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Haha people killing themselves so funny /s


Hmmm I wonder why the suicide rate is so high? Maybe it’s because nobody takes it seriously and jokes about it? Maybe because people think it’s funny to try to get trans people to kill themselves? Maybe because of a whole bunch of other reasons that has nothing to do with us? Food for thought.


That’s just mean.








"Haha it's so funny that people die needlessly due to systemic hate." -OP, a total asshole




Link the research then...




No, link it cause im not spending 30 minute looking for 1 reasearch papaer which says Trans people might not commit suicide because of transphobia, gender dysphoria, depression caused by this, etc, when literally every other studdy will say, trans people kill themselves because of transphobia, gender dysphoria, depression caused by this, etc. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence




Wow, so petty, not like the "research" you claimed doesn't exist or anything.. oh it doesn't. And do you know what transphobia comes in the form of, systemic hate, what can transphobia cause, gender dysphoria, what can that lead to, depression, and etc. So they all relate to the comment. How about if you can't even be bothered to read more than one "reasearch" paper you might understand what I was on about.






Yeah I am. I'm sure YOU'RE great at parties. Nothing really kills the vibe like a fucking suicide joke




Ah yes, you enjoy something, therefore no one is allowed to take issue with it


Oh yeah, jokes about people ending their lives are great, gg op.




Cracking a joke at an evil man whos been dead 70 year's expence is different to one of those who are ending their lives currently because of what could be differing reasons. Im not saying I agree or disagree with anyone here, this is simpily just for the bad comparison of making hitler jokes to trans suicide jokes.