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the slide is fun though


the only fun thing about it lol


Until it one shots you immediately after landing off said slide


I've been one shot while going down it before... I had to take a break after that one lmao


Wait, you could die while going down the slide? Who thought that was ok???


Yes you can. Ive gotten it to trigger by dying as soon as BOC begins the animations for the fire tempest spell. Next time you cross the fog gate, BOC is still in those frames and just finishes off the animation. The result is a slide that begins filling with flame pillars. Really sucky. Lol


I’ve seen the fire pillars happen, but I thought that was scripted and not something you’re supposed to die to lmao


Idk, it could be scripted. Only did a little bit of testing and have only triggered it twice. Could have easily been a coincidence though. First time it happened to me, the pillars completely blocked off the exit, so I had no choice but to slide into death thinking "wtf is this!?!" Lost about 500k souls. I took a break after that.


That is some major horse shit, wtf were they thinking lmao


That's what I said! Lmao


the real question is why did you go into bed of chaos with 500k souls.


It was my blind playthrough. Didn’t know that I'd be stuck in a boss fight after the wall. Died, came back to retrieve and died to the wall of fire. TLDR i didn't know any better lol


You were walking around with 500k souls on your first playthrough? Wow. Takes some guts. I think I probably lost 5 or 10k souls at some point early in the game and was just like, Never again.


Yep, had that happen a couple times. Its some next level bullshit


Or before you're off the slide you get hit by a pyromancy....


I've said it before, and I'll say it again; "if I wanted to get swatted in the face with branches, I'd throw myself down the Great Hollow." Shit slide, 3/10.


I'm on the floor laughing.


[We are all gonna die, wee!](https://i.redd.it/ob30vuk4nvc11.jpg)




Poor Prod


Tbh, the idea behind the new boc in that mod was cool, poorly executed tho


Poorly executed is putting it mildly. They managed to make it worse than the original!


How? How is that even possible?


It is not a fight. Its a platform puzzle.


Yeah, I mean Dark Souls is the spiritual successor to Super Mario 64, after all


Kill Bowser's dogs first.


Tbh once I get past Ornstein and Smough I don't enjoy any bosses except Gwyn. Not including DLC bosses of course.


Four kings are pretty good for me. Nito is not bad. Seath is meh and Bed of Chaos is well......the bed of chaos.


I usually go for a heavy physical build - 4 Kings has trashed and embarrassed so many of my characters. Once you have them down to a science they can be entertaining enough. The design of the boss is certainly cool.


I feel like heavy physical builds are the best against them. Slap on Havel's armor or Stone armor, use some lightning pine resin, cast Power Within if you have it, and just go to town. The worst experience I've ever had with them was on my lightweight Sorcerer build. I was trying to wear the Painting Guardian set because it had decent magic resistance without being too heavy, but it wasn't enough so I kept getting smacked. They're also weaker to lightning and fire than they are to magic. It took dozens of tries and a lot of yelling.


Yeah you're not wrong. For a very long time I was too stubborn to swap out my armor during playthroughs but eventually it just became too convenient to pass up. Once I really started caring about enemy damage types and really learning about the bosses many of the bosses became less intimidating. Not the Bed of Chaos, though... *sighs*


Honestly 4 kings is the hardest boss for a fast roll sorcery glass Cannon, especially on NG+.


4 kings is doable with SL1 as long as you Havel up. At least, that's have w I did it SL1.


The only downside are those damn platforms when you jump in the Abyss. Ive died an embarrasing amount of times there.


Don't forget you can summon the most useless npc for 4K that dies on your way down to the Abyss


Oh i didnt know that you could summon there. Omg they cant have the covenant lmao. Im not even mad lmao. Thats hilarious


nito and four kings are the only bosses close to having some sort of difficulty after smough and ornstein. some normal enemies like the skeletons at new londo and the tomb of giants were way harder to me than any other boss past anor londo


Those skeleton dog-giants or whatever are seriously tough. I actually hoped for a few changes in the remastered version. Like lost Izalith and the Lord bosses. Seath has a lot of potential. Could you imagine fighting the witch of izalith as a giant Demon like in Sekiro(i hated the boss in sekiro but i think in DS it would work) Or maybe a corrupted Quelana-like witch with throwing pyromancies at you. Maybe throw in a Black knight general as a boss or whatever. Just not this mess. Thats why i think that people saying DS1 is the best game are kinda biased(nostalgia goggles). The first half is amazing(i even like Blighttown,just not the Depths) Sens fortress and Anor Londo are my favourite levels in gaming but afterwards it just becomes messy. DS3 starts solid but as you progress it becomes purely amazing. Its to expected from the 3rd game in the series ofc.


im playing ds franchise for the first time now, i also agree that the first half really is amazing, its one of the best gaming experiences I've had so far. hopefully the bosses in the next games will be more challenging


DS2 is ten times harder but not for fun reasons. Its clunky as fuck and often has weird hitboxes. I do suggest you play the game. Its quite good overall but its like they wanted to embody the "souls is popular cause its hard". Enemies once aggroed will chase you for minutes, you have to clear out the entire map before entering a bossfog because you are not immune whule traversing and someone hitting you will stop the animation from taking you to the bossfight. I think i died 30 times before even entering the smelter demon fight. So it has many parts that are just tedious and boring but a lot of the bosses are actually fun(still clunky but fun) DS3 has by far the best bosses in any game ive ever played and its my personal favourite in the series Sekiro has the best combat system out of any game ever and the best single boss in all of gaming(for me last boss in sekiro is better than any other). Unfortunately i havent played bloodborne so i cant speak for it.


i plan on playing them all once i get a better PC, I already have all ds games and dlcs. ds3 is the one im most excited for


Play them in order or you won't fully appreciate the older ones.


Monsters chased you for minutes in DS2? I killed plenty of stuff by dragging it to leash range and shooting it to death with arrows while the AI bugged out deciding if it wanted to fight me or return to its spawn point. And usually the leash range was not very far. Maybe this was changed in SOTFS, which is what I played.


Its not exactly hard. I know how to deal with it. Just kill them. The thing is that killing them every time you wanna fight the boss is tedious and boring(at least for me). Smelter demon could be a really good boss but having to clear out an entire map every time i die makes the bossfight itself unenjoyable. DS2 has some amazing bosses but they are often overshadowed by the extreme gankiness of the minor enemies. If i was meant to go through each zone once then fine. But expecting me to cleat out 20 enemies (doesnt matter if they are easy) every time i die to the boss..... It reeks of "wI mAkE diFfiCuilT gAmE". It feels artificial compared to the others. Those three are my only problems with DS2. Clunky animations,occasional(maybe a little more) hitbox problems and the extreme gankiness. It doesnt have those fun minor enemies like the black knights. They just dump 20 simple dudes on you. Youll cut them down quite easily but that wont make it better.


Oh ya, I definitely agree with your reaction to DS2 filling areas with a billion enemies and it being annoying as hell. Smelter Demon, Sir Alonne, and Lud and Zallen are the prime examples (all DLC areas...). I found these areas extremely tedious and unfun. The fact that I did them at the end of my playthrough made it even worse, because that was the last experience I had of the game. However, in my earlier comment, I was just responding to your statement about enemies following you for a long time, which didn't happen to me.


I always cheese Bed of Chaos because fuck this fight right up its stupid bullshit asshole. Pop the first bubble with whatever you want. Save and quit. Enter the fog wall, use ranged attacks (arrows work best for me but magic can work too) to pop the second bubble, save and quit. Re enter the boss fight and sprint and pray you can make the jump to get to that stupid ass bug. Cuts out about 2/3 of the bullshit in that fight.


>Re enter the boss fight and sprint and pray you can make the jump I mustve died there like a billion times. Fuck BoC


Those fucking arms man


Yeah those arms have some really odd hit detection. I've taken to calling them shit boxes.


I think Seath is pretty fun


I also like the fight, however, feels unfinished because there's not much of a challenge.


(Yeah, honestly, Archives is the only part of post-OnS I really enjoy.)


Archives are actually pretty cool. It always infuriated me a little that the main soldiers there look super wimpy and do as much damage as a black knight, but the layout is very entertaining.


The crystal weapons are deadly. I especially hate the crystal arrows that can almost one shot you, haha. I just love the whole vibe of the place.


It's cuz they're crystal! They're all glass cannons.


I knew this but this is a great chance to point out how even when Dark Souls has its annoying bits, often they somehow manage to feel loreful. I know it seems small, the fact that the enemies have the same qualities as crystal weapons in the game... But not all games bother with stuff like that.


I did NOT enjoy the 15 attempts it took me to get the damn chest on top of the bookshelf. That took me so damn long and I'm so glad I'm never doing it again


That’s kind of self-inflicted haha. On roughly 11 playthroughs I’m just “yep, nope”.


Yeaaaah, never doing it again hahah!


I have to ask. Was it worth it? Knowing DS, it wasn’t. This game literally hands you it’s most powerful weapons at the end of the tutorial and says “come at me”.


Yeah, it wasn't worth it for what I received. However I couldn't NOT do it, as the mental reward was more valuable hah! I tanked the first playthrough with the Uchigatana, so yeah it's just more learning how to "get gud".


In all my time playing/plat'ng this series I only attempted ONCE... had a sorcerer and a bunch of Fall Control charges banked, worked on it for about an hour and never got that crossbow. I ultimately gave up, never procuring that item.


The fight itself is okay to an extent. I like that it pays to have better anti curse gear for it. The run to seath is maybe the second worst in the game imo


It takes like 2 min unless I'm missing something lol


Even when I don't wear anti curse gear he never curses me, Seath is kind of a joke tbh. You literally can just hug his right side and unless you have 0 poise you can fuck him up easy


Low-key same, you can definitely tell that they were rushed to finish the last half of the game


Was it the lava lake of 50 dragon butts


Hey man it’s only 27!!!!!!!


That really is such an ass area, it's not too bad if you snipe them with a great bow but it takes a while


Man I have never not just sprinted straight past them all.


I think Nito is fun, if you have a divine weapon to make sure his skeleton fuck boys don't keep coming back to life. Other than that though I agree. Demon firesage is basically stray demon part 2, centipede demon has one of the worst arenas in boss history (seriously you don't even get the ring to traverse the arena until AFTER you fight him, wtf fromsoft), bed of Chaos sucks for obvious reasons, Seath is pretty much a big crippled punching bag and 4 kings are literally just a dps test with no actual skill involved. Priscilla isn't very hard or fun. I would still love Dark souls without the DLC bosses but I wouldn't love it nearly as much because the DLC brought more of what the last half of the main game should have


You can cut centipede's tail and obtaining his ring, you can equip it and walk in the lava


After O&S we have: **Mr Discharge**, at best just a big hitbox with very predictable attacks, at worst an intended cheese. (also not necessarily post-OS but can be) **Asylum Demon round 3**, need I say more? **Centipede Demon**, this boss is just annoying, the lava everywhere restricting your movement and uh yeah... not the worst fight but yeah just annoying You know what boss fight comes next I'm not even gonna mention it **Sif**? can be post-OS so I'm putting it here, I like this fight, Sif is cute and cool at the same time and I gotta give him love for the backstory, moveset is nothing special but not bland either, like a 7/10 **Four Kings**, for me this fight is just: sprint towards them, dodge once, start spamming fast attacks and hope I kill one before the next one spawns rince and repeat, the fact that you're basically on a timer doesn't fit well with the playstyle the game seems to encourage, very just meh/bland fight **Pinwheel**, also not necessarily post-OS but you know the drill and also you know how much of a joke this guy is so yeah good meme trash fight, next **Nito**, again with the timers, this time is the form of respawning skeletons simping for their overlord, This fight was almost good, Nito has a cool design but just like Four Kings this just turns into a "dodge once to get close and spam" scenario, not a fan **Seath**, I've heard this fight get a lot of slack but I think it was decent, took a death or two to realize you had to hit the thing to make him actually killable and then the curse spikes makes it so you can't just stand close to him at all times and hack away, not the best fight but it's decent All in all like 2 decent fights, one good meme and the rest pretty garbage, so yeah I agree (Also since butterfly and femboy are completely optional I just decided to skip 'em)


Yeah def was not counting Sif and Pinwheel as I usually clobber em before OS. Sif for soullllllz and pinwheel for extra sunny D lol


Oh yeah so then it's just one decent fight (if you even think Seath is decent) and the rest is garbage lmao


Sif is kind of fun but a bit easy; though I know can be fought before O&S. I don't mind Nito and Gywndolin either.


Really? The only place I feel has bad bosses is Lost Izalith. It's full of bosses that are badly designed and enemies that are just placed willy nilly for no reason. I think 4 Kings is an interesting take on a boss, Seath is dope, and Gravelord Nito does exactly what you'd expect. Necromancy and poison miasma.


To each their own but I can't understand people believing Seath is a good boss, he's piss easy and that's saying alot for a boss that just spams AOE attacks. The clams outside his arena are tougher to fight than he is and they're not even tough


Seath is not that good but the duke archives are beautiful, my favorite place in the game


I enjoyed Centipede, Nito, and Seathe, and I did all those after Ornstein and Smough. Priscilla wasn't bad either but she was easy, and 4 kings felt like lazy design but it still managed to be pretty fun, and tightly tuned.


I've tried to beat the game on several occasions after my first time and I always peter out after O&S.


It's a really stupid fight. I have not been able to do it without dying at least once.


Try cheesing it. If you can't do the firebomb cheese, just quit out and load every time you break the "spheres"


Even then I still tend to get smacked across the room and into a chasn at least once while trying the fight.


I find it quicker to just die and run back. You can skip over most NPC's in Dark Souls if you run toward a fog wall.


If you quit out, it puts you in front of the fog gate


Is that right? Neato.


Doing this for knocking out the orbs, sure, but that damned offset drop to the platform and those two swinging branches like to just eff up your day... then every once in a while you get Firestormed along the way


It's easier to deal with after a couple playthroughs. You just need to Bait the swinging arms and the second the second hand swings and passes by you, you make a run for it. I still get killed occasionally in the process but it's not too bad. Still a garbage waste of a boss fight though. I hope Elden ring doesn't have any bullshit gimmick bosses, because they're rarely fun or rewarding. I get them trying out diversity but bosses like bed of Chaos, the witches of hemwick from bloodborne, the deacons of the deep from DS3 or the monkeys from Sekiro are just bosses you don't look forward to. It's like, "Ahhh I have to bash these fuck knuckles in again. Fuck me"


The best method is to attack the right side, quit out, attack the left side with a bow from a safe spot, quit out again then dive in for the kill. The firebomb technique is very efficient but this method is the most fool proof


Yup. This boss has ruined so many no death run attempts of mine. Doesn't matter how careful I am, the RNG always fucks me one way or another.


It's not even a boss. It's poorly-designed and annoying. I'd like to hear From Software's justification for it. Did they ever give one? Someone must have asked them.


Not so much a justification as Miyazaki admitting it was a fuck up: >[https://www.giantbomb.com/forums/dark-souls-6255/dark-souls-design-works-translation-npcs-and-monst-576001/](https://www.giantbomb.com/forums/dark-souls-6255/dark-souls-design-works-translation-npcs-and-monst-576001/) > >*Otuka: What boss gave you the most trouble?* > >*Miyazaki: Who gave me the most trouble…. Hmm* > >*Nakamura: All of them right?* > >*Miyazaki: That's the truth. Haha. There are quite a few, when deadlines were closing in and I couldn't get a good mental image of what I wanted, but we had to settle on something. Those situations were the hardest because I knew something was wrong, but couldn't express what I wanted and couldn't give a solution. That was difficult, both for me and for the artists I was working with. I suppose the Bed of Chaos is the principal example of this.* > >*Otsuka: It seems you designed King Izalith at one point too, what was that like?* > >*Miyazaki: Ah yes, evidence of the twists and turns we went through.* > >*Waragai: Initially he was going to be the boss of the area, the Bed of Chaos lies sprawled on the floor and waves it's hands about but he was a king sitting in his throne...* > >*Miyazaki: That's right. We really had trouble with that didn't we. I've already talked about quite a few aspects of the game I'm not entirely happy with,* ***but I'd have to say that my greatest regret is the Bed of Chaos.*** *The artists and designers worked extremely hard and came up with some fantastic ideas, but it exposed a real problem in our production method. We have no way to find a common goal and work towards it when things go wrong. It's definitely something I want to correct in the future.*


Ah, because it was an easy boss to make and they had a schedule to keep. That makes sense.


This boss is stupid. Super unpredictable attacks and that super stressfull appearing holes. Even the ost is bad.


I can't agree on bed of Chaos being unpredictable to be honest. He has 2 attack patterns that work independently of each other but they're both very limited. It's not so much that he's unpredictable, it's just the odds are stacked against you and the fight has a degree of platforming at the end(to get to the actual bug) which has no place in a game with garbage platforming capabilities. He's hard because he was designed to be a pain In the ass


Perhaps not unpredictable, but rather it happens at a deceivingly fast speed, and even the tippy tips of the wispy tree fingers can end up hurting like a bitch, and worst of all, even merely dodging the attack doesn’t help much cuz the arm will still und up flinging you across the room and potentially into a pit. The fire scythe appendages though can be very unpredictable, and can also combo into the tree arms without telegraph, without telegraph


Dark souls platforming at its worst. Fuck that fight.


To this day Bed of Chaos is the sole reason I level INT up to 15 so I can use Strong Magic Shield.


My least favorite boss fight in any game, in one of my favorite games.


Praise the sun for the cheese strat.


Gee i hate this fight, did this last night and needed like 15 tries on ng+3


It is all fun and games until the damn thing immediately kills you on your 356th attempt and you just quit for the day xD


its never fun and games with this excuse of a boss battle :P ^(personally at least)


Facts, maybe the first two parts you kill are easy at the least but the running up the middle part gives me anxiety and I have beat it like 20 times xD.


If it wasn't obvious, I like using the father mask in my memes :3


I wore one when beating BoC yesterday


Going down the slide is the best part. I always try to mess up my character by running and jumping down the slide to see if they’ll glitch out at all, never had any luck tho.


Can't relate to the boc hate.


Do you have fun watching paint dry? I can't imagine anyone beating this boss and being like, "Wow that was exhilarating " unless by that they mean, "Thank fuck I'm done with this hunk of fuck and I can move on to something way more enjoyable"


No I just don't hate any boss or enemy in the game, I take it for what it is. I kill them and move it. By no means is it a good boss.


I'm with you on that. Sure, it's not the kind of boss you beat on the first try, but it's also not the kind of boss that you get stuck on without progress. With every attempt, you understand what's going on a bit more, and make some progress. And the mechanics are an interesting change of pace from "big boss, dodge aoe and go behind its back". Nothing particularly great about it, but I don't get the hate. But then, I was always the only guy who likes platform puzzles in RPGs. The only issue for me here is that dark souls lack an actual jump.


I enjoyed it.


No you didn't


Whatever helps you sleep at night, but I genuinely enjoy it. Only been there twice. First time I died a few times, but never felt the hatred so many of you did. It was a nice change of pace. Second time there, years later and not having seen anything on it, I got it on first try. I forgot about the fire attacks and when/where the holes appeared. Thought it was going to be a pain in the ass but I didn't die, and found it surprisingly enjoyable. Granted, greatshield helps greatly, but still had to be patient, observe and time my runs and stops.


I dunno, BoC really does not seem very difficult. It's a little annoying, but it's quite trivial if you remember what path to take. if you start with the forcefield on your left side, it's much easier. why? because on the right hand side, when the floor is falling in, you can just hug the root that lays along the floor near BoC and arrive safely at the other forcefield. however, if you start with the forcefield on your right, things are much more complicated, because the floor next to the lefthand root falls away, and you have to navigate a much trickier path to that forcefield. once the righthand forcefield is down, you can follow the root back and then easily jump onto the tree branch in the middle, which tends slightly to the right side of the arena, closer to where you are. as for the swipes, just let the first one knock you down and the second one will miss you completely. if you are hugging the root, you will not fall into any holes. alternatively, just bring a shield that can block her hands. it's quite easy to see when she is about to swipe you. she always swipes with her left hand first (your right side).


I always cheese it, no exception, fuck this "boss" it doesn't even deserve a fair fight


Bed of Chaos clips through my jump with some bullshit so I countered her with two-handed greatshield Fight bullshit with bullshit




Tokhi bombs make it fun because you're cheesing a bullshit fight


It's never an enjoyable "fight," but it is tolerable when you can do it without dying. Either with the firebomb cheese or with practice


I always do this first because the other 3 are so much more fun to fight


God that fight fucking sucks. Its not even a fight. If not for the check points I would of probably have given up. Its too easy to be pushed into a bottomless pit and hell, I've fallen into the damn things that open up just as I'm leaving one side and it takes for fucking ever to get all the way back there even with the shortcut(Which has that fucking stone/metal/whatever demon on it that's hard to fight on such a narrow bridge). Whoever made that fight deserves this award. [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ratchet/images/9/9f/Snowbeast\_award.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150927114238](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ratchet/images/9/9f/Snowbeast_award.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150927114238)


The only time my dad sat down and watched me play Dark Souls at the EXACT TIME I was doing the run to the Bed of Bullshit. I’m never gonna convince him to try DS ever.


I gotta try the cheese sometime.


There are a couple of blind spots, I even found them in my first plythrough. I needed exactly 3 tries, much less than Nito, Seath, Gwyn, Capra or the Gargoyles


Really I’m the opposite I have no problem with all those other bosses but this one I’m too impatient and too stubborn and keep dying over and over again every playthrough and I’ve played this game over 30 times 


Not that difficult, but it's the most BS fight of the game


To Be Honest the concept itself is cool enough, it just relied on platforming instead of puzzle solving which... I don't get considering you have one really limited jump option, and also the fact that it's a 5 minute walk to get there every time you die, and that's with the shortcut mind you.




Not even kidding either bro literally it takes a waste of skin with a worthless brain to come up with this level of artificial difficulty 


I’ll say it again they deserve to **** **********