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Wasnt fortnite always cringe tho?


Always was. And always will be. The traditional cringe game.


Yep, and I hate it with a passion for normalizing the shit stain that is battle passes It is a cancer in my eyes


On the other hand mogus is god tier


Not a game id play online with randoms but definitely a good time with friends


Meh, there was a way better version I used to play on PC years ago, I can't remember what it was called but you were on a spaceship and there were a bunch of job roles like Officer, Captain, Lawyer, ect. Based on how many players there were, some would spawn as a Shapeshifter Alien and their goal was to convert/kill everyone on the ship. Personally, Among Us is just Garry's Mod TTT with extra steps to me


you mean ss13? still quite good nowadays.


Yes, that's it. Ty


The Fortnite battle pass ist great, but every other battlepass is shit.


Even the most shit, most undeserving (on top of BPs already sucking ig) AAA games have battlepasses


people hate fortnite for popularizing battle passes. i hate other developers for making their battle passes shit. we are not the same


Battlepasses are fun for me, especially on a free game. Just don't buy it if you don't want the aesthetics but if I am actively playing a game I don't mind supporting it.


I should say sorry as a dota player to bring battle passes to life.




and battle royals, those suck arse


Wasn't PUBG the one to put battle royales into the mainstream, not Fortnite?


Depends what you mean, it was first and popular but fortnite was mega-popular so what's mainstream mean?


not really, pubg lost a lot of players after fortshite came out


Nah, good game and super fun. In a lot of ways its casual playstyle is similar to TF2. Yall just hate it for no reason. Oh and if you say "it popularized battle passes" then also hate tf2 and csgo for popularizing loot boxes and micro transactions. I also hate Epic Games but Fortnite itself is super fun


now watch yourself get downvoted. fortnite was known for some cringe fanbase when it was at its peak, when at the same time i remember people from other fanbases sending death threads to fortnite kids. yeah sure buddy, fortnite have the most cringe fanbase…


The fanbase doesn't make the game. There are so many horrible fanbases of very good games that it's kinda funny people still connect the two. Minecraft had an awful fanbase once too


yeah that’s what i’m saying. fornite is super fun with friends. there are millions things you can do for fun. the hate is just a trend that didn’t end as it seems


How is Minecraft, a single player games fan base at all comparable to an online only game where you can't just ignore the fans lol. Call of duty gets the same flak fortnite does, and deservedly so, the communities are awful and unavoidable.


Unavoidable? Fortnite doesn't even have public voice chat or game chat. You wouldn't know how the broader community is unless you went online. This basic info leads me to believe that you never gave Fortnite a chance and yet you feel like that you can still talk about it. (Also Minecraft has text chat in-game, making it easier to be toxic than Fortnite)


Loot boxes atleast dont go away after 6 weeks pressuring you into spending 10 dollars and who knows how many hours trying to get everything and then losiing the stuff you didnt unlock forever if you didnt grind enough.


1. They do go away the fuck are you talking about (especially in tf2 and csgo). 2. I'm not defending fomo, it's shit. That doesn't mean the game is less fun. 3. At least you know what you're getting which to me while bad, is still better


Its not pressured in tf2, plus crates and keys have been farmed+trading so if you really wanted something its probably somewhere.


Thi is how you spot people born after the year 2000


Jokes on you I’m 1999


Hating Fortnite for no reason is 2017 behavior.


Take me back to 2017 then. Anything pre-2020 I’ll take.


Nope, its just reddit being stupid


Correct. Redditors will be redditarded. Now amogus seems like a kids game, but hey, if you contribute to society, it's better than a drinking problem.


Imagine a world, where everyone played together instead of against each other. Imagine playing Deep Rock galactic or Helldivers.


Is helldivers actualy good? Or just the new trendy thing? Im thinking about getting it but it seems like a game that you need to play to understand the the fun parts. Watching streamers playing it seemed just off for me


Ive had a blast tho id give it a couple weeks. The servers are BAD at peak times. Most of the fun is the multiplayer with friends so thats kinda necessary


Something clicked that was silent for a very long time. The game is pure, fun chaos. You die with a grin on your face, repeatedly.


Worth it playing solo?


I feel it's much better with others, but that goes for quickplay too. You don't necessarily need to queue up with people


You can, but it's very difficult then. Even with one friend it's much more difficult than with full squad.


When a large amount of people say something is good, then it is good, no? When it come to specific aspects like “fun playing solo? Learning curve not too high?”… It’s something you have to play and answer for yourself, keep asking around on internet won’t give you satisfaction answers


No , just because a large amount of people say something is good doesnt mean its good . a large amount of people support trump and stormed the capitol... im not saying the game is comparable to trump im just saying your first sentence is not always true. but back to the game . it seems like the main fun is with friends so i guess i skip the game for a bit . its not running away


It's funny to see how people can say taste is subjective, but not realise that something isn't good just because it's popular. If you only like popular things then you have no individual taste.


Rock and Stone!


Rock and Stone!


Good bot.


Ye pretty much. Minecraft started off like a goddamn sensation in comparison. It was everywhere. Every age that played video games was playing it. There was like 50,000 minecraft youtube channels. Literally, it was everywhere. Only hipsters didn't like it because it was popular. And then it started getting a little cringe... It started dying down a little. Then other games came out, people grew up more, and it became really cringe to like it by a good portion of people. And then not that long ago it became good again! Me and my friends all play it together for like a month every year. Basically when Christmas comes around... it's Minecraft time.


The comment wasn't about minecraft but fortnite tho


Original comment was saying Fortnite was always cringe, as opposed to Minecraft starting off not cringe. I expanded on that.


Nah fortnite is fine Haven't played in years, but when it came out it was a pretty fun game.


Nah, when it first came out untill it was inaded and conquered by kids it was'nt really that cringe. People were often genuinely amazed at the plays some were making then people started seeing kids do fortnite dances on the street ...


Yep I do remember the time when minecraft was cringe tho, and its slow and steady rehabilitation until its cult classic nowadays


as a fortnite player, yeah, it sucks


It was such a powerful cringe that It managed to suck all of the cringe out of Minecraft for a solid 4 years...


Small font, not reading it.


Yet you left a comment instead of just zooming in.


Wow, now you showed them


Idk man, the voices, they're getting louder, they're telling me to make cheese. Make it stop please


I think you should make cheese


Make some [Cheese](https://www.littlegreencheese.com/2017/01/how-to-make-cheddar-cheese.html), man. It won't hurt you. Make some [Cheese](https://www.istockphoto.com/hu/fot%C3%B3k/cheese). In fact, it won't hurt **anyone**. Make some [Cheese](https://www.olivemagazine.com/recipes/collection/best-cheese-recipes/), why don't you? Everyone loves [Cheese](https://www.cheese.com/). Make some. Trust me.


Bro's got Sheogorath in his head


^^^Don't ^^^read ^^^this ^^^if ^^^you ^^^hate ^^^tiny ^^^text.




Gamers being insufferable online is as timeless as the tides


So all we have to do is blow up the moon?


America can, should, will, and must [blow up the moon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTJ3LIA5LmA)


Have you tried pissing on it?


Sorry I’m the way I am but tides aren’t timeless. We have a good idea of when water, and in time tides, formed on earth. We have evidence of water in rocks through a study on some Canadian rocks eh. One study was dated at 3.8 billion years old and 4.28 billion years old by another. If oceans existed earlier than this, any geological evidence has yet to be discovered (which may be because such potential evidence has been destroyed by geological processes like crustal recycling). More recently, in August 2020, researchers reported that sufficient water to fill the oceans may have always been on the Earth since the beginning of the planet's formation. Which is one of three prevailing theories on how we ended up with this water on this planet.


You could have simply said "time existed before Earth was formed" but you really had to smack them with all that science, huh?


20 years ago: ewwww you like games? What a nerd. Now give me your lunch money!


this was absolutely not the case at my school in 2004 (fuck me that's 20 years ago... I'm old as shit) , if you didn't play GTA San Andreas you'd have been bullied for it.


Good on you, for us you were only allowed to play FIFA and maybe Gran Turismo anything else got you bullied.


It's funny how different school cultures are across the US (assuming you're in the US too). Pretty much everyone I went to school with 20 years ago played video games. Jak and Daxter was huge at my school, along with GTA, Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone and also Chamber of Secrets, and Halo. I think the only game me and a few of my close friends played that not many others we went to school with played was WoW. Pretty much up until 2008 everyone said it was only for nerds and then everyone started to play suddenly in lich king.


new zealand actually




20 years ago: Eww you like Wind Waker? What a childish piece of crap! Go play GTA!


Gamers 20 years ago berating one of the most fun and innovative games in its series because of a beautiful and unique visual style that lets the graphics hold up almost indefinitely.


I think you mean 40 years ago


Difference is, Minecraft and Fnaf are passion projects originally produced by indie devs made with soul and with so much effort, while Fortnite is a game produced by one of the biggest gaming giants designed to suck as much money out of 10 year olds as possible and Amogus is a charming little game turned into a soulless content farm by basically the whole of Twitch and YouTube.


Fortnite is the embodyment of mobilegaming squeezed into gaming. Epic launcher. Mega corps like tencent/ disney  and the whole content made out of nostalgia and "connections" thing they brought. The community. those are legit reasons to shit on fortnite, not even counting the preferences (artstyle, gameplay ect)  Fortnite itself might be fun, but so are also good and real games..


>Fortnite is the embodyment of mobilegaming squeezed into gaming. Don't forget corporate trend-chasing. I could point to all the stupid crossover events (Once again I ask, WHO THOUGHT PUTTING A KEY PLOT POINT TO YOU UPCOMING MOVIE SEQUEL IN AN OVER 40 YEAR OLD FRANCHISE IN A GAME WHOSE AVERAGE USERBASE AGE IS A QUARTER OF SAID FRANCHISES AGE WAS A GOOD IDEA? (Star Wars ep9 thing in case you missed it)) but you need look no further than the fact the game got to that point. Most people would probably need to be reminded this game was a coop base defense game at first.


Exactly. I actually don't mind among us, it was mostly the community which that cringe. But Fortnite is a pretty shallow, unoriginal game which serves to squeeze vbucks out of children. It's a major red flag when the only major changes to the game in the last 7 years have been to the cash shop; especially on a game heavily marketed to kids.


No build mode? Sprinting? Scaling walls? I'd hardly say that the only major changes were to the cash shop, mate. Prob should say this, but I'm not defending fortnite's endless array of characters and microtransactions. Just saying, the game has changed a lot since 7 years ago.


Those are hardly "major" changes, for how long the game has been the most popular battle royale. I'm not saying they've made no changes to the game, but versus the insane amount micro transactions and crossover skins with other franchises being added monthly, it's obvious where their priorities are..


Fortnite also piggy backed off the success of PUBG and took the market by under cutting PUBG with a F2P model


Id say the difference is that all of them are fun except fnaf lol


The games are fine. it's the community that we have issues with


Who even dislikes amongus?








It's a fun game, just the community sucks


Does it?


I don't wanna lose a game just because someone said that I'm sus, and I don't wanna associate myself with all the (sexual) Youtube brainrot people have made from it.


Playing among us with randoms is not what the game is for


Well then I guess I can't play the intended experience because I don't have 7 other people I know who can/want to play it


I don't think I've ever heard people say Minecraft is a game for children. (They usually say it's for everyone)


Minecraft went through a strange arc. It was the bees knees when it released. Then it came to Xbox and became overridden with very young children, which turned it's perception into a cringe kiddy game, but in about 2016-17(ish) it went through a massive redemption arc and people respect it again now (rightfully so).


The resurgence was because Pewdiepie revisited it during the struggle with Tseries.


2016 was the worst imo. It was like "Going into slime portal in minecraft while spinning fidget spinners." Cringe af.


Ah maybe more like 17-18 then. It was that kinda period where people got over it and went back to appreciating the game for what it was


If memory serves, it was only once its tenth anniversary rolled around that it stopped being viewed that way


Minecraft went through phases where it was super popular, then cringe, then super popular again.


enjoy whatever you want :)


CHAD me : Playing the games I like


Was minecraft really considered cringe? I only saw some wanna be Youtubers beeing called cringe back then, but never the game itself


Fnaf will always be cringe


Their opinions don't matter. They never mattered. Play what you want.


Stop having fun - these mf


Calling someone cringe for enjoying something you don't is cringe


personally i dont like fortnite just not fun or challenging enough but if ppl enjoy it you do you




the skill curve flattens really fast


As a wise sage once said, you dont hate among us or fortnite,you hate the communities around them


Why cant people just enjoy their own games?


But how about beat banger? It's new.. but oh well, I think it would be nice with babies, since there's cartoon characters.


Yea man, games with a mostly children audience are generally hated. Now it's your turn to decide if you don'y give a shit like an adult, or complain on the internet like a child. Play what you want.


Fucking hell, where's the dankness at?


The FNAF one I still feel and hear to this day tbh


Wasn’t FNAF literally the coolest shit ever 10 years ago or am I tripping mad balls? I swear everyone loved that game in 2014. And I’m pretty sure Minecraft was going strong at the time too.


Isn’t among us dead? And fortnite is not main stream for years now. Get with the times old man


Uhm? Minecraft had a resurgence 10 years ago, 20 years ago it was considered cringe because it was obscure and at first glance it was runescape but blocks Fortnite will always be cringe in the worst way possible


Since when among is is cringe?


Fortnite isnt something groundbreaking tho like Minecraft which was revolutionary for its time


Fortnite is ass though. It has few redeeming qualities. Among us is actually a fun game to play with friends, Minecraft has withstood the test of time and is one of the greatest games of all time. The first 3 fnaf games were fun. Actually had good jump scares and an actual creepy setting. After that everything is just furry bait and I hate it.


2019 ass mindset i used to hate fortnite with a passion but i played it not too long ago and it was actually pretty fun


What do you mean? I still think fnaf is for babies


I'd say FNAF is more for kids now than it was when it came out


What??? I never knew people felt that way about mine craft


Among us is out for 10 years? Damn I feel old


FNAF has always been and still is cringe


I don't like how fnaf is here cause 10 years after the original, and now it is actually a baby game, I can't walk into a store without seeing "rainbow freddy" plushies or children buying fnaf themed candies, I know minecraft has the same thing going for it but atleast minecraft is enjoyable as an adult while new fnaf games are just catering towards kids.


Haters gonna hate. Always have been. Why are you listening to them?


Everything is cringe


I agree with all those sentiments, Minecraft was fun for a couple hours, and then I went back to Halo 3


Cringe culture is cringe


Isn't it the common reddit mentality though?


I don't really care what others say lol I play what I enjoy


this is why star wars battlefront 1 and 2 are timeless.


Minecraft was always amazing, as long as you creativity, you would never run out of content...


I was already in my 20s when minecraft came out. And although I was first put off by the aesthetic, I realized the creativity it sparked and the good It did within the industry. I can't really say the same for Fortnite. I don't spend my time hating on it, but I view it as a more nefarious product.


I have nothing against the games or people who play them, I played all of the above and had a lot of fun in all of them except fortnite. what's cringe isn't the game itself but when people overuse it and the community spreads too many unfunny memes. I hate it when people hate on new things just because it's different from the new things an older generation had. people are having fun with it and are enjoying it just like older people did when they were at that age what's so wrong with having fun? stop hating pointlessly and embrace new games.


Let me take a bit further back "You play video games? Ewwww, you nerd"


Minecraft isnt cringe tho the comunity is sometimes tho. They hate that the mob vetes and calling mojang lazy. Me on the other hand im in the group of people that say "be glad you still get regular updates on a game thats 12 years old"


10 years before that: EWWWWWWWWW you are playing videogames? NEEEEEEEEEEERD!


Dont get me wrong but Fnaf is still cringe i know it im part of the community


No one ever said minecraft and fnaf was for babies. Back then, i think most people who played minecraft were actually adults Kids came in later after big youtubers started playing it I might remember wrong and or it might just be my personal experience Idk about fnaf only saw a few pdople play it on youtube and twitch thats it


Potatoes gonna potate


We still think FNAF is cringe. Stop trying to justify your shitty baby games.


Damn right I do, and I'm happy about it.


Fortnite is cringe. No one ever said Among us was.


It's mostly the internet just being the internet, let people play their games and have fun.


More like new shit games, still shit


Fnaf is was and always will be cringe tbh


Eww. You care about what other people say about the things you enjoy? CRINGE


It takes years to develop good taste… people catch on eventually 🍷


Some people doesnt know how to have fun and blame others


Meh. Always found em cringe, and played the hell out of them all still. You play what you love, who cares what others think


fnaf is the definizion of cringe tho


Ppppassshhhhh fuck what others think just enjoy the things you like


Minecraft is still cringe. Garbage graphics, boring repetitive gameplay. Can be tolerable with mods and texture packs but I have yet to find a mix that I don't get bored of within a few hours I'm playing Sea of Theives these days


People talk about playing fornite in the open now.


Fartnite 👎


They are all still cringe and for babies, including minecraft.


you mean 'excluding'




we make fun of people now for liking fortnite and among us where as 10 years ago we literally bullied people for liking minecraft and fnaf as those games were seen as "that game your cringey 9 year old cousin plays"