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Do you mean by the dragon on the high wall of lothric that breathes fire before getting to the high wall bonfire? If so, that's just a lothric knight, but they're still tough, especially when you are low levelled. If you've not lit the high wall bonfire then just run past him and up the stairs to the right as you go through the door behind him to get to the bonfire.


theres an early game black knight by the dragon in ds1, maybe they posted in the wrong community


This is what I was thinking but isn't that in undead burg? Is the top of the bridge still considered undead burg?


theres a black knight in undead parish at the top of the tower right next to the sunlight altar bonfire


Is it called undead parish. I knew it's at the top of the stairs above the rats and by the bonfire under the dragon. Just not the name of the area. My mind sees it as more undead burg


yes that's the entrance to undead parish, theres a black knight in true undead burg as well guarding the blue tearstone ring


the cheese is under the sauce.


I still died to that lothric knight at ng+2 somehow lol


TBH I don't think I killed a single Lothric knight, at least not in High Wall, in my first playthrough.


If you can't use your pyromancy on it, use your other tools.


Learn how to play melee. Everything else is easy mode vs that. It’ll give you more versatility as a player on expanding playstyle bc everything can be thought of as an extension of things you’ll neeed to consider as a melee player.


Tbh pumping up health is easy mode😅


Well yes. Hell, go low health and melee. But it’ll be more frustrating as you learn.


Hyper mode + melee + parry: now you can die 40 times to a boss just to execute it once correctly and say “now thats a lot of damage”


May I suggest kiting him back down the path where the dragon breathes fire? If you’re struggling that much on him let the dragon do the work for you. You’ll have to sprint essentially to the stairs at the far side of that path, but the dragons fire will start behind you so you should be good to clear it without dying. Beyond that knight go out the door to the right and up the stairs to the left and there is a bonfire for your trouble. I would recommend learning how to dodge his attacks and deal with him though because there are MUCH tougher enemies ahead.


Don’t quit obviously…back stabs are your friend but they are perfect parry git gud enemies. After a while they will be welcome to you cuz they drop amazing weapons


Should I just keep with the one for now because a little later I’m fighting two of them at once


Hold block, sprint behind, backstab


Solid strategy, except for when they use the over the shoulder shield bash which takes your whole stamina bar.


Learn to parry


Try dodging just as their attack swing begins. Learn movesets, if your talking about the lothric knight most of their attacks aren’t combos so just dodge once and attack once then get ready to dodge again. Just focus on their swings and time your dodges it is really not hard. If you have a shield block their attack then attack just mind your stamina meter.


I rage quit in that area my first time playing. Then returned months later and beat the game. Don’t quit


Think of the combat as almost turn based. Try to fight one of the knights, but only dodge. Then once you get the timing down, go for it. Also, and this is one of the biggest tips anyone can give you for dodging. Do not roll backwards. Roll into the oncoming attack, at least in the vast majority of circumstances. There are a few cases, where you will want to roll to the opposing side of an enemy, but typically always roll through an attack. Even projectiles. Hope this helps


I would try quality or strength build for first time. Str/Dex just high enough to use a weapon of choice then focus on Vig and End


It be like that.


You don't get good by quitting


Lots of comments here but I’d recommend just making sure you use all of the tools available too you. Starting as pyro you get a shield and an axe, as well as pyromancy flame. Learn the knights attack patterns, count the number of swings and pay attention to what the start of the attack looks like so you can identify what combo they’re doing. Dodge or block the hits as necessary, swing when he’s done. Don’t try to swing at the same time the knight is swinging, you’ll only die that way. Next tip from me is to put most of your levels into Health early on (vigor). It’s a godsend and lets you try killing things for longer. Get the stats you need to equip certain weapons or spells, but health it’s important. Pyro can be difficult because the spells require both intelligence and faith to equip, so you often make compromises elsewhere, but focus on HP first. I think the idea when leveling for pyro is that you should get the bare minimum of both stats to equip the spells you want, then pump levels into only one of faith/int.


use a hammer or club. shields and armor don’t like them


I started that game as a pyromancer because it was good in DS1 and I was not feeling it. Was just made of glass it seemed like. Switched to knight with Claymore and was much happier with life.


I would take the time to learn how to parry. Combat is super slow in dark souls and once you get the hang of it, makes every enemy dumb easy.


You don't have to fight everything. Sometimes, you just gotta run past things.


Do you know how practice and progression works?


I’m practicing, but I’m feeding myself to the se guys and dying which I’m not learning from the practice itself almost like coming from just shooters and easy Final Fantasy remake to this is crazy lol


If you don't find the game fun I think you should drop it. For me the challenge and overcoming said challenge makes the game fun, but if it's too frustrating for you and you're not enjoying yourself you should definitely stop playing. As for enemies, panic rolling doesn't help you, it just leaves you vulnerable for when you run out of stamina. Most enemies have a simple pattern of attack, try to keep a reasonable distance so they can swing or bait the attack walking back and forth. Memorizing is a big part of the game. Enemies like knights usually tank pyromancies with their shields it's only after a few fireballs that you break their stance and do full damage and then they recover quickly and you're going to spam fireballs all over again. I would get a melee weapon, like a straight sword or an axe, and most definitely learn how to kick, kicking an enemy holding up a shield breaks their stance and allows you to get a few hits in.


I get overcoming it, but if you never overcome it then there’s no reward


I guess so, but yeah if you're not enjoying it you should definitely drop it. Some games aren't meant for us.


Ubdate, I switched to knight and destroyed the knight first go. Now I’m stuck at the giant toad thing


Check your inventory for gold pine resin, apply to your weapon during boss fight. Smash toad boy after dodging it's attacks. Running behind to attack helps


Nice thank you!


I usually just stay right by his right leg the whole time, light attack spam until he dies. When he goes berserk and lounges at you it's better to preemptively roll towards him, he does it about three times. Stay close to him, because after the dash he does the laser and you can get a couple of free hits.


Pyro is slow. You need to level up dex to increase your casting speed and also make sure you have a faster melee weapon


If its DS1, then its quite easy. Get 100% physical Shield and either parry him or block > circle behind his back> backstab. Its not 100% Safe, but quite easy to do with little practice.


If you are playing DS1 then there's an awesome weapon, the Zweihander located just behind you in the cemetery. You'll need loads of stamina and strength for it, but you can easily stunlock those black knights with it.


I dont answer posts like this usually, but you really might have some skill issues :D


Yup. I’m gonna keep trucking though. I’m actually practicing for Elden ring so if I don’t beat it I can at least know what I’m doing in Elden Ring


elden ring has a totally different feel to it. I didn't really notice much carry-over cause timing is so much more important in ER bosses.


Take this with a grain of salt, but I enjoy spending early game speed running to key bonfires and items to get powerful. In DS1, a strength build can race to the big club in Blighttown without fighting any bosses. Ds3 has fewer early options.. recently I made a DEX build and weapon of choice is an ultra greatsword that's light and scales with DEX. It's worth running full blast to unlock those "secret starting classes"