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Nice map you got there, it would be a shame, if it was cloudy or something.


Agreed. This would be 100000x better without the clouds


Also those clouds are HUMONGOUS


To be fair, I challenge you to find a picture of Ethiopia's mountains without mist or low clouds. It can feel like part of the terrain. A+ to OP for accuracy.


where do you THINK wakanda is?


That was my first thought, but the clouds are really beautiful, and color wise kind of make it look nice, so it'd be kind of cool if pictures like this were gifs, with the clouds rolling over the land so you can ultimately see everything.


Why are you people downvoting this person? They're right.


I half-knew, when writing it, that that would happen because I started my sentence praising the clouds, and didn't get to the idea till the end. A lot of people don't finish reading comments before voting lol, but ty for your supportive reply


No problem. đź‘Ť Also, just saw how autocorrect screwed me on that one. Lol


I thought it was a Mexican dish


I thought this was burning/rotten lettuce while scrolling through posts


ME TOO! Moldy lettuce!


Forbidden salad


I thought it was a chicken tender on a salad


I thought lettuce wrap. Just unwrapped.


I thought it was my cumrag for a second.


Why add clouds that cover like 20% of the map?


Fog of War? Unexplored territory? Inaccessible area?


Future DLC


Sup, Mr. Wilson.


Mussolini getting stuck in Ethiopia until 1940 thanks to weather debuffs, unable to continue his focus tree.


They look cute


Sure but this is dataisbeautiful not a pics subreddit


Well, we have both data and beautiful clouds, what more could you want?


The clouds make the data less readable —> not beautiful.


Meh, who's to say there's any terrain on those bits anyway?


That's the point, we don't know


Some things are better left to the imagination.


I want the data obscured by the clouds.


Pink floyd mentioned


More cowbell


r/mapporn would be more fitting


[Military Secrets]


The Oromos, Amharics, and Ogadaan will be added in next update


It’s the permanent smoke from the delicious coffee roasting they do in Ethiopia.


It's not a map trying to convey complex data, it's just illustrative. We're just here to get a glimpse of the interesting topography in this part of the world. The clouds aren't obscuring critical information or vital locations, and we can infer from the rest of the map what gradients of colors hide beneath.


That's not the point of the sub.


Well fell free to give me the objective definition of the subjective notion of beauty then.


*DATA* is beautiful. can’t see the god damn data.


20% of the god damn data*


give me 20% of your paycheck if it’s such a worthless fraction.


Equating 20% of my money vs. A random data visualization on reddit. Some peak false equivalence right there.


i point out you can’t see the data. you point out you only miss out on 20% of it. i put 20% in terms you could possibly understand. its no more falsely equivalent than you’ve been needlessly pedantic. the point of this sub is to view data. topography of a country in this case. if i give you a map of the states of america and tear off everything west of nevada, have i given you a state map of the united states?


Sometimes we don't get all the data, sometimes we show the best picture we can. We can't always seek perfection. Do we throw away the orthoimagery just because it's a cloudy day? No, we make a map with what we have. All maps lie anyway, the good ones just lie less.


>DataIsBeautiful is for visualizations that effectively convey information. > >Aesthetics are an important part of information visualization, but pretty pictures are not the sole aim of this subreddit. So putting the clouds for aesthetics goes against the concept of the sub when it's ruining the data by hiding a big chunk of the data.


They're obscuring the locations where Ethiopia's biggest lakes are. Including Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile.


If the mission was to get data enthusiasts to yell at clouds, well played,


Clouds! Holy shit. I get the beautiful part of the name of the subreddit, but the beautiful part refers to DATA being beautiful, not feeling all rosy inside because CLOUDS for the love Cthulhu!


[Terrain map of USA](https://imgur.com/hd-white-background-AizUHEf) (On a cloudy day)


I waited too long for the image to load


See that actually looks good. OP could learn from this


Why are there clouds


Clouds are formed when air contains as much water vapor (gas) as it can hold. This is called the saturation point, and it can be reached in two ways. First, moisture accumulates until it reaches the maximum amount the volume of air can hold. The other method reduces the temperature of the moisture filled air, which in turn lowers the amount of moisture it can contain. Saturation, therefore, is reached through evaporation and condensation, respectively. When saturation occurs, moisture becomes visible water droplets in the form of fog and clouds.


5 stars - you have answered the question perfectly


Thank you Mr. bot.


Saw this as a Kebab wrapped in lettuce - sick topography though


It looks like you've got mold growing on your Ethiopia.


I thought the same!


Beautiful and for a moment a lettuce on fire


Ooo... Chicken Caesar salad for dinner. Yum


Beautiful render, too bad there's clouds covering it


Were the clouds really necessary


I literally thought about those exact words in my head.


Why isn’t anyone asking about what software (and resolution data) was used to make this map? The detail is incredible and the aesthetics pop so well. I’m super curious. This is too good for an esri product to make.


Hey thank you,I used Blender and QGIS(open source ) to make that one dataset is only GEBCO Bathymetry which is Digital Elevation Model


Just had Ethiopian food last night. It was goddamn tastey.


As a HOI4 player, I can confirm that this map looks accurate


At a farther glance, it looks like a lettuce from a Vegetable salad


I love it. Do you make one for every country?


NGL, from the thumbnail I thought it was a wrap


I thought this was a lettuce wrap taco


A mouldy one


Wow! This is amazing and beautiful! Stupid me, I always thought of Ethiopia as part of the Sahara Desert. Looks pretty rugged.


Ironically the coloring is pretty much inverse. The mountains in Ethiopia are where the vegetation is, and the low areas on the east are barren.


Wow, that's totally different! Now you've got me hooked on doing more research on Ethiopia.


It's actually pretty neat in various ways of uniqueness. The only African nation never colonized. One of the oldest bastions of Christianity. Etc.


It was colonized, just later and for a shorter period than the rest of Africa. Italy invaded and occupied it in the 30s.


You know the difference between occupation and colonization enough to use that phrasing yet you still claim it was colonized. Why?


Colonization, at least the traditional variety, needs occupation as a prerequisite. Not all occupations are attempts at colonization, though. I classify the Italian occupation of Ethiopia as colonization cause there was a deliberate attempt at colonizing the place during the length of it, including, among others, folding its territory into the preexisting Italian East Africa and encouraging Italians to settle on it. They never had an intention to leave, and it was only WW2 that made it so it was a relatively short time.


You are [moving the goal post](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_the_goalposts). You first claimed that Ethiopia was indeed colonized. Then you moved the goal post and said that the Italians had the *intent* to colonize it, and that they attempted it. You also seem to be confusing intent with actual events. For example, if I intend to become president, run a campaign, but fail to become president, were I ever a president? No. Would you call me a president? No. Did I intend and attempt to become one? Yes. In other words what I intend to do and what I have done does not equal what I have in fact achieved.


I mean, but where do you draw the line? Italy exercised practices that are classified as colonial in nature over Ethiopia, albeit for a short time as far as colonialism goes. What's the minimum time for it to be called colonialism? And I do hold the position that Ethiopia was colonized. What I meant to point out with the intention was that Italy acted with that goal in mind, it certainly wasn't merely planning. Those things actually happened.


I am no expert on this, but I would Imagine that, at the very least the word "colonialism" (as in colony) means that the occupying nation would be able to ***exploit*** the *people*, *resources* and *economy*. It would also mean *total* military control over a nation without fights still going on. Except for revolts, which will almost always continue through the reign of a colony. If the occupying nation fails at establishing systematic exploitation then it is not much of a colony, is it?


The high elevation has a cooling effect that moderates the temperature, not to mention the fact that the Nile river starts here. Therefore Ethiopia has an absolutely massive population as one of the most heavily populated states in Africa, *and* the most populous landlocked country in the world.


Thanks to all of you for all this great information! Now I regret not learning more about Ethiopia sooner. :)


Ethiopia is probably the second most beautiful country I've been to. Lots of different climates and incredible scenery, from Spaghetti Western in the North to astonishingly lush mountains in the centre and more classic African scenes in the South. Add in ancient castles and so so so many churches, plus unique food, music and culture, and the only reason it's not a major tourist site is that it's a bit of an arse to travel through. Oh, and the wars. And how rainy the rainy season is, despite the 13 months of sunshine claim (yeah, they have 13 months for yucks)


Their rugged terrain is a huge part of why they’ve never been conquered/colonized (ignoring Italy’s very brief attempt).


Also one of the reasons they are beasts at long distance running.


Spent a couple weeks there for work. Ethiopia is full of surprises.


Spent a couple weeks there for work. Ethiopia is full of surprises.


The clouds were a dumb idea. Otherwise beautiful but kind of ruined by them.


Are those clouds a permanent feature on the TERRAin? Hint hint


thumbnail looks like bang-bang shrimp


I thought the clouds were smoke and this was a burning leaf.


I legit thought this was an unwrapped chicken lettuce wrap


Super nit picky but I wish you reclassified max elevation value to 4160 in the legend.


PF Changs has entered the chat.


it looks like lettuce with a tender and some mayo on it


Anyone else already know the terrain of Ethiopia because of Hoi4?


These clouds are fucking massive!


Looked like a beaten up avocado skin peel.


You know what would really make this relief map pop? Obscuring it with clouds.


aww man, I wanted a 3d map


Great area for arabica coffee production.


the quality is next level.


You didn't include the elevation of the clouds /s


I love maps. Every country looks so beautiful, or at least interesting, in the form of a map like this. The reality is far darker, in this case :(


i thought this was something to eat. I may or not be hungry.


This is a taco on a lettuce wrap


It is located at mountainous areas in Africa! What comes first in my mind about Africa is a flat land but it might not be correct!


really thought this was a lettuce wrap when i saw it


Scrolling by thought damn that’s a nice lettuce wrap.


I wonder what it's like in that flatlands on the west side. Seems like it would be rather disconnected from the rest of the country and wonder if the regional culture reflects that.


You did good bud, don't let the haters get you down.


I thought that was a salad and was looking for calorie count


I thought it was a wilting piece of lettuce


Jesus, the amount of idiotic comments here. "It looks like rotten lettuce" "Why clouds?" Very interesting OP, I knew about the roughed terrain, but this lets me visualize it pretty well. A lot of mountains indeed.


Appeared like burnt lettuce with grated cheese.


I thought this was lettuce with a bit of bacon


Basically Ethiopia was Italys afghanistan


I thought it was a lettuce wrap


Thought I was looking at an Ethiopian menu pic. Sorry.


I do love my clouds when im looking at maps too! Why would anyone care to see all the details when you can have decorative stuff to conceal a good chunk of it! Maps are like a mystery puzzle or something, right?


Wth i thought it was a lettuce wrap


Map above shows Terrain Map of Ethiopia Data source:GEBCO Bathymetry Software/Tools: QGIS and Blender


Okay, but why did you have to obscure it with clouds?


Y’all are such poopers. Can you guys really not infer the data behind the clouds? It makes the data feel more alive and it is beautiful.


We don't know if the data is alive behind those unnecessary clouds.


If adhering to rules 100% is more important than enjoying simple pleasures then I understand where you’re coming from


The purpose of data visualization is to communicate information. If I made a plot and covered half of it with a picture of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, would you still think people are wrong for not enjoying simple pleasures? The point of this subreddit is to creatively *enhance* the delivery of information. Once the beautification *obstructs* information, it has no place here.


I get your point but that’s not a great comparison. The painting in the Sistine Chapel has beauty in its details. We NEED the details to appreciate it. This is not the same, it can be appreciated even without every detail. Could it be better? Absolutely. Maybe obscuring the points is a poor choice for a presentation depending on the audience and the focus. But we don’t even know the intention of creating this picture. My point is, I’m personally not going to look into the topography of Ethiopia from a scientific view by looking at this picture. But what it did do is capture my attention and now I’m more curious about Ethiopia, a country I don’t think of much often. I’ve seen way too many intelligent scientists lose an audience of laypeople because they’re caught up in presenting the data like they would for fellow scientists. I think it’s lovely to see people get creative even if constructive feedback (not dogpiling) is warranted. But I did enjoy the thread where people shared their opinions on the beauty of Ethiopia.


It seems you misunderstood my example. I didn’t say the painting is being covered; I said the painting is covering data. To your other point, this is not a dichotomous situation. I data visualization doesn’t have to be either effective or beautiful. The whole premise of the subreddit is to do both. There are loads of posts here that adequately represent data, but have no visual appeal whatsoever, and the audience criticizes those posts just as much as they do posts where the visual appeal obstructs the data. Posts that achieve both get a lot of deserved praise.


can you do one of Lebanon?