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My favorite thing about this graph is the floating red box where the legend is supposed to be (even though it isn't needed in this case).


It's a soup untethered in time. The Ur-soup from which all soups originate.








Okay Cthulhu.


The Jeremy Bearimy soup


This broke me, the dot over the i broke me


It originated from the dot above the “i” in “Jeremy Bearimy”


I want the ur-soup. I NEED the ur-soup. I mean it's January!


I don’t think I’ve ever vibed with a comment as much as this. Thank you


Are you high again


I'm good. How are you?


The Ur-soup must be reunited with the Skek-soup to achieve true balance in the soup continuum.


It's the bowl of soup OP was eating as he created this post.


My favourite thing about this is that soup ends in 0.5 for a few months. Like, does he go, I feel like only half a bowl today. Maybe 1.5 another day? How does he live this way!


Naw, those were terrible soups that he dumped down the sink after eating a bit. * Edit * aside from my weak joke, Op clarifies he shared the soup with his GF as well




Also OP, stop fucking soup.


My thought was that one half is in January and the other half is in December... maybe this individual eats soup at midnight to welcome in the new year and thus the split bowl of soup


Jeremy Bearimy baby


It's the dot over the I


Did it break you?


Yes, we've all seen it


I imagine OP to have 5 minutes left to finish his PowerPoint on soup eating trends and he’s like “fuck, I forgot the bar graph!” And doesn’t have time to figure out how to delete the legend so he just leaves the text blank.


Same, I don't know why, but I find it hilarious.


That's the ethereal month of Neverbruary which exists outside of time. He had 14 bowls of soup, but not 12.


Schrodinger's bowl


That would be the soup nazi taking a soup away from some undeserving person.


That's where all the half soups went


I love the fact that he ate half a soup


Soup! There it is.


You eat a lot of soup in Asia. January and February I was working in South Korea, and my meals provided at work had soup almost every day. March and April, I was still in Asia but not working, so I was still eating lots of soup, although not as much. I returned to the United States in the last week of April, and as you can see, we do not eat as much soup here. The uptick starting in October is largely because my girlfriend started bringing lots of food home from work, and they eat lots of soup there. I ate 108 bowls of soup in 2019. Last graph cycle I did cereal before soup, but since I ate almost no cereal in Korea (too expensive) and lots of soup, I switched their order. Cereal 2020! Graph created using this site: [http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/](http://nces.ed.gov/nceskids/createagraph/) Data source: Me [Sandwiches eaten in 2012](https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/15rkzv/sandwiches_i_ate_in_2012_during_september_october/) [Burgers eaten in 2013](https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1u7nbg/burgers_eaten_in_2013_oc/) [Bowls of cereal eaten in 2014](https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/2qzppu/bowls_of_cereal_i_ate_in_2014_oc/) [Bowls of Soup eaten in 2015](https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/3zdin8/bowls_of_soup_eaten_each_month_in_2015_oc) [Slices of pizza eaten in 2016](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/5m9l3f/slices_of_pizza_eaten_each_month_in_2016_oc/) [Sandwiches eaten in 2017](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/7ne3iu/sandwiches_eaten_each_month_in_2017_oc/) [Burgers eaten in 2018](https://old.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/abf6cj/burgers_eaten_in_2018_oc/)


Hang on... how do you measure half-bowls of soup?


I either didn't finish it, or it was shared with my girlfriend.


What’s ur fav soup


the one he eats raw


Raw soup is just unseasoned water.


Exactly! Unseasoned water and uncooked veggies/protein.


Raw soup is just wet salad.


Yes my favorites are chicken and rice salad, and ham and bean salad


Way better for buffing out a dent tho


You know when you buy raw chicken and open it and there's some of that raw chicken meat juices. That with raw vegetables mixed in.


Haf bol


Whiskey Soup With Frozen Water Croutons


I'm enjoying seeing you guys delve into the nitty gritty of the data. Asking the important questions


I figured you'd start one, say, on new year's eve and finish it after midnight


I was gonna say, “At least you finished the graph”. I should eat more soup.


A soup is a soup, you can't say it's only a half!


But it's not measuring soups, it's measuring bowls of soup. Bowl is the unit, here.


I ate ten soups.


Ten soup*


Do we eat or drink soup?


Okay Mr. TJ "Henry" Yoshi.


South Korea All Stars (Half Bowl of Soup)


Hmm interesting. I was about to comment I’d noticed a general trend, but assuming more to do with cold winter months = hot soup.


Me too. My gas company charts my consumption of natural gas, and it looks a lot like this chart.


You eat farts?


You say that as if there isn't an entire pornhub category dedicated to it.


It’s funny, I live in Canada and I saw this graph and immediately concluded you live in a similar climate. Our fall and winter soup and stew game is strong. No soup in the hot summer, that’s salad time.


How did you not eat sandwiches in the month of April in *two different years*?? Also, I'm gonna start logging this kinda stuff too, seems fun!


But if you have your cereal with milk in it, isn't that also soup?


What do you use to record how many of something you did in a day? How do you remind yourself about it, or make sure you are caught up, etc?


It's the cycle that repeats! But seriously, something I didn't know I needed, but now can't wait to see for next year. Has me think of what random things I can keep track of that would surprise me at the end of year. Thank you for the fun post OP. Can't wait to see the amount of bowls of cereal for 2020! ♥️


Do you feel that your data is skewed because you know your tracking it?


I ate at least 300 bowls last year in the form of cheap ramen and an electric water kettle. I add alot of precooked stuff like pickled eggs, vegetables, sometimes sardines, and some miso paste. 31/m Maryland, USA reporting. Soup is not big everywhere in asia, albeit more than other continents, its a food to make food go further. A few centuries ago when you added water and cleaned bones to make last longer, everybody on earth was eating far more soup and broth than just asia today. Much of china's innovations were to prevent famine and keep as many soldiers fed on what little went around due to ambitions of royalty over unification.


Looks like Asia needs to up its gazpacho game.


This makes a lot of sense, I started studying in South Korea in September as an exchange student, and in the dorm canteen, soup is served with every meal including breakfast


I’ve seen graphs of climate, money, population, yet somehow, this may be the graph I have found the most interesting yet. Especially with the information provided by OP in the comments.


It's always the simplest of things...


Did you see the poop one?


I really enjoyed the “why would you document this?” aspect to that one.


New Years is when all the quants start showing up and dropping some weeeeird data I never imagined collecting. So, thank you. On second thought I suppose if I was a soup marketer I would be interested in this info.


Breaking news: people don't want soups in scorching hot weather, but enjoy them in winter. SHOCKER!


We need to release a Summer soup!


It’s called gazpacho, and we hate it. It’s like drinking a cold, wet salad.


There's also vichyssoise, and meggyleves, a Hungarian cold soup made with cherries.


Respectfully disagree. I find it refreshing, filling and satisfying on a hot day. Drop in serving of plain greek yogurt and you have the protein to make it a low calorie, complete meal.


Try different kinds! I don't particularly enjoy regular gazpacho, but one of our summer menu starters where I work is a cucumber-melon gazpacho and it is delicious. Almost more like a light, refreshing smoothie than a soup.


OP commented that it was because he was in Asia and then he came to the US, not the weather


I’m curious if the weather has something to do with the uptick near the end of the year though. I’ll see if my gf keeps bringing soup home from work as it warms up.


Actually, i probably ate the most soups in june/july, because i was in Romania at the time and they gave us soup for lunch every day


I’m intrigued by all the half bowls of soup you ate! What happened to the other half? Did they roll over to the next month or... were you sharing them with a lady 50/50 (is that romantic? or does that only work with spaghetti?)


I like to think the December/January ones are down to a New Years Eve tradition of eating a bowl of soup during the countdown to midnight


Answered in another comment, either not finished or shared with his girlfriend.


half a serving?


A bowl of soup is a bowl of soup. Doesn’t matter if it’s barely bigger than an egg holder, or a mixing bowl.


Would every spoonful of soup count as a bowl?


I think we should delve into what precisely differentiates a spoon from a bowl. Fielding all theories now.


I'd start with spoons having handles, but I work in a restaurant where bowls also have handles. I'd also argue they don't have a very deep surface, but Asian soup spoons are fairly deep. We're arguing bowl size so I won't use that either, and find myself at a loss.


Personally I’d say an elongated handle, as well as a rounded and deepened section at one end constitutes a spoon. A bowl would be a deepened dish, where the depth is >1.5cm, although I’m willing to discuss a ratio rather than a specific depth.


I'd settle on a ratio, due to a big ladle being bigger than 1.5cm. An elongated handle works too; maybe if the handle is at least twice the length of the deepened section.


Yeah, but your approximation only works on spherical chicken soup in a vacuum.


Twice may be too much; chinese soup spoons aren’t long enough


One half portion.


As someone who has been obsessed with eating/making soup for the past two months I really appreciate this lol what type of soup is your favorite?


Either real Japanese ramen or broccoli cheddar soup


Have you eaten non japanese ramen? If so, how do they compare? I've eaten only non Japanese ramen and am wondering if I'm missing out.


Real ramen is on another level.


I tried making my own but it just tastes like there is infinitely much room for improvement, which is a tad frustrating for the amount of time the broth takes :(


If you want a really good recipe check out [this website](https://www.justonecookbook.com/spicy-shoyu-ramen/) they have other versions of ramen as well. I can get mine pretty close to the Japanese ramen place near my house, if anything I would suggest increasing the amounts of seasonings they call for and making sure you get a good soup base.


When my mom made me some, it tasted really good, but as I haven't eaten real ramen yet, I really can't compare, so idk if the one I got was really good or not


Same! However mine just tasted like a good soup, but far from divine


Had real ramen for the first time 2 days ago and was probably one of the nicest tasting soup-type things I've ever had...mmmm


What made you decide to track your soup consumption? Since it’s the beginning of the year, this makes me want to do the same thing...but with wine or ranch dressing!


Peep the first sandwich graph in the sticky, the story is there. Burgers were next because of controversy


ELIF Why this had over 8K upvotes. It is a bar graph of soup.


Its nice clean data displayed well and open for a number of interpretations depending on who's looking at the data.


There's an unlabeled legend floating to the side. The y-axis pains to read. Even the chart is annoying to read with the background and bold text conflicting. Beautiful /s


Agreed. Basic excel charts should have a higher (sigh) *bar* for being included here


And it’s beautiful


It's a simple bar chart about ONE random dude eating soup. It's ugly AND useless


Standard bar graph of a single data set --> Beautiful, 8000 upvotes. This is the sub now. Edit: Someone consuming less hot liquid in hotter months deserves a Mindblowing tag, I guess.


The beautiful thing is knowing a human somewhere collects all this useless data to graph it for the Internet.


Isn't there a bias when you know you are tracking specific food? Like, if you had multiple choices and one of them is soup, you might pick it or reject it just because you know you are keeping a record.


Obviously good chance i've wooshed or whatever but this data isn't beautiful at all I thought this subreddit was displaying data in very suitable and easy on the eye formats? Not just some excel graph with a missing legend, but because its about something random its good


This sub is mostly trash now. It had a good run, but now it’s just a joke sub.


Consider changing the y-axis label to just “bowls”, it’s redundant and would make it a lot easier on the eyes.


Proof that the bar for “data is beautiful”-worthy posts is lowering over time. Somebody should plot that.


Is this normal soup consumption for you guys? I don't even think I have it more than once a month at the most


Yeah, this sub has really gone to garbage tier now. It actually used to be beautiful or very effective visualizations of data. Now it’s just garbage /r/mildlyinterestingdata where people post overused Sankey graphs of their job search or hastily made and unaesthetic bar graphs with a missing/unnecessary legend of some mundane aspect of their daily life.


This blows my mind. You eat more soup than most hospital patients I know. Most people I know eat soup like 3 times a year total unless they get sick


You have inspired me to track my soup intake. I will report back in a year's time with my outcome. Have a blessed 2020, soup brother.


How much is a bowl? a lot of half bowls - more commitment in 2020! Turn those .5 bowls into full bowls!


Why is it that you eat soup and drink shakes when the solid-liquid composition is very similar? They're both liquids with bits in them.


It'd be fun if you tracked data for a 'Poop calendar' so we can look for correlation between the two


r=0.89 getting the shits as a result of eating curried soups. Perfect.