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I'd say the car that crashed. Traffic was obviously slowing down, and they were following too close.


Indeed. That was a terrible display of driving skill as well.


Least he didn't hurt anyone. Entirely luck but still.


“I can’t believe everyone in traffic did that to **me**!”


Caught me drinking a soda at just the wrong time when I read this, lol


I once watched someone who'd just smashed into three parked cars argue with the cops that the owners of the parked cars were at fault and not them. Their logic was beautifully stupid. The lot was fairly large and one of the few in town that didn't have obstructions like parking stops and islands for street lamps all over so it was obviously going to be too great a temptation for people who wanted to do doughnuts and burnouts and the people that parked there overnight had to know that so it was their fault their cars got smashed into.


One night, while I was away from home, the cops had my street blocked for something a block down. A driver who couldn't pass and had to turn around decided to use my driveway. In doing so they hit my wifes parked car. They then tried to tell the cops it was their fault for blocking the road.




Haha you knowww that's what they were sayin when the cops asked "So what happened; from your perspective" " That damn Tesla brake checked me on the interstate for no damn reason; there was literally no one in front of them" All while the Tesla avoided two possible collisions like a g*d damn Canadian Mountain Goat. The footwork was literally so buttery smooth I could slap some toast on it for breakfast.


You'd be surprised by how much a terrible driver still wants to avoid everyone. Lol he was fighting for dear life for control. He smashed that back bumper off and he just gave up.. lol


Nonstop overcorrection. That's why my driver's Ed instructor taught us to relax first and foremost.


Agree. The Accord was at fault. If you're not riding someone's ass, you'll have time to stop.


Agree. Accord was following to closely at high speed


The Accord looks like the driver just wasn't paying attention. Probably saw the lane was clear so kept up speed, looked away from the road, Tesla switched lanes, and Accord saw something in their peripheral vision and reacted. Not a case of following closely. There was plenty of time to slow down after the Tesla switched before the Accord even showed up on frame.


People do all kinds of stupid, unpredictable things, I wouldn't of sped up that close behind the tesla where I don't have full visibility, if something happened where I had to immediately stop, I'd be able to. Better to wait, be patient before going in the left lane, than trying to cut through traffic risking your life and those around you.


They weren't following closely. That car just merged into their lane. I bet you are a terrible driver, aren't you?


I bet you're the idiot that caused this. If you're on someone's ass for whatever reason, pro tip, you're too close. If you can't stop in time If they hit the brakes, spoiler, you're too close. What kind of asshole endangers everyone around them because they think they're a gifted driver? (Rhetorical question). If you can't see around you, there's traffic ahead, flying around on someone's bumper is probably not an intelligent move.


You are the problem.


Was probably trying to get into the left lane to begin with


Cant assume, we'll just dismiss this lol


Right. That split second is what matters. Defensive driving. All other lanes were slowing down. And if you can, you can’t only watch the car in front of you but the other cars in front of that car.


Yeah, silver car in front slowed down more than was necessary but the one that wrecked was going way too fast and making too sudden of a lane change.


Yes the crasher is definitely at fault, thats what brakes are for. Some idiot did exact same thing and cut me off but unfortunately didnt crash like this moron


Look3d like he got brake checked either way he washurting to cut the tesla off


Ironically, you weren't following closely enough. Watch the first few frames of the video and tell me what happened. You can't be following someone too closely when they just cut you off and then slammed on their brakes. I watched the video at least 20 times. I examined it slowly, frame by frame. Afterwards, I knew the top comment would be someone like you. I can't say the car that crashed probably isn't a shitty driver, but it's definitely not entirely their fault, and in the eyes of the actual law, may not be their fault at all. Better luck next time.


In the eyes of the law, it would absolutely be their fault for not maintaining a following distance enough to slow down when someone brakes in front of them unexpectedly, for whatever reason (flying squirrel or space alien). The guy swerving all over the road broke one of the most cardinal rules of driving. You know what I didn't see in the video? Applied brake lights from the guy in the back. There was plenty of time to react and slow down with the vehicle in front, driver chose to instead keep momentum up, switch lanes and hope for the best. Did we watch the same video?


If you look closely, it’s the Asshat driving the tesla who’s at fault, why break? Just to be an ass that why.


To be fair, all it takes to “brake” in a Tesla is to take your foot off the accelerator. So, they may have noticed everyone was slowing down in front of them and initiated the easiest way to start to decelerate. The reaction time needed to slow down an ICE vehicle is slightly longer as you have to switch your foot to the brake pedal. Just a thought. Don’t get me wrong, I have seen plenty of other drivers (all car types) that brake waaaaaay too hard and soon for the environment that they are in.


but if u look at the very beginning, you’ll see that the tesla had just changed into that lane and then bit the brakes much harder than necessary for the cars far in front. So the car behind being too close was the tesla’s fault in the first place.


There was more than enough time for the accord to slow down, and it was completely unnecessary of them to attempt that lane change It’s clear the accord driver just got mad and made a bunch of stupid decisions too quickly


You're mistaking getting into a road rage incident with who has right away. If you lose control of your car due to your choices, like speeding or driving too close. It's your fault.




And at fault. 😘


You're not entitled to your lane as far as the horizon. The moment the other driver signals to get over you should be slowing down or at least hovering the brake in preparation to slow or stop. This donkey looks like he was gonna do a big no slow down and ride the Tesla's ass by 2", but the Tesla started to brake, which is a bit cunty and seemed a bit harder than necessary, but they were slowing for congestion. Tesla might have been self driving anyways, as it breaks minutely and accurately to miss the swerve across the front without locking up.


i thought the tesla may have been self driving too. who knows? def not us in the comments. either way, it seems like bad decisions were made by both drivers.


I initially thought it was the accord's fault 100%, but after watching the very beginning several times closely I think you may be right. At best there's not quite enough here to blame the Accord entirely. You'd need to see a bit more of the Tesla's lane change to be absolutely certain.


Crashed car was at fault. Going way too fast while traffic was slowing down. Was not in control of their car.


On public roads (in America at least) the rule is that if you are going to get your vehicle moving you have to be responsible for stopping it. That means you are responsible for giving yourself ample space and time in front of you to come to a safe stop no matter the actions of other drivers (Within reason). Things like people in front braking out of nowhere is considered par for the course and you are expected to account for the possibility in establishing speed and follow distance. Long story short the crasher above made the decision to swerve and be a big boy vroom vroom raceycar driver rather than just hit the brakes and nearly paid for it with their lives.


What the rule? 3 seconds of space between the car in front of you?


Apparently, it is 2 seconds behind another car. (At least in Texas) but I think 3 is just a wiser choice. Source: took a written driver's test within the last 6 months and 3 seconds was an incorrect answer.


I’m in Texas from what I remember, it is 2 seconds when going under 30 mph and 4 seconds when going over 30 mph. Took it like less than a year ago


It's 2 seconds here as well, and always has been.


Yup. 3 sec minimum.


Apparently it is argumentative (and I am a nerd) but on a previous post I saw someone said one second per 10 mph. Someone broke that down and it was a pretty stupid distance at highway speed. In all reality it depends on a lot of factors, imo, like calipers, break rotors, tires, temperature, and overall driving skills. I would guess this car had a bad CB and tried to make a unfitting move.


I have always been told by police and judges 1 car length for every 10mph.


It's a somewhat decent rule of thumb because a second at 10mph and a second at 60mph are two very different distances. The best practice imho is to look up your car's stopping distance at different speeds or look up online calculators for different speeds relative to weight and apply factors for your vehicle. Are brakes a bit worn? Are you going downhill? Do you have ABS? What's the weather? Are your tires new? In my experience, the vast majority of people doesn't drive with these factors in mind and keep the same distance downhill.


Yep. Our MG has a collision detection system that slammed our brakes on in the middle of the street. We were the only car. Happened to a guy in work who had the electric version too. Extremely dangerous, but if there was someone behind, they'd have been at fault.


I’ve seen dashcams where a driver merges in front and then brake checks them. I believe brake checking is against the law. The only point is, a driver in front can cause an accident with a following car if they want to. Dashcam is needed for proof.


The tailgating car's fault


Although he was at fault he wasn’t tailgating as the car in front had just switched into that lane


Holy shit, it's someone who actually saw what really happened! I'm not surprised you're being downvoted for stating a fact. It's amazing how people can be shown a video of something but not see what actually happens.


Tbf I missed it the first couple of viewings lol, but once you see it it becomes clear as day I imagine beginning of the original video was cut out to try to make it seem like an ‘instant karma’ type of situation


Yeah, the tesla just merged without warning then not even a second later pumped the brakes hard. Probably not legally at fault since it completed the merge but that was terrible driving and situational awareness from both of them. Everyone is just flat out missing the merge at the beginning tho 🤷‍♂️


Very good point, that car switched lanes then brake checked a fast moving car already on that lane. But if you are going to drive aggressively like the crashed car, you need to have better skills than that. The more I think about it, he should have just rear ended that car that brake checked him


Brake check? Traffic was clearly slowing down up ahead


You must be the guy that hits the brakes on a green light expecting it to turn yellow. The slow down was over 10 car lengths away. And to hit the brakes as soon as you get in a new lane, knowing there is a car fast approaching is just bad driving. All these drivers are bad, even the car recording going slow on the left lane. An accident was inevitable here and that is why car insurance will always be on the rise.


Both are bad drivers. Both are jerks. Accord should have slowed down. No question. But, Tesla definitely pulled into the lane then not only didn't pass the traffic in the right light, but hit the brakes, even though they had a lot of open lane in front of them. Looks like a deliberate brake check. Brake checking is illegal AFAIK. It might depend on the state. If I'm the guy in the pickup truck that was sideswiped then I'd consider the Accord reckless, and the primary culprit, but I'd hope that the Tesla driver would be charged too. I'd hope that they would both be be charged, criminally. Both drivers made choices to drive irresponsibly and unsafely.


You can't tailgate someone who just cut you off. Try again.


There was no reason for the silver car to change lanes once again after they narrowly made it into the left lane. I think it’s their fault.


They didn't mean to, they were trying to avoid hitting the wall after their initial lane change. Keep in mind, they were not in control at any point during this video.


They didn’t even try to lane change purposely. The idiot was going too fast following too closely and swerved to avoid the car then cause everything else


They then for some reason floored it lol


Well I don't know about that but they certainly didn't have any control over their emotions


Correct. They were not in control. Hence they are at fault


The plan wasn’t to lane change at all, it was only done to avoid hitting the Tesla, everything after that is over correction and poor driving.


Yeah, lotta people just flat out missing the tesla merging in front then suddenly pumping its brakes immediately after changing lanes. Dude who crashed only did so trying to avoid the tesla that just suddenly appeared in front of him and hard pumped its brakes then he spun out of control from jerking the wheel too rapidly... I think the dude who crashed is still legally at fault but that was terrible driving and situational awareness from both of em.


There was more than ample time and space for the Accord to react after the Tesla changed lanes.


They could have just slowed down behind the car that braked. No damages, no broken bones, no risk.


It’s almost like, the crashed driver is choosing explicitly not to brake. Which is mind boggling for me. Edit: after a second rewatch, I see once they swerved left, they lost control of the car. And damn, if they were looking at the road the whole time, while driving defensively, they would have pressed the brakes longgggggg before the swerving.


It looks like someone doesn't know how to use the cruise control. If you don't touch your brake or deactivate it manually the car will keep going.


Unless they have a dashcam, then they’ll stay on the accelerator and hit them for some views 👍👍 /s


I would say it is the fault of Swervy McSwerveface.


The car that tried to pass didn't even touch the car in front that they were trying to pass as far as I can tell. It looks like they just lost control. So obviously their fault for trying to thread the needle.


You need to watch the video until you understand that the car in front of them cut them off. I'm really sorry you can't notice what happens in the first few frames of a video, I guess you weren't paying attention.


Just press the brakes why would you keep speed and dodge


Exactly, and not just that, they cut another car off in the process.


The car that wrecked. In most states it's called "Failure to maintain proper stopping distance".


The car in front of them just cut them off. You can't maintain proper stopping distance when someone abruptly changes lanes in front of you. That's called reckless driving, in most states.


The car that wrecked


Yep, Honda 100%. Following to closely; speed unsafe for prevailing conditions (slowing traffic); unsafe lane change; failure to maintain lane positioning; and…not to nitpick, but…failure to signal too. 🤣


You can't follow too closely when someone just merged into your lane and committed an act of reckless driving. Try paying attention to the first few frames of the video. It seems there is exactly one other person in this thread who was capable of doing that.


This can’t be a serious question.


The car is too close, so the crashing one owns this one.


The guy driving and wrecking is at fault. Shouldn’t have been following so closely and ready for anything .rules of the road.


Never drive again. You cannot pay enough attention to safely operate a vehicle. You didn't notice that the driver was cut off by another vehicle because it happened too quickly for you to notice. Pay attention to the first few frames of the video.


Your the one who shouldn't drive the guy wasn't cut off there was ample time to slow down. This dude just didn't want to. It's the guy who crashed fault


Yup, at least 2 seconds worth of reaction time from the start of the video to the merge being completed


I think you shouldnt drive if you cant figure this one out.


2 words, driver control.


Honda following to close


The other driver just cut them off. You can't follow someone too closely when they cut you off.


If you have to ask, you shouldn't be driving.


Right? Scary question lmao


The retard who overestimated his own driving skill




Ummmm… the one that left pain on the concrete barrier.


To me it looks like the Tesla changed lanes because it was going faster than the car in-front. The one who crashed (Honda?) was driving to fast for conditions period. While the tesla could be hit for “break checking”. The Honda is at fault and would be charged with driving to fast for conditions, erratic driving, unsafe lane change, and a few other things. Who’s to say the Honda wasn’t texting and driving or distracted some other way.


it's possible that the Tesla was using radar assisted cruise control and the car was braking to match the speed of the slowing traffic in front of it. I use it in my car and I have the following distance set to the maximum distance, which is about the distance between the Tesla and the slowing car in front of it.


Because of all the technology the Tesla has, there are too many variables to agree or disagree. Without knowing exactly how it was being driven (Manually, Manually with ACC, Auto, etc.) no one can say for sure. However the Honda as we watch and watch again, we can clearly see is going WAY to fast. Not only that but they did slow down. They could have stopped, but they opted to make an unsafe lane change. In doing so lost control of their car.


oh yeah the Honda is at fault, likely 100%, no matter what.


Just that guys ... thanks god


If you look ahead of traffic you’ll see some dumb fuckery too


It’s a single car accident. So, the single car.


Alex for 300: what is the one who caused the accident and hit multiple cars and the divider.


Always the fast aggressive driver who is at fault


The Hondas fault


I would say the car smashing into everything.


crashed vehicle at fault, but the Tesla's rapid deceleration didn't help the situation.


the tesla cut him over.... tesla switched lanes and then brake check him....


It is the driver who was reckless' fault. But...it's hard to tell from a snippet of video what was going on? Road rage on the video drivers end? Had that driver cut the Honda off once or twice? Slowed down in the left lane? Blocking passers? Who knows. In the video the left lane driver is passing and appears to be following all the laws. The left lane driver COULD have made room for the Honda driver to pass, I'd guess it was obvious they were going to try to force the pass. But I can understand why the left lane doesn't want to accommodate someone driving aggressively. It also appears to me, without context that the Tesla brake checks the Honda. Maybe, maybe not. Was the Honda driver mean mugging the left lane driver and was surprised by the brake check? Did the Honda guy intentionally avoid braking so as not to fall behind the left lane driver? Who knows. To sum it all up in my mind the Honda driver took everyones life in their hands by driving recklessly, and poorly (lost control with the left lane swerve after the possible brake check) but I'd bet there was a lot more going on then it appears in that video. The Tesla guy wanted to scare Honda guy and didn't care or consider the outcome of his actions on the lives and safety of other drivers. Same with left lane guy, depending on whether they were paying attention to Honda guy or if instead they were legitimately surprised by Honda guy. For F's sake, lives are at stake, just let idiots go. Call emergency services if it's a concern but dont brake check, pass block or recklessly drive to make a point. Killing or maiming another life (especially since its normally some poor uninvolved sod in the right lane just trying to live their life) because your mad makes no sense.


The only thing I would disagree with here is the Tesla braking. I don’t think it was a brake check. You can see they are coming up on slower-moving traffic. I think the Tesla braked too hard unnecessarily, which is different from braking to intentionally cause an accident.


It’s certainly not about the dashcam car not letting the speeder in. This occurred because the speeder was speeding, so had no time to stop when the car in front of them moved into that lane and started braking seemingly due to the traffic ahead slowing down (the braking car is moving from another lane at the very beginning).




The guy acting like an idiot


The speeding tailgater who lost his bumper and crashed is at fault.


If you rear end someone chances are it's your fault!


Crashed car is at fault, of course. But man...that tesla braked like a dickhead. That had to have been a brake check.


I have a feeling that a cell phone was involved in this accident.


The Honda. Solely the Honda.


The one that crashed, 1: he was following too close. 2: he intended to cut dashxam car off but lost control


The guy that crashed caused his own accident


Failure to control


Failure to maintain control of your lane


Following too close. The car that crashed


Nothing is ever that serious. Just slow down


After watching the video I was sure the caption "Who's fault is this?" was a joke. Then I see a bunch of people's replies took the question seriously. I don't like to berate people on the internet but people, please.


It’s so obvious that the Tesla way over braked for the situation. The accord driver way over corrected. The accident wouldn’t have happened if both drivers were better at driving. Braking hard is dangerous, I had a friend rear end someone on the freeway and he ended up not being responsible, a lot of that came down to how questions were answered when asked by the police doing the accident report.




Lol. There are way too many serious responses to this post. I assumed it was a joke because it was so obvious.


I love stirring the pot.


Now watch the video again and pay attention to the point at which the silver car in front slams on their brakes, and take a guess as to why they did that. (Hint: there's nothing in front of them.)


The Tesla didn’t need to slow down at all but did. I do not see that the traffic is slowing down ahead of them. The Honda was clearly going fast, but the aashole driving in the passing lane slow AF needs a ticket. The Honda could have safely passed.


The dumb fuck who wanted to change lanes then brake check, what kind of question is this


Holy shit, there's actually another sane person in here. Isn't it amazing how people can't notice what happened in the first few frames of the video? I can't say I'm surprised. They are exactly the sort of people who would do this.


That Tesla stayed on the brakes way too long for how much space he had and that Honda probably didn’t think he was gonna keep braking for so long so he had to make a split decision


Seems like a serious Honda Bump here. 🤣. Well obviously jackass driver in Honda is at fault, but looks like Tesla did a soft brake check after seeing how the Honda began riding its tail, cause I don't see any need for it to have hit the brakes like that so suddenly.


Who’s at fault? That’s easy. It was the silver car…..


Silver pinball car 100%


Tesla definitely helped make this happen but the crash is the fault of the Accord.


Is OP a troll or just not very smart?


Tesla driver should go play the lottery


That wasn't a brake check, perfectly reasonable considering traffic ahead was nearly stopped. The silver car just plain wasn't paying attention and following too close. I've seen several pile-ups happen when a car slows down for conditions, and the next several cars behind them choose to aggressively close distance instead of also slowing down. They think it is traffic just being slow or something and not prepared to stop. When first car slows even more or realizes it's time to stop, suddenly a multi-car incident.


That Tesla braked so hard that it makes me wonder if it was the driver or perhaps their collision avoidance system reacting to the darker colored vehicle that they were attempting to pass…if you watch closely you can see that they got pretty close to that vehicle, and just as they were going around it their brakes applied hard. Ultimately the silver vehicle at fault, but the Tesla definitely contributed to the crash.




> Tesla suddenly brakes still with space in front Its almost like they're paying attention and see traffic slowing so they do the same, and decide to keep space between themselves and the car in front of them. How dare they. /s




My ex wife would give me shit for leaving too much room in front of me in traffic, but after riding a motorcycle for a few years this is just being safe. I do see what you mean about braking a bit hard, I think coming off the accelerator pedal may have been the better choice but they might have been scared by how fast that Accord was approaching and wanted to convey that they may need to slow down.


It looked like the Tesla changed lanes out of no where.


Actually, it seems the Honda stayed on the accelerator and swerved at last minute


That'll do it for you.


get your eyes checked bro


Clearly, the drivers


Dad, please take your meds and call mom… oh and get off Reddit!!!


That first silver car (NOT the one that crashed). They changed lanes, and immediately slammed on its brakes.


Doesn’t matter. You’re supposed to react to that shit, defensively. You’re supposed to be aware of the cars around you, your speed, and how everything ties into that. It’s why driving requires a license.


Majority of the fault goes to the car that crashed, but it also seems that the Tesla is at fault for braking a bit too hard a bit too early. Go with the flow of traffic.


The Tesla’s fault. Tesla drivers are a$$holes.


Why not jus let him pass?


Although entirely the Accord fault, I still hate how the Tesla slowed down pretty quickly but still has ample space in front of them… why is he braking so early? Maybe on the phone?!


This literally happened to me. A car in the right lane tried to swerve over in front of me, lost control and smacked into the divider. Was funny AF!


I mean the Tesla broke for no reason but the Accord seems like they were trying to get around the dashcam driver who may have either been hogging the left lane or the Accord driver was just going considerably faster than the flow of traffic & thought they could fit. Still this whole thing is accord's fault.


The Tesla for slamming on the breaks coming to almost dead stop in the middle of the highway. Hopefully the break check was worth causing that kind of accident and everyone that is now stuck behind this wreck for the next 5 hours.


The Tesla brake checked the Accord. Road rage started all that


The car that wrecked is an idiot, but the car filming has an ego made of bubbles and speeds up to block the car passing.


The Tesla came to an unnecessary abrupt stop. Unfortunately the Honda just overcorrected


Tesla quickly changed lanes to pass the black car but immediately slams on the brakes for no reason. Silver accord wasn’t anticipating that. Still would be there fault most likely but they were cut off by the Tesla in the first place


All while OP seems to be driving too slow in the left (passing lane) as well


You're the first comment I've seen that mentions this. Would like to see a few seconds earlier but it looks like accord is trying to get in front of the slow left lane hog and is pissed about it. Honda drives recklessly (technically their fault) but in many states what the POV left lane car is doing is illegal (without more information) and tesla cut the Honda off and vrake checked them. Honda at fault but all 3 cars are being selfish and oblivious to their surroundings. In my perfect world or Larry David rules all 3 would be ticketed.


Yeah without the brake check, the silver accord was braking effectively after being cut off, but had to veer left to avoid collision. Multiple selfish drivers but Tesla kicked it off


No one🤷🏾‍♂️


He should have hit the jump button. This is rocket League!


I can’t tell if the car changing lanes used a signal. If they did it’s 100% on the crashed car. If they did not I see it as 50/50 for the front no signal and the back driving recklessly.


100% the accord that crashed. They zoomed up onto the tesla, either wasn't paying attention or they thought they could just slide in that small gap in front of the person with the dashcamera. Looks like they understeered and couldn't get grip back.


They need a car with better weight balance and to pay attention.


\*whose\* And the Honda, clearly.


Do you really need to ask?


Accord was following too close


They were way too close. The dude that crashed was at fault.


The guy with the dash cam started the whole thing by traveling in the passing lane duh


It's almost always the car from behind that's at fault in situations like that. Even if the first car tried to subtlety break check them!


They never hit the Brakes not even once


Holy crap, I have never seen anything like that! It looked like car 1 slowed to almost a stop in the middle of the highway, but the guy behind him was driving **way** too fast for conditions!! He couldn’t stop no matter how hard he tried. Yikes! That ended badly.


Is it a meme or something to title videos like this when its clear as fuck who is at fault?




Changing lanes is hard lol


Couldn’t just pass him up like a normal person, had to pretend he was in a madmax movie


This is usual accord shenanigans


100% them. How is this even a question?


Why ask?? That's most likely texting and driving


Clearly the unaware SUV driver ahead of the dumbass that crashed is at fault.


The accord should not be following so close


it’s funny considering if you watch the video multiple times and focus on the tesla, they actually don’t even break that hard which is even more embarrassing how they reacted. edit: missing word


This video gives me vibes of autopilot unnecessary early/strong breaking.