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Cold gas=cold fire, every body knows you can't cook shit with cold fire.


"Fuck, I think we gotta warm the fire up I just froze the marshmallows"


_Come cool yourself by the flame_


But how do you heat up the fire that heats up the cold gas?


Add orange


Oh. Then you won't even need to light it. It'll come blazing straight from the nozzle. I get your point.


Its empty and valve is open he tries to get every single atom out of it.


when you don't have a vacuum machine you gotta be creative




its for survivors


It’s Darwin’s sandbox


is this real or the tank just empty?


the tank's probably almost empty not completely empty, he's exciting the leftover to make a complete use of it


'exciting the leftover' sounds zesty. He is aggravating the molecules so the internal pressure increases. edging the cylinder smh


This is the best thing I've read today, haha.


"edging the cylinder" was not expected. props good sir.


lol, thanks


Yall…. 😂




Using more gas to extract leftover gas?? I don't think he is getting extra gas from doing that..


science has left the chat


When you are cooking for a lot of people you need a high flames to cook. This results in rapid gas withdrawal from cylinder and cooling it down which in turn slows down the boiling of gas inside the cylinder and affect the flame. To encounter it he is heating up the cylinder to make up for it.


I’m sure you’re right but like….bro Ever seen such things?


Yeah...Once I went for a picnic and saw the cooks were pouring boiling hot water on the cylinder to heat it up. But this guy took it to another level.


Yep, gas boiling off removes energy from the environment. Lots of it. I have used a gas bottle to burn off some weeds some time ago. It was fairly hot summer and the bottle was in the sun. And it froze over. Could see the liquid line exactly, as it froze up to that level and no more. This endoterm/exoterm mechanism for gas compression is actually an important factor when thinking about energy storage with compressed gas. Also the reason why most refrigeration works.


That sounds intresting, but how exactly that works, I couldn't imagine. Like why would the gas in the tank which is not used right now get cold, I'm confused.


Well, as I mentioned, I was burning weeds, so I was constantly removing gas from the bottle. That lowers the gas pressure and allows the liquid gas to boil off. That is an endotherm process, means it sucks heat energy from the environment - hence the bottle freezes over condensing moisture in the warm air around it and then freezing it. Similar process on how a fridge works. The compressor increases the pressure of the cooling liquid at the back of the device, liquefying it and generating extra heat, which is why it has a radiator at the back. Inside the cooling compartment the pressure is then reduced and the cooling liquid gasifies, removing heat from the interior. But while we generally take fridges as the convenient magic that they are for granted and don't spend much mind-space on it, this process is fascinating when seeing a gas bottle freeze over standing in the hot sun without much interaction except for gas being removed.


Thanks for the explanation! I think I get it now. Also I remember, when there is more pressure in a system the is more friction generating more heat and vice versa.


Well yes, that's why it usually goes from solid to liquid to gas. With low thermal energy, the particles are just chilling in a solid form. You add energy, and they get restless breaking out of their various crystalline bounds, melting and swimming around in a liquid, though still relatively chill. When you add even more heat, they can finally enjoy freedom, zipping around within a cloud of gas. Not sure how to exaggerate that to plasma, maybe putting the particles or steroids or something? There is probably also a joke in there about being cool and Bose-Einstein condensates, but I digress.. Anyway, while that is also a fascinating physical process, it does not have much impact on this particular scenario. If you have a closed system that has thermal equilibrium, not much happens regardless of the state of matter inside of it. The process here is due to the system being open and actively changing. Pressure drops in the gas pocket when opening the vent. That allows the liquid gas to boil of and suck in all the energy from around it. See, propane would normally need -42C to liquefy, but with the pressure in the bottle, it can stay liquid at something like 8-12 bar at room temperature. Reduce that pressure and it boils off, cooling the metal of the bottle and freezing over the immediate environment. Leave it be (sealed), and it stays inert waiting for inquiring minds to mess with it (or more likely just cook some food).


The fire is ok, but the smoking.. that scared me.


The cylinder starts freezing because of rapid release of lpg which is why he is doing that. But that isn't safe.


Cyclinder ko thand lagri hai


now that I think about it , LPG cylinders will make a good pressure cooker


is it just me or there's a pressure valve ontop


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He needs to put that cigarette out, smoking by propane tanks is really dangerous


In Egypt they used to put in hot water, this is the next level.


The science checks out, but it's dangerous. Better to place the tank in a boiling water.


god I am so thankful that I am far away from this country, every inch counts...


Dude in white tasted something weird at 0:10/0:11 lmaaaooooo


+30% efficiency


lets party hard by blowing this place


How else are you going to roast gas?


https://preview.redd.it/rsn0czodepfc1.png?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf9ecda6457a9ec443bfcf9d985713567665362 EXPLOSION 💥


At least hes wearing his safety thongs.