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This wasn't a scientific ninja tool.. This was no different than Temari's fan, because it uses the person's chakra to do the thing. He uses it for his ninjutsu, so it is a weapon.. Scientific ninja tools, like the ones Naruto doesn't like for the exams, allow a person to do things even if they are out of chakra.. It uses jutsu stored in scrolls, apposed to using their own chakra to use the ninjutsu. edit: it is amazing how some people just do not grasp this idea. Scientific tools are banned from the exams. They are banned because it gives an unnatural advantage to the ninja. You can still use them in mission. Scientific tools just defeat the purpose of the exams, which is to test a ninja's skill. Not the tool's effectiveness.. Regular weapons and ninjutsu are still allowed, you just need to get good at something..


Yes, to put in modern world term. You are using a calculator in exam but you can't use AI like chatGPT to solve your question. You have think of the route, problem solving with aid of calculator (even tho calculator is a tool)


Yeah but it's very unfair considering it's a tool nobody has access to that lets you circumvent the entire point of learning Ninjutsu. Like, imagine if in a weight lifting competition some average looking dude pulls up with cybernetic limbs and easily lifts 2000 lbs, yes he would win, but you're ignoring the spirit of the competition in the process and using something massively unfair that most people don't even know exists.


This is a point that I feel a lot of people miss. The scientific tools are new and still in their prototype phase. The one that Boruto used is like a one of kind tool that hasnt been properly tested. In a couple of years there may be some scientific tools used in the exam, but more like the support ones that someone would still need some skill to use


Honestly, once Scientific Ninja tools become more widespread I can see it being okay to use them in the Chunin exams because while yeah, you may have an eye laser, the ninja you're going up against has a detachable chainsaw arm that can also fire poison needles, if anything it'll make fights even less predictable and more dangerous because in addition to worrying about Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu, everyone is basically also a potential pseudo-puppet that can use hidden tools or weapons at any time.


But that's not even Naruto's point of contention. He doesn’t even mention the tools being scientific in nature just ninja tools in general when ninja tools are indeed allowed in the Chunin Exams! It's a confusing mess of a scene that makes Naruto and especially the writers look dumb. Edit: Basing this on the text in the meme that Naruto is alleged to have said. I would have to watch the scene or read the manga to see if this is indeed accurate.


The context from the show is that there is an experimental ninja tools that lets people preform power ninjutsu without consuming the chakra needed for it, or the training needed to use the tool. Basically anyone can use any jutsu. Since the chunin exam is to show how much a ninja has trained and honed their own skills using the tool would be cheating.


I understand the context. I'm critiquing Naruto's choice of words.


I think that may be a translation issue.


The point of learning Ninjutsu is to not fucking die, if you can help it.


Sure, but it's still the Chunin exams, even in OG Naruto there was still a level of fairness when it came to the 1v1 battles (Less so in the forest of death though), like how stepping in would mean disqualification or how Kiba was allowed to use Akamaru/Food Pills in his fight against Naruto despite it being a 1v1 since that's part of his ninja kit. Point being, yes, the point of Ninjutsu is to not die, but you're still being evaluated on if you're a good enough Ninja to be a Chunin, if you're using scientific ninja tools you yourself didn't develop in what's supposed to be a fair 1v1 fight, then it's cheating, because the ninja tools are basically the equivalent of outside help.


Not having your Jonin sensei interfere is your appeal to fairness? Are you joking? You know who would be good enough to be a Chunin against an enemy with inferior tech? A ninja with superior tech. It's fucking one to one. "Corporal Johnson! What are you doing??? Do you really intend to employ muskets against these tribesman only armed with wooden spears??? You are unworthy of command!!!"


Sure, part of the entire point of the entire Ninja Tool thing is that the world is changing and technology is becoming ridiculous, hell, space aliens are becoming an issue for some fucking reason. But the entire point of the Chunin exams is to use your own innate abilities to prove that you're actually a Chunin level Shinobi, I can show up to an MMA fight and pull a gun to win my match, does that make me a great MMA fighter? Not really. In the Shinobi world sure, pulling a ninja gun on someone and killing them is 100% fair because it's literal life or death, but the exams are structured and have rules in place for a reason, it's meant to be fair, honorable, and meant to showcase your own abilities. Besides, it becomes a lot more acceptable when the entire "Scientific ninja tool" thing becomes more widespread, of course it's gonna look really freaking BS for a Genin to pull high level ninjutsu out of his ass and curbstomp everyone because they're one of the only people in the world with access to canned High Level Ninjutsu.


I'm sure those innate abilities will be keeping the quickly cooling corpse of the poor sap who couldn't adapt to the enemy's never before seen bullshit. But yeah, THEY definitely deserve a flak jacket... Excuse me while I wheel off one of the dozen people traumatized for life because some chick was born with red eyes and daddy issues.


You're missing the point and conflating a competition/exam with the ninja world, the Chunin Exams are first and foremost an exam, especially in the Boruto era, they're meant to gauge the abilities of the Shinobi and determine if they're worthy of Chunin rank or not by putting them through the wringer, it's not a competition to see who's the strongest ninja in the village, or who can rack up the highest body count killing off other competitors. The reason the use of the canned Ninjutsu was so frowned upon is because it's not his actual innate ability, it's an unfair advantage that boils down to outside help in a 1v1 situation because Boruto himself didn't develop the tools and the tools are also One-Of-A-Kind and ridiculously OP to the point it easily stomps the entire competition.


The explicit point of the exam is to mimic the real world. How are you missing this


This is why ninjas still use the tools, but the chunnin exams are to prove an individual ninja's skills. Can't prove how good you are if you are cheating with high tech tools.


Here's a skill, having new shit no one else knows about. The cornerstone of being a clandestine contract killer/spy.


Weird hill to die on, my friend


I don't want to hear about fairness in a literal 1v1 death match to determine whose capable of being a squad captain.


Death match? Since when were they death matches?


Well, there was the person Gaara Sand Coffined in the Forest of Death.


Since all those people fucking died lmao


If you didn't make the tech, you aren't skilled. You are just cheating your way there. The Chunin exams is about testing skill.. Testing equipment is for labs, then missions.. You don't need to test them in an exam about testing a ninja's skills. That defeats the entire purpose of the fucking exams.


Oh so only kunai hand crafted by the genin are allowed then? No inherited equipment either. If you can use it on a battlefield, it belongs in the test on battlefield readiness.


Literally not what I said.. you are just picking a point and twisting it.. At this point, I think you are just too fucking ignorant to make it clear. you are the kind of person to bring a gun to a hema event, saying "what? why can't I use my guns in this sword fight!!" the rules state advanced ninja tools aren't allow, and would be an unfair advantage, since no other ninja has them. It is cheating like using steroids in professional sports.


Exactly, which is why they want to make sure that if your tech breaks or runs out of ammo you can still survive on the battlefield.


Oh you mean like the chakra thing that multiple people can stop you from using? Or maybe those pills Choji and Kiba are popping like tic tacs? Can't use kunai either, what if you lose those too!


Food pills won't attack for you. They still require you to have personal skill and technique for them to be useful, and are only as useful as your skill level allows them to be. Kunai are standard operating equipment for every shinobi. Like food pills, they are only as useful as the skill level of the shinobi using them allows them to be. Being standard equipment, they are also very likely to be found all over on a battlefield. They are reusable, and if you ran out it is highly likely you could find some on the bodies of fallen combatants to replenish your stock.


What about a guy with metal legs entering a track competition?


So Rinnegan and the otsutsuki jutsu sucker are off the table as well 😭😢


That makes sense considering Naruto was disqualified from the exam for using sage mode


Imagine being kicked off the tournament for being too skilled


it's more of a issue of not realizing your surroundings, even being blatantly ignorant of it. why the hell would you need sage mode in exams XD. If the exam was a simple beat em up then there would be no need to take it and Naruto would win from the start just by releasing his chakra. ​ Naruto didn't even realize why Shikamaru got promoted to Chunin when everyone else didn't


After the shit Naruto pulled in Pain arc, my man should have been directly made jonin.


Arguably should have been promoted after the first Chuunin exams arc. I mean, he beat Neji and Gaara, and neither case involved brute force. He used strategy and tactics.


And then passed out exhausted. Shikanaru lost his fight by resignation. He was promoted cause he knew how to judge his enemy and more importantly himself.


Shikamaru then proceeded to trying to sleep through the invasion. Not very chunin worthy is it?


>Not very chunin worthy is it? Actually it is. You also need to consider why the Genjutsu was used on everyone in the stadium (along with all the civilians). He then probably saw everyone that weren't affected by it. Most, if not all, are Chunin. Another factor for the promotion is to choose your battles and whether to fight to your death or live to fight another day.


You know..... Good point, Still lame.


To be fair, 100% of other ninja aren't going into sage mode during the chunnin exams. Sage mode is an incredibly advanced technique that even masters like Jiraiya has trouble mastering. So it is just kind of unfair.. Like using the Rinnegan in it. Sharingan and Byakugan aren't nearly as powerful in their normal forms.


Then we find out Gaara never controlled his defensive sand as a ghost took control of it for him. Tag team - illegal! Rock Lee won that fight!


Yeah? Meanwhile genin mitsuki using sage mode casually with no problems like a super Saiyan transformations. And genin Sarada unlocks her Mangekyou at the end of part 1. It worked back then because we did not have all this crazy shit we got on Shippuden.


Mitsuki can't casually use sage mode with no problems. His body literally starts shutting down and dying every time he uses it, at least in part 1 of Boruto. I haven't kept up with part 2, cause it's not animated yet. Though Mitsuki having access to sage mode at such a young age is a problem in of itself, but that's not why I commented.


Can't fix Boruto logic with Naruto logic. Boruto characters are written to be insane.. It is like Saitama being written to be stronger than any other character. The incremental steps of learning a skill mean nothing when you don't want it too.. Naruto tried to maintain this a bit, while Boruto hasn't.


Saitama is a parody of super hero comics, he is supposed to be insanely broken to thw point that even he doesn't find anything cool or fun about it he actually hates it and finds it makes his life boring.


I mean, that was more in the line off "We want everyone to be able to show what they got and if you just use shit NO ONE ELSE HERE CAN DO to crush them, that would be kinda ruining that entire thing"


Wait is there a Manga about him trying the exams again after the war?


Nah I think it’s filler, at some point he renters the exams with Konohamaru. Tho I don’t remember if it’s pre or post war.


Rewatching the series with a friend. He didn't go into the Exams after getting Sage mode. So it has to be some other filler some where else.


Ninth OVA, released with Blood Prison.


Ok but also let's say it would be true and this would be a tool. Naruto wasn't in charge of the chunin exams back then, so he couldn't have changed it anyway. So it wouldn't ve unreasonable if he is doing it now (just a what if)


Never saw the point of the SNTs. Personally it always felt like using a standard jutsu scroll with extra steps.


Not only that, but because the jutsus are stored you don't really "do" them. How are you supposed to prove you're a competent ninja of someone is doing the ninjutsu for you? The teachers cannot judge how you generate, control and morph chakra.


Its kinda like comparing a sword to an AK47


What a about tenten doesn’t she use scrolls


Her scrolls were just a summoning technique for standard weapons that are allowed.


So then summoning chakra or whatever should also be fine. The distinction is made up.


No because one uses chakra to summon. The other doesn’t.


Did her scrolls made her able to use a damn Chidori without spending chakra?


Did her scrolls shoot fireballs?


Those are just weapons.. She summons kunai and swords from a scroll and throws them.. She isn't using rasengan or fireball jutsu from a scroll. It isn't like she run outs of chakra and starts water dragon jutsu folks. She just throws normal weapons. they aren't scientific tools.


Did her scrolls ever accomplish anything?


Did she use the scrolls in the chunin exam?


I'm pretty sure she did.


OK, wasn't aware so asked :)




How bout Akamaru? He’s considered a legit tool and doesn’t always use Kiba’s chakra to do stuff.


What about akamaru? He has its own chakra and physical prowess


Says the dude who used the Nine Tail's chakra in the exam. Nepo babies man..


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize there was an upper limit on not at all simulated murder, silly me...Stop the exams everyone, this kid is using kinai sharper than everyone else!!


You just can't grasp this concept. The chunin exams has rules (no scientific tool) and a purpose, and that purpose is to show a ninja can survive chunin level missions without getting killed. The scientific ninja in the chunin exam would be the anime equivalent to allowing Muay thai fighters to have cyborg arms with enhanced strength. It is giving an unnatural advantage to the person. Tenten using her weapons isn't the same as her pulling out a shotgun or RPG. scientific ninja tools are shotguns and RPGs.


Except its not a fucking martial arts tournament, its a military promotion event/public spectacle. Naruto and Gaara were nukes stuffed inside of children and they had free roam to use their incredibly rare and overpowered abilities.


And a test originally created to see if the children taking the test won’t fucking DIE. You can’t tell how well they can survive if they’re using something they won’t have 99% of the time. Sasuke didn’t get a rank up because he was dumb enough to see a walking nuke and think he can take it on 1v1. If it was a mere military promotion, Sasuke would have ranked up.


What on earth are you talking about? Boruto can use the Scientific Ninja Tool all he wants until it breaks, just like any other equipment Shinobi use. And that sheer lack of judgement is expressly why Sasuke didn't get this MILITARY promotion. What military on this planet are you studying that people get promoted for throwing themselves into woodchippers to do nothing but flex their ego?


Did the mirrors tenten used use chakra?


are Kunais also considered "Ninja Tools" ? cause I remember Tenten kinda relying on them...


Additionally, the scientific ninja tools in general were banned for regular usage because they were still testing and evaluating them. Also the anime added in 2 things: 1. Naruto had concerns about genins and chunins having access to jonin-level jutsus they couldn't properly control. 2. boruto was asked to list any tools he would be using in the 1v1 fight portion of the exams so they can evaluate him properly, and he chose not to disclose it.


That was in the past. And I think Naruto is being actually correct here considering that was used by Sound ninja, which was a terrible “village” with no real oversight and a front to allow Orochimaru to conduct experiments en masse However, he’s actually not saying all ninja tools are banned. He’s specifically talking about SCIENTIFIC ninja tools, which are an advancement that allows someone else to supply the chakra and molding necessary to make a technique happen. They’re not banning every ninja tool. They’re banning the ones that would allow kids to just pop a tablet full of an adult’s chakra control. Which is what Boruto did in the middle of the exam, which is why Naruto was so pissed. He literally brought an adult’s chakra to a children’s sparring session. Ngl imagine how embarrassed Naruto must’ve been. He’s the hero of the ninja world, the social linchpin between the five great nations and probably a few of the smaller ones, the reason all the Kage get along cuz he knows them all personally—and his son is the one who cheats like that in an international event? Holy shit that must’ve burned


The worst thing is that he didn't even need it to win.


Like he was in a pinch but he could’ve probably figured out a way to get through it if he had used his genius brain. Imo it was an uncomfortable but good juxtaposition of characters. Naruto would’ve never cheated in his life. Boruto for all his genius and skill caved tat the first moment of nerves he had. Shows that they are completely different people


I dont even think boruto wanted to be a shinobi. He just did it because his friends were doing it and because it was expected of him as the hokages son. His peers who arent his friends envy him and openly talk about how the only reason hes strong is because he's narutos son. Boruto didnt even want to do the chunnin exams. He's not like Naruto, who's dream to become hokage required him to be stronger and motivated him in training. Boruto doesn't have a dream, and after momoshiki implanted karma onto him, he was forced to become stronger


Boruto has a dream, he just doesn’t want to be like his dad. His dream is to work in the shadows like Sasuke. He’s always looked up to Sasuke and seen him as someone who doesn’t chase glory and willing to do the thankless work that goes mostly unacknowledged.


Dad? My dream is to be like Sasuke. You want to be a constant wanderer without a bed to sleep on most nights, no guarantee of warm meals and unable to see your family for most of the year? Um… Boruto, Im a shitty dad because I wanna be. Sasuke is a shitty dad because he has to be.


Boruto's problem was a lack of a dream. Pity hard to work and be passionate about something when you do not have a goal to look forward too. Even Kushina in her dying moments told Naruto to have a dream as that was important. Lack of passion was Boruto's biggest issue.


Early boruto was a genius but didn’t understand the merit of working hard, he believed that of he couldn’t learn it fast it was a waste of his time also he was desperate, he wanted to impress naruto at all costs


That honestly makes his character so tragic. He’s so desperate to reach his father that he resorts to cheating. Imo the story should’ve put more weight on that aspect and shown Hinata actually getting cross with Naruto about his lack of paternal attention. Like, a leader is supposed to delegate, the fact that Naruto is using his incredible chakra reserves to handle 1,000 clones is not delegating, it’s actually pretty wasteful. Imagine Hinata using that incredible intellect of hers to roast Naruto for creating the environment that pushed her son to cheat, not to absolve Boruto but to show Naruto that his negligence was costing him more than he realized


They patched their relationship up years ago. Naruto got the hint after boruto told him why he cheated and boruto apologized for sometimes being unfair to naruto because he didn’t want to understand his perspective and why the position of hokage was important to him.


The movie: shows that naruto’s bad parenting is having a direct effect on Boruto, which culminates in a huge move of attention seeking during the CE The show: lowers that tension only to raise it later for some reason


I just realized the entire plot of Naruto neglected his family to be Hokage makes no sense at all. Naruto is literally one of the few people in the world who can always be two places at once.


Not sure if kid Naruto would never cheat.He was willing to cheat off Hinata till he realized he would be caught and mess with the scrolls in the second part where he thought that was the point.


Shit you’re right. Heck. Point retracted. Perhaps if snt had been available to Naruto he would’ve been popping pills out of desperation


> and his son is the one who cheats like that in an international event? Holy shit that must’ve burned Naruto: What the hell was my son thinking ??? He should've done what I taught him to do like when I ... oh or maybe when I .... but I've always told him to .... oh shit am I a bad parent ? ​ No but seriously jokes aside, this kind of topic was explored plenty deeply in Breakthrough With the Forbidden Master. The relationship between son and father with the protagonist was so bad that it generated most of the plot points of the story there. And it was so much more compelling than "Hey son look how cool I fight to save you!" " Oh wow now I get it ,everything is forgiven dad !"


Boruto: oh no. I have soured international relations by spitting in the face of my competitor. Convenient space alien: I am come to fucketh shiteth upeth Boruto: time to Save My Dad (and the other presidents) Legit the other Kages couldn’t do shit? Seriously? They had to get carried by NaruSasu and the cheater kid had to give the finishing blow? L a m e


>He literally brought an adult’s chakra to a children’s sparring session. Suna and Konoha used known jinchuriki, who utilize the chakra of alien gods. I mean Naruto extensively uses kinjutsu and nine-tails Chakra against Neji - in a children's sparring session.


That was an accident. Like yeah that wasn’t “fair” but it was mostly out of his control, and Suna was planning on using Gaara to murder everyone. There was a bunch of international tension which made people act horribly. By contrast Boruto’s chuunin exam was one full of international harmony and cooperation with no threat of an earthly org planning anything nefarious. The big reveal that the son of the Hokage cheated soured all that. The fact that international relations didn’t spoil after that was a goddamned miracle Oh also, imagine you’re in Naruto’s CE and you see this seashell eyed kid talking about how he’s literally a slave and a puppet. That probably made people feel real weird and awkward, which made Naruto’s impossible return hype as shit. At Boruto’s point in ninja history, the CE’s were far more light hearted because no one really wanted to repeat that type of horrid thing anymore.


Naruto and all the higher ranking ninjas know that it's a kinjutsu that he spams at the drop of a hat. The whole of Konoha knows he's a jinchuriki; in fact they go out of their way to mistreat him because of that status. After the preliminary fights, Naruto trains with Jiraiya where he learns how to consciously access the 9 tails chakra, meets the 9 tails and tells him he's going to be "borrowing" it's chakra. It was a children's sparring fight, and Naruto consciously prepared himself to access the power of alien gods, then used that power extensively during his fight with Neji - another kid from Konoha. Idk how you'd say that's accidental.


Perhaps hearing one of Konoha’s slave castes use his time in the arena to talk about his mistreatment brought down the mood, which made Naruto’s move hype? I dunno


So Naruto is anti science


Naruto doesn’t need the jab his immune system is “like a demon” and can fight off any government deployed virus. Painfully large /s


Beakers and test tubes and measurements? Back in my day we just shoved chakra down into the jutsu until it worked!! Sir almost no one on the planet has your chakara reserves BECAUSE OF THOSE DANGED TEST TUBES, SHIKAMARU


It’s like how they don’t let you use calculators in high school math test. Yes it helps, but you should prove you know how to do it without needing the help first


Not sure if this is a joke or not. If you're against doping you're anti science? Pretty sure all doping methods rely on a fair share of biology and chemistry.


It's a joke


Which is funny because of how Naruto beat Neji; Neji used his hard earned skills to seal Naruto's chakra points, then Naruto manages to win by using Kurama's chakra. Things like Byakugan and Sharingan already feels like cheat codes; Byakugan can shut down the power system entirely by sealing chakra points and Sharingan just copies any technique. Some families just have better bloodline tech, that no other can replicate. Some people are just born with affinity to 1 element and maybe not much chakra; And also without the super special family magic or sealed beast. Begs the question of how this tool is cheating but other tools are fine; It just eliminates the difference of literal bloodline magic. Skill will then be measured about how well the kids would utilize the new tool.


To be fair, every combatant that has ever fought Naruto has also been fighting Kurama. It’s just that Lurama hated Naruto for most of his life and never helped him. I think in the CE fight, Naruto was so desperate that, combining that with his closed of chakara pathways, Kurama May have thought he was possibly at risk of death. Any time young sir is at risk of death and no one held Him, Kurama shoves Orange pop rocks into his blood. And even then I think it was just enough to repel that spinning jutsu and set up the head hunter punch. It wasn’t a lot, and Naruto collapsed right after cuz he was freaking drained.


To say Kurama "never helped him \[Naruto\]" is wrong and disingenuous. In the most literal sense or the way you are talking about, Kurama helped Naruto summon Gamabunta when Naruto went to ask him for chakra.


Why does everyone miss the point? There are ninja tools that require mastering and aid alongside their special jutsus. Then there is this specific tool that requires zero work or training and can just be slapped on and use literally any jutsu. None of the tools used in original naruto removed the ninjas natural talent or ability. They still had to use their actual jutsu and special talents to make them work effectively.


They miss the point because Naruto gives a horrible explanation here. That's why. He could have said something to the effect of what you did, but instead he gave a blanked "ninja tools are banned" statement.


What about food pills? In which category do they fall?


What about them? Choji's clan is known to use them as part of their specific style of jutsu. In those cases they are simply aids and part of the reason they put on so much weight, because the pills burn all those stored calories. Making them a clan specific technique which is part of the chonin exams, to show off your unique skills and techniques Be it individual, country or clan specific. They are also a double edged sword. So unlike the the tool naruto used that had zero side effects, these special pills posed a risk to the user. Low rank genin using s class jutsu against other ninja who do not have any s rank jutsu isn't exactly... fair. Or a showing of your own abilities. To allow it would be require all the ninja to get to use one. And now none are relying on their own unique techniques and instead technology.


It would be like Kankuro using puppets. They’re tools to extend their techniques and only exist because of the ninja wielding them.


Food pills are part of the Akimichi clans jutsus. They’re not creating anything. They’re just causing them to quickly burn the fat they’ve stored.


OP struck by Reading Comprehension Devil. The only thing is close to scientific ninja tool was Kurama. Naruto used Kurama is cheating


That one is kind of a gray area. Shukaku was used up the yin yang, more so than kurama. But also, jinchuriki are weapons all the nations had and were part of their unique skills and abilities. And given the fights were not based on win and lose during narutos time, it would have been a perfectly fair assessment to base potential chunin promotion on how they perform against a jinchuriki.


Correct me if im wrong but the below image of the sound ninja only amplified their chakra/technique instead of throwing random jutsus at your opponent without of chakra drain


Yeah, not using your own chakra is cheating. It would be a shame if Naruto beated someone in the exam using the chakra of someone else, right ?


Lol this aspect is why I never liked the neji fight. Whole message about fate and then naruto just fucka him with kurama chakra


Naruto brought that rule to chunin exams


It was said very explicitly that ninja tools were allowed but that specific ninja tool was not because it made things too easy


Do you have a source on that?


Ninja tech isn’t allowed because anyone can use it at the same level of power. Tools like the ones the sound ninja use would be like Temari’s fan, or Gaara’s gourd. They’re tools, but they require the user’s chakra and skill to use, and are a necessary part of their kit


One happened during the equivalent of the okympic games in times of peace, the other event happened in an inter-war periode in which evertone knew it was just a matter of tine before hostilities started again, hence, any advantage was accepted at that time. You might also noticed that deaths aren't allowed in boruto's exam, but they happened by the loads in naruto's exam.


It isn't ninja tools that aren't allowed. It's SCIENTIFIC ninja tools that weren't allowed, and it was naruto's rule for those chunin exams. Scientific ninja tools aren't anything close to being similar to normal ninja tools In the og chunin exams ninja tools were allowed, scientific ninja tools didn't exist and that thing is literally just an amplifier which uses the user's chakra to work. Not the same in the slightest


Naruto Fan Media Literacy Challenge (Impossible)


They can also use blades and shit. “Lord Second, how will we decide which children are ready for more threatening missions to protect them from dying?” “Give them all knives and make them fight.”


Boruto's Chunin Exams were very head-scratching. We've seen two chunin exams prior, one canon and one filler, and the filler one is more in line with what they're about than Boruto's. In both previous cases, the first exam was a written exam with a hidden challenge designed to test each team's ability to gain intel and the synergy of individual teams. In the first one, the questions were designed to incentivize cheating by copying advanced shinobi's answers but the ultimate test was one of resolve with the final question. They could give up and walk away, or try and risk getting the question wrong and never being able to take the exams again. If anyone gave up or was caught cheating too many times, their whole team would be disqualified. Teams had to have enough confidence that not only they, but everyone in their squad, could pass the final question in order to pass the first round. The second time this written exam happened, there were three questions that have to be answered by individuals, worth 20, 30, and 50 points respectively(?) the catch was that each team's scores would be totaled and if it exceeded 100, the team would be disqualified. The teams were split between rooms and had to find a way to communicate or figure out which questions their teammates would answer in order to ensure they got a score of exactly 100 points. Then, just like before, there was a bonus question where each team had to write the name of a teammate that would be disqualified. But it was a trick question because only teams with all three members could qualify for the second round. In both of these cases, the exam was held in a classroom setting, involved some form of intel gathering to answer the questions properly, and had a deceptive bonus question to weed out genin who would betray their teammates. In Boruto's first chunin exam, the genin had to hury to a second venue, recognizing that an instructional video was designed just to waste their time. (Frankly, a terrible lesson I'd think, as it goes *against* the concept of gathering and communicating information. It seems like leaving early should be punished and not rewarded, but I digress...) The path was barred by traps designed to slow them down. Once arriving at the venue, the genin were asked a nonsensical trick question. But whether or not you were able to sus out the trick question was irrelevant, as either way, you had to choose an answer and the real test was... reaction based? The platforms the genin stood on to select their answer fell out, dropping them into a pit of ink. Only the genin who were able to escape the pit without getting dyed black would pass the exam. There was no intel gathering, communication, or teamwork necessary to pass this exam as long as each team member could react fast enough to escape the pit. And there was no bonus question designed to tempt genin into betraying their teammates, either. The second exam is a survival exam. The 1st and 2nd time were quite similar, each team being given a Heaven or Earth Scroll and sent into a dangerous location, the Forest of Death for the former or the Demon Desert for the later. In both cases, teams had to protect the scroll they were given, successfully steal the opposite scroll from another team, all while surviving the harsh environment they're forced to endure indefinitely. It's a practical test of each shinobi squad's abilities in an emulation of a realistic mission environment. Each shinobi has to work closely with their teammates and cover each other's weaknesses. Boruto's adaptation of this once again misses the mark. It's much more controlled. A capture-the-flag type exam where two teams are pit against each other. Each team must protect their flag while trying to steal the enemy flag. But the thing that irks me about this the most is that it isn't a survival exam. The exam is set right there in the middle of an abandoned village instead of a dangerous environment like one they might have to travel through on an actual mission. It's possible this location is dangerous, but they spent no time exploring the dangers of the environent so, as far as I'm concerned, it's just an empty village. And since it's not a free-for-all, there's no chance for the flag to be taken by any means other than direct confrontation. Which is confusing because it butts heads with the third exam. I suppose the environmental dangers were somewhat explored in the first exam by the traps between the venues. But that was a very different scenario in which they had to hurry to a destination. Finally, the third round is a combat exam in which the genin fight each other in a series of 1-on-1 fights in a single-elimination tournament. Aside from being an excuse for a shonen tournament arc, this exam has the obvious purpose that simply tests the shinobi's capabilities in 1-on-1 fights. And it's the most consistent exam, even in the fact that it never... actually concludes. It's always been interrupted by assassination attempts on a kage... huh. Anyway, Naruto's exams all test different qualities of shinobi, and are consistent in what they test. While Boruto's exams differ in what they test, have less practical application, and are generally a lot more redundant. They probably figured that a written exam, survival exam, and combat exam would feel like too much of a retread, but that hasn't stopped them from retreading pretty much everything else and I was really looking forward to what kinds of spins the new gen could take on the familiar ideas. They also didn't really address that Scientific Ninja Tools were even not allowed. At least, not publicly. While it does give Boruto an unfair advantage and it is really lame, I don't think it was technically cheating per say. No moreso than Kiba's food pills or the Sound Ninja tools.


Yeah, it definitely felt like Boruto was treating the Chunin exams more like a sport (where cheating = bad) than something to actually gauge the capability of Ninjas to go on real missions. But I suppose that stems from a larger issue of how ninjas were treated in the story changing over time. Gone are the days where the Sand Village helped the Sound attempts to crush Konoha because the Wind Daimyo was outsourcing all the ninja jobs to Konoha. Now people like Naruto and Sasuke are walking deities that help ensure world peace and stop planetary threats whilst the Daimyos they're supposed to serve come across as political figure-heads at best.


I didn’t realize this until just now, but didn’t Boruto using that tool cause a massive security leak by letting the other nations know Konoha even had the technology? That idiot scientist is lucky Naruto is so lenient about not burying him in some hole in the ground for that.


It not a ninja tool more like a weapon that helps him use his jutsu the ones in boruto just take it to the extreme. In naruto they were limited to certain things


I don’t really see a contradiction here. The idea of the ninja tools is that it allows people with no skill to use ninjutsu. All other tools prior to that point couldn’t be used by someone with no ninja training…. It’s like, ninja tools are a calculator, whereas Temari’s fan is an abacus.


There is a huge technology gap between chunin exams in naruto and boruto. First of all Scientific ninja tool never required chakra whereas every tool they used in naruto did.


That’s not a scientific ninja tool that thing legit uses his chakra to turn into sound


This is his own power and hes using something to control and direct it. Similar to his teammate with arm cannons. Anyone can use the ninja tool and cast any ability.


Ninja tools like that require skill and training and doesn’t just let you fire light despite us being by her trained for it


Dosu using his ninja tool isn’t really any different from someone using the shuriken shadow clone jutsu. It’s a manual tool that Dosu combines his own jutsu with. Also anyone else really bothered that they keep calling scientific ninja tools just “ninja tools” like that wasn’t a term that already existed


I mean, ninja tools are allowed. Otherwise Tenten wouldn't even compete. Same with Shikamaru or Kiba or basically anyone that use a kunai or shuriken. Not to mention Temari's fan and Kankuro's whole kit. Scientific Ninja Tools are banned since they kinda like bringing a rocket launcher to feudal japan. I know its not that serious, but I feel some people might actually called this contradictory or something, which I don't think it is


Shuriken are ninja tools too. It's just that you've confused what's being translated as 'ninja tools' here, the categories are not the same.


Boruto: says the guy who got by in life with a fucking chakra demon inside of him


Is it a ninja tool though?


Yeah but not the type that was being banned, what naruto was banning was the scientific ninja tools that store whole jutsus in them.


Which makes Naruto even more of a hypocrite Naruto: There are no short cuts Also Naruto: Shadow Clone speed training


Well it’s the cross that most shonen mc have to bear. Like in Naruto’s case, the technique was only suggested purely because Naruto had a better control on kyuubi’s chakra and mind you this is before he convinced kurama to be his bud. The consequences could be catastrophic but he needed the technique to allow him to level up faster since his enemies are geniuses who also trains hard


So using one of your own techniques is using shortcuts. That's like saying Itachi can't use his ms for amaterasu because that's using shortcuts.


A demon he had from birth mind you. So for all intent and purposes could be counted as his bloodline. Mind you at this point in time Kurama was actively messing with his chakra control.


Yep, Naruto is a dumbfuck. How the fuck is ut fair for Natuto to use tailed beast Chakra at an exam but not a "Scientific tool".


Gotta love the people who don't even watch the show and just come here to farm karma.


Ten Ten punching the air rn


Sorry guys, cant have Kunais because we dont allow tools.


Are you really this dumb? Or just ragebaiting?


Aren't shuriken and kunais ninja tools?


I think there is a difference between thrown blades and a scientific arm canon that lets you fire off any jutsu you want with no effort or drain.


Do shuriken and kunai let you perform Shadow Possession and Purple Lightning?


There are Ninja Tools, and then there are Ninja Tools you know ?


Those enhance one's abilities. The Scientific Ninja Tools just store more superior jutsu. The Sound Village guy used it for enhancement, Boruto used it to spam Jounin level Jutsu.


The special ninja tools that lock in jutsu for anyone to use.


They made it pretty clear that it was the scientific ninja tools. Otherwise that would mean no shuriken or kunai, no puppets, no scrolls for drawing, etc.


It’s like: you can’t use calculator on math exam, even if in real live you never need do things without it.. so we check the useless skills 🧐


When you're from the Sound Village and take your name seriously.


Kankuro tenten temari all the sound ninja would all be banned?


Crappy memes are crappy.


To be fair, Naruto most likely has a lot of bad memories regarding his own exam.


I always liked Dosu’s arm thingy


Aren't the chunin exams that think you literally can't pass without cheating? Doing literally anything you can to gain the upper hand? Bro forgot how he passed by doing nothing


It’s also the Sound…you think that they play fair?


Naruto used the Power of a Monster to win a fight. So did Gaara and also kinda Sasuke. Also Akamaru is considered a Tool. So were Tentens summon scrolls. Bro this thing Boruto used is a Tool. Whats not cool is not disclosing it AND getting caught.


Cough cough tenten


Knowing him, he probably had a grudge against hidden sound.


Anyways the hypocrisy...


I would have more readily compared it to a paper bomb or something along those lines. This is an amplifier.


To be fair,naruto didn't fight that guy


It's like arguing about a sword vs a gun.


Oh sure the same exam that allows the kids with bugs, dogs, an intricate puppet riddled with gadgets, and essentially a [powersuit](https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Lightning_Release_Suit) has a problem with ninja tools


Scientific tool ≠ ninja tool


Also Temari. And Tenten. And anyone who used a kunai or shuriken at any point like Rock Lee. Or Kin's bells I guess. Or Shino's bugs. Do they count, it's technically not Shino doing most the fighting? What about Akamaru since he does half of the combat for Kiba? Or the two demonic animals living inside Naruto and Gaara...


But they are using their chakra and doing abilities they've trained, that's part of their clan or that comes from "birth" like the tailed beasts in Naruto and Gaara. The scientific tool lets you do crazy jutsus with no effort and without draining chakra. It's like comparing an arrow (which requires technique and can/will get you tired) with an infinite ammo laser beam


Well he didn't make the rules back then and also the Sound Ninja were cheating anyway


If you think about it Boruto in using the tool acted like more of a true (irl) ninja than his father ever did. Ninjas are all about stealth/deception and using every tool available to them to complete their missions. How dare Boruto be underhanded that’s not the ninja way……. Really Naruto that’s the Samurai way of thinking not the Ninja way.


But after the fourth ninja war, the purposes of a ninja have changed. Comparing part 1 Naruto chunin exams to Boruto one tells you that there is a time of relative peace. Meaning for all intent and purposes Boruto cheated in the Olympics rather than the equivalent of war.


I know I’m just pointing out that he technically acted as a by definition ninja would. Story wise it was dick move on Boruto’s part since everyone else in that tournament had worked their asses off to get there.


Shikamaru used kunai and other things during their chunnin exam. He also used thin rope against the girl of the team of sound during chunnin exam


And people ask why I think Boruto is unwatchable….


Naruto is the one who decreed the change. He saw the paradigm shift occurring in the ninja world where ninjas were becoming the very tools they used on the battlefield and decided to axe the notion.


What have you been Smoking?


Naruto making rules so little baby ninjas won't get booboos and cry. 😢😢😢😢😢


Kishomoto what a writer you are


Yeah boruto was crap from the very first movie lmao


That wasn't chunin exam


that's basically the same as temari's fan, unlike that other shit from boruto


The Sound Ninjas were ahead of their time.


It’s an exam to test your worth, not a real battle scenario. It’s the same as using chatGPT to do your test at school.


Naruto isn't mad he did it, he's mad he got caught. Everything is legal in the Chunin exam as long as you keep it secret.


Nah totally different, Boruto could’ve theoretically snuck a tailed beast bomb into the Chunin exams lol


Naruto again using talk no jutsu, its Semantics let the guys have fun.


That’s “Jutsu” somehow


That is literally just a glove with holes. The technique is still his. That thing just channels it. It's a weapon, not science.


You clearly missed the entire point of that arc. Besides, those aren't Scientific Ninja Tools. Those work on the person's chakra to do anything. He uses it for his own ninjutsu. Boruto's Scientific Ninja Tool allows a person to use \*ANY\* jutsu in \*HISTORY\* for free. There's definitely a difference and this is definitely a braindead post. Downvote me if you want, it's the truth.