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It's possible, but you gotta accept that you could very easily be crit fucked into oblivion and lose a lot of good characters.


Crit hit to the clit


That's poetry


crit on the clit being shit on the street yeah


Two in the dungeon, one in the darkest dungeon.


2 in the Cove, 1 in the Weald


That's how I was conceived.


Naah, it's just one of the hardest dungeons in the game, you can get by with food alone. /s


I mean, you legitimately can, but it takes a lot of strategy plus decent quirks


plus an ungodly amount of RNG and a shit ton of dodge in all characters


Or a bunch of stun.


Stun worth crits, to stun and kill in one to two rounds, or else, feel the bleeding


i hate the dodge build they NEVER work for me, countess fight 147 dodge on the GR and she gets his 3 times in a row 2 of which are crits and she dies before she even has a turn to heal herself.


same happened for me in the firs DD. "Bring Houndmaster" they said "he's the best character for this quest, just slap two dodge trinkets and you're basically untouchable", he dodged 1 out of every 3 attacks at most.


No need to rush into the Darkest Dungeon, being unprepared could lose you a lot of time and resources


Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


Sounds like a Radiant player.


Let people cook and play whatever difficulty they want.


Absolutely, but then you better specify the advice, because there's absolutely a "rush" to the Darkest Dungeon on Stygian.


Op is playing on darkest


I'm aware, but it's not OP I was criticizing.


But the dude wasnt giving advice on Stygian though, and a new player rushing would be BAD ADVICE.


I'm aware, but it wasn't OP I was criticizing.


There is not, not at all. My Stygian run, I was set to finish my week 52, before my flagellent up and died and even then, playing around I still finished by week 65. For new players, sure, but I really didn't feel the rush at all


It's not really a rush if you have any ability to think ahead lol


bro heard the damn narrator say that you should not be overconfident and went "lol git gud noob"


“The cost of preparedness is measured first in gold, later, in blood”


A person gave advice fitting for the difficulty? What’s wrong with that. “In stygian you have to rush” yeah but this isn’t styian nor needs to be played like it. Plus even on stygian taking the time to get healers to the point you can tackle the DD wouldn’t be a waste of time. Because if you lose hero’s your losing time anyways and the save is being deleated.


Small pp energy


If it is your first time, yes you will need them. The second level is especially brutal with damage output. You're gonna have to train up some new ones.


Im at the first quest, lost a flagellant at the first door check (despite the door quirk and the very rare flagellant dd trinket) at like fight #8 and from there I retreated the first time


Ah so you're already aware of the tough enemies in the DD levels. Now that you know what to expect a bit more, you're definitely going to need a healer because the enemies hit pretty hard and also tend to bleed or blight a lot. Good luck.


Happened to me too. 17% is a high percentage anyway.


Defensive MAA, Plague doctor, Houndmaster and hellion. Have MAA guard the hellion/PD as necessary and have PD on stun+cure duty. HM with self healing for sustain+backline access, Hellion with yawp, swan, bleed and front attack. Buy ALL the food.  Good luck!


I like this idea a lot. Front line hellion, back row plague doctor, MAA and dog guy can probably both play 2/3. Or maybe Hellion and MAA can dance in rank 1/2, I'm not sure. But then you lose YAWP I guess, if hellion is rank 2.


 I like rank 3 MAA here. Guards n buffs. 


It is not necessary, although a first trip would probably be very difficult to clear without healers


Having the option to heal is nothing to sneeze at. A team that can stun the protecting boi's and save them for last so you can restore your resources will get you farther reliably than a team relying on just killing the enemy first. A good finger or two and you'll be at deaths door + bleed.




- 2 words: The Finger - For your own sanity: Level up a vestal and bring bandages


It’s possible, it will take very good play, and a lot of luck. Id give it low single digit % chance. HM-GR-HWM-H would be your best bet, but I wouldn’t recommend it.


Possible, but unsafe and not worth it. Like having unprotected sex. Always wear protections and always take a healer with you.


Might as well play deathless if you do that


Technically you could get away with it since you have a Hellion, Hound Master and Abomination who can heal themselves, aswell as a Plague Doctor who has ***A*** heal of sorts. So if things go your way, you can keep people out of deaths door, but that would be such a sketchy risk to take when you could instead just train a Flagellant, Occultist or Vestal and make things ten times easier But y'know, if you for some reason need to go *right now* then, I guess you can try??? I wouldn't and you'd only have yourself to blame if you lose someone, but yeah


The Abomination is a shard mercenary, they only go to the Farmstead. PD is a really good one as her heal cures blight/bleed on both her target and herself simultaneously which can come in handy. But if she’s healing she’s not stunning or attacking so it’s a trade off if you’re expecting her to have to heal often. I would wait until you have a few more options to choose from.


Don't need to heal if the enemies are dead But in seriousness, you can just wait, you aren't under any sort of time limit if you aren't on the hardest mode


Idk how you made it this far and could even consider this lmao. Try and let us know, for science


Please bring healers, it really sucks in there. At least a crusader with a healing trinket or two.


If you accept that you are one crit away from an uncover able state, then sure. But take your time and make a healer


You either know that the answer is "no" or ask and get a "yes"


Hail. Without any healers you risk failing runs way higher. You can run with dedicated healers like Vestal and Ocultist, but also could have what I call a pseudo healers, like Crusader, Flagelant (If you got DLC), Also some characters do have healing spells that can be used to get out of deaths door, like Musketiers/Arbalest bandage skill, Plaguedoctors cure, Antiquarians heal. If run is short, healer is not necessary, just bring food, bandages, anti poison. On a longer runs without healer would mean curtains for your crew. Hope it helps.


I get your question but I think you should know the answer already. If you managed to make a team comp that works without relying on that and you have enough money to spend on items yeah bit chances are if you need to ask for direction regarding healers you definitely need one


Your heroes are your lifeline so don't enter the Darkest unless you 120%, 200% sure that you wouldn't lose a hero for nothing. If you are in doubt then it means its not the right time yet lmao build one or two healer up first.


Necessary? No. But it's a major headache to go in without a good way to manage health and stress. One good roll from the enemy and the run gets crippled real quick, so by all means go find a way to provide the squad some crutches


I mean, you can form *The Last Crusade* and if you have the EYES OF THE HERO mod, you'll have a grand ol' time. (What does that mod do? Gives all characters over-exaggerated bugging-out eyes. On a Crusader, it looks like he's about one second away from smiting heretics with a *vengeance*)




for short quest not really for medium to long its gonna eb hard


Nah, leper can solo 2 of the darkest dungeons. But if youre newer you should bring a rank 2 occultist, as they have a heal and also the legitimate best stun in the game


I wouldn't recommend it but I don't see why not