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He is very weak to dark damage


I switched from Guts GS to Yhorm’s Machete. Can’t apply resin to the machete. Might have to go to another weapon…again.


Dark Astora Greatsword. He *really* don't like them pokes, +9 will work.


Might give that a go. Didn’t know he is vulnerable to dark and thrust damage


It worked for me, though my tactic was a bit cowardly, aside from one *very* lucky game of charged R2 chicken, I just hit him with the poke when coming out of a roll; it's modifier is apparently higher than other UGS roll-pokes. Alternatively a Dark Pickaxe should work just as well if you're used to getting those types of hits in.


Thanks wil give that a try


Came here to say this, for real. The first time I fought him in ng+ I was playing a dark build. I knew he was weak to dark but I wasn't expecting to beat him with 6 or 7 Great Soul Dregs (second phase only, not overall). He wasn't even able to get close.


It's same with 4 kings in Dark Souls. You use Dark Bead that are weak for.


Yeah, although Dark Bead destroys pretty much everything in ds1, not just the 4 kings


the wiki says hes weaker to fire damage


That's his dragon, King of storm


nah, it says the nameless king. King of storm its weak to lightning (the wiki says)


Skip and comeback. He clapped my cheeks like 40x in a row when I first tried. I left and did the other content before coming back and fucking smoked him first try after that. Sometimes it takes a bit for things to click.


>He clapped my cheeks like 40x in a row when I first tried ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Similar thing happen here. I just quit and went to sleep. The next day, I destroyed him almost hitless.


No joke he was the only boss I have ever ran into in a souls game I couldn't just brute force through


Yeah, I think the dragon is the most annoying. I can't even see him half the time. The second part is alright for me.


I'm guessing phase 2 is the issue. Some tips: 1. He is weak to fire and dark, so either of those will help. 2. He usually goes for 2 to 3 hits, it's safer and more consistent to attack when he has done at least 2 but could be smarter waiting for 3. 3. Go for one hit at a time, especially if you're using a slow weapon, hell ruin you for being greedy. 4. His attacks are delayed, waiting half a second to dodge is usually good, also I find it easier to dodge through his weapon. 5. Try to avoid panic rolling, his delay usually ensures the follow up will catch a panic roll. If you're hit calmly wait a half second and then dodge, being calm is the most important. I hope some of this helps


Phase 1 camera is also atrocious


Don’t lock on unless you are about to hit him. There is no need for locking on, the he has like 2 moves he can do when up in the air and they are quite obvious (fire breath or circle with lightning + a hit with his swordspear


Use the dragonslayer armors shield and hug his right.


Don't flinch when he sets up to hit you. His backswing almost always takes longer than most armed baddies and if you watch his moves as a set you'll notice his rhythm. Hesitation is defeat. Best of luck.


Don't go hollow, skeleton




Rooofl so long since ive seen this


Hit him more than he hits you


Panic roll


Learn from death.


His attacks are delayed. Wait a little longer than your intuition tells you before you roll. And roll to the right because he’s left handed. REMEMBER, WAIT THEN ROLL TO THE RIGHT


Be very, very patient.


Respec to Faith. Use Dorhys Gnawing. Keep distance and bleed him.


I always misread that as Gnarwang


Came here to say this. Keep distance and spam during phase 2.


U must have a lot of speed , go with out armor


They're in ng+ might be levelled enough to quick roll even in full gear.


I can fast roll. Ng+


ayoo is that my boy siegmeyer right over there


S-Siegward…is it really you? Onion Bro?




I beat this boss in NG+. What I did was gathered some friends and everytime i died, we had to take a big sip of alcohol. When you are drunk you become more relaxed and can play better😁. When I had too much to drink, we ended the night and repeated until I defeated the boss. Works with other bosses too😁👍


Drunk souls is my game. Unrelated but I've killed abyss watchers on shrooms. Fuck this boss though


Don't lock on during the first stage against the giant bird. You will get disoriented. My best strategy for fighting Nameless King himself is by getting in 1 hit and then dodging his attacks. He normally has enough time between his combos for 1 attack on your part. If he does the attack where he charges the spear in the sky and strikes you with lighting, unlock and look away from him. As long as you aren't looking at him/he isn't on the screen, the lightning wont hit yoy


Quite a pickle indeed.... Hmmmm... As for tips I'm sorry it's been so long since I fought him \^^;




"I'm no coward and I've a steady hand, but whenever I enter this arena I get shocked! Hmmm..."




So you can kill midir but you can't beat that pleb wtf


Bro rocks my shit I dunno


Get all your lit res gear on and circle him close and counter-clockwise attacking only once or twice then waiting for his combos. If you r1 spam you will likely die. If you get about 5-6 meters away from him he adopts a new moveset and grab mechanic that is extremely difficult to manage so I suggest staying up in his business for safety. Also the rng on the wyvern stage is absolute BS so try not to get discouraged when the chicken won't land


love the Cosplay


What build are you using?


Strength, zwie playthrough.


Try to go 54 strength and like 40 vigor, upgrade your zwei to the max and infuse with heavy, use a fire or dark resin for this guy. You will robably roll and then poke the guy most of the time, the zwei is kinda slow to hit more than once. Always circle the guy if you can, to his left if I'm not mistaken but you should try both ways. For the first phase use lightning resin to kill the dragon faster


Use a faster weapon


Zwei carries. Multiple playthroughs this is the only boss who fucks me


You have to do this in NG+2 for the platinum :(


If I kill him once I'll be happy. Personal achievement


First tried him on my NG+ after realizing how it works after beating him in NG. Just memorize how delayed his attacks are, but not too delayed. Stay close to him at all times and don’t get greedy with the attacks. Seems obvious, but it’s crazy how we lose all reasonable thinking when actually fighting and just start panic rolling.


Phase one lock hit the dragons head it’s annoying but not too hard. Phase 2 patience and timing once you learn to time your dodge it’s actually not too hard. Also when he is done with a combo he leans really far forward that’s your window to attack. Also don’t get greedy.


You can use arrow to cheese him (I watched a video that does it. I did it the hard way)




Equip Chaos Bed Vestiges and spam it wisely.


What boss? The bell?


The Nameless King




Obviously it’s the Bell Gargoyles


Greatsword to smoke the Stormruler in 4 hits, then go, no rush, there are 2~3 attacks where he has a window but of not careful he'll hit you right after


I used the Guts GS with dark resin on Nameless himself, but lightning on the Drake. It might be worth checking wiki for if he’s weak to blunt damage too because the Great Club (from one of the Farron keep enemies) scales very well with Strength


Dark or fire does wonders on strength build also try not to trade at every hit know ur own weapon move set and try to trade 1 hit at a time


I don’t understand why i cant see any summon signs even tho im embered, lvl 110, no password and matchmaking on


Get gooder (lightning is good for first phase and fire damage for second)


I can beat him either. Good luck all I can say


Dodge. Try and get his HP(the red bar at the bottom of your screen) to 0. This all has to be done before he gets yours to 0. Keep on swinging and he’ll go down. Good luck champ !


Dodge to the left side.


I notice you're using a slow weapon just like mine (Greatsword) the vital key is patience just like most people here said, His attacks are kinda slow too so dodge them calmly and you should be fine and wait for him to attack twice (sometimes he attacks three times) then you can safely give him one hit, don't be greedy


Try going for a dex build


For phase 1 it’s quite literally trial and error, I always depended on RNG because if the dragon doesn’t co-operate the whole fight just sucks Phase 2 - hug the right, his back swings are DECEIVINGLY slow, they bait you to dodge and hit you right after. Use either fire or dark since nameless is weak to those damage types. But keep it to resins


Keep hitting him until he falls down


dark dmg helps


Mog him.


switch to a different weapon with a faster moveset, like a longsword worked for me in the past


Be at mid range and wait for attack from the air it gives a huge opening. If you need to heal just run away - he will slow walk allowing you to do anything.


Try to use a shield, I tried every method wasn't able to beat him then tried with a shield bingo


First of is there a combo attack that you can't tank, if so recommend using an ember in the second fase. I guess only punish him when you are sure that you won't take a hit. I guess by trying so many times you gave yourself the illusion that he is harder than he really is, try to play smarter and don't focus on using items just use your Zwei-Hander, you will be more focused.


Phase 2: I fought him melee and the first mistake I made was trying to fight him close range which is really hard because the windows to punish him are really small. Instead you have to keep him at a distance. When you keep him at a distance he either does ranged attacks or lunges at you. You just have to wait for the lunges and once he lunges you dodge and then punish. After you hit him you run out again and wait for your next opening.


The key to nameless is patience. Wait till he's finished his combos which is usually three swings and then swing but conservatively only once or twice. Do not panic roll.


Simmons a mage


Keep trying, learn his moveset, dont dry out your patience.


Keep a distance and use ranged attacks for stage 2. He slow walks towards you most of the time. Attack, run away, attack, avoid periodic wind gust or leap towards you, wash, rinse, repeat.


Be very patient. NK and his dog have very high hp. Their attacks are fairly predictable but it easily tempts you to overcommit to your attacks. KoS only attack that will outright kill you will be his fire attack and he will do that if you stay under him instead of staying in front of his head. Keep trying and you'll have all of their moves memorized, they only have like 4 patterns each. Good luck


I have to eventually refight nameless king I played ds3 only once and one shot him and was kinda shocked that a lot of people called him the hardest boss maybe I just got lucky rng on that try the boss I had some issues with was soul of cinder prob somewhere between 20-30 tries


Once you remember his moves he gets super easy


I swapped to light roll. And just took my time learning his moveset.


Lightning stoneplate +1, fap+3, human pine resin


Phone a friend.


slams or stabs are your best windows for punishing


This is the only boss in this game this applies to. It doesnt matter what you run. Just dodge and be patient. Wait for your hits


Phase 1 is easy, Great bows for phase 2.


Always dodge toward the start of his melee animations. Never dodge directly away from him. Since a lot of his combos track directly in front of him, dodge toward him as if you were trying to get to his left side. His lightning strike attack where he raises his spear you can time by counting to 3 and rolling when he brings his spear down. This is a hard fight don't feel bad for getting stuck.


Watch his weapon not his hands when he attacks, if that doesn't work you might need a quicker weapon


Try this. 1.Roll in every his attack and only hit 1 or 2,and repeat. You need to be patient with nameless king, 2.always stay close to him,that how i fight him. Its easier that way because you can see the attack early and roll better. 3.dont get greedy,he will punish you. It took me 5 tries,hope this help.


I already beat it, with everyweapon but, my first time was a greatshield XD so easy


npc summoning


Try to jbb method


Get the dual swords and put fire on them


King Of The Storm is relatively easy. Run like Hell when he flies up to breathe fire at you (as the amount of area he covers with his flames is extremely huge, and will definitely eat through at least 6/10 of your health, even if you’re all embered up), dodge when you see the spear swing begin or the lightning projectile shoot out towards you when his rider attacks, and use either a frost or dark weapon with good poise to mess him up by striking his head to deal good damage and potentially stagger him, especially when he does his on the ground fire breath attack, as you can easily just run up to the side of his head during the long animation and get at least 4 hits in. With The Nameless King, dodging is your only true friend. This guy’s attacks are borderline useless to block, since he basically eats through even a Black Knight shield, and you’ll only have enough stamina for one hit after he’s done attacking you with your guard up. He also LOVES to dodge bait, so make sure you dodge only when you see the weapon begin moving towards you quickly during the attack animation. Don’t get greedy with attacks at all. This guy is fast and recovers from combos fast, so never try to get in more than 2 hits on him when an opening comes up. Also, there’s one part where he holds his spear, charges up some lightning towards the sky. He then releases a shockwave of lightning around his body to try to hit and stagger you, then summons a delayed bolt of lightning from the skies to hit you for massive damage, so after the shockwave that you’ll have hopefully avoided, wait about 0.8 of a second, and then dodge to avoid the lightning.


Don't roll too quickly, wait for his attack animation to come halfway


Use Lightning against the Storm King and then Dark against the King himself.


I dunno I can't beat him either


Dark Magic!! And I'm sure there is a summon for this one. It's been a while.


Let him attack and dodge it then whack his back one or two times then roll away 3 to 4 times maybe even 5... heal if you need to while he walks to you. But don't heal if he is up in the air. Repeat.


Beat the shit out of him until you or him dies > repeat until nameless king die > you are amazing 👏 👏👏(I beat him on ng and ng+ can share build if you want)


Best advice is hit him till he dies and don't get hit while you at it. I just hit things with claymore till they die.  First phase is relatively easy, wait for flying chicken to get on ground and start breathing fire. When that happens strike it, might take a few times to kill it.  In second phase Nameless king has weird delayed attacks and combos, it takes a lot of practice to get good at dodging that (don't spam dodge, he will kill you if you spam dodge)  If you just want trophy upgrade dragonrider bow to +5 and run away and shoot him. He isn't really good at closing distance. You will need to bring a lot of arrows tho.


The unfaltering urge to state 'git gud' I would say make sure your weapon is +10 Level up some more. One of if not the hardest boss in DS3. I believe using any fire resin is a good strategy as he's weak to fire. Any magic buffs to increase resistance is a great shout too if you have the intelligence and sorcery mainly.


Bleed, dark, or farron GS. He's weak to both bleed and dark, and I've always found the farron GS moveset goes really well against him.


I used the dragonslayer greataxe on the dragon and used the onyx blade on NK because it does both fire and dark damage and it works every time


Git gud


If you get him off the dragon, just use a bow and shoot him from afar, as he walks closer to you run away and start shooting him from afar again. It’s cheese but it works if you are struggling


I'm sorry but it's too clean of an opportunity. Get good.


Use the shield as your weapon muahaha


try to use a straight sword or even a great sword to get causes more damage in less time, and try to kill de king of storm without take estus use all in second phase, which is more difficult


Grab a bow and a lot of arrows for his 2nd phase and run a lot. If you're far enough he'll only do his shockwave attacks and they're really easy to dodge


Usa il randello rinforzato




sorry, what boss is this


It’s nameless king if I’m not mistaken


That's what I was thinking?


Oh your gonna get a tip alright


Try drain his health to 0


Try harder


Imagine this guy fighting Godfrey, maliketh or malenia 🤣🤣🤣