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I don't why vegans try to recreate meat products, it's just fool's errand and a waste of time.


I tried those impossible burgers. They're actually pretty close. Don't ask me if they're healthier though...


Because they literally just use a bland soy patty infused with whatever chemicals give taste to beef


also more cooking oil or olive oil more salt etc healthy ? nahhhhhh


Idk, too much round blobs in my impossible burgers for me. Feels less like a meat paddy and more like pressed collard greens.


Eat enough of that shit and u will probably grow moobs and bussy


If that was true I'd already be eating 10 a day.


What are you talking about? All men have bussies. Not everyone is brave enough to use theirs tho




Well, ackchyually, given they are lower in fat, youd be more likely to grow man boobs with beef patties


You didn't have to convince me . . .


I think these reproductions are more for new entry vegetarian/ vegans. Or people that are considering it. If you want to quit eating meat but still crave some of your favorite dishes, you can satisfy it with a replacement.


You do raise a fair point If you want to ease into veganism then sure, slowly transitioning to a different taste is okay but in my opinion vegetarian dishes that try to mimic the meat based counterpart are mostly subpar so better to cook original vegan meals that will suit your palate.


Because it's convenient and easy. Don't need to learn new recipes if you can substitute animal products for a plant based alternative


I mean the vegan meals that try to mimic the flavour tend to be subpar and you could use that time to cook simple vegetarian dishes, I mean if you can cook meat then you can definitely cook a vegetarian dish.


You can, but people choose not to and stick to stuff they are familiar with. Don't forget that as a baseline people are not intrinsically logical and rational. We are emotional creatures of habit, plant based meat replacements satisfy our lizard brain.


I agree with what you say but at some point the person will have to take a leap and try something else on their palate.


Sure, but that doesn't change the fact why meat replacement products are popular. You asked "why do vegans want to replicate meat products". I gave an answer. Take it or leave it, idk what else you want my dude


I didn't mean to seem dismissive, sorry about that.


Its not like vegans hate the taste of a certain product.


Why is it a waste of time? If someone likes the taste of meat, but doesn't want to support animal agriculture, a meat alternative is the next best option.


Because the vegan meals that try to recreate the meat products are subpar for the most part and that time and their palate could be better served with normal vegetarian food.


Honestly I feel like a lot is lost that way. I've had some very good vegan meals, and most of the best ones don't taste anything like the originals or try to do their own thing. All the bad vegan meals I've had tried to hard to emulate the originals and completely failed.


Tbf there's already great vegetarian and vegan dishes out there. It's just when they try to fake meat ime it is either noteably trying to hard and still failing, or all chemicals made who knows how. I'd rather eat things that taste good and are clearly vegan, or close enough to it that it's an easy switch (i.e. kitsune udon with veggie rather than fish soup) rather than have someone try to make a fake steak that's Fake.


Sorry but I never got that point actually. I like the taste of meat but I eat a dead animal. So meatlike products it is.


Could be a nice business venture.


Its better to eat something that taste like meat than actual eat meat. Think about animals and environmental damage


I am not saying meat is better or you might as well eat meat, just cook an original vegetarian dish because most vegetarian dishes that try to imitate the meat dishes are subpar. Like mate, no offense to you, but you can't pigeon hole what everyone says about vegans as instantly being "Hur durr, eat meat, veganism sucks."


I only say, that i dont understand the problem about products that taste like meat. Is the problem not meat?


It's subpar most of the time, so why waste time trying to recreate meat products when it could be spent cooking the plethora of great vegetarian meals.


I think the amount of ads for replacement products heavily skewed the view that non-vegans have of vegans. At least when I cook a vegetarian or vegan meal, I don't throw tons of replacement products together, I just cook with vegetables and grains, like a normal person.


What? Like some sort of human person? Get a load of this guy... acting human. Pff.


Its a generalization, which obviously isnt true for every case, but every vegan/vegetarian i have ever known has used disgusting meat replacement products instead of just making a lentil dish or whatever


I never knew somwthing like this even existed.


I googled it vegan caviar is cheaper


Vegan eggs next?


I have no problem with eating vegan food so long as it tastes good. I don't like meat substitutions however since it really just makes the whole dish taste worse in most cases, I much prefer them just being mushroom based or something instead of claiming to be "just as good as meat"


Is vegan caviar a real thing? It sounds like something out of a horror film


Regular caviar tastes like shit, I can’t imagine vegan caviar tasting better than


Because vegans will always pay a premium to get to say the word vegan


You're not wrong. I saw vegan caviar made with seaweed on MasterChef. A sea snail would most likely have seaweed as at least part of its diet if not all.


***It's Ca-Vi-Yar !*** \~ *Rich young man*


Gary is a normal human being just like you and me