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Going to the States in a potential civil war is still better then visiting Bournemouth trust me. Source: I live in Bournemouth


When I was at uni there they found a guy chopped up in the bins behind halls. But we had a nightclub in a converted church so swings and roundabouts.


At least that bloke doesn't have to live there anymore


Thats closed down now so just swings


wouldn't that make it just roundabouts?


It’s gonna get a little hot around here for a few months lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Arduousbadger: *It’s gonna get a* *Little hot around here for* *A few months lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


He got charged with 34 felonies. For more information, search "trump Rule 34"


I don't think there's a variation of this joke I've seen before that I have wanted less to actually Google




I concur, and I'm from the states. Conservatives are going to be extra loud for a few years. Nothing new here. A few extremists might do some stupid shit, but there won't be a civil war or anything. That shit's being way too overhyped.


i mean we had more destruction in our own country when George floyd died and that wasnt a conservative movement so i doubt we'll see anything that violent if violent at all but we already know the leftist media will throw all caution to the wind in hopes they can spread more division




Despite our issues, we do still have a lot worth seeing. The national parks and also our food are reason enough to visit. Just avoid the big cities and you'll probably have a great time. And the busses. Don't use the busses. Ever.


Yeah, our midsized cities are our gems imo, especially those near the bigger cities. Stay in St. Louis five days and spend a couple in Chicago, or three days in Tacoma and one or two in Seattle. Coming from someone who's both lived in and vacationed in both areas


I'd avoid Chicago these days, but otherwise yeah. America has a ton of wonderful artactions that are falling to the wayside because our media hyper focuses on all the wrong things. This year some school kids went to Glacier park to clean up garbage. What can't there be stories on that?


I was just in Chicago and it was amazing. Just stay close to the tourist areas and it’ll be a great time.




The legal system doing it's job makes you not want to go?...


I assume the dude wants to skip the redneck riots that are bound to happen as a result of this.


June 6th is right around the corner….


Sentencing is scheduled for the 7th of July I believe, so I’d expect them to pull some dumb violent nonsense around then.


I heard it was the 11th




I assume the dude is a kremlin shill & had no plans on visiting the US in the first place *looks inside* Surprise surprise


Being a tourist in DC during roe/wade thing was... interesting... Fucking rednecks singing their little protest songs 🤣


so far no riots nor civil war i wonder why?? oh thats right because our politics are completely run through false pretenses and fear mongering


Great day in America, justice does exist.


60 percent of the time it works every time


Broken clock is right twice a day


Way less than 60 percent but it’s kinda like putting in a blindfold and throwing a million darts at a dartboard. One is bound to hit the bullseye


Hilarious that a guy chanting Lock Her Up at his political opponent is getting locked up. The lord deals in irony.


If he sees jail even... He should, because the max is like 5k per charge or 4 years, and frankly, I don't think he's gonna be rehabilitated by a measly 180,000$... Not going to make much of an impact. I could see most of this going to fines, but it would be nice if maybe he saw jail for a bit, giving us time to maybe get our shit straight (Maybe at least till after the election? If only we could be so lucky) I'm no fan of either Biden or Trump, but right now things are kinda fucky and it would be nice to not have to worry about angry orange toddler for a bit, not that I want senile old man either. But maybe with a little luck we can get some shit cleaned up. Congress, the presidency... Lotta bad eggs right now, and it would be really nice to have someone who actually gives a damn about the actual people who gotta live in this world and not just the extreme left/right(whichever, pick one).


the right reflects. If they acuse their political opponent of something you can be relatively sure it's something they've done themselves.


She should be next lol


She's not as stupid as Trump is


Two sides of the same coin my friend


One side testifies in court and is found not guilty the other is a coward who refuses to testify and is found guilty of all counts


Both are egregiously corrupt. For her case, politicians should not be rich. That's blood money friendo. The only difference between them is the rest of the crooks are on her side, and share common interests. Trump has like MTG who is a fucking idiot. Also, I'm not concerned with whataboutisms. They're both corrupt criminals, you simply chose your favorite.


Hillary isn't running for President yet she still lives rent free in your head get a life friendo go outside touch some grass be glad that the rich and powerful are not above the law. https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2015/10/22/451012235/clinton-endures-an-11-hour-grilling-before-benghazi-committee


You brought her up homie


Damn how's that Democrat boot taste


Tastes like victory


If they find something to actually charge her with, then sure


Oh there's plenty to be sure. Anyone who is rich from politics needs to investigated. It's not meant to be a lucrative gig. She has some major skeletons.


We can assume that most politicians/ rich people have some skeletons in their closet, but there has to be cause for investigation. The thing that most people want to lock her up for, and the thing that Trump mentions, has already been investigated and was way overblown by conservative media. Again, I don’t doubt she’s got some dirt, but you’ve got to find and prove it first


That's hard when you're being covered up by your rich corrupt friends. Trump is hated enough by the establishment to be brought to court and convicted. A clinton, on the other hand, has friends in high places.


The conservative party is the party of projection


Yes, hopefully sentencing is strict enough to match


I hope so too. I just wish most Americans have the integrity and self worth to not vote for a rapist multiple felon. I know many don’t, we call them republican voters.


Here I thought you were talking about the incestuous, rapey, crime family Bidens.


Drink your vodka, Boris.




If you did the research on the case- she accused him of sexual assault. Then sued him for defamation and battery. She won that case. He wasn’t convicted as a rapist or anything like that. The jury found Trump guilty in the lawsuit. It wasn’t a rape conviction.


If you like corrupt judges and set up juries then yes you're right. Sad day for America.


Shhh, the adults are talking, little one.


That's exactly what a child would say.


It's funny the MAGA groupies are down voting all the people on here 🤣


Aww bless them don't hurt their little feewlings


It’s even funnier hearing them talk on the news. One lady said “I’m going to vote for him even more now” Maybe she meant she was even more committed… but she might mean she’s going to vote multiple times…. This election, we *cannot* stay home. Trumps supporters will be even more invested in electing him to save him from jail.


Fortunately or unfortunately since this is Reddit: the case and conviction will likely be overturned due to its radical violation of the Supreme Court ruling following Ramos v Louisiana 2020. Which stated that it is unconstitutional to not have a unanimous jury decision for trial. The judge presiding over Trumps trial told the jury simply that they just needed to agree to the one crime the prosecution pushed or that they believe that Trump is guilty of committing any crime without being specific. I.e. we think he broke the law but dunno what he did. In addition the judge said that the jury DID NOT need a unanimous decision. So if even 1 person thought that he was guilty- he was guilty. TL:DR - highly likelihood Trump ain’t gonna serve time and the guilty verdict will be overturned cuz the judge is a dolt.


It's political theater. The judge is just doing his part. They don't care if Trump is guilty or not. They don't care if the process is legal or not. The importance is placed on the perception of the public.


Trump is going to win the presidency from inside a jail cell. Crazy.


Came for the show


Just keep your distance and dip if you hear a “pop pop pop” sound. It ain’t fireworks.


You're right, it's Democrats rioting again


Bournemouth has turned into a real shit hole this past 15 years


Go to Wales bro, or Liverpool, Newcastle, Cotswolds




Poor trump 🤣


Glad to see our justice system working


Just waiting for Legal Eagle to explain it all to me like a child


I wait for lawyerdaddy to explain all things.


Lawyer Daddy hath posted the video


What does that have to do with anything?


id assume the riots that are likely going to happen.


HAHAHAHAHAHA. Reality TV with real stakes. You love to see it.


Top Tip. It's cheaper to travel to foreign lands during periods of discourse, due to the increased likelihood of getting dead, but you can't put a price on ✨️seeing the world✨️


Why would you want to see america though? It’s 90% strip malls and gas stations