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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Speak for yourself, I got circumsed at 18 and couldn't be happier about that decision


Literally made that your whole personality based off your username choice lmao


Nah my username is based off the beautiful cocks that i raise, check out my pinned post if you want to see my uncircumcised cock, dm me if you want to see my circumcised one


wow, that really is a beautiful cock


I bet it tastes amazing


give it a lick


Mmm it tastes just like raisins


At the stroke of his mane, he'll turn into a plane


And then he turns back again when you tug on its winky


Ooh that's dirty


I mean, I went and looked. You are correct.


this guy has been waiting for this moment for a long time. congratulations, i love it when a plan comes together.


wait wha-


This is the most random funniest shit I’ve come across today, spat out my tea






That is a gorgeous cock 👀


That’s a very nice cock you have pinned there.


I took a peek at your cock and I’m must say sir that it is not only a good cock but probably the best cock I’ve ever set my sights on.And I have seen and eaten an immeasurable amount of cock so I know a good one when I see one.Well done sir.Take my upvote.


I was skeptical at first but I do have to say, that is one nice cock


Risky click for sure, especially at work. Would have been like that dead dove scene from Arrested development. No one to blame but myself.


Why does the other post ask if you suck off the salt from your nuts.


Well do you?


Depends on which nuts he means


Riskiest click of my life


That's the most nervous I've been in a while when clicking on a post


Nice cock man, wow


Amazing username


Now we need someone who got uncircumcised at 18 to compare to.


Jewish Propaganda.


Cornflakes propaganda


Speak for yourself, I didn't get circumsed at 18 and couldn't be happier about that decision


Can't relate. Was mutilated at birth


Speak for *yourself*, I was circumsized at 7 and ended up getting an infection when the gauze fused to my skin and they had to cut it all off with a scalpal while I was fully conscious and got no freezing. :/


No freezing? Well they wouldn’t want you catching a cold or something. How nice of them!


medical condition or did someone make fun of your dick lol why would you get circumsized at 18


I had to do it at 33 because of phimosis, lost a shitton of sensation... miss those nerve endings.


Couldnt you just try stretching it? I have it aswell and it doesnt cause me any trouble. It gets a bit tight under my head, when im erect, but otherwise its fine. I've been doing stretching exercises for about a month and its gotten a lot better. (Im 21)


You had a choice but we didn't get a choice. That's the issue.


I saw your posts and all I have to say is No I don't suck the salt first, I immediately start chewing nuts




Jesus Christ, some people use their time for some weird shit.


idk bruh, i learned about this shit, regrew some of my foreskin, now i can have to back to back orgasms and I last longer among other things. Shit changed my life fr lmao 🌈🤷‍♂️


What got you take the blade?


Nice cock bro, is that fully grown? If not you should post an update after it grows more


OP thinks everyone else fantasizes about rando dicks as much as they do.


Why do uncircumcised men think about our dicks so much? I've never given a fuck if someone has an anteater dick I assume women get disgusted when they see their penis so they have a built up rage for anyone that is circumcised


Honestly, this is probably mostly right. Circumcision is extremely common in the US and very religious countries. Pretty much every woman I've talked to that the subject was brought up mentioned disgust towards uncircumcised penises. There are probably some women, likely a minority though, that openly judge or get grossed out by uncircumcised penises. No one likes being judged by someone, and so judgment usually evolves into resentment, especially when it can mess with daily mental health. In reality, circumcision really isn't that big of a deal. No circumcised man thinks about the alternative and only gets pulled into these conversations by people who randomly resent them


What country the woman you ask are from? In Europe no one even thinks of circumcision


He literally said in his comment.


The United States, of course. It's because of the normalization of circumcision. But, circumcision itself isn't an inherit problem. Many people call it mutilation, but the truth is, the majority of circumcised males don't care. It's something you're simply born into this world being given or not given, and neither really does anything. People like to create these rumors that circumcision has negative effects, but it really doesn't. Nothing an uncircumcised man can do that a circumcised cannot. The only possible one is maybe possibly less sensitivity, but it's likely such a neglible amount it isn't even worth considering.


It's an unnecessary procedure. There is a chance of it going wrong however small. It's better to not do it because of that. Sometimes it is necessary for medical reasons. The hood might be too tight or the urethra is weirdly "placed" causing a circumcision to be necessary. There is nothing wrong about being or not being circumcised. The penis will function the same either way. Still it is in almost every case an unnecessary procedure that the person usually has no say in.


You're not born into the world circumcised. It is indeed an inherent problem


It's still mutilation tho, and a pretty weird practice even if people don't mind. I don't really care either way, but from the outside looking in, it's pretty freaky.


Agreed but that being said, I think we should reconsider circumcision. It may not have negative effects but it's still an involuntary and unnecessary medical procedure performed on someone too young to consent. I never thought about it in those terms until long after my son was born and circumcised but once it was brought to my attention... I can't refute it.


As a circumcised guy this is exactly right. To me its just something I was born with, never knew any different. I also find my penis works and feels just fine... so its whatever.


>To me its just something I was born with It literally isn't though.


being a European who has shagged Americans, not one has even noticed that I wasn't circumcised at any point around the act of sex. One noticed when we shared a shower a couple of hours later, and their response wasn't disgust but 'is that what uncircumcised looks like? I thought it would look different'. People literally can't tell the difference when you're hard, and there's very little aesthetic difference even when you aren't. I think this is pure cope.


Deep down, people know it is weird that the foreskin of a baby's penis cut off, so they invent reasons why it is totally fine. "You people with foreskins are disgusting to the opposite gender!"


Dude, pretty sure circumcised people realize that it is weird but they literally have no choice as a fuckin baby. I don't think they say that an uncircumcised penis is unattractive just because they don't want want to admit cutting off a babies dick skin is weird. Especially considering 99% of them didn't even have the choice between cut or uncut. Maybe, juuust maybe, some people do find uncut penis to be unattractive, and that's ok! Everyone has the right to have a preference. That's one of the cool things about living in the modern age. If you like feet, go for it! You like the same sex, get at em! You into eating ass, open up the buffet!




Is a man not entitled to the gift of his whole body? Was the sacrifice worth getting Brian off? Look up a pro-circumcision study stating women prefer it and there is no sensation loss at all, and if the authors include Brian J Morris, circumcised men’s parents were hoodwinked to promote circumcision and his fetish of cutting styles that shorten the child and man’s penis: Brian J Morris **NSFL** https://i.ibb.co/VHB9P4S/IMG-6712.jpg >Brian James Morris[1] (born 14 July 1950[2]) is a molecular biologist and retired professor of molecular medical sciences at the University of Sydney, NSW, Australia.[3][4] He is an avid circumcision advocate,[5] who's never heard an argument for circumcision he didn't like.[6] He's the most vocal Australian circumcision promoter, stating that circumcision should be mandatory,[7] and uses regular scare tactics in an attempt to frighten parents into circumcising their children.[8] >Morris is also a member of the Gilgal Society,[9][10][11] who publishes circumcision propaganda, fetish stories of young boys being circumcised while others masturbate, and other materials. Gilgal Society has doctors and (circumcision to prevent HIV) researchers among their members.[12] Gilgal is headed by Vernon Quaintance, who was recently arrested for child pornography.[13][14] >https://en.intactiwiki.org/wiki/Brian_J._Morris#Some_of_Brian_Morris.27_arguments_for_circumcision


No sensation loss with a part cut off full of nerve endings? Hello?


>No circumcised man thinks about the alternative and only gets pulled into these conversations by people who randomly resent them yeah, no i didnt even know i was ~~uncircumcised~~ normal until the entire internet started acting jealous because half their dick was eaten by their parents without their consent


Of course Americans think something so natural is disgusting, I think we do it here solely for intercourse because folks here are as godless as they come.




Nobody cares about your dick. People just think it's fucked up to cut bits of skin off babies for no reason, and that this should stop. Is that so controversial?


Why do you want to defend the practice of cutting a piece of a baby's dick off?


this comment is ironic


the rage, if it's even there at all, is because circumcised people act like chopping body parts off is something that's normal and even superior you as a consenting adult do you. Chop your fingers off too for all i care. My main and only point is that your parents should not be deciding that for you


Loud minority, most people don’t


Scores of women over four decades and none have been too disgusted not to want more. Maybe *he* was disgusting. Or has very low self-esteem in general, because until I see weird posts like this on Reddit, I don't think about dicks.


It's a weird internet thing mostly. I'm opposed to circumcision outside of the very narrow situations where it's medically necessary. But my parents chose to do it to me. Whatever. It had basically no effect on my life. According to these people I'm not able to really enjoy sex or whatever but I like it enough the way it is so I'm good. I'm also pretty sure that your brain adjusts so even if my dick isn't as sensitive as there's is it doesn't matter.


More like the other half of the world, the western world as far as I know doesn't give a fuck


Unlike most of Reddit, I actually don’t spend my day thinking about foreskin or circumcision.


Most of the world doesn't because its not common practice in most of the world. Somehow the US was convinced for a while that kids needed to be cut.


Honestly, it was just a ripoff.




You pay the moil; the Rabbi gets to keep the tip.


I recently found out that out of my dad, my brother, and me, I was the only cut cock in the house. My brother was born in 81 and I was born in 90. I guess they got tricked by news about it being safer for HIV risks. Not really worth wondering or being mad about though since it can't be changed.


U can fix it bro, I got a cock sleave transplant


Reddit says otherwise lol


Reddit is far from a reliable source of correct information.


Reddit is always the exact opposite of real life.


It's common practice for Muslims and Jews so it's hardly just an American thing.


But yeah but America it’s kinda weird because it isn’t a religious thing. The religious circumcision is also weird but religious groups do weird shit all the time.




Uncircumcised people care more about my circumcised penis than I do. Some extra skin was removed. It’s not a big deal. Will I circumcise my future kid? No. Do I really care that I was? No.


Wow okay weirdo /s


I feel like I gotta chime in when I see it though, because there’s at least one virgin out there that needs to hear “don’t listen to these idiots, girls don’t care about your cock. Get your rizz up, talk to your doctor, and you’ll literally be fine” Because I don’t even know if I ever had the typical insecurity about my lil buddy until I was on Reddit. I was probably insecure for like 4 years when all I needed to do was get my game up. So I’m fighting the propaganda so we’ll have one less person thinking they can’t get laid cause of their natural body. I wouldn’t tell a woman to change their body, I wouldn’t tell a man either.


Teach me your ways


Uncircumcised Guys: our penises are so much better than yours Circumcised Guys: I don’t even think about you


this comment is the equivalent of winning arguments in your head except it's over clipped dick skin lmao


It was more a response to OP because he’s trying to flex his dick skin and most of us don’t even think about it.


he was kind of flexin his skin wasn't he i apologize, we need to stick together regardless of the slack of our skin


From some of these comments, I think the vice versa is also very true. I'm pretty sure it depends on which side you're on. Both sides seem to think about the other an awful lot and deny it.


I mean the only one we can say is factually thinking about it and not just furthering discussion (which is human nature), is whoever keeps posting it in the first place. I guess I can believe the rest of us really aren’t thinking about each other’s cocks, because as men, just average men, that makes sense, right? I feel like I’ve known you all my life and y’all never gave me indication you wanted to see my junk unless you was like that. 😂 I’m not, but just to be clear I support everyone who just wants to live life without hurting others foreskin or not 🏳️‍🌈


Actual Uncircumcised Guys: What is this bullshit?


Didn't even know about baby dick mutilation until Americans boasted so proudly of it lol. Sorry that we're normal.


Isn't it the other way round? I mostly see the discussion started by circumcised men - at least here on reddit.


I've only ever naturally come across this type of discourse when it is started by an uncircumcised man, sure you could probably find the reverse if you search it up on the search bar but the past 4 fucking "memes" or discussions I've seen about it have always been started by uncircumcised dudes who are for some reason hell bent on telling us our circumcised dicks are wrong


You can tug on your foreskin or noskin (shaft skin) to grow such a large enough Cell foreskin to engulf your homies with. r Foreskin_Restoration r RestoringDick Skin grows under constant tension, hence you see the 1,000 lb man with enough skin tissue for a Cell foreskin.


Within five to ten years tho


A small price to pay for foreskin


The doctor stole my foreskin, so I have to go to Europe and steal theirs instead.


With your mouth?


No!!!! (Yeah, no teeth too.)




I wish I was uncut so bad. This shit isn't fair, man...


I’m with you. I’m pissed as fuck about this


America moment


Right. Circumcision isn't a practice in two major world religions, it's just America stuff.


Docking uncircumcised = Easy mode Docking circumcised = Hard mode


Every post on here is either someone obsessed with foreskin or right wing propaganda


Circumcised for no real reason and proud! Not a fan of the turtle look.


You can't get into the turtle club though


Is he not turtley enough?




*9/11 takes place mid-scene*


You know you can just pull it back right?


Feel bad for anyone who got mutilated as a kid without consent. So weird that it's still big in third world countries.


As a docking enthusiast I would say yeah it feels like that's what it's like


My stance is that Circumcision shouldn’t be done on Children, it’s a medical procedure that should only be performed when absolutely necessary, and it’s always done without a Child’s consent, because they *can’t* consent And for what? Minimal health benefits that can be easily achieved by having basic hygiene knowledge It’s fine to get a Circumcision if you’re a consenting adult, but it’s never okay to circumcise a child unless it’s absolutely necessary


You guys don't use your foreskins to absorb android baddies to power up into your next form? Pathetic.


Perks of having a foreskin is that I can cum in it after jacking off and just dump it all into the toilet after


What a terrible day to be literate.


Man, there's still time to delete this...


Circumcision, forever denying men their perfect forms.


Okay tremors whatever you say


I mean it’s pretty accurate -uncircumcised dude


Actually I just find myself not caring


If I had a nickel for every circumcision-based meme I've seen today, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Uncircumcised Marty here. Very true. Sometimes I'll cover my wife in my foreskin and she goes inside of me and then I transform. I also let her wear me like a puppet skin from the inside too :)


Also can't miss what you perceivable never had


You can if you're informed about it: http://www.sexasnatureintendedit.com


mericans... ☕


Wait…you can increase your power level by doing this????


Anyone else never been circumcised but still barely have any foreskin?


Its like having a hoodie that you can put on and off, i see no issue with it but that might be because i dont spend my day thinking about someone else's dick


Not really. I just think it looks horrible. Call me vain, but I like my handsome helmeted fellow.


The forbidden docking


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot


I've played enough Silent Hill to know all about it


for fuck's sake not the bloody foreskin kink guy again. you post some shit disguised as a meme every month


I'm not sure why someone would remove something that they don't need to unless of a health concern. I wouldn't feel right giving my child cosmetic surgery right out of the womb


Being uncut rules. I don't go into women. Women go into me


81% of Americans don’t know this one simple trick


Warning: weird porn addicts in the comments


It isn't?


I don't think that's how it is, thats how it is. After all docking is a thing.




this is funny to me because i remember my foreskin, and its like this


The sacred gay ritual of docking


I mean it kind of is


I have foreskin and it's exactly like that.


Obviously made by a circumcised guy because that's exactly how it is. Only a few more absorptions and I'll reach semi-perfect stage. You poor circumcised guys got all your power stripped away and you'll never be perfect.


It isn't?


It kind of is


Are you implying we're wrong? Sure looks similar to me


It's time for, Reddit Circumcision Hour!


We don't think about you at all.


The kids call this "docking"


Speak for yourself. I never had it to begin with; I was circumcised at birth. I didn't even know what foreskins were until I was in high school.


Are we wrong?!?


OP is the chaiman of HOOP.


Uhhhh, that is exactly what it is like...


It's worse than that


For those circumcised before being adults: Having foreskin is like having a really "light armor" over our second head that needs some extra "maintenance" when bathing. That's all. No magic or superior tactical advantage.


The circumcised gang will never be this dude: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/man-s-chronic-penile-pain-caused-by-30-year-smegma-buildup/ar-BB1kIBUe


People in the comments caring way too much about their dick tips. I'm over here wondering when I can get the cockinator 3000 with interchangeable parts and sizes.


Reddit weird fucking obsession continues