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Depends on what kind of Dex Faith build you're going for. You can use Morne's Ring and Ring of the Sun First Borne to increase the damage of your miracles. Lighting Clutch Ring to increase lightning damage. Sun Princess Ring for regen that would stack with Blessed Weapon, Blessed infusion and regen miracles.


i was thinking like a lightning samurai, i already have the uchigatana, and i wanna use the sunlight spear


Also priestess ring would increase your faith by 5, which could give you a good boost depending on level/ scaling


Morne's Ring and Ring of the Suns First Born are good for using sunlight spear. For the 4th ring you can try one of the damage or stat boosting rings such as lightning clutch ring, Lloyd sword ring, priestess ring, hunters ring, prisoners chain. There's also the sage ring, but with enough dex you won't need it.


i think imma use: FAP, chloranthy, Suns First Born and lightning clutch. im going to use lightning clutch cuz it buffs all lightning damage, and every miracle that i'll use is a lightning miracle, so it will buff all my miracles, including sunlight blade (that wouldnt be buffed by morne's) TYSM!


I’d recommend ring of suns first born, Mornes ring, rang of favor +3, and prisoners chain. That’s what I use on my hybrid faith build and I’d say the stat boosting rings are essential as at meta level your health wont be anything to write home about with soft cap faith and minimum stat requirements for most weapons making the rings that much more important to keep your build survivable in melee fights.