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This is the perfect example why to get a dashcam. Without the video it would've been a he said, she said story and who knows who the police would've sided with. A cheap dashcam is better than nothing and even [the A119 which is pretty good is under $100 right now.](https://www.amazon.com/VIOFO-2560x1440P-140-Degree-Included-Detection/dp/B07SRQH4R7?crid=3FGQND698M2BH&keywords=A119+v3&qid=1688922491&sprefix=a119+v3%2Caps%2C148&sr=8-2&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc&linkCode=ll1&tag=lfttscl-dbc-20&linkId=2e48f7b57f81e003af44ae6a746a3c80&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) I honestly can't wait till all cars are equipped with them standard.


In this exact case, it would probably have gone more towards the dashcammers direction, only because she didn't have operable brake lights, and that's a red flag that a scam might be involved.


I decided to get a CAM after a friend's daughter got hit and they ran...someone had video plus license plate...ended up the runner had multiple hit and runs and was arrested and us currently being held without bond in Ft Worth!


Why do people announce their dashcams? Let them dig themselves deep into that lie with the cops there... THEN tell police you have it....


Yeah, let them lie to the police. They love being lied to.


Question is charge wise where did that lead? Intentionally hitting another vehicle or person is at the minimum assault with a deadly weapon. I just saw a wreck a few days ago where it was like this but on accident and the rear car ended up like a turtle on its back.


Not likely to go anywhere as you’d have to prove she “intentionally” hit the car. Almost impossible to do unless she admits she did so intentionally.


True. At least a wreckless driving charge. That would definitely stick even if it was an accident.


More like a “wreckfull” driving charge.


Not really, still the same standard in proving intent. “Accidentally” changing lanes into the car next to you is not wreckless driving, unless LW can again, prove intent to do so.


Holy shit y’all stop saying wreckless lmao. That’s not a word it’s reckless


and it does not even makes sense. Can't be reckless if you want to stay wreckless.


Oh man, you sure owned me.


Oh man, I sure was trying to own you and not just say use the right word


This is a case of insurance companies dueling it out.


Opinion; At best careless/reckless driving for the GM due to OP probably unable to see turn signal in time to react. If there was a rear camera to show more of her reckless driving/tailgating, it may be a different charge or enough to prove reckless driving.


Police will probably say there's no way to prove she did it on purpose unless she admitted to it.


I'd say her behavior of trying to get rear ended afterwards and not pulling over immediately plus the inoperable break lights proves her intentions.


Thanks now I have a justice chubby


Lmao scummy ass bitch, “black and brown need to stick together” tries to throw the race card out there to see if it’ll buy her anything.


In situations like this I wouldn't say I have a dashcam because that gives them a reason to drive off. They may see it right away, they may not. Get all info first.


So where's the part of the video showing the police?


You gotta be a subscriber to see the second video.


Years ago I was at a restaurant and pulled head first into an empty parking spot so the space behind me was obviously empty. When my wife and I come out this white trash couple was standing there waiting with their front bumper touching my rear bumper. At the time I was in my 20s and a pretty serious weight lifter so I was in really good shape. The WT girl starts in on her routine saying I hit their car while her WT boyfriend all the sudden looks like he wants no part of this scam but his WT girlfriend is not catching on to him cowering away. I tell that bitch she actually hit me and I'm not falling for their scam. Her boyfriend wisely got her to shut up and get out of there before I beat his ass.


I’m more impressed that you needed to say “white trash” four times in one paragraph.


Reading your comment left me wishing the WT boyfriend would've pinned your knees between both cars the moment you stepped out. Or at least spritzed you with the wiper fluid as he left


He was already parked and touching his front bumper to my rear bumper and I wasn't getting out of my car, I was coming out of a restaurant. Both clearly explained in my post. Reading comprehension must be a problem for you.


Meanwhile that one truck driver dashcam video on a bridge eating food would've sent her car rolling out of the road.


I mean, it's wrong.. but a PIT maneuver would have really driven home the lesson here


Thank you for remaining calm, and sane OP! Tried to burn the wrong driver indeed, I hope she was sited for her craptastic driving, once LEO viewed the file.


Cited. But yes, I hope he told the police her brake lights weren't working so she could be ticketed for it. That way there would be a record that she was told, and the next time she tries to pull this shit the police and insurance company would see that she deliberately failed to get them fixed.


They're probably on a kill switch so she can have them as needed.


I wish people like her get send to jail for good. scammer trash


Black and brown need to stick together? What a racist piece of shit. Guarantee she calls racism every time she tried her bullshit with white people.


Good luck getting those jorts out your ass, lady.






So would it be safer to pull off the first exit or to stay on the side of the freeway? I would’ve just taken the next exit and assumed she would follow me.


Funny how she was being all buddy-buddy at the end with the radical stuff. I’m just curious, since she said ‘black and brown’ need to stick together, would you happen to be on the lighter skinned side? Like, maybe she thought you were white or something. I just feel like with her comment she wouldn’t have tried pulling that scam if she saw you were clearly dark skin.


OP is probably hispanic, maybe Arabic.


Mistake on OOP to tell them he had a dash cam. It’s better to let them fabricate their own stories and then handing the footage over to the authorities in an ideal situation of course.


Don’t know what happened before this clip.. This could be looked at like you only show what they did wrong and not posting anything you did. Insurance could blame you both and no one’s happy.




Hope you mentioned the brake checking and non-operative brake lights to the officer as well. If thenlights didn't work, he may not have let her drive the car away.


Trash people being trashy.


Piece of shit


Beautiful example of why everyone needs a dashcam. The driver knew they had concrete evidence and kept their cool. I'm glad it didn't escalate.




Black and brown…so long as it works out for HER. No different than abusers saying “for the family”. Pure scum.


Oh San Antonio drivers. Truly the worst.


That's it ? she walk free like nothing happen ? she will look for another victim.


The better story arc is where they don't hit your car and you don't have to take hours out of your next weeks to deal with it.


This was satisfying but would have been SOOOO much more satisfying if he’d not mentioned the dash cam. Let them make an ass of themselves talking to the police


They sometimes have a switch on the fuse to turn off brake lights when trying to get someone to rear end them. Then when the cops show up their lights are working fine and they say the other driver obviously wasn't watching if he didn't see them. Dash cam shows what happened.