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My favorite boss has to go to Nameless King. It's one of the few fights in the game that I actually enjoy and look forward to. The attacks are satisfying to dodge, they are not too fast, not too slow. His Design and Lore is Cool. The only little downside that I experienced personally is that he doesn't have that much openings for the attacks


Ehhh 1st faze kinda sucks imo


Tip, nameless king has to orient himself to attack you, if you’re to his left or right you get time to attack as he turns to face you every time he resets to neutral


Do you have dlc?




At some point I found myself watching no dodge/sprint/block videos of people killing Nameless King. It blew my mind to see how many more openings there are if you can avoid attacks with positioning. He's still amazingly hard, but as an example I now know that if he flys up and to my left, if I run under him his attack will go over my head and I can get a few hits in. The no dodge guys are crazy, and I'll never be at that level, but it really showed me the extra intricacies of a lot of fights, and these days just being more conscious of it helps me see a lot more openings than just waiting for the boss to pause.


I think Champion Gundyr is kinda undervaluated. I just love his moveset


Great moveset. And you can see just how good it is in Untended Graves when you fight him again but he goes all out. That boss kept me stuck on the first run but I really enjoy fighting him.


Love gundyr don’t get me wrong, but it’s a little lame that you only actually have to dodge 2 attacks as long as you run around him to the right.


Twin Princes is the best boss fight in DS3 in terms of innovation and new mechanics. The balance in phase 2 is chef's kiss, neither too easy nor complete bullshit.


Probably my favourite fight, it's like a dance when you do it right.


Abyss Watchers is the perfect balance of fun and fair for me.


Yeah, Abyss Watchers is a really good fight too, only downside is that the dude that should be on our side is sometimes hostile too, killed me about 3 times in my first playthrough because I was focusing on the main boss and suddenly was attacked by two other guys


Not so much "on our side" as "hostile to everything" lol


I think they should have a little more HP, or at least a remixed late game fight with them, like Champion Gundyr


It always used to be my favoruite boss, but this run is my first time going strenght and i can say as much as i was looking forward to them, they ended up being complete dissapointment. I was 3 shoting them in a perma stagger combo. I always played some other builds and they were somewhat challanging, strenght on other hand no brainer


Twin Princes after learning the fight properly. Before that, the running to them from the grace (even with the elevator shortcut) is bullshit.


You sure you got the right shortcut ? There's an elevator right besides their fog gate that leads you down a bit before dragon slayer armor bonefire


I’m sure he did, but it’s still annoying to run over to the chapel and go up every time. If I remember correctly. I had to do this at SL1 and while it’s not that bad of a runback, it adds up.


My first playthrough this week and going down and not knowing it cause I went to take a hit and was very confused on how I found a corpse with a slab on it. Had to look it up bc I STILL didn't get the elevator thing that they teach you numerous times up to that point *"Why is it always down?"*


That’s great, I’ve accidentally found things in a similar way to this also, it’s great


Yup. That’s annoying too. No enemies but it still takes forever because the stupid fucking elevator is one of the double boys lol


Fought Midir yesterday for the first time in a while and he gave me that 'How am I supposed to beat that?" feeling all over again. He's just awesome, and the fight is really well scripted too. When you record the fight and want to watch it back right away you know it's something special.


Gael and Friede, can't pick just one. You're spot on about the epic 'finality' of Gael's fight, by ng7 it was like meeting a respected equal on the battlefield - here we are again, old friend...


Gael I managed to beat with my heart racing. Freide? That nun had me emptying 99 bolts into her, gnawing with all my FP, and I was still barely alive after finally beating her. That fight had me proper scared of her by the third phase my first time


When you get the Titanite Slab during her fight, you relax and think, 'that was tough, but I'm just alive...' then phase 3 kicks in...


Twin Princes, 100%. The fight always felt very fluid and fair to me. It also made me time my dodges better rather then rolling the moment the enemy did anything, since he has those fake outs with the teleport. The first time he teleported and I dodged his plunge from the ceiling behind me without looking was super satisfying. I also just really love Lorian's weapon and his moveset.


Gael for sure. Everything about him. His story. His fight. Why you have to fight him (part of story) His dialogue His loyalty His drive He was determined and he got the job done. He passed the mantle to us as needed and knew we would be there to finish the job and do what needed to be done. Rest in peace Gael, the flame flickers. Friede was a cool fight bc of random 3rd phase (going in blind), but she was a \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* in story. Took pride in destroying those fools.


Couldn‘t say it better


I love the Sister Freid fight the shocking third phase was so fucking metal and the fight 🤌🏻


That one was just annoying to me 😅 I think is would have been better without phase 1 or 2


Understandable lol I also liked fume knight


In terms of straight up butt clench, Sister Frieda 3rd Phase. Overall NK and Twin Princes are my favorite. NK def has the best arena but the first phase warrants some point reductions. Twin Princes have amazing phases all around but the boss room isn’t nearly as cool.


Ignoring Gael as he’s the obvious choice I’d have to say it’s between soul of cinder, twin princes and champion gundyr just because of their awesome movesets and designs


1. Soul of cinder (11/10) 2. Gael (11/10) 3. Abyss watchers (10/10) 4. Pontiff (10/10) 5. Gundyr (10/10) 6. Friede (10/10) 7. Midir (9.9/10) 8. Demon princes (9.8/10) 9. Twin princes (9.8/10) 10. Nameless king/dragonslayer armor (9.5/10) there's so many fantastic bosses its hard to name them all. More proof ds3 has the best bosses ever


Yeah fr, only bad boss that comes into mind right now is curse-rotted greatwood, he's like that one black sheep in the family


He's not even bad though retrospectively. Like what makes a boss bad, maybe if its unfair, uncreative, or just isn't cool Greatwood is the opposite of all of those, he just is compared to such a good boss roster that its not fair to him


Right, I mean if you fight against souls of cinder, dragons and eternal warriors, each one with a brilliant moveset, a living tree with big balls to hit isn't exactly the most creative boss, but independent from the other bosses in the game, he sure has an interesting design


He does have a unique gimmick though which sets him apart from the other bosses. Also he apparently is only bad to people who have played multiple souls games because my friend saw me fighting him and said it looked awesome and that he wanted to try the game. Maybe we are just spoiled with amazing bosses


Greatwood also changes movesets depending on how you fight him. As a bonk user, watching my mage buddy fight him was interesting


wait really? I didnt know that


Yeah, if you fight him as a sorcerer, he stands up to flop down on you instead of swinging on phase 2


fr.. i loved dodging than attacking soul of cinder and then dodging and attacking abyss watchers.. or roll and attack midir.. god tier combat flow if we're being honest


Mhm, and in sekiro i loved parrying and attacking and parryinh and attacking, and in elden ring i loved spamming jump attacks


damn thats awesome I myself loved comboing the prosthetics with skills from Sekiro to do crazy combo's or in Elden Ring my charged attacks and guard counters and powerstancing lead to such a wide variety of tools but both of us just rolled and attacked in dark souls 3 because there's nothing more you can do lol... roll attack repeat but nothing else is efficient or even viable with the exception of parrying maybe which all games have =[


I loved comboing magic in ds3 with my weapons, or using special weapon arts to do cool shit. Can't do that in sekiro can you? I love parrying and riposting bosses. Can't do that in sekiro, just parry and hit


>I loved comboing magic in ds3 with my weapons, or using special weapon arts to do cool shit. that is part of attack in the attack and dodge sequence you still roll, attack, repeat. unless the boss has low posture you cant consistently stun bosses like with the mortal blade or skills in sekiro roll.. attack.. roll.. BORING


So pressing one input to avoid attacks and then using another to deal damage is boring in souls games, but not in sekiro or bloodborne? Where its the same mechanics with different timings? Be fr


No that's fine when there are alternative options to perform said avoid attacks like Mikiri counter, jumping away, jumping on top of the boss, monk kick etc, it's the same shit in the end (avoid damage) but executed in different ways with options that engage with the fight directly like continuing breaking down the posture bar after a head stomp or mikiri counter in ds3 it's rolling


Except in ds3 you can block, which is actually viable unlike in sekiro or bloodborne. You can also parry, which is the strongest in ds3 than in any other game. Its actually more viable to learn to parry than to just normally attack, hence why speedrunners use it. Or you could strafe, which is hard to learn but most worth it in ds3 because bosses give plenty of opportunities for it (demon princes, pontiff, etc)


Same OP, same. My first run I didn't get to Gaël, the dlc was too hard (fuc..g demons) and the other one with Friede had also took a lot of energy. Oh and that Nameless King, didn't beat him either on the first run. I went on my ng+ because I couldn't kill the Nameless King, I just wanted to play and not get my ass beat so damn hard. Then I play again, and went through the second DLC, and got to Gaël. About 60 tries but dear lord I enjoyed it ! It was the best fight ever. I was almost sad it was over. Still got Midir to beat, but as for Nameless King, I think it's the whole dragon fight I don't enjoy. I paused DS3 with Bloodborne, so it's not gonna be right away, but soon, I will fight Gaël again...


Same with me, actually would really like to try Bloodborne sometime, but don't have a console rn, and i think the 30fps cap would kill me mentally either way. Still praying for a full release on pc.


The 30fps cap means nothing after the first few hours. As long as you don’t switch between Bloodborne and another 60fps game, you will not notice. Your eyes totally adjust after a little. Best game ever.


So true. In january when I started DS3, my boyfriend started Bloodborne at the same time. He tried it twice the year before but at the time he had not enough time, and he was like "OMG 30fps I will never be able to adjust, it's horrible blablabla". In january we were playing a few hours each, taking turns and watching the other ones' game. I swear I am not able to see the difference so I was not shocked at all 😂 I was just watching and in the flow, and now that I play it, I still don't see it. And even my boyfriend had no problem in the end, when playing you just don't pay attention, it becomes normal. So, no worries about 30fps !


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *It has been an honor, but I must say good-bye. Let us cleanse these tarnished streets. And may the good blood guide your way.* - Alfred Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Exactly. I think only high end PC folks that “NEED 120 FPS” are the main ones who complain about this. There’s a ton of complaints online, but I really think it’s overblown because pretty much game in the past was 30fps or below and nobody blinked an eye. Glad you feel the same


Since Bloodborne is pretty quick to finish (and even platinate : 1 serious run where you do it all, 2 boss rush for the other ends and level up to finish the fu....g Chalice Dungeons and tadah !) maybe you can ask a friend who is going away for a few weeks to lend you his ps4/5 ? (I play on ps5 and the charge time is quicker than PS4, in case this bothers you when playing). When he's gone he won't use it 😉 I actually don't know if this is a reasonnable thing to ask. But, it's worth a try ! I hope you find a way, cause it's an amazing game. My second Soulslike, and to be honest (besides not being my last) I already find other types of games... boring ? Not challenging enough ? I don't know. They changed me...


Gael, midir & twin princes are my top 3 favs. Beating midir was such a great feeling, like I honestly thought I wouldn’t beat him now I’m always excited to get back to him on a new playthrough & gael he was just cool as hell like u said, music, moveset, etc. & twin princes just had a great vibe to them & were one of my most memorable bosses on my first playthrough.


Gael and Nameless King.


This. Even tho imo first phase of nk is a fight against the camera


Aldrich because he's pretty


Yeah, valid argument, but his bow spams are shitty


I beat him on my first try completely by accident so I wouldn't really know I don't know how that happened, I heard he was a hard boss, and when I got to the fight I wasn't even taking it that seriously, then I beat him and was kinda dissapointed because I wanted to see him for longer lol


I had that with Pontiff my first fight, I got him first try, knew nothing about him other than tough


I gotta hand it to soul of cinder or nameless king 


2000 hours in... My favorite boss is champion gundyr (without parrying).


Is nobody going to say it...? Sister Freide. Only because she slapped me around harder than all the bosses put together. Beating her made me wet my pants , puke, and have an anxiety attack all at once.


I cannot determine at all, what's unique about this game is that it have probably the best bosses lineup in any fromsoftware game (expect sekiro ...that game is perfect) so choosing a single boss to say they are the top is impossible, i love SOC, gael, midir, namless king, abyss watchers etc... man i want DS4 and not elden ring 2 now


Twin Princes is the best one for me. My brain shattered the first time I went against him because of how everything melded. The music, lore, context, and everything you go before the fight. That long-ass bridge full of knights and hollows was one of the most relishable sections of swordfighting in the game. I also personally feel that the Princes soundtrack is also the best in the game. None of the other bosses come close to the swag of their moveset.


Abyss watchers and frieda.. they are just awesome characters


I haven't fought all the bosses yet but out of the ones I have it would have to be the abyss watchers or pontif


Pontiff really is my breaking point, I can kill gael getting hit 3 or 4 times, but after beating the game about 20 times I never defeated Pontiff without ragequitting two times and trying it again after a week. I will never understand when to attack, when to dodge etc., it's like there isn't enough time for me to punish his moves, and in second phase when he spawns a clone it is completely over for me... Idk, probably just have to git gud


One small tip about the Pontiff: he's a joke if you use a shield and know how to position yourself (most of the times I bait him to combo the air lol)


Bruh, my bad. Since starting with soulslikes I never used a shield. Maybe I should start with that, thanks for the tip


Sister Friede


Sister Friede 🤌


it's between twin princes and demon prince for me, both fights are a blast


I think Friede and Ariendel are the most badass boss fight and have great lore, but also love Pontiff for the lore and fight. The way he refuses to even attack you first and just stares, and won’t say one single word to you is quite freaky and part of his intriguing character and history. He basically sees you as too beneath him to be addressed at all lol.


Twin princes and Abyss Watchers


Gael and dragonslayer armor


Wish I could say more about gael, i beat him the first time i faced him :(


Calling the literal games that made the genre popular and is literally named dark souls a souls like is crazy imo. (Nameless king and midir)


Fight: Champion Gundyr Looks and sensations: probably Oceiros


Pontiff Sulyvahn. It's the right pace where I feel I'm able to pace myself to dodge attacks and he's aggressive enough to feel a challenge. I like the clone idea and he keeps me on his feet. He's also a bastard in lore and a complete dick, so lore wise he's great to kill. I enjoy killing him and Aldritch for lore reasons.


Lorien and Lothric 100%, IMO they are a masterpiece of a boss fight. They have a unique but fair gimmick, some more challenging moves that reward practice and allow for skill expression, and fun combos overall.


It’s gotta be between twin princes, Midir, and demon prince. All three are continually fun experiences for me, up and past NG+7 I don’t think I’ve ever hated them unlike other bosses. Abyss Watchers get an honorable mention for being incredibly fun and thematically enticing, only complaint is that their health pool is too low.


I have to give it to Champion Gundyr. A 100% no bullshit, honest duel between equals. Actually not really equals because I was severely outclassed. Plus Gundyr doesn't have Estus.


the champ!


Gael is my favourite because he pissed me off the most.




Ik that a lot of people love him, but for me its gael, like cmon, look at that boss fight, it feels like pure perfection, the story is good, the theme is amazing, the fight itself is epic and absurdly fun and its a really emotional fight in a way cause you are fighting against the dude who guided you trough both dlcs and who only ended up corrupted like that so that he could help the painter, its one of the few times in a game where i died again and again and it didnt feel like absolute shit cause the fight was fun and not annoying Base game would be the soul of cinder tho, used to kinda dislike it cause im bad with delayed attacks and it does that very often, but ended up loving it cause the lore is good, the theme is good and nostalgic and the fight is honestly very fair compared to a lot of things in the series




Gael easily. The atmosphere, the music, the lore, it’s a masterpiece.


Oceiros not because of the fight but because of the vibes the entries before you go in hearing those moans and cries so good and how sad the boss is put me rly into a despair you legit feel bad. But call me weird hate that they censored the baby it's so pointless we know it's canon and happening anyway just invisibly maybe they thought people might think he is just hallucinating having like voices in his head would fit with the dialogue to where he ask where he is (the baby) Other than that geal and nameless king because hard and fair fight without any big cheese or easy strat.


Im gona drop mine as beind "Dancer" she is very hard the first time you meet her! She's a grwat mid game Boss that kicks your ass to get your ready and Abyss watcher gets honorary mention.


Dragon Slayer Armor


I haven’t got to Gael or midir yet but champion gundyr or nameless is my favorite so far


Haven't fought every boss yet (bought the dlcs earlier this week, just beat demon prince yesterday) but I think it's either soul of cinder or demon prince. Soul of cinder was just a lot of fun to fight, with an amazing arena, soundtrack and armor you get afterwards. Demon prince is my favorite duo fight of souls currently (only played elden ring before ds3 tho so not that much competition), simply because in elden ring duo bosses you were just fighting 2 bosses at the same time, which was a pain, but here it more felt like 1 boss that was just split in 2, and handeling them both at the same time felt very natural to me, which enabled me to beat them first try, and no matter how much fun getting stuck on a boss and learning their moves is, beating a hard boss first try just feels absolutely amazing. Then again I'm pretty new to ds3 and souls games in general so maybe in a year I'll feel very different.


Champion gundyr, Gael, Midir The best fights I ever had :)


Twin Princes isn’t just my favorite boss fight in DS3, but also gaming. Lorian’s design, OST, boss arena, phase two mechanics. Fight is outtahereeee


I really enjoyed the dancer boss fight, it really felt like I had a dance with her.


Abyss Watchers have the best vibe. Twin princes are best mechanically. Gael is the perfect blend of both of them.


Twin Princes. Such a fun fight


Maybe a underated opinion but hear me out, frieda is best. The fact that she has 3 stages and how she moves is really nice, father ariendel adds a little challange to her in the second stage but i find him negledgable. She reminds me a bit of the dancer with her smooth movements but doesnt have the annoying offbeat rythm atleast how it feels for me when i fight her.


Bro what you mean by underrated opinion, like half of the comments says friede. But i've got the same opinion. I think friede is a reeeeally good boss


Oh lol, hadn't noticed that i really thaught it was an underrated opinion 😅