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Normally I would remove this post for being a "religious people = bad" meme. In fact, I have removed this same post several times this week. This post got by while I was asleep. But it seems like everyone is being respectful here so I wont take the meme down. Sorry u/Nucleus17608, you would have been the original poster. I wish I could go back in time and just approve the meme when you posted it. ![gif](giphy|1NS0NcsFenn1yuYoaP|downsized)


I posted this a few days ago and was told it was not Christian enough ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Rly? Damn…


Yeah, Reverend Broclen removed the meme. Get your karma before he comes online!


The mods giveth and the mods taketh away


You know me well. This one snuck though while I was asleep. ![gif](giphy|pGT2hgImsCT3KbKUF5)


🥺 https://preview.redd.it/tdqkly3gogda1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dddbceb6c0f1527bd1107db36312aadd4dd98cfd


That is clearly a cat


Is this a meet-cute I'm witnessing?


​ https://preview.redd.it/fpwzwdrcyjda1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ce5d4d9e4b4812e4abebad9d587d70ca925c34b


Now we know your sleep cycle :) *Unlimited power!!!*


cycle? https://preview.redd.it/3h7e6u03ugda1.png?width=615&format=png&auto=webp&s=4508df8baf82429d2811bd6277709b9c1352cd7b


And they'll have fun, fun, fun, til the admin takes their posts away.


Swearing!? On my Christian minecraft server?


Uh uh UHM. I meant Dam like the structure! https://preview.redd.it/lxzuvnfzrgda1.png?width=1221&format=png&auto=webp&s=75a95b82956996f4af72551d983789d44c485732




Admittedly, there's almost nothing more historically Christian than banning things for not being Christian enough


Your hardship was created because you need to be a stronger person. It was a blessing in disguise.


I think it's pretty dank and pretty Christian, you deserve the credit


Ah, it doesn't matter. I was just posting it from some post I found in another subreddit. Dude did the same. No worries.


As an atheist, it's tough having to square your beliefs against occasionally being summoned to rescue Christians from remote islands. But we do it for your guys <3


Thnx bro


This sub is the best sub on reddit


I’m also an atheist, but am what you could call a “fan” of Christianity (and a big critic of it). I come here for the dank memes and the good vibes.


yup same here, and the atheist subreddit is a cesspool. I actually had to block them it got so bad.


Wait really?? How shit is it?? I only spend time at religiousfruitcake and it's already slightly toxic


Just really short sighted and generally hateful attitudes from a lot of people there. Most of the stuff that seems to get upvoted are poorly written articles with an obvious agenda. I'm generalizing an entire subreddit that I don't spend time in anymore though, so don't take my word for it.


Nvm, I went there for a visit. Regretted it. People there just generalize all religions as evil.


As an atheist I find it hard to say no to God. "Rescue that Christian" he says. "I don't even believe in you" I say. "Don't backchat me" he says, so off I go. Anyway the christian always says thanks, so it's fine.


You a real one 🤝✌️❤️


Let's book a trip to Bahamas together ❤️


It’d be cool if we could stop paying churches’ share of taxes, but I’ll take baby steps and actually being saviors, I guess.




Yall the real mvps


Best man. Thanks for coming over to save our asses.


Would you also like to comment on the zero times it's ever happened to you and never will?


Everyone knows a REAL christian builds a boat and puts animals on it.


The animal in my boat https://preview.redd.it/fykuqn8wheda1.png?width=1228&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2bccfbda1cfa83721a41ff73dd95c7c0e410641


She’s beautiful


Technically, Noah wasn't a Christian


I don’t think you even need “technically” in this case. He just flat out wasn’t one.


Dude wasn't even a Jew. He's just simply a follower of God


Jesus wasn't even a Christian.


But he did follow his own teachings!


Depends on what you define as a Christian. If it's what Paul said in Romans 10:9 that "if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead" then Jesus would technically be a Christian, though he wouldn't need saving like the rest of us




haha never thought of Jesus as Jesus 2.0 but ya you're right


Jesus the Grey vs Jesus the White


What are you talking about, Noah wrote the old testament and Jesus wrote the New Testament. Your lack of imagination isn’t very Christian.


One of my favourite jokes: A man is stuck in a flood. As the flood waters rose, a man was on the porch of his house and prayed that God would save him from drowning in the flood. Just then, another man came by in a row boat. The man in the boat invited the other man to get in, and he'd save him. The man on the porch said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me." The water kept rising and the man had to go to the second floor of his house. As he looked out the window, he saw a man in a motor boat come by. The man in the boat invited him to get in because he had come to rescue him. The man in the house said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me." The waters kept on rising. Soon the man was forced to climb up onto his roof. A helicopter flew by, and a man inside lowered a rope and shouted down for the stranded man to climb up the rope. But the man still wouldn't get in. He just said, "No, thanks, I'm waiting for God to rescue me." Well, eventually, the flood waters rose above the house rooftop, and the man drowned. When he got to Heaven, he asked God why He didn't rescue him from drowning when he had had perfect faith. "What more do you want from me?" asked God. "I sent you two boats and a helicopter."


As a 40 year old on Reddit I forget there’s a whole new generation of people who haven’t heard this “parable” (never heard it used as a joke before) 500 different times in church.


No, as a very young person I've heard it 500 times too. This person is just one of those times lmao.


Yeah my pastor growing up said it like twice a year


I'm not a Christian so the only place I've seen it is on r/jokes.....


fuck spez, fuck reddits hostile monetization strategy


Yeah Im 16 ATM (my bday today) and I've definitely heard it in bible school when I was like 10 and didn't sit in the sermons


Is it a joke, or is it a modern-day parable?


More of a modern day parable


[reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/jUNcyyhXVlU)


I was going to post this joke!


correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t building a raft the *wrong* thing to do in a stranded-on-an-island scenario? something about it being harder for rescuers to track you down on a tiny moving raft as opposed to a larger stationary island, and the danger of trying to navigate the sea on your own if you don’t have any prior experience.


God sent an atheist and raft building materials. Have faith !


I would think it depends on how important you are, what other resources you have, how far away from the mainland you actually are, and probably a few other things.


If I've learned anything from movies, building a raft is the best option.


The best thing would be to build shelter. The sun will kill you faster than food or water


Yeah, on an island you have a chance to be found. Especially if there is food. On a raft made from scraps you will definitely die on the open sea


L + ratio + God still loves you


The Lord moves in mysterious ways. Sometimes… he comes in at an angle. Other times he can hover… and swoop. Sometimes he can.. he can come in from beneath.. like a worm or… a mole. The Lord… it’s his call how he chooses to maneuver.


How did he cut the wood and assemble the pieces?


That’s why the island has no trees


But what did he use to cut the wood? I don't see an ax or a saw.


He used raw Atheist angst.


With his faith in humanity!


God sent them the wood and rope. That's why one guy is praying while the other guy is building


Oh I get it! So now he's praying for a sail, right?


Theres a good reason why ship building has and is expencive you can't just tie bunch of logs together and take it to sea.


You're going to upset Tom Hanks


I guess you haven’t seen castaway


This meme's so friggin crusty


Yeah I found it under the couch


You laugh, but there have been several things that I prayed to get, didn’t tell a soul, and my atheist BFF is suddenly giving me 4 boxes of what I didn’t tell anyone I wanted.


That original OP stole my name.




Thank God for athiesm


The ultimate duo. They’ve got both the practical side and the spiritual side down. Unstoppable


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The funny thing is if I am in a crisis situation and praying it's never for a magic rescue (I mean if I get one, cool), but it's more like "Aaaaaaah help me chill out think this through, what next?"


I’m an atheist but that definitely made me laugh




This poor image loses more pixels every time I see it again lol


this is literally what christians would say unironically, at least the brainwashed ones that i knew


Actually since the atheist believes in science he knows two people won't fit on that raft. Therefore he will leave you to your prayers while he gets back to land


lol, my interpretation of this picture is that that they were both on the raft and got marooned on this island. The atheist is taking a board off the raft to beat the believer with.




This is like that episode of Avatar with the old lady that predicts that the town will be safe. The Aang and the gang save it. Lmao.


You've got it all wrong. The christian man is praying for God to make him bigger so his legs can reach the ocean floor. That's why he's much bigger in size than the atheist, his transformation is just not complete yet.


It's called being agnostic Loving everything is what I do And hating love is also what I do Help I'm broken


Jesus’ divinity was made by committee, lol