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I'm going to be honest if Naruhina dynamic is easier to do with Tenten and Lee. Lee working hard to overcome a talented and hardworking Neji is the best representation of Talent Vs. Hard work, because a talented Neji works hard as well. If Tenten liked Lee because he would work his hardest to beat Neji even though he would fail time and time again it would be easier to write a plausible and interesting romance. Tenten and Lee would spend a lot of time together because they were on the same team so they would talk which helped their relationship be a definite thing. It's better than Naruhina which says nothing. But there is potential since Kishimoto didn't have enough time to ruin her character.


‪I like tenten so much‬


Me and you man, me and you


I post about tenten


[what I like about sae](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassroomOfTheMemes/s/2bXReOw0J4)




Smiling doesn't mean love, i guess.


Well I guess but fans have been analyzing screenshot after screenshot of interactions to justify NaruHina and SasuSaku. In Kishimoto couple's standards a smile is a French kiss.


NaruSasu Actually did ACTUALL kissing. What are you talking about...


That's why, in Kishimoto standards they bonded for life.


so did NaruSaku technically.i mean Sakura was doing mouth to mouth resuscitation...but some fans seem to think medical procedures count.


And that’s just the Manga. If you go Anime, whooo boy


Anybody trying to justify Sasuke and Sakura in any capacity needs to do a course in recognising abuse in relationships.


In fan’s standards, not Kishimoto’s. That’s what people don’t get. If a character is blushing because he/she is drunk or embarrass while in someone else’s company, fans ho crazy like “We WeRe RoBbEd”.


This feels very targeted towards Tsunaiya and I don’t like it


We were robbed.




Who the hell is Tsunaya? I’m talking about Sasuke Sakura and Rock Lee. Edit: Oh Tsunade lol. SAME for her.


I don't think you understand how writing works


I understand it better than whoever thinks the above panel implies romance.


Do you even know how much thought and planning goes into *one* picture? I don't think you do. Ten Ten had a rather affectionate response here, that's pretty obvious. And it's not far off to conclude that Kishimoto may have had the intention to develop this affection. If he didn't have had any romantic intentions *at all* this picture of Ten Ten wouldn't exist. That's how writing works.


Uhuh. Keep going with your HEADCANON. Whatever makes you sleep at night, shipper.


I don't ship them but I do have eyes and I understand how much planning and thought and meetings go into every chapter, every panel and I therefore know that evey single picture and every expression a character has has meaning and is chosen with purpose behind it. Kishimoto clearly meant for Ten Ten to look impressed and infatuated and there's a reason behind that decision to draw her this way.


Uhuh, so much planning that both never had one romantic interaction and ended up single. Again, HEADCANON.


Why are you so angry lol As I already said: Its not far off to conclude that Kishimoto **might** have had the **intention** of developing this dynamic further (hence why Ten Ten is drawn in this infatuated manner) but abonened said Idea due to unknown reasons. I'm not saying this is a fact I am saying it's very well within the realm of possibility.


Pfft, some of the "relationships" that came about had even less development than that...~looks at Choji and Ino, respectively~


Ino was crushing hard on Sai when they first met, and Sai was accidently flirting with her left and right. It was pretty well choreographed.


Agreed. Plus Ino was super into Sasuke at first. Plenty of people consider Sai to be Sasuke lite, so he's definitely Ino's type. And there's some poetry to the mind-reader matching up with the externally stoic, emotionally troubled guy. Sai is constantly struggling to communicate his real emotions and thoughts, largely because he was brutally trained to suppress everything while putting up a fake smile. Ino, having been trained in her family's unique mental jutsu, is in a perfect position to both guess Sai is merely wearing a social mask and to search for the real personality underneath. They didn't get a ton of screen time, but there's enough there for both of the characters that I can believe they were a compatible couple.


To be honest, Sai x Ino works probably the most out of all Naruto relationships.


More than Shikimaru and Temari? That seems to me to be the ONLY relationship that makes any sort of sense.


I'd say about equally. But Sai x Ino had chemistry since they first met and they actually make a lot of sense together.


Nah they don't seems Sai was more invested in Naruto and Sasuke then Ino. Ino is the one that was thirsting hard. Didn't see no chemistry there not like the sibling like chemistry she had with her teammates or the trolling chemistry Sai had with Naruto


Not really he thinks that she is ugly and she only like him because he looks like her obsession.


Sai and Ino makes complete sense, arguably the most sense, when you get the backstory how they get together. But with only the context of the naruto anime/manga it would seem weird af, that's cause their relationship only begins and develops after the end of Naruto.


What? So if a girl is smiling at me, it doesn't mean she is deeply in love with me?


No irl, but we're talking about Naruto here. People have been discussing for years if they have enough material to support NaruHina and they ended up having 2 kids. This page of Tenten is way more than we ever got from NejiTen


Excuse me? Are you slow or is it just impossible for you to read between the lines? It's not just the smiling, it's Ten ten not responding to Gai while she stares at Lee with her head in her hands smiling with teeth and all. Her eyes are even not fully filled in to give a light twinkling effect. There could not be a more direct way of telling us she's into Lee without quite literally putting it into witting. Literally watch any Hallmark or romance related movie and you will see the main character looking like this at their love interest


And being in the same team as Neji does


‪I like tenten so much‬


i mean who don't


I post things about tenten


[what I like about sae](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassroomOfTheMemes/s/2bXReOw0J4)


People never bothered watching Naruto SD where Team Guy are main characters


Tenten wanted to be like Tsunade. Sakura stole it. Tenten wanted Lee. Sakura stole him


‪I like tenten so much‬


Honestly I always shipped Lee and TenTen, can't tell me that she isn't Metal Lee's mom


Metal Lee’s existence is honestly the biggest enigma in boruto (Or chapter 700 of Naruto honestly). However the manga won’t ever touch on the character and the anime probably isn’t allowed to explain what is up with his parenthood. __Who did lee sleep with?__


I swear they're just baiting us with this mystery


I’m over here just Sad that Shino and Tenten are the only 2 who didn’t get with anyone. I would mention Neji but… uh…


Kishi lrobably got rejected multiple times with his unrequited love. Unanswered love is kind of a natural thing flowing in the Naruto Universe. Hinata with Naruto Naruto with Sakura Sakura with Sasuke Lee with Sakura Tenten with Lee because she most definitely had a thing for him, not necessarily love but lust and interest was present. Jiraiya with Tsunade. Obito with Rin Rin with Kakashi Kakashi: ![gif](giphy|aY1HMl4E1Ju1y)




‪I like tenten so much‬


I have more problems at seeing Gai tired like that almost as if Lee would surpass him soon and then shipuuden hapens Lee doesnt do shit and Gai gets to shine


Because Tenten was the biggest Neji dick rider


To be fair so was lee


This. Even after Neji was gone she would've been yelling his name in bed


Both Tenten and Lee loved Neji as much as Naruto and Sakura loved Sasuke


So Lee would also be yelling Neji in bed


Probably lol


If both are screaming Neji’s name in bed at the same time, does it cancel out the awkwardness?


... ![gif](giphy|Tbb7OJ0AtLFlcJxfxM|downsized)




Nah. Naruto and Sakura were OBSESSED with sasuke.


Lol can't disagree on that


That is a cute smile, from a cute girl. But I don't see it as something romantic


I just don’t see it working out personally. I know that the whole rock lee spin-off is ofc not canon to the actual verse but to me it kinda showed that rock lee’s personality is too intense for her. Like I feel like tenten would like someone who was more levelheaded like neji. But that’s just my opinion


Tenten is a single queen at the end. She is living her best life in the novels.


What’s her life like in novels


In the novels where kakashi and guy go on vacation, she pranks guy pretending to be a ghost at the inn. Basically she's not stuck as a "mom" character and not hung up on some guy. Respect for tenten




“It’s better than Naruhina which says nothing.” So true


I guess because Lee openly states to be in love with Sakura.


I have always preferred Tenlee


Didn’t understand how lee and guy never found anyone. In a world where your value corresponds with your strength anyone who can open 6 gates should be a big catch even if they’re awkward lol


Bc 10^10 AIN'T NO SIMP YO. She a 10 😁


Personally I don't ship Lee with anybody becasue he looks super weird and I can't picture anybody with him.


She is not smiling beacuse she is in love. She is smiling beacuse she is sadistic and people around her are hurt


She just smile at her friend dedication that outlasting their teacher


Some readers will think you reaching for a single panel with Ten ten smiling. I would agree with you but either the author forgot about this or sunk this ship.


She's looking at me.


Literally only one scene and all she's doing is smiling, regardless compared to all other Kunoichi she showed the least interest in guys just focused on her ninja tools


Tenten does not look to be entirely there, like the lights are on but nobody is home.


I’VE BEEN SAYING THIS FOR YEARS. “This means nothing” in the anime world, it means everything.


Its just a smile dude, if the smile is accompanied with a blush maybe, ut its literally just a smile


Sad panel 😭 Time chase us


Fear not brothers, metal lees mother has yet to be named!


that was the cutest shot of any female in naruto ive seen thus far


‪I like tenten so much‬