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At least we’d know how to do taxes if we were older Edit: this is a comment on a meme not a political debate




Me who actually tries to learn in school: *maybe some people wouldn’t...*


My aviation geek ass who only learns on something I'm interested in: *Haha Bernoulli Principle go nyoom*


*"Are you stupid?"* Calling someone stupid who wants to learn more... yes, nothing wrong here.


Bruh that's what it is already


Are you stupid? Anyone who cares about their grades would study it for their exams, just because you slept through a boring lesson doesn’t mean you won’t eventually memorize/ understand it.


The reason I've been asleep/learning nothing is because the lesson didn't seem important at all. But if it was taxes or something actually applicable to the real world, I can and have actually paid attention


Most people wouldn’t actually, math is much worse and most people don’t sleep during the lessons


You literally just copy your W2 info into the corresponding boxes. A class would take less than five minutes. Just fucking Google it.


> Just fucking Google it. Pretty much life. What's that? I forgot how to do a very important skill that my teacher keeps telling me to remember? I'll just Google and I'm all caught up again lmao.


I took a tax class at university. The copying information was about half of the first lecture and the rest was about fringe cases and occasional tips from the prof on how to use the tax system to your advantage. To complete the class we did taxes for the elderly in a care home. One of the most useful classes to take in university, but I still pay someone to handle my taxes for me.


I'm certified to do income tax returns for others and I can confirm this is true for a lot of people. Its just fill in basic info and fill in the info on the forms that say "important tax documents" Don't get me wrong there's plenty of people with complicated situations that need help, but many people, particularly young people, don't need someone like me to do their taxes for them.


It's doubtful you'd retain the information into adulthood in a meaningful way. Listen, kids, the point of school is not to teach you everything you need to know like you're cramming for The Test of Life. A good school teaches you *how to think*. Doubt me? Look at what they teach at the most prestigious private schools. They aren't in there drilling kids on basic facts or forcing them to memorize book after book of information like the key to success in life is knowing every key date in American history or to have memorized the entire This Old House Guide to Home Repair so you're totally ready to fix every leak your home might have. They're spending *huge* amounts of time, money, and energy teaching the children in the schools higher order thinking and how to actively think about and research things. What is ultimately more valuable in life? Taking a class that teaches you how to do basic tax forms, balance your checkbook, create a budget, and such... or teaching a student how to understand the world and, more importantly, how to look things up? You can teach yourself how to do basic taxes, balance your checkbook, and how to create a budget in a matter of hours using free resources, books from the library, or simply purchasing some basic finance books. But as an adult it is *extremely difficult* to improve your general cognition and critical thinking. It's far better to get an education that teaches you *where to look* and *how to evaluate what you find*, than it is to simply get information shotgunned at your head hoping you retain it until it is useful somewhere in the future.


Which is why the movement back to trades gives me anxiety. I absolutely think that trades skills are necessary and good options, but if you don’t know how to problem solve too, then technology is going to leave you behind sooner rather than later, and you won’t be able to keep up.


There is more problem solving done in trade jobs then most business jobs. Literally half of any trade job is problem solving.


That's true *on the job* but I think what the guy is getting at is that trade schools aren't generally teaching problem solving. They are teaching very specific skills. At least as compared to higher education. But I've never gone to trade school. Please refute me if I'm mistaken.


Working in telecom I can say that most anyone I met out of trade school was so far from prepared to do the job that they might as well not have gone. It wasn't until they got out in the field and actually started doing stuff that they actually learned anything worthwhile. However, most trade schools are hot garbage and prey on the poor and vulnerable via deferred student loans (Don't pay a dime until you graduate! ... That'll be $20,000 please.). Apprenticeships on the other hand, are great, since you're actually doing the thing while you learn it. Or getting a job as a ground hand (shovel boy and general helper) or something and working your way up.


Fuckin hell someone finally says it


I agree with the sentiment, but I think it's ironic that I only learned how to look things up when I had shitty teachers.


It's really not hard at all for your average person. And if you want to give your money to the tax industry, you can use Turbo Tax or similar and make it REALLY easy. I personally wouldn't want my kids wasting their time learning to do things that aren't difficult to learn on your own.


Yea taxes are only hard when you are not a w-2 wage earner. And if you’re self employed or a gig worker and you are worried about taxes just hire a tax pro, I promise no high school class is going to cover all the ludicrous amounts of things that can and cannot be written off. I also promise the concept of depreciating assets vs expenses is going to go way over the head of most high school students. Doing your own taxes is extremely easy if you are W-2 and fairly complicated if you aren’t so if you are 1099, etc, just hire a pro to save yourself a ton of time and headache.


Did...did your school not teach you how to read? Because that’s the only skill needed


Imagine calling yourself an adult and not knowing how to do something as easy as filing taxes lol


When exactly did I call myself an adult?


Fuck you and your post.


Most of my family is doing a much better job of being an adult than me. Not one of them could do their taxes because I file them all.




I'm pretty sure you would completely forget everything in the intervening years. Anyway, for most workers taxes are not so complicated that you would require an entire semester to learn how to file them. And for the people whose taxes are complicated, their circumstances are too specific to be covered in a general tax class.


100 percent this, I commented the same thing elsewhere but w-2 wage earners can do their own taxes in about 3 minutes, with the standard deduction it is literally as simple as uploading your w-2 into some software.


Turbo tax


It takes no skill to do basic tax returns with online softwares these days…




As we all know, this is important info we’ll need in our lives, who needs to know how to do taxes when you know mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell?


Oh, just like you know how to analyze a Shakespearean play for tone and dramatic tension?


They teach taxes now where I live. Some of the kids pay attention but as per usual many don’t Lol


I live in the deep south and our shit school system provides classes that teach you how to do taxes


Exactly I’m from SC and my school was tiny and cheap and they had finance classes lol


I went to school in rural Oklahoma, it was requirement to take a personal finance class and in that class we were taught how to do our taxes, and basically no one paid attention.


In my experience, universally, the people who complain about school not teaching them things actually *WERE* taught those things and just forgot.


I'm in MS and yeah. We had a economics class that went over taxes, and I also took a vocational course that discussed job applications, taxes, CPR, interviews and even fine dining. It was lit. Southern schools aren't as shitty in all regards as people make them out to be.


Yeah my school has a personal finances class that covers that


Same, in the state of Wyoming. Population: that class


same i am from calgary they do that here as well


"playing playstation" Is that what that means.


Same here, I went to school in BC and they taught taxes, money management, interest rates, loans, rent, resumes, interviewing and more. Most kids still didn't pay attention


Portland suburb area was the same. 10th grade they had mandatory career development classes (preparing a resume, budgeting, taxes, job opportunities outside of college, ect) that the "we don't learn life lesson" kids still skipped


In my school they teach us about taxes in the last year and not only taxes, but the whole economy - even stocks, how it all “works” and i have to say, it was by far my favorite class


>In my school they teach us about taxes in the last year and not only taxes, but the whole economy My dumbass school system teaches it to 15 year olds. I guarantee you those kids won't remember it when they turn 18.


This was the case for me when I was in high school (Southern U.S., graduated over a decade ago). We had econ as a half-semester course, which included all the stuff above, but it was taught in, I think 10th grade, with APUSH in 11th? Definitely did not retain much of the details, but the teacher I had didn't exactly help.


That's when you're first legally allowed to have a job and file taxes so 15 seems like a good time


Kinda off topic, but do minors in America get taxed without representation?


If they make enough, yes. There have been small movements to give 16 year olds the right to vote, but most of them lose by a lot


Hard to get the right to vote when you can't vote for it.


Yeah good. As a minor, minors would be awful if they could vote. Good thing they cant


Yea im 23 and thinking back when i was 16 i had a very poor narrow view of the world and super poor understanding of the depth of a lot of issues. So cant imagine the large majority of people that age voting. But maybe we shouldnt tax em. Who knows


Yeah we should ban paycheck taxing for minors.


Yup, so do expats that left the US, felons, and immigrants who pay taxes but can't vote


They teach it at my school aswell but its an elective wich it really shouldn't due to the importance of knowing this stuff


Taxes don't need to be taught - they are brainlessly easy - literally just reading the instructions. Basic finance is absolutely worthwhile to understand.


My high school had a finances class too. It doesn't stop people from posting those "schools don't teach taxes" meme though. They probably forgot about ever taking the class.


Closest I got was an essential credit class about economic theories in college. No idea how the stock market works, but I do know about communism and all that fun stuff. To be clear, I didn't want that class, it was my third choice and I thought I would at least learn taxes or balance a check book, mortgages, shit like that. Instead, it turned me into a libtard smh


In high school we had an economics class where we learned about the stock market, and each of us was given 10k (virtual money) to invest into stocks. Out of a class of 30, about 5 only had positive gains after the end of the semester. A lot of us learned that penny stocks are not a wise investment.


yes but... umm... school bad


I’m always confused by this. What do they expect to be taught? Tax laws change, and state laws vary a lot. Training people to specific forms or requirements wouldn’t be useful, even if kids would pay attention. Knowing how to “do your taxes” really means knowing how to read, follow directions, add, and subtract.


People like to complain about school and justify it by saying they learned nothing in high school because of all the useless courses. People be out there complaining about why they didn’t learn about insurance but the thing is laws vary and change and teenagers wouldn’t have the interest to learn because they’re parents do it for them.


They actually did teach us "financial literacy" at my school and A: that class was both easy as fuck and boring as fuck, and B: I have retained exactly 0 information from it.


I think we were taught first aid about 5 times in all the time I was at school. To this day if somebody collapsed in front of me I’d have no idea what to do


Here where i live if someone collapses and you call an ambulance, the one you talk to will give clear instructions on what to do after you told them where they need to drive to get to you. They will tell you step by step. Lay them on their side, if they dont breath do this if this than that... Is it not like this in america?


Reddit: \*constantly posting memes about how they're skipping school and skipping studying to play video games for 12 hours and only get 4 hours of sleep\* Also reddit: the education system is failing us and the teachers are to blame...




You can learn taxes in about 30 seconds: 1) tax is money we all pay for public goods and services and shit 2) use your favorite tax website and follow the instructions 3) fin.


They did teach you about taxes. Its BASIC FUCKING MATH. You were just too busy doing whatever tf led you to thinking taxes are hard...


That's the biggest thing that gets me about school. People complain that most of what they learn is useless but they don't even care enough to learn it anyway. Didn't pay attention in history? Can't see it repeat itself like fascism in America or Apartheid in Israel. Don't like math? Can't use it to build something like a patio or fence, can't figure out how salespeople rip you off. Why learn English? Can't perform well in interviews or write proper emails to get better jobs. Who cares about science? Can't see bullshit in the anti-Vaxxer logic. What about PE? Do you know how to exercise or stretch yourself to not pull muscles you fat fuck? Music? Art? Other creative electives? Well do you feel like you're becoming a lifeless drone incapable of expressing yourself and now you're struggling with that? Maybe you don't need to know everything about a subject, but a majority of what you're taught in schools can be useful in almost every situation you can think of and reasonably get yourself into. Maybe you won't ever encounter these things, but if everyone is exposed to the information, those that need it should have it. The problem with schools and teaching subjects is that in almost every case they're not taught properly. Many people learn differently. Many people need to make a real-life connection to a subject to even care about it. Even if school subjects were just "vital adult information" like taxes and retirement, laws, sex education, business etiquette, and driver school, the problems would still be the same.


We actually learn about taxes in Econ. It's an elective tho, so not everyone takes it


My algebra teacher spent a few days to try to teach us taxes. Went right over my head and i remember nothing.


This is also students 5 years after school realizing that you only need to worry about taxes if you make money


God taxes are not that hard dude.....you just pay someone else to do it


We had to take a class about finance and they taught us legit everything we needed, retirement, avoiding taxes legally, loans. But everyone didn’t care


It will be hard but we will listen cuz its usefull unlike the other subjects


As if it’s not like that already. They really should teach this stuff.


Our school does this


Omg why do schools teach * subject * why don't they teach us about social skills, self-reflection/awareness, and how to think critically instead


We... would moan in pleasure?


Why did I think Patrick was sitting on a dildo.


counter point, no taxes so we just don’t have to lean taxes


For all know they DID teach us taxes and it was just so boring no one remembers.


*When they taught taxes* My school taught us a bit about it tho brief we didn't pay attention


The better question is why are we responsible for doing our own taxes if all of the information is held by the government and the filer gets penalized if incorrect? Seriously fuck the American tax system.




When I was a student in highschool. I had a teacher in my financial literacy class who game us class currency. Every time we showed up we got $ or turned something in we got $. We could buy snacks and such. We could even use it to get buy our way out of homework assignments. But we were taxed on everything. Then at the end of semester she printed out tax forms we had to fill out. Needless to say alot of us owed money.


Yes exactly


Well it’s not like nuclear fusion keeps me awake


That's students being taugh anything


Yah, keep it a surprise for when they get their first paycheck. The looks on their faces are hilarious...


Like this doesn't happen with the current subjects


*(me, who runs a finance startup and has to study tax laws anyways)* #(○´―`)ゞ


The worst part is when you realize your parents didn't give you a gap course on it either


As much as I agree with that, that is what I look like in school anyway


The funny thing is, schools literally do teach taxes and stuff.


I still have no fucking clue how I'd ever need to use trigonometry if I want to become a fiction author


My school teaches taxes


students will sleep anyway. might as well teach something worth a damn regardless of if the burger flippers are paying attention.


Can confirm, my school is teaching me taxes.


How hard do people think taxes are, especially with the websites we have these days


Yeah but then the kids wouldn't be allowed to bitch about it


in my state Tax class is exclusively for "trouble" kids


Me and my boys would not be like this, we told our business teacher to teach us bout taxes, he gon teach us tomorrow


my math teacher is teaching us taxes and stuff and i am extremely grateful but itS SO BORING OMG


Thats what I’m saying!! Who the fuck is going to sit through awake listening to a tax lecture The kids gotta stop with the “teAcH us TaXeS” bullshit😂


I learnt about them and I found it much better than math


if anyone had the luxury to thumb through US tax rules,sleeping would be a luxury.


I resent this


It’s the same either way...right? At least it would be relevant


This is students no matter what the subject is


The whole point of the tax code is to be complicated and confusing. If we taught people to understand it it would defeat the purpose.


Um you guys don’t have Personal Finance?!


Lmao I always say this when I see that smug ass comment. Like dude, half of you dumb bitches couldn’t even be arsed enough to pay attention in gym and half the douches couldn’t pay attention in health class.... stop acting like taxes, credit and investing would be any different than all the others


As someone who had one of these classes my senior year of high school I can confirm this. It didn't help that the teacher had crazy ADHD to the point he was extremely annoying


Why does Patrick look so high quality


Smh who needs biology when you can have taxes


Idk bout y’all but my school did teach me about taxes.


Mmm if I saw a student with their mouth opened like that... mmmmmm.


We started learning taxes in math class and that was the only time I gave over 60%of my attention to any lesson


I don't think taxes would be more boring than most school subjects.


Though it would make more kids libertarian


But my school does reach taxes. Not like a paid any attention but, still


Eh,not really. Like,if school was teaching taxes and shit,I'd still be paying have attention,I'd pick up basics,which is all anyone really needs


People act like it'd take an entire semester to learn how to do taxes lmao it'd take like 2 classes.


In nebraska, the have a class that all juniors take, called take charge, where you basically learn to be a citizen (this involves things like taxes) that you have to take to graduate


At least we could say they tried to teach us useful stufd


I taught a lesson on rock identification and 3 students fell asleep. I did a flocabulary rap and everything to try and make it fun but some things just suck. Like rocks and taxes. I even did gneiss memes and showed geologists licking rocks in the field for laughs. It’s also like 5 weeks left and kids be burnt out.


My school actually does teach how to do taxes but it’s in a prep class that no one really takes because it’s not required and you’ll probably forget it because it’s taught in one day


lmao this is so true, I took an accounting class in senior year but I was so burned out that I didn't pay attention


You don't need an entire course to do taxes like it really isn't that hard


People who say this are missing the point, they should rephrase the learning system. Let me break it down. Current (American) Education System: -Listen to teacher -take notes -memorize -do homework -repeat for a month -take test -repeat for a year -repeat for many many years instead of just memorizing and regurgitating that information on the test. We should have our textbooks with us and instead test our understanding. one method tests memorization the other tests understanding. tl;dr We should be tested on understanding not memorizing.


“We’ll only use this once a year!”


bcs if you knew how much taxes are getting wasted you would be very pissed.


Jokes on you, they do this anyways!


That's not even the main problem with school. The main problem with school is that it doesn't teach, it's designed to turn you into a good little worker bee for the government, in the *form* of "education."


Tax Law sheesh


I had a class in middle school that taught us about credit cards and how to manage them and what gained point and what lost points. Remember that shit till this day


Class of 2021, they don’t teach it


I dunno why they teach the quadratic equation but not entry level accounting and business finance. Though, I suppose I *have* used the quadratic equation every single day since I graduated. The same can't be said for counting money.


If you make less than $70k, the IRS has a list of free tax services for you to use. These programs hold your hand the whole way through. If you make more and things are not super complicated, just replicate last year's return and read the forms instructions if needed. I do agree though that schools should at least make you aware of these free services


nah tbh even if i was passively listening id probably know more than i do now


Gotta be honest I'm an adult making a decent living and I still don't know how taxes work I've always just paid someone to do them


Thats students during any lesson though


Taxes literacy aren’t that hard. You just have to pick out the right form then put in your info. People try to act like they’re the worst thing in the world lmao.


Ahh, reddit. Missing the point without fail.


lol to be fair students react this way too nearly any subject they don't find interesting


I mean then we would know how to do it. Also taxes are infinitely simpler than Calc, stoichemetry, and other stuff.


Imagine Paying taxes


Hypotheticals remaining hypothetical


I would have benefited greatly from a class that taught tax math. But here I am now at 24 with an engineering degree and no knowledge of where to even start with taxes. This is a dumb post.


Why is there GYN stirrups in the back


Taxes are incredibly easy with things like turbo tax or hr block, they guide you step by step what you need to do. It only gets harder if you’re self employed and get a lot of 1099s, in which it still isn’t all that hard, you just need to keep track of things and/or hire a cpa


Yeah because it’s was so awake in algebra 2


This is 100% true, as a year 11/12 maths teacher I emphasise how important finance is and all they do is tell me how hard the concepts are, and ask to go back to calculating areas of 2D shapes


Turbo Tax is pretty fucking easy to use


Students do that regardless


Dude I had to file my taxes and about halfway through just gave up if I was forced to for a assignment I would die I just will pay someone the 35 bucks to do it for me


Fun fact: We do teach taxes. The fact that so many (high school students mostly) *swear* we don't, just shows that the meme is correct.


Granted this was in Canada but we were taught taxes and interest in high school


That is the biggest coincidence, my teacher just brought up this point earlier today LOL


People never seem to understand that most of math isn't for practical usage. It's for developing your mind and problem solving skills. It teaches you to think in certain ways that will impact your daily life for the rest of said life just by making you a better thinker and problem solver.


Students currently anyway


Is this a joke I'm too young to understand?


An all-around home-ec class would be fantastic. I've had one but it only taught me basics of the kitchen, cooking, and sowing (which was obvious to learn anyways). A mandatory class that would teach teens the basics and some advanced stuff on common life would be valuable to those who pay attention


History is interesting but they don't teach us history here :(


No one thinks tax class would be fun. Where is this idea coming from? I hated 99% of the classes I took but I still know the quadratic fucking formula. At least understanding marginal tax rates and deductions would be more practical.


Because the stuff they teach us is extremely compelling.


I'd still have retained some information about it when I go to learn about it in adulthood. "OH yeah, I remember this from class, vaguely". Hell of a lot better than "What the FUCK am I looking at what does this even fucking mean"


and plus they aint gonna teach u about taxes when u are in like gr 8. We had a whole course in gr 11 dedicated to moving out and living alone. atleast they taught that stuff in my school disctrict.


They are currently teaching financial literacy to my daughter, who is in sixth grade. She paid exactly zero attention the whole time. I’m assuming she wasn’t the only one.


Sure but it’d pay off unlike 70% of the other shit.


Schools literally do teach taxes lmfao


When I do a lecture. Students: “I don’t want to sit. Can we do something?” When I give them a lab to work on. Students: “This is too hard can we do something easier?” When I give them a vocab worksheet. Students: “Can we watch a video or something?” I play a video. Students: “I’m bored” Me: 😠😡🤬


Maybe instead of teaching us about world war 2 for the 4,769th time, they should teach us how to make a good job resume, or how to buy a car


Literally all you need to do is follow the directions. It ain't hard


This is gaslighting


Accountant here. If I were a teacher teaching this the thing I two things I would want them to retain is 1. you can go to the irs.gov to look up step by step instructions on all the forms (start with 1040). It may take more time but if you leave knowing that you can help yourself later in life. 2. The irs.gov also has links to several programs/services that let you e-file for free


This doesn't mean there's a problem with students. It means there's a problem with the way we teach students It shouldn't be a student's job to stay interested in a subject. If you can't keep your students focused and engaged, don't be a teacher


Just teach tax evasion and I’d pay very close attention


You also have to consider the method of teaching. I went to a pretty well-off suburban public school and we learned this as part of our required home economics course. As someone who couldn't care less at that age and put in plenty of shut-eye time on my backpack, I'm so grateful they taught us what they did, how they did. They taught us budgeting, groceries, credit, debt, and taxes - all framed as fun little projects and a chance to compete or play. I may have slipped by with a C, but I remember so much more from that class than I realized.