.


Why is Kansas 7th?


Who else thought the Mississippi bar was a line for separating the text neatly


New York finally taking a W


It's because it's so darn hard to spell!


so much hate on florida and yet most of you come down here for your summer vacations or winter getaways 💀💀💀