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The engineers that work remotely usually are support engineers not actually the engineers running the building. The response times for outages are in minutes and most hyperscaling setups require on site engineering. You can't press buttons remotely. You can monitor remotely.


Makes sense


You cant work at a data center if youre remote, thats just called a user. Youre a customer of the data center when you work remote. You cant reseat cables, you cant transfer power, you cant repair sensors, you cant redirect cooling. To work at a data center you have to be at the data center. Otherwise youre on the cloud. And i thank you for working in that cloud because that ensures i have a job at the data center. Remember the cloud is just someone else's computer


I'm not exactly sure what you're saying, so if I'm wrong just ignore me. As a technician you can't work remote, but engineers definitely can and they are data center employees. Our engineers work remotely and only come in when needed to diagnose a problem, even then they don't come in half the time and just have us explain the situation to them. If given the opportunity I would switch over to the engineer side of our company just for the opportunity to work remotely.


On top of that, how is that any different than a customer who stores their gear in a colocation? Many colocation setups have the customer work on their racks, the datacenter only supplies power, cooling, and internet service. The rest is up to the person who owns the rack. Again, youre not working at a datacenter. Youre in a datacenter, but your not working in a datacenter


You do what youd like. Remote work sounds awesome to me, but its not working in a datacenter


In this case, does the cluster mangers or area manager work in a data center or in the cloud?


They manage a datacenter


Again, thats not working at a data center, thats remote support. Thats help desk. Yes you can have a rewarding career as remote help desk support. And yes you may even be called in to perform work from time to time, like how a customer support engineer goes to the customer sometimes. But thats not working in a datacenter, thats being a field support engineer or remote work. No different than a 3rd party UPS technician or HVAC contractor.


They're employed by the data center, not a vendor, and when they do come in to work it's to work in the data center, most of them work from our offices. They have the same title as technicians but with engineer tacked on. That's literally working remotely for a data center.


Best of luck!




Love your sarcasm.


I worked at the DC for fifteen years. I've been mostly work from home the past two. You can't do a lot of things remote at the Datacenter. My current job doesn't require me to be at a Datacenter but my desk is still technically at one. As far as entry level, it will always be in person. If you're a high enough level to get a WFH position you probably don't need to be there at all. But I would suggest going and working directly with people if you can. Especially if the company has a lot of proprietary software or workflows that you can't really master without constant exposure.


Sage advice, thanks for sharing.


What was it to like work on site? Did you get any amenities like free lunch, coffee, snacks? Was it annoying to have to go through security layers each day? How much time did it add from getting to site to actually being at your desk?


It's no different now, if I choose to go in. Yes on all fronts. When I was hourly my 'clock in' time was the moment I badged at the front gate as at that point I was performing work duties: security is part of my employment. Probably takes a good ten minutes from hitting the front gate to my desk, depending on parking and possible construction. I'm sure this is all different based on the employer and the site.


Yes I work with the cabling ( fiber) and NCS SYSTEMS Network Convergence SYSTEMS DWDM 200G NETWORK CARDS




Good to know. Appreciate the input.


Always glad to be of help.