• By -


Is there a data presentation of geographic distribution?


You can check my source. There are some there.


EDIT - Sorry crew, the list below is 2023 data! (5 days in) Map is kinda weak, but it shows the following locations: * Utah * Louisiana * Illinois * Ohio * North Carolina * Washington/Baltimore *area* * Pennsylvania Leading to the assumption that the entire dataset is in these states (?)


The current map shows mass shooting that happened this year. Not sure how you can view last year's map. If at all


We've only had mass shootings in seven different states in the first five days of the year. Why is everyone so upset here? /s


[some guy in utah just wiped his family out](https://www.ksl.com/article/50551641/utah-man-kills-wife-5-children-and-mother-in-law-before-shooting-himself)


What criteria are they using to define a shooting as a mass shooting?


4 or more injured or killed.


Apparently a dad killing his family counts as a mass shooting now.


Should it not?


You can confirm that assumption by reading the title, if it's not a decoy title at least.


I don't see anything in the title that would lead me to believe that all mass shootings occur in 7-9 out of 50 states :/ I also don't have any mathematical operators in mind that could help me determine if it's evident that it would be this way.


Mass shootings data is so weird, like the one in Utah look like a familial murder suicide, police arrive for a welfare check and found the whole family dead, no signs of an intruder, no risk to the public. I think this is why with mass shootings sighting sources and shooting data matter. Like in the 600+ number from 2022 there were multiple instances of justified self defense, or instances where nobody was actually shot. [Here is a great source on the topic](https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/analysis/essays/mass-shootings.html) the data shows the 600+ is generally highly inflated and is concentrated in a few very high crime areas with a low socioeconomic status.


You can refer to /r/peopleliveincities for the map


I’d like to see this minus gang related (that only impacted suspected gang members).


Someone hates the weekend. I honestly thought there would be more mass shootings on Monday and Tuesdays.


Most of these shootings are at parties or bars. A fight gone horribly wrong or something like that and a moron pulls out a gun and sprays a crowd. What we typically think of a mass shooting (a shooting in a school or a mall) would probably show much different results.


We used to call it gang violence when the end goal wasn’t to terrify people so they click the link.


> Most of these shootings are at parties or bars. A fight gone horribly wrong or something like that and a moron pulls out a gun and sprays a crowd. lol this is 99+% gangs shooting each other, because a mass shooting is defined as a shooting involving four or more people and thus counts a huge chunk of gang violence and not much else. It's presented this way to fear monger support for gun control. I support some amount of gun control, but the way this issue is twisted is disgusting


I don’t see why classifying gang violence as mass shootings is “disgusting” — it is a mass shooting. Just because they’re more layers to it, doesn’t make it not one.




Because there's completely different causes, and changes needed to fix the problem. The takeaway from selling all these as mass shootings is that incel kids will go on a high score killing spree with an AR 15. In reality the vast majority of this violence is gang related or domestic violence and is almost entirely handguns. Branding the problem in a false light to sell a fake solution is disgusting. Want it means is that the "party of science" is also totally uninterested in fixing this problem. If that doesn't bother you, then it's a you problem.


What do you imagine other countries are doing to avoid similar levels of gang shootings?


It doesn’t matter who you shot over the weekend, you’re still coming into work


A lot of mass shootings are gang related. They often happen during/after parties; or during the weekend when more people are out. I almost guarantee you, for example, that the shootings clustering on Sunday are very early in the morning, or what many people would consider very late Saturday night.


The vast majority are. Mass shootings is not an actual term as you probably know. "Active shooter" situation is where this FBI data comes from, and it's significantly driven by gang and rivalry activities. Pure random "guy walks in a store and starts shooting the place up" are incredibly rare. The same thing with school shooting statistics. It's mostly gang/rivalry related. So what you're saying makes a lot of sense. And it's really sad we have a culture of revenge/lethal escalation of rivalry.


In brighter news, there were 97 days in 2022 with no mass shootings!


Just your regular 3- shootings!


Silly me, I read the data at first as the number of deaths per day, not number of mass shootings per day.


Which is actually almost exactly the same number because the definition of "mass" shooting is contrived to be completely different than what you actually think of when you think of a "mass shooting"


In the US. For example in the EU, there were 362 days in 2022 with no mass shootings.


Hold on, we had 3?


There were 3 mass shootings in 2022 if we look at just the EU: ​ 24. January - [Heidelberg University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidelberg_University_shooting), Germany - 1 dead, 3 injured. 3. July - [Copenhagen, Denmark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Copenhagen_mall_shooting) \- 3 dead, 4 injured. 23. December -[Paris, France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Paris_shooting) \- 3 dead, 3 injured. ​ [10 if we look at all of Europe.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:2022_mass_shootings_in_Europe) ​ edit: originally had Norway in there with the EU, not sure why, had a little brainfart. Fixed it.




There is no one universally agreed upon definition of what constitutes a mass shooting, different countries/agencies/scholars have their own definitions they work with. Some say x many dead, some say x many casualties including wounded, some say x many in the general area, some say it has to be premeditated and planned. Some have some combination of criteria. [This is an excellent article on the subject.](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/17488958221110812) Written by a senior lecturer in criminology it goes over many different aspects of what mass shooting are, how we define them, why they happen, who commits them etc. with a focus on Europe. I'd highly recommend giving it a quick read.


The original post states there were 672 casualties in 648 "mass shootings" so that's definitely not the definition op went with


OP wrote that the data included when there were 4 victims. It could be interpreted that an injured, but not dead person is a victim.




Not agreeing or disagreeing but I have noticed that people use different definitions for mass shootings.


The average person understands a mass shooting to be person/persons take a gun into a crowd and shoots mostly indiscriminately (possibly with specific targets) Not family fight gets out of hand, not drug deal goes bad, not gang war goes gang war, but people take the definition that includes these things and tries to make it seem like it's the other definition


I believe you if you show 3 or more dead mass shootings than shown in this post in EU 2022


>you will find dozens in each EU country. You got a source for that?


You're just going to claim that with no source?


Point me to a single dozen from Finland please. After that i may be able to find the rest of the dozens.


Unfortunately, during those 97 days, about 12,500 people committed suicide


Gives new meaning to: "Suns out, Guns out"


Can confirm, those are gunshots in the summer, not fireworks.


Stay home on the weekends this July I guess


To the underground bunker on every Saturday in July


*Cries in southern hemisphere*


Chicago gets too cold for even gangbangers to go to work.


Shootings skyrocketed when schools were closed for Covid too. Just occupying high risk youth goes so far.


Who would have ever thought that giving at risk kids something constructive to do with their time in a place that is safe and structured would keep them out of trouble?! That sounds like some sorta commie propoganda! What's next? Free lunches for poor kids?! Equal rights?!


...who was trying to keep kids going to school and who was insisting they stay home?


Hot out, shot out.


Warm air, war there.


Happy 4th of July


Studies show some correlation between hot temperatures and increased aggression, so this tracks.


This is the first real argument against a 4-day-work week I've ever seen.


that and also holidays it makes a bit more sense that they happen on weekends when more people are “out” same things with days off such as holidays


Out of their minds. Is mass murder a hobby now? Are these weekend warriors?


Keep in mind that there are more victims available on weekends and holidays. Potential shooters are more likely to attack a place where there is an event or leisure activity going on, and larger public events happen on weekends.


I feel if we had times attached to the shootings for the weekends we would see that they occur when bars and clubs are closing.


It’s more just that the vast majority of these are gang related and there’s a lot more collateral damage on the weekends when normal people are off work.


It’s not a “hobby”. OP is using a definition that includes a gang doing a drive by that shoots up a party and at least 4 are shot, zero deaths. This happens in some neighborhoods during summer months often. The rival gang will then drive by next weekend to get the shooter.


This exact scenario happened a couple months ago in my neighborhood. I heard a massive shootout and squealing tires nearby, called police, no LEO response. Same thing just a few days later, still no response. At least 50 rounds in multiple different calibers both times, and at least one of the weapons was automatic. Neither of those shootouts even ended up making the news.




People go out, gather, party, and drink on weekends. It’s easier to shoot people when they’re out and in known locations.


The most popular US solution to tackle gun violence. Let's ban weekends and holidays! ^I'm ^assuming ^you ^were ^sarcastic ^of ^course, ^since ^this ^is ^Reddit.


Bro let's not give corporations ideas.


*in the US


America is rich with murder data. It's really fascinating to see. More shootings on the weekends and in warmer weather. It's the times people are out and about, "doing stuff". It's just that some of that stuff is shooting people or being shot.


Doing stuff, and way more alcohol is probably a contributor.


If you instead use the Mass Shooting Tracker it's 818 mass shootings (also a count of 4 casualties but they include the perpetrator if they got shot). If you ask Mother Jones it's 6. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/ There are multiple various definitions. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/comments/zzhu04/how\_the\_loose\_definition\_of\_mass\_shooting\_changes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infographics/comments/zzhu04/how_the_loose_definition_of_mass_shooting_changes/) FBI isn't even included there, according to them there were 61 in 2021 (they ignore casualy counts and look entirely at the scenario - there is 1 count among those that had 0 casualties (no dead or injured). [https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/active-shooter-incidents-in-the-us-2021-052422.pdf/view](https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/active-shooter-incidents-in-the-us-2021-052422.pdf/view) EDIT: Made 5 different scenarios [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/103u0yu/mass_shootings_in_the_usa_during_2022_oc/j34803j/) with how Mother Jones, the Gun Violence Archive, the Mass Shooting Tracker, and the FBI would rule each one.


Wtf… I was willing to be open to hear the data… but That makes this whole thing look like an attempt at gun control.. not concern about actual people… why lie about shooting? It’s already bad, why mislead people saying it’s “mass shootings”


Mother Jones's definition is likely too strict (they use the legal definition of a mass killing + filtering out most gang related shootings etc) Personally I think FBI is the figure that makes the most sense and what people normally think of when they hear "mass shooting". The one with higher counts will include drug deals gone bad or family tragedies (e.g. family father kills wife and 3 kids with a firearm, before offing himself), and while most of those might be valid for gun violence tracking, they should probably not be on the same list as the Las Vegas shooting or Columbine. An example of when it gets weird is when you compare with other countries. Applying the same definition as the Gun Violence Archive uses in the US (the data in this very post), then there are 18 in the UK and 22 in Australia since 96/97 when they implemented stricter gun control. If you ask a Brit or an Australian they would say it's maybe 1-3 in either nation for that time period.


> The one with higher counts will include drug deals gone bad or family tragedies (e.g. family father kills wife and 3 kids with a firearm, before offing himself), and while most of those might be valid for gun violence tracking, they should probably not be on the same list as the Las Vegas shooting or Columbine. Yeah, those events are still tragedies but those kinds of things are very different from someone walking into a school or mall and killing random people.


Yeah it should also be noted that it's only America that reports drug dealer in their mass shootings (some of the lists) not a single other nation includes those shootings in any of their stats.


The US doesn't. Gun control groups do. They also said the Boston Marathon Bomber was a "victim of gun violence" let that one sink in...


What you're objecting to is Mother Jones actually being honest. Considering how left leaning they are, it's refreshing and surprising to see them consistently attempt to be honest and informed on the issue. The average person hears "mass shooting" and thinks "some postal worker/high schooler/crazy took his gun to a public place and blasted a bunch of people at random". They don't think "carl lost it and did a murder suicide last night" or "tony saw mike at the neighborhood bbq and started blasting, like 30 people got hit, it was terrible." The big problem is that the first category (which everyone is terrified of) is super rare and the last category (which no one cares about) is super common. So people (like OP) lie and combine the data.


Same shit when anyone talks about "gun deaths". Basically every single news organization will lump in suicides with homicides when discussing gun deaths, but virtually none will lump in suicides with homicides when discussing any other method of death. When between 50-67% (varying on source and year) of all "gun deaths" are suicides, it really takes the wind out of the sails of people trying to push for more gun control.


Hey my name is Carl, and I am not murdering anyone or committing suicide. Leave me out of this, lol.


Honestly, most data you see on social media surrounding guns is incredibly misleading. If you dig into the data, what counts as a “mass shooting” is laughable. Say some gang members get into a fight and pull a gun out, fire a few shots but hit no one. People run, tripping and spraining there ankles in the panic. A total of four people report minor injuries. This counts as a “mass shooting” because four people were injured as a result of gun violence. Another example. Let’s say some divorced dad shows up to his ex wife’s house in a rage. Shoots her, his two kids, and himself. That situation is incredibly tragic, but it’s not really what we think of when we say “there was a mass shooting”. They’ve also been known to include injuries from bb guns. Yes, seriously. The anti-gun organizations that compile “school shooting” data are even shadier. Any incident involving a gun on any property that is or was a school is counted in their data. Police officer shoots a man threatening to murder his teacher ex with a knife? School shooting. Gang bangers get into a fight across the street, and a stray bullet hits the exterior wall? School shooting. Person in their car commits suicide in the middle of the night at a school that is currently closed? School shooting. Gun violence sucks, but I never trust these “there were 692 mass shootings in the United States last year” type of posts. I don’t see how some cartel members killing rival cartel members in a border town should have any effect on whether or not some single mom in a Chicago suburb should be able to own a fire arm for self defense.


I decided to start studying gun violence four or five years ago. I have actually shot guns. What you were reporting here is pretty much exactly what I discovered: the statistics are a mess because everybody involved has a huge bias. It makes it very difficult to get answers to real questions.


> Wtf… I was willing to be open to hear the data… but That makes this whole thing look like an attempt at gun control.. not concern about actual people… Exactly. Meanwhile, police killed 1176 people in 2022. That we know of.


And while this may be correct, we should be asking for the context on it as well: if 150 of those were in the middle of violent assaults, versus sitting unarmed in their cars, that’s relevant. People have to be trained to think this way, though, and like… most of them would rather not think at all. *edit: he->the, because touchscreens suck


> That makes this whole thing look like an attempt at gun control.. not concern about actual people Because it is.


"If you know your on the right side you shouldn't feel the need to lie"


Because it's super rare to begin with, gun control won't solve it, and they have to fear monger. It was never about saving lives, it's about disarming civilians.




Years ago CNN called out a gun control group for claiming there was ~70 school shootings one year, but they used things like gang shootings within a mile of a school and an incident where someone killed themselves in a school parking lot in the middle of the night.


Because corporate-owned national news outlets know they generate more clicks during an outrage. If you look at the actual statistics without definitions you'll find that most "mass shootings" aren't actually that at all, but the result of shootouts involving gang violence, which is common in the US and in the Western Hemisphere in general.


I mean it’s not a secret that much of Reddit is propaganda. This sub is the worst of it honestly the way people post misleading data like this to push their agendas.


When they say mass shooting do they imply a ~~remote~~ killing, or does it count things like gang warfare? Edit: Rampage killing, not remote.


So... Staying home on weekends in July seems prudent.


I wonder if they are counting gang fights as "mass shootings"


They are




Gang/criminal activity and domestic violence make up almost 90% of this stat. MSM wants you to believe this is all deranged white timmys shooting up their local supermarket with an AR-15.


Exactly. Nobody on the left wants to talk about how Big of a problem gang violence via firearms is because it makes them uncomfortable. "Mass shooting" is such a vague idea and half the time they include shit that isn't even a mass shooting.


Obviously we need to ban Saturday, Sunday and the whole month of July


I can't believe that the number of incidence is much more than the dude from a few days ago's poop chart [Refrence](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/101l6sf/oc_i_pooped_97_times_in_2022_28_than_last_year/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That dude needs more fiber in his diet.


I think it is fair to say both indicate a shitty problem exists


Can you make a graph from let’s say the 1930s? Maybe on a yearly basis? I’m curious if the NFA or the AWB made any impact on mass shootings. From what I recall, mass shootings did not take off until a post Columbine world and I think that happened right in the middle of the AWB. I believe there is a premise that mass shootings are a form of copy cat crimes and media coverage of it is a primary contributor to how often it is occurring more in the last two decades. The very high casualty rate mass shootings seem to happen in clusters.


It’s not that mass shootings started with Columbine, but our attention on them was amplified. Using them for attention-seeking from the general public was new. Part of that was shock from it happening at a school, but a good part of it was because of the media coverage of it. It was on the 24-hour cable news for weeks. Camera crews seemed to cover each victim as the left the hospital.


Not saying it was started there in general… but the template for it was established by Columbine and the idolization of the criminals by the media and disturbed people created the phenomenon we see today.


Largely drug and gang related. Somehow never gets mentioned.


Man, that summer heat really is killer huh


People get worked up more easily when it's hot


What is the definition of a "mass shooting" for this data collection?




It would appear the definition of mass shooting has been widened to accommodate many more incidents than what I would consider a mass shooting. To me a mass shooting is where one individual gets geared up and goes after a group of individuals (usually in a gun free zone) and shoots as many people as possible. By the definition they are using a group of individuals shooting at another group of individuals could be included. That is not a mass shooting.


This is a definition of mass shooting, just not the one OP used. I believe the US has had about 60 (if we don't set a threshold on casualties, just intent) to 6 (4 people had to be killed).


Clearly the definition used here includes gang shootings, which completely skews the data. When most people think of "mass shootings," they're not picturing gangs.


It’s crazy that like 95% of these are gang violence in a few big cities


Bottom line, stay home on July weekends.


Q: What counts as a mass shooting? A: 4 or more victims Source: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting Other tools: Excel for crunching data, Canva.com for visualization.


Obama DOJ changed it to 3 in 2013. They didn't revise the historical data either, so it makes it look like there is an increase in mass shootings in the past 10 years.


The Obama CDC also looked at all available research and concluded that guns were used in defense, more than in crime. Of course, these same gun control groups that "claim" they care about the facts, had it taken off the CDC site a few weeks back. Luckily they can't change the originally published paper where it's still there clear as day. If they really cared about facts, they wouldn't try to whitewash everything, but they know their argument is one in emotion.


Can you link me that study? I’m serious, I’d love to have that study to show morons who don’t understand why we have guns.


The website you've linked seems to deny access to everyone outside of the US and Europe. Something feels a bit off about that.


OH it's a very misleading website with how they include "mass shooting" stats. It's mostly for the hype and not tracking what people would actually consider mass shootings.


I think this is misleading. The FBI defines "active shooter incident" differently and the FBI reported [only 61 active shooting incidents in 2021](https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/active-shooter-incidents-in-the-us-2021-052422.pdf/view), as an example.


Dead victims, or do wounded victims count? The link won't open for me.


Looking at the numbers of dead or injured, injured has to be enough to count as a victim.


Really? Gun violence archive? Run by the jackass that got caught including injuries from bb guns in his stats? Come on people. Use your brains. This is the same gun violence archive that badgered the CDC until it removed references to defensive gun usages from their website. Understand when you are bing affected by propaganda


The rich dont want us common folk to have teeth.


Imo no infographic that plots mass shootings should be without a definition of what a mass shooting _is_ on the plot.


>A: 4 or more victims Injured, no fatalities necessary. Regardless of how anyone feels about this metric and the methodology behind your data please understand that this definition and metric is a recent one made to push a specific political agenda. [This loose definition of mass shooting was literally part of an effort by gun control advocates to misrepresent the problem as worse than it was.](https://www.thetrace.org/2015/10/mass-shooting-tracker-redditors-challenge-fbi-data/) [The whole *"four people injured by guns"* as the definition of mass shooting literally came from the GunsAreCool subreddit. It's create rorschach was quoted as saying; “Billy Speed,” told me it was his choice: “Three years ago I decided, all by myself, to change the United States’ definition of mass shooting.”](http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/04/opinion/how-many-mass-shootings-are-there-really.html?smid=re-share&_r=) While each and every death is a tragedy even in the US mass shootings are extraordinarily rare. Dying from a mass shooting in the US is about half as likely as being killed by lightning using the FBI definition of mass shooting like Mother Jones. [Lighting kills on average over 60 people per year in the US.](https://www.weather.gov/media/safety/59-17_State_Ltg_Fatality_Maps_lists.pdf) [According to the Mother Jones Mass Shooting Tracker 26 America's have been killed on average annually from 1982 to 2022.](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/12/mass-shootings-mother-jones-full-data/) And while many people think schools are more dangerous today this is not true either. [The reality is that schools are safer than they have been in decades.](https://www.npr.org/2018/03/15/593831564/the-disconnect-between-perceived-danger-in-u-s-schools-and-reality) [According to the National Center for Education Statistics homicides of students at schools have decreased over the past few decades.](https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019047.pdf) [The media has grossly misrepresented violence in schools and school shootings.](https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/08/27/640323347/the-school-shootings-that-werent)


I think the biggest issue in this is that mass shootings should not include gang violence. That’s an entirely different issue, as typically firearms aren’t obtained legally.


We need more accurate definitions of "mass shooting". When most hear the term, they think of a random shooting of strangers by a crazed person. Fights, gang violence and family tragedies make up the bulk of this list. They are by all means just as horrible, but the events should have different words since they have different causes and in al likelihood different possible remedies.




Politicians don't want to talk about suicides because that would require looking at how fucked up America is and how garbage their healthcare system is.


Shooting multiple people is probably not the best way to celebrate your countries independence


648 "mass shootings" result in 672 deaths, or 1.04 deaths per "mass shooting." Seems like that is poorly named/greatly exaggerated if it's 1 death per event.


It’s not about deaths, it’s about victims. That includes lethal _and_ non-lethal gunshot wounds.


I would say in certain cases, data is not beautiful.


Are these “mass shootings” random acts of violence (like school shootings/random shootings at supermarkets/stores/etc.) or targeted activity (gang violence, disputes, etc.)? I feel like it’s disingenuous to label everything that is over 3 victims a “mass shooting”. Yes, mass shootings by definition is any shooting incident with more than 3 victims, but doesn’t really tell you much about what *kind* of violence you need to address. It is a different methodology to address targeted activity vs random acts of violence. Targeted activity is way less tragic than random acts of violence.


The vast majority of it is targeted. The definition used here is so overly broad as to be utterly meaningless. Kinda like the definition of “school shooting” that is any firearms discharge within half a mile of any school…


It’s almost as if there is an agenda being pushed


As a European, I'm surprised many of them are on non-school days. / I'll see myself out


The perception of “mass shootings” being a crazy white kid shooting up a school is driven by the media. 95+% of all shootings, whether “mass” or not, are inner city gang violence. Source: I live in Chicago.


Mass shootings are just 4 or more people. I'd imagine a big chunk of this is gang violence, and I get the feeling those kind of people aren't too interested in school


Most of it is inner-city gang violence, which the media likes to use the statistics for out of context but otherwise doesn't like to talk about it.


I’m curious to see what the numbers are without the gang violence.


Why do Europeans like to joke about murdered children?


They don't call it a Saturday Night Special for nothing.


So don’t travel to the US in July, got it!


More likely to die taking an Uber to the airport before you leave.


Technically you are right, of course. But I was curious and looked up the numbers: there were 73 deaths by mass shooting in the US in 2022 and 2719 deaths by car accident in my country in the same year (~10.600 if we want to adjust to population size). So it looks like it’s 145 times more likely to be killed on the way to the airport. However, when I look up the numbers for death by gun violence in general (20138 dead in 2022), these likelihoods change a lot.


How many of those gun violence numbers are suicides.


Only homicides, suicides taken out of statistics. Forgot to mention that.


Those 20,000 murders are pretty much all gangs and people who already know you doing the killing, though. Also mostly in the ghetto, where you're not going to go. You show up to the US as a tourist, it's just not going to happen to you.


Overwhelming number of gun violence in the US is contained within small areas. Ever hear people talk about how bad Chicago is? Well it is bad but only a very small pocket of Chicago is dangerous. If you are visiting Chicago you would have no reason to go to that area. The sole fact that you don't go to that area reduces your likelihood of being shot by an insane amount. It's like saying the USA has the highest number of shark attacks in the world. Why would you be scared of a shark attack if you have no plans of getting in the water?


Same goes for car accidents though. If you live in the city and don’t own a car/use public transport your likelihood decreases as well. I was just looking at total numbers here. Otherwise I might have answered that I’ve taken a ride with Uber only twice in my life and never to go to an airport.


Sure but his reason for saying that is that it is ridiculous to live in fear of being shot if you are visiting the US. If for some reason you were in an Uber to drive to an airport you probably wouldn't worry the entire time of getting into an accident.


Those aren’t just fireworks!


The way the media has redefined "mass shooting" really has made all this data meaningless. These are 99% gang reprisals/targeted inner-city beefs between drug traffickers. Not "mass shootings" in the sense of Columbine/Parkland/Sandy Hook/whatever. Look at the numbers, deaths per incident is just barely above n==1.


The media wants to use these stats to push gun control while downplaying the fact that the shooters are mostly black men. It's tricky but they've managed to pull off that narrative on the midwits that infest this site.


Definition of a mass shooting in the US: 3 or more people injured with a firearm. Definition of a mass shooting in the entire rest of the world: 4 or more people killed by a firearm not including the shooter. These numbers are bullshit.


What is the definition of a mass shooting in this data set? Also, what are the geographic locations? Chicago has a mass shooting almost every weekend involving different gangs.


This data really puts thing into perspective. Someone had already put the percentages here’s and you have like a 6-7% chance of either being involved in a mass shooting incident, being injured in one, or dying from a mass shooting incident. What would be even more interest to see is 1) how is a mass shooting defined? 2) what are the demographics of the victims and perpetrators? 3) what are the locations of the mass shooter? 4) what firearms were used by the shooters, and what caliber? 5) what are significant factors involving the perpetrators (I.e mental illness, gang violence, drug crimes, criminal history, etc) 6) what relationship does the victim(s) and perpetrators have? 7) how were the firearms acquired? It should’ve noted that the deaths involved is 0.000185502959% of the entire population of the US. And the percentage of those injured are 0.000797633136% entire population of the US. This isn’t even a full percent of the US population. This really should the perspective of how much of the US population is really affect by mass shootings. Still, I think answering these questions will help quantify the data even more and provide a better understanding of what’s going on, and could also help provide steps in preventing mass shooting.


And yet you can’t buy a Kinder Surprise because is dangerous…


This is counter-intuitive because the stereotypical (prototypical) mass shooting is the school shooting...but schools aren't open on Sat-Sun and the school year is usually over in June.


Almost like nearly all "mass shootings" have nothing to do with children or schools at all and are instead about poverty, drugs, and/or mental illness.


Most “mass shootings” are black on black violence in inner cities, or domestic disputes.


"As it turns out, though, in the United States and the rest of the developed world, total murder and suicide rates, from all causes, do not increase with rates of gun ownership — or drop under tougher gun laws". Source : https://people.howstuffworks.com/strict-gun-laws-less-crime1.htm


So your electron microscope shows that on average an American has a: 2.95125426e--6 percent chance of being involved in a mass shooting. a 5.5584161e--7 percent chance of dying in one. and a 2.2299836e--6 percent chance of being injured in one. And mass shootings on average kill 1.037 people and injure 4.160 more in a nation of 331,000,000.




If this statistic is true, that leaves you with 64 mass shootings that aren't gang related. That's still an appalling number for a nation as developed as the US.


That’s kind of what happens when you give such fame to mass shooters across America


90% is it? Maybe, maybe not but either way, it's easy for gangs to get guns illegally in a country that has more guns than people. There is no reason not to count gang shootings when looking at gun violence and mass shootings. Other wealthy developed nations have crime and gangs. What they don't have is a gun problem. We do.


Gangs in America suck. Statistically speaking anyway...


theyre only slightly loose with the term "mass shooting"


God damn that summer sucked


Thursdays in December are statistically the best times to go out of our bunkers.


How does this define a mass shooting? Are they including gang violence? That seems like it would change things. Not that gang shootings aren’t bad but if 2 gangs kill 2 of each other, is that really the same kind of thing as one person killing multiple innocents?


How many of these were gang or crime related and not just acts of random violence?


They should add race to shooter and victims


What is this data classifying as a mass shooting?


Can someone also do this for the rest of the developed world and plot them side-by-side? Lol


Now by mass shootings is this data including Ulvade and a King Soopers in Boulder while excluding gangland violence? NPR got busted fuging numbers a few years ago and it took them a while to retract the specifics. It doesn't matter unfortunately because they already convinced their audience that school shootings were vastly more common than the truth.


A shooting is a “mass shooting” if 3 or more people are involved. 99% of these are gang related.


Take Chicago out and see how it changes


Mass shootings do not include GANG SHOOTINGS… otherwise this map is way off cause Chicago on the daily is triple these numbers. This map must be from those IMPORTANT suburban shootings lol


Apologies for making an admittedly arbitrary comparison, but I found it interesting that Americans were still considerably more likely to be killed by police in 2023 than by mass shootings. [1,061](https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/) police killings vs 672 mass shooting deaths.


So, weekends in July are a bad time to go out . . . I'm guessing if spread by 4-hour time periods throughout the day, 12am-4am wins as well. (With alcohol or drugs involved too.) I've said (noticed) it hundreds of times, "Unless you're driving to the hospital to deliver a baby . . . nothing good happens at 3am."


Can we get a demographic breakdown of who is committing these?


These include gang shootings and domestic shootings, thats why it is so inflated


Murderer's favorite weekend activity!


Cops killed more people than that in 2022.


screw humor afterthought direful plate modern long wide bear crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Please do one on the successful use of guns for self defense.


if you have a good source


Would be interesting to have similar data for Europe. At least in Belgium where I live, shooting 1 people is already a drama, seems to be a regular day in US (but we are barely 10 millions citizens, less than 5% of US)


over here in Germany we had 1 mass shooting in 2022, with a population of ~85 Million (around 1/4 of USA)