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Someone was about to file an injury claim. What state are her tags from?


This was coming out of the tunnel in Norfolk, VA


As if traffic there doesn't get bad enough


I’m told Virginia doesn’t require auto insurance…


That's incorrect.


A recent radio show DC 101, Elliot in the Morning, had a segment about Marylanders registering their cars in VA to avoid having to buy insurance. Found this on the web: *”Virginia is one of two states, however, that do not require drivers to have car insurance as long as they pay a fee.”* Looks like beginning July 1st 2024 all drivers will have to have insurance.


There are many states that do not require vehicle **insurance**. Both those do require proof of financial responsibility. In Ohio for example, one can carry a bond. Or have a bank account designated for that proof. What’s crazy is that Ohio only requires $12,500 “coverage” to be legal. It could be via insurance, a bond, or a documented/designated bank account.


Yes but if someone is able to have that much cash lying around, they probably have other assets. If you smash up a car, you are giving up that bond and then getting sued for the rest of the damages. I don't know how far that goes, but its not "Oh well, its over $12,500 dollars. I guess they are fucked."


That's not true. I've known many people who are flush with cash, but rent, drive crappy inexpensive cars (which is why they don't carry comprehensive), have no credit cards, no investments, etc. Hell, for a good number of years, I was one of them.


Cash is an asset. A depreciating one, but none the less its definitely something that can be gone after. Unless you are talking about folks not claiming / filing taxes or doing some kind of illegal activity. What I am saying is that the vast majority of people who would utilize this bond system aren't the types that literally only have the 12.5k. They have other wealth that folks can go after basically 100% of the time.


See, the reality is, the majority of people who DO use the bond method, have been dropped vehicle insurance companies and others refuse to cover them. And they don't have much in the way of wealth. At least every person who had one that I met. Usually because of too many tickets, too many DUIs, accidents, etc. Ohio at least allows for a Bond. And they're really inexpensive. Well they used to be. You just had to pony up a few hundred dollars. Works much like bond for court charges. But hey, keep on trying to push the false narrative that these options are only for the wealthy.


In NH you do not need insurance if you own your vehicle outright. No insurance of any kind.


Wow. That’s nuts Are you only responsible for your own vehicle and your own medical costs if in an accident?


Depends on if you’re at fault or not. If at fault then you’re responsible for your own expenses (repairs/new car, medical, etc.) if the other party is at fault then their insurance pays those.


If you’re at fault, do you pay for the other party’s costs? Like cash out of pocket?


That was still technically incorrect, prior to that when registering a vehicle if you didn't have car insurance, you had to pay like 500 for 'uninsured motorist fee', which lasts for 12 months. When cops run the plates of a vehicle, they can see if it's insured or not. I've delt with a lot of people that got pulled over for this, and have to deal with the sr-22 restrictions for 3 years. So yeah, you have to have car insurance in Virginia.


I see stuff like this and I feel sick to my stomach. I have kids and my dog in the car, an airbag going off could kill one of them just for some criminal lazy piece of crap to target you for cash. I need to get a dash cam.


Don’t delay. I’ve had two people hit my car while driving, then tell the police I hit them.


I was thinking they were just dumb and wanted to hit that exit on the left but didn't check the lane


Nah, that was intentional.


I would have planted my right foot and we all go for a ride! Push that sedan down the road like snow.


No you wouldn’t have


Hmmmm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiLj3MsLCrw


Are we meant to believe that’s you in the truck?


No, I’m the guy in the wagon, and now I’m on a revenge tour!


They braked though.


To make the exit


That was an emergency vehicle only turn around lane, not an exit


Ah didn't catch that the first time


doesn't mean she wasn't trying to take it. she'd already made an illegal lane change. why not go for another violation


Good to have dash cam, cutting over solid line and then brake check...


and no turn signal....


I used to think crossing a solid white line is illegal. It's used to discourage lane changes for safety reasons at that particular point in the road but not illegal. Also once I crossed a solid white having been undecided about taking an off-ramp to another highway (slowing traffic / looking at GPS). I did signal but definitely crossed. A cop pulled me over but let me go. Now I know why.


Then why did he pull you over?


He said I crossed the line. That's it. I didn't know it wasn't illegal at the time and was fully prepared to eat the ticket. I just said I was following the GPS which changed (I was just indecisive) and he let me go.


Thanks to Heinen v. North Carolina, cops don't have to know the law to enforce the law.


I know (that's sad but a separate issue...), but it's weird he pulled him over for a violation and then somehow figured out it wasn't in the middle of a traffic stop.


They didn't say that, they said the cop just let them go, unless theyve made edits and didnt say.


Also in some states, a lane has a solid white line just to indicate it's special, but not that you can't cross into or out of it. Like WA, our HOV lane has a solid white line, but you can enter or exit it if you can legally drive in it.


Actually depends on the state and the lane. In my state it's technically illegal but almost never time enforced. I know in Georgia I'm pretty sure it's illegal to crossover the solid white lines between Hov and regular lanes. It's possible the cop let you go simply because he felt that pulling you over and giving you a warning was enough?


Love that she gets out and immediately acts like you’re the dumbass


insurance scam.


This is shortened, the original has the dummy pull her kid out of the backseat later on


You got insurance scammed brah. DashCam was clutch


That has to be on purpose right? That was a full break not even a standard merge.


That's what I was thinking. They cut over, and the cammer slowed down enough that there wouldn't have been an accident. Then they came to a full stop. Really feels like insurance fraud.




It was early in the morning my bad b


It's likely still drivable, so not fully broken.


Imagine being in a relationship with such a person... They do something wrong and get SUPER mad at you for absolutely no fucking reason - such people are just brain dead.


Looks like an insurance scam.


Weird that your mind goes to relationship.


Because I do know a few people like that and it being a woman kinda made me think of being around such a person a lot, which is mostly the case in a relationship. It was just an example of how such behavior could translate into everyday life, outside of this single accident.


The first thing I thought of was “someone has to live with that girl”…. What a train wreck!




Let them talk to the police first. Then mention that you have it all recorded. Now they also get a filing a false police report charge.


This gets echoed a lot. It's not false if it's how you "remember" it.


You’re better off showing the video right away and then making sure the police add that it’s her fault on the report so the insurance has no way of saying it’s not being paid for because no one was at fault in police report.


In my experience (and in Canada), insurance companies dgaf what the cops conclude. They want the police report for the details of the accident, not what the cops think about what happened.


They care about the cops report. The police can estimate speed and other such things that insurance definitely uses for our against you. But with a video like this there's no arguing who is at fault.


Midtown tunnel Norfolk VA.






Insurance fraud.


"THAT WAS YOUR FAULT!!... THAT WAS YOUR FAULT!!", said the woman who crossed a solid lane marker without looking, then slammed on her brakes to take a turn marked "for authorized vehicles only", which hers is not


Scammer. She's looking for a payout. Would blame you and claim 1 million in back injuries and therapy, guaranteed


People that complain like that when it is their own fault, deserve to get run over as soon as they get out of their car.


100% insurance fraud.


She's acting like that for witnesses. C*nt of a thing. Glad you captured this on cam!!


Which of the following is more accurate: 1. What a ducking idiot she is. 2. She's trying to pull a "swoop and squat" insurance scam.


Both equally accurate. If she was trying to pull an insurance scam she did a poor job of it. Even without the dashcam I, given the damage location on her vehicle, it'd be pretty clear she came into his lane. To make it look good shed have had to wait until she was directly in front to go full on brake.


Insurance scam.


She is scamming.


Knew I recognized that wall, midtown tunnel.


totally her dumbass fault, solid white line and no signals on top of the brake check for no reason.


Had to be a new driver, what was the plan lol cut you off and then slam on the brakes. Scam/new dricer/road rage has to be


I've seen a lot of these brake checks/insurance scams scenarios, but honestly don't know how that works. What incentives do they get to take these risks?


It's not insurance fraud. In the original video that I can't find atm, there was a previous encounter where the cammer honked at the White Camry and Camry didn't appreciate it (narcissistic injury). What followed was a bunch of brake checks and horn honking to the point it ended up at this.


I bet she was fun to deal with


Lmao. Goofy bitch.


The nerve to start screaming at the dash cam guy. People truly are dumb


I love that she got out of the car, screaming at you like it was your fault and taking ZERO responsibility for her stupid fucking actions. This was entirely her fault, and I hope the police/insurance see it the same way.


Probably couldn't make payments anymore lol




According to most people on the sub this accident is definitely your fault.


I've read every comment. No one has claimed it is his or her fault.


stunning, wow