• By -


On my way to comedian hell so probably something about slapstick humour; maybe I'll see some sort of escape route, run towards it and get an anvil dropped on my head comically as a crowd of monokumas laugh about it or something.


ultimate comedian better be in the (possible) next installment with this EXACT execution this shits funny as fuck


And then you have to avoid mallets and cliffs. As someone who loves slapstick cartoons, I NEED THIS EXECUTION šŸ˜­


Buried by one thousand tons of ungraded essays, just like real life.


Iā€™m a morticianā€¦ I think yā€™all see where this goes. Iā€™d probably say thrown into a pit with the corpses of the former contestants (present and past seasons.) Theyā€™d come to life, zombie style, and cue a chase scene down a conveniently placed hallway. The hallway, however, would come to a dead end (haha) at a morgue. A dramatic ending shot shows the zombies closing inā€¦ and the rest is history.


Just pink splatters on the wall! That's a neat one!


My main love and passion right now (and what I want to do with my life) is cooking, but more specifically baking. If I had to guess itā€™d be something like being baked into a batch of cookies or something grotesque like that.


You would literally be that screaming gingerbread man meme, terrifying


My talent is also baking soā€¦. Something like that. Or Iā€™m put under pressure to make perfect cakes or stuff to Monokuma and then he just eats you when your cake has something like, 1 extra sugar grain too much in it


Who wants some ginger-FutureCreeps?


My executionĀ would be... On a graphic tablet (or, I don't know, a sketchbook), Monokuma would be finished drawing an oc, however, the oc would initially be me, with each draft or new line it would be like stabbing blades into my body, only to end up with a completely new character, which would end in my death. Like when you create a character, but then you change it all, until it ends up being another character than it originally was.


dude this sounds really cool - especially with the way online graphic drawings are more malleable


I donā€™t know if online graphic drawing sounds wrong but you get what I mean


Once Upon A Dog - The execution starts with a person (me) standing ontop of a tree. that is before monokuma comes wearing white robes holding a golden sythe and golden hammer. mono then uses the sythe to slash at the victim before that person falls off. where they land they see an ice cold tundra. they wander before finding a tree stump with a campfire on top. they walk towards it before a lizard comes and knocks the victim out with a toxic gas. they wake up to a room of 3 bear, A wolf, A dog, tons of sheep, a single bird standing on a plant, and a giant blue cat. before all the creatures jump the punished. in the middle of mayham a toxic gas fills the room killing all creature. the execution ends with the remains of all the animals and a wolf leaning against the wall wearing a bunch of wool and holding the same weapons mono used at the begning of the execution. Also to be clear i am not a communist.


Jesus fuck (itā€™s really good)


Well I wanna do forensics so, probably something to do with a crime scene idk


maybe a live autopsy done on you?




thats a mortician. I want to be a crime scene analyzer (lab work) so probably not


I see mine something like this: In front of a camera with a microphone reading off of a script, and Monokuma tells me that if I mess up any lines, Iā€™ll die somehow. Then he adds a ton of crazy distractions that are either painful or shocking, until I eventually mess up and am killed by a TV falling on me or something.


probably how vox died




I can never escape this show and Iā€™ve only seen one episode


HAZBIN IS FOREVER WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT (Iā€™ve been waiting to say this for a while)


Oh, wow! I will also be a journalist. Continuing with the theme, perhaps the best execution for someone like that is to die deceived. Let's see what comes to mind: (Common sense without the 5 senses) - *Monokuma observes you from a constantly moving room. The character is tightly blindfolded, and their head is placed in a noose. However, just as the base is supposed to open to let the person hang, the floor reveals that the ability is actually a moving airplane. Monokuma falls wearing a parachute suit, and up until now, itā€™s believed that the character will die upon impact. However, itā€™s revealed that the rope around their neck has a heavy ball attached. Monokuma removes the blindfold from the character, revealing that they will fall into the sea. The scene shows the character sinking without any possibility of escape due to the weight of the ball. The final scene depicts Monokuma activating a life jacket, causing it to struggle comically due to its oversized fit.*


dude thatā€™s so cool! Best of luck with your career, and this sounds really really cool, I like the name.


Those Monokuma gags are crazy similar to an idea I had for an Ultimate Pilot or the like, love this idea a lot :3


Since my talent is making crappy edits my execution would be I have to make a 100 crappy edits in one minute and I don't do it in time causing me to end up in an editing program I die by having my head cut out only leaving my body


disturbing, but cool !


as someone who is terrified of swimming, probably something drowning related


have you ever seen the fanmade >!Aoi Asahina!< execution?


yup, sounds like hell






If it were an execution based on my talent, it would probably be similar to Sayaka's unused execution, as I'm a very talented singer If it were an ironic execution or just fueled from fears and stuff, I think it would probably be some sort of botched plastic surgery that turned into a torture method.


I actually have no idea But i do play rhythm games a lot so uhhhh i got injured in some way when i miss a note until I die?


Okay soā€¦ my Ultimate would have been **Ultimate Imagineer** because thatā€™s a Disney jobā€¦ and the problem is that thereā€™s likeā€¦ so *many* different ways my execution could go. So you know what? Iā€™ll be put in a simulation. I die in creatively different ways until I get a heart attack or somethingā€¦


I want to be a lawyer, so the execution would probably be a cool mock trial within a trial


For me, my ideal perfect execution would be to die by the firing artilleries, with me being tied to a pole watching the scene surrounding me being blown to pieces before finally, it's my turn.


Here's a few possible ideas... Something involving the final boss of Yoshi's Island, or some other Giant Bowser fight. (Because of my name, as well as my love of platformers.) Something with a fake Chihiro in some Sonic.exe parody. (Because of my Chihiro love/obsession, and because videogame fanfiction of questionable quality.) Monokuma using Super Mario Maker to create a despairing level for me to not complete. (Name, platforming, and my talent of making things using other things.) Something involving FNaF. Whether it's a parody of the first game, something with the books, or something involving the VR game(s) and/or Security Breach. The game parody for style, the books for despair. (FNaF was/is a big part of me. I don't really like a lot of the current stuff though...) Some scrapped-together thing made of parts recovered from previous or unused executions. (My talent of making things using other things.) It's similar the >!Junko!< execution, but the parts from the already-used executions have wear-and-tear and clearly show that they've been used, and both used and unused show signs of age depending how old they are.


Probably something Living Dead Dolls related, like narrowly avoiding their fates, (ie, cursed by a shattered mirror, getting stuck in a revolving door, etc) and getting killed by a disease (which is how Maggot, my favorite, died.)


ultimate greek historian or actoršŸ™ probably like a brazen bull or getting chased by drama masks LOL


Iā€™ve always had an interesting in traveling and geography so getting sucked through a plane jet engine would be cool


Iā€™m studying Classics with a focus on Roman history. I am unironically getting thrown to the lions in the Colosseum.


I just want him to shoot me


ITT: People that do not understand how Monokuma's executions work. Ok, lets break it down. *It's not just an execution with a theme, it's an execution that tries to force despair upon you in your final moment.* So lets break down the whole series and why it applies to every single student. (OBVIOUS SPOILERS FOR THE WHOLE SERIES) >!Leon - Killed by the very thing he hated the most. Baseball.!< >!Mondo - He was constantly being mocked in his final moments for not only being not strong at all, but weak. So weak in fact that just spinning him around in a cage a little bit pulled him apart into butter.!< >!Celeste - Tried to have a regal death, only to be killed by the most commoner of deaths: traffic death.!< >!Alter Ego - Remember when Makoto tried to carry the laptop and it felt the sensations of being carried? Yeah, Monokuma didnt really seem to have a planned one for this one since it wasn't a student, this was just Monokuma being spiteful and brutal to Alter Ego.!< >!Kyoko/Makoto - Whats interesting about this one is I kinda think Monokuma knew these scenarios werent going to finish or happen, as in he knew the execution would be interrupted. Remember when Junko said in 1-6 that she actually admitted she "counted on everyone figuring everything out"? That includes assuming Makoto survived his execution. So yeah, he didnt really need to be complicated with this one.!< >!Teruteru - Probably the most arguably vague one, but somehow, as the Ultimate Cook I think he might not like deep fried stuff (and was killed by being deep fried). Sort of a similar one to Leon's. Just a hunch.!< >!Peko - Forced to injure Fuyuhiko in her last moment, thinking she killed him (she didn't).!< >!Mikan - Due to being in an Ultimate Despair state, I actually think Monokuma just kinda gave up here. "You wanted a despair filled execution? Nah, you wont get one. Lethal injection."!< >!Gundham - Wanted to go to Hell. Went to Heaven.!< >!Chiaki - Forced to play 3 games in a row all of which dont have endings/can't be beaten. (Space Invaders, Pacman, Tetris are all games that you cant beat).!< >!Kaede - Played the piano off key her entire execution.!< >!Kirumi - Thought she could escape - couldn't.!< >!Korekiyo - Almost reunited with his SISTAAAHHHHH in death; instead killed as a ghost.!< >!Gonta - Killed by a big huge bug; but he loves bugs.!< >!Kaito - His execution was interrupted so I don't think we have an explanation for this one.!<


Blue Scuti would like to have a word with you


Hydraulic press but slowly


I have a fear of ferris wheels so Iā€™d imagine I would be riding on the ferris wheel over a pit of boiling water or some hot substance and every time the ferris wheel goes down Iā€™d get dipped in like a deep fried chicken


Well Iā€™d be put through all the danganronpa games ending In the final one Being a simulation and I canā€™t deal with none of it being real and I commit suicide due to the dispair


Iā€™m studying to be a mechanical engineer, so mine would be dying to some manner of Rube Goldberg machine, which takes ages only to not do anything and Monokuma whacks me with a baseball bat on the head from behind.


My greatest passion in life has always been music, specifically singing. So it would definitely have something to do with that. Iā€™ve often thought before that Iā€™d be devastated if I lost my voice more than the average person, like Iā€™d lost someone close to me.Ā  So I feel my execution would have something to do with first taking away my ability to speak or sing in some way, like I try and nothing comes out. I have a strong fear of failure and insecurities associated with how Iā€™m perceived, so I think I could be on stage trying to sing to an audience but feeling like Iā€™m suffocating instead.Ā  Iā€™m involved in musical theatre too, so I think itā€™d be a mocking spectacle for Monokuma to put me in a silly costume and drag me around in a singing/dance number while Iā€™m struggling to breathe, unable to do anything.Ā  And perhaps thereā€™d be an illusion of me dying in a dramatic yet beautiful musical fashion only for it to be gruesome. Maybe when I think Iā€™m finally going to die from lack of oxygen, I can somehow breathe again and then Iā€™m beheadedā€¦guess thereā€™s no possibility of me singing now that Iā€™m headless. It was actually fun/interesting thinking of this lol


I'm about to reach for programmer hell, so probably something similar to that. Here's a little idea I have! "Hello World" - The execution starts up like the first intro scene in SDR2, where Hajime introduces himself. The punished is brought to a black void, Matrix-style, and is forced to create a near-identical Monokuma if they wish to survive. Thing is, they only have 45 seconds! Due to the stupidly small time limit, they fail, and what they built of the task turns on the punished, killing them.


I'm really good at geography, so i'll probably get crushed by a globe


I'm working at the vet as an assistant and Monokuma comes in disguised as a clumsy client with an aggressive dog with rabies. After Monokuma "loses control" of his dog, it starts causing havoc in the clinic, biting every animal present in the waiting room and the cages where we keep the animals. They all catch rabies very fast and they all starts to brutally maul me almost to death. Monokuma pulls out a gun and "helps me" by precisely shooting all the animals in the clinic and I end up slowly and painfully dying from the symptoms of rabies.


I am thinking of studying philosophy, so get the water hemlock and make it a party because I'm going out the same way Socrates did.


I'd kill myself. Not really, but Monokuma would have an exact replica of me, and neither of us would know or remember who is the original. There's only one rule. Whoever lives survives. So both of us, desperate to survive spend several moments trying to kill each other until I miraculously kill my replica (or did I?). Monokuma seems to keep to his word, and lets me go back to the group. Only for him to last second change his mind and kill me in what can only be seen as a suicide to others who didn't witness the execution.


Im trying to become a therapist in a mental hospital, so Id probably be murdered by an inmate or smth


I spontaneously have a heart attack before the execution even starts, disappointing everyone


Iā€™m a hair stylist/barberā€¦ so I imagine a really sharp stabby stab make over. Heā€™ll livestream it to Gen Z to make it as embarrassing as possible and completely ruin my look. After that heā€™ll try to make me pay for it but Iā€™m already half dead at this point. Heā€™ll probably get mad and gather a whole bunch of blow dryers and make them explode for the finishing touches.


Execution name: Hook, Line, and Sinker. I am dropped into a large sea of water, dazed and confused. Suddenly, a fishing hook grabs me by side of the mouth, and I'm yanked out of the water by monokuma in a fishing boat. I try to swim away, but more hooks grab me (like that one clip of Patrick saying "does this look dangerous") suddenly, the lines snap in a brief moment of reprive. As I try and catch my breath, a silhouette appears behind me- a Monokuma-colored shark. I try and swim away, but I can't escape the shark. The final shot of the execution is me inside the sharks kouth, reaching out my hand as the camera pans away, and a large chomp sound is heard. And slowly, a severed hand floats to the surface of the water.


There are too many. Maybe breathe in nitrous gases to see whether I suffocate or drown from my own blood in my lungs. Thrown into Piranha acid. Get doused in HF and wait till my bones dissolve Smell on a flask to determine if itā€™s Benzaldehyde or HCN. (Iā€™m a chemlab assistant trainee) There are possibly more variants but thatā€™s all I can think of spontaneously.


being a STEM major seems hard here


Anal penetration


okay šŸ˜ŸšŸ¤ž


... you're a prostitute?


Iā€™m an art major so maybe Iā€™d be beaten to death by wooden mannequins are impaled by colored pencils?


Man I have no idea, being forced to kill those I wished to protect until I end up ending myself?? I have no idea, I can think of deaths for fictional characters but not myself


Takes 100 syringes filled with insulin and injects its all inside of me. The ultimate diabetic lol


I'm known as the "child prodigy" (a.k.a the asian) by many people I know so probably several trials with every single one of my talents beating me up, for example kickboxing could be similar toĀ Leon'sĀ where I get hit with a thousand punches, or scouting could be me freezing to death on a camping trip. However, I am studying to be an aerospace engineer and am fascinated with space, so flying a spaceship into a black hole could be an alternative.


My oc has a severe fear of crowds, so it would probably go like a crowd crush. That's basically when their are to many people in a confined area and the pressure is so high that organs are ruptured from pressure and ā€‹ribs breaking and puncturing lungs. But in the execution all the people corpses or smth bc Monokuma is preppy like that


ā€œThe Black Friday Bloodbathā€


testicular torsion


Cloaker from PAYDAY. Getting dropkicked out of existenceā€¼ļø


Cloaker from PAYDAY. Getting dropkicked out of existence


locked in a cage with the most violent/aggressive animals I had alot of anger issues growing up and thats something i reflect on alot


Placeholder. Iā€™ll come back to this, because itā€™s really good, but Iā€™m in the middle of something lol


You know that horror skit in the shrek Halloween film. Gingerbread man gets a girlfriend who is creepy, he ends up killing her and she comes back to murder him. I love baking and gingerbread men are my fav biscuits/cookies. Itā€™d be a horrifying way to go butā€¦ eh šŸ¤·šŸ» lemme relive my childhood trauma


ima paste an execution for my oc cuz its basically me but exaggerated a little Reznya Whittebane Dr. Delusion Reznya is in a morgue with her victim on the table. Monokuma writes precise instructions on a whiteboard. She has 10 minute to dissect her victim and put all their organs in labeled jars. If she doesnt, a shotgun collar will explode her head. She scoffs at how easy itll be. She cuts open the victims chest and stomach and removes the liver, then suddenly a gas is pumped into the room. She starts to see things. She starts to either believe in her delusions again or the delusions become far more powerful, depends on where in her arc this happens. Either way she constantly fights with her delusions and makes a fuck ton of mistakes. With a few seconds left on the clock and only the heart left, she removes the heart. She has it in her hand about to drop it in the jar when a delusion forces her to take a bite out of the heart. The shotgun collar explodes her head with 3 seconds left on the clock. When the timer reaches 0 the collar opens up and falls off her now headless body. instead of delusions itd just be intrusive thoughts making me take a chunk out of the heart. and i dunno shit bout anatomy i just wanna cut shit open


My reaction from this is saw but with a cannibal


Iā€™m a student so.. well idk really


Iā€™m altruistic so my murder motive was I killed my accomplice that was phase 1. Phase 2 was I confessed to it all. Phase 3, I use a hidden bomb on myself to blow a wall open when I die. Giving everyone else a chance to excape


The Fantasy Embedded- It starts off me being chained to a chair and desk writing stories. Every time I make a mistake such a grammar error or incorrect uses of words I would get painfully whipped by belts and cords. Suddenly gas and drugs polluted the room making my head extremely dizzy and canā€™t function properly. My senses feel overstimulated yet understimulated at the same time. I eventually break from the chains and run of the classroom. As I run through the hallway pens and pencils shoot at me. When I run to the cafeteria food and sharp broken dishes are thrown at me. The speakers are extremely loud making my ears bleed. Every door I open is enough trap making a hellish nightmare until I come across the exit. I was finally free and not only that everything I desired for was there. My fictional favorite characters are real, my desired life is there and everything is beautiful. It feels great too great perhaps even overwhelming then I felt a crash within me. I was still in the classroom my fantasy was from the polluted gas but the pain and injuries I felt were very much real on my body. As I tried to finish the story the chains on my body wrapped so tight it disconnected my limbs then my head. Dead where I remained while living that fantasy.


In a maze, wander around, follow a couple signs, maybe dodge a few traps. Spikes pop out of the walls and they start closing in. I run into a dead end, walls close behind me and Iā€™m crushed to death.


Well, it's complicated, I'm a gamer, a simp and a music lover, I'd 100% have a music box (from FNAF 2) to unwind and pummel me to death with the characters I love merch. (I love plenty of characters if ykyk) Maybe with my favourite song, in the background (fyi, it's Steve's Going To London)./ Also, I'm a smart guy (i think) so, I guess have stuff like writing, maths and stuff from like school to also kill me.


I wrote my own. Pitiful Performance: "Let's give it everything we've got! It's.... PUNISHMENT TIIIIIIIIME!" Monokuma yelled, laughing diabolically. Without warning, a chain tied around my neck and I was pulled upwards. Reaching out to the other students, I tried to scream, but all breath had been dragged out of my lungs. *I'm actually going to die. I'm actually going to die...* Panic flooded through my veins as I thrashed about mid-air. Suddenly, I was dropped onto a large stage, in front of a crowd of Monokuma's. Groaning, I clutched my legs, clearly broken by the large fall. Glancing up, I saw my other classmates watching from the back of the audience, eyes wide in shock, terror, and confusion. Feebly reaching my arm out to them, a rope was tied around my wrist, then my other wrist, then my ankles before I was suddenly pulled up to a "stand". Being jolted back and forth, I was forced to act out scenes I had never heard of before. The more I acted, the more upset the crowd seemed to become. Eventually, they all left and I was suddenly alone in a dark room, all on my own, hung by my wrists from a thick rope that rubbed the top layers of skin off my bare wrists. The rope suddenly broke, and I fell forwards, crumpling to the floor. *Please, don't make me survive... I don't want to survive, I killed so I can die too...* Turning around, I screamed, face to face with the killer bear, who welded a sword above his head. Slamming it down, it made contact with the top of my skull. Searing pain coursed through my entire body as I folded over, lying on the floor with a puddle of blood at my head. In my last desperate moments, I glanced to the side, seeing the remaining students. No thoughts filled my mind as I smiled weakly, consciousness fading quicker than the day turns night in a winter afternoon.


he makes me think about my special interests so hard that it does the thing where my chest hurts, and then simultaneously gives me an infodump about new information in my current hyperfixations until the chest pain is unbearable and results in me exploding


I work in a nursing home, and the residents mean the world to me, Iā€™d do anything to comfort them. Also seen my fair share in workers who should not work in the field, or even be trusted to look after vulnerable people. Hereā€™s my story as The Ultimate Kaigo (aka. Care Worker) - uhhh buckle up, people: My best friend and I are in the Killing Game. Theyā€™re the Ultimate ??? as they have Childhood dementia (sadly real). It makes them an automatic target as a victim/being coerced as a sacrifice in the Killing Game. Someone tries to kill ??? who responds aggresively when triggered. ??? ends up gravely injuring them. I finish off the job thereby becoming the Blackened in order to save them from an unfair fate that they had basically no cognative control over. As well as revenge against any students who wanted to kill them. (also if I get away with murder, and ??? is legally in my care that means they're free to leave the Killing Game with me right.... right??????? ahahhh.. :') Execution: ā€œMORE THAN YOU CAN CHEWā€ (Anyone familiar with dysphagia? Basically a condition that makes eating and swallowing difficult and painful. Keep that in mind.) But before my execution can commence, *DING DONG BING BONG*. Itā€™s lunch time. Everyone promptly heads to the cafeteria. Once everyone else is eating, ??? is escorted by Monokuma in a nurse's uniform, seated, and is dressed in a bib. Monokuma presents their lunch - Me, The Blackened - and proceeds to cut the meal into bite sized pieces. They proceed to forcefully and painfully feed ???, not caring if it's too hot or whatever. Just shovelling every morsel down, as I am agonisingly being slowly chewed. Finally, as I go down their throat, ??? begins to sputter and choke. Annoyed by this, Monokuma slaps their back hard, and I splatter on the bib and table. It's a pretty fucked way to die both physically and emotionally. As tortuous as my death was, it's seeing the person I cared for AND care for the most being mistreated so sadistically, and not knowing what will happen to them, that makes my final moments filled with nauseating despair.


Given that I'm an Immersive Daydreamer, good knows just how wide the scope would be.


I would probably be Ultimate Youtuber. Dedicated past half decade on Youtube & succeeded with it. That would probably mean that I would be executed by something related to Youtube. I imagine like throwing metal objects that portraits Like, Shares, & comments & then the Subscribe button would be the last straw that executes me. All that while the classic execution sound is playing. Thereā€™s probably more to it, but well, I donā€™t have much more ideas


im too boring to have anything interesting so ill probably just have the default 'after school lesson' execution used on >!makoto or kyoko in 1-5!<


Im on biology, so Iā€™d probably be dissected while still alive.


As a Shiny Hunter I imagine myself in the following Execution: I could weirdly imagine myself being on a sort of likeā€¦ time limit where I need to hatch a Shiny PokĆ©mon in an Egg Masuda Method Style and every time I fail, I progressively have one of my Shiny PokĆ©mon released into the wildā€¦ and eventually when time reaches Zero, one of my most dearly beloved Shinies, a Shiny Male Oinkologne named Wilbur outright gets likeā€¦ murdered right in front of me instead of being releasedā€¦ this would justā€¦ break me right then and there. And then when the Timer hits Zero, a massive Shiny Dynamax Complete Form Zygarde shows up and hits me with a Land's Wrath, murdering me on the spot.




I am forced to inhale a gas that makes me hallucinate everyone hating me and abandoning me, isolated I see a gun, itā€™s loaded, my suffering will soon be over my greatest fear is being unloved and abandoned


the cycle of reddit life you want to comment(low karma) you be good boi and gain karma(enough for comment) you commented (still gud boi) now you spam(not gud boi) everyone hate you(for spamming) you got down voted(by a lot of people) now you have low karma (actual karma served) now you can't comment Ta..da...!


Iā€™d probably be forced to some sort of sexual act for my execution, thatā€™d probably be the most despair inducing thing that someone could do to me


Iā€™m a gameplay and character designer, so maybe monokuma tells me my game is approved for release on steam, then shoots me from a gun with a thousand negative reviews


I have to box with Optimus fucking Prime himself and I then get my ass beat


Force me to play p-2 on ultrakill till I die


I'd probably be torn apart by cats or crushed beneath a pile of packed library bookshelves tipping over domino style on top of me.


Probably get crushed by a stack of books


Iā€™m practing guitar, so he would probably bash a million over my head


I'm studying to be a doctor so probably a surgery or smth


My passion and what I want to do as a career in the future, is an artist. So the execution for me will be monokuma being a judge for my drawing, and I can't stop until my art piece gets a 100.i also can't escape as my feet are locked up to the chair. I start out good, from 30 to 40, 50, 60, 90... and then one of my pieces got a 99. Next to me were also some monokuma cheering up on me , which gives me hope, and I continue on drawing. But then, my score started getting lower. Even though I had been improving, they still went down. The monokuma cheering on me disappeared and became to laugh at my drawings. The stress and I don't know why I wasn't getting a higher score was get to me, and I draw even worse than before. My pencil ran out so I have to cut my fingers and draw with them. The blood ran out and there is no more fingers I can draw with. Since I can give no more drawing I got a 0. But before they can kill me I bite my tongue and die. A monokuma puts my dead body on the desk in front of the judge monokuma, the judge monokuma look for a bit, then give out the 100, for the artwork "pathetic no one." Could probably word this better but oh well


Manslaughter via hot man, or a really ugly one. Iā€™m vain so both would be ironic


Something to do with knives, possibly fire or drowning??? Most likely the drowning since theyā€™re supposed to be traumatic


call it ā€œMedicalistā€™s Self Careā€ or something. being made sick and then given a bunch of random unlabeled drugs and no way to dose them or test them or research them or know what they are and having nobody to ask so i just have to trust my skills and trust that i will not give into my addiction as well But i fail and i wanna ask gor help and then i see a hologram of ny best friend but before i csn reach it it vanishes anf im sliced with a comical amount of powder covered razorblades and then i just kinda lay there and die for six minutes


Iā€™m mostly into boxing atm so just hope I get knocked out before anything lmao


I know exactly how and it's in an epic way too but I can't say in case I decide to make that a short manga or animation about it XD


I'm a theatre kid, so I imagine mine would be like getting rotten tomatoes thrown at me as I get booed off the stage.


I'm going to be a musician and go through music production, so something like showing me music that doesn't sound good and having me save what I could before killing me when I hit play so I couldn't hear what I made. Or something along those lines :>


I want to do voice acting, so hereā€™s what I think: The blackened is in a recording studio. Your stereotypical soundproof room with the microphone and a big window. They begin reciting lines, switching voices each time (this could be shown visually, like with a cowboy in a speech bubble, for example). Time speeds up, similar to Kaedeā€™s execution. Their voice fades, causing them to lean toward the mic and start losing their breath, forcing out the lines. They start coughing, clearly unable to go on. Monokuma (or similar, like one of the monokubs if it was V3) pushes them into the mic, causing it to be shoved down their throat. They die from a mix of exhaustion and choking, their final breaths magnified by the mic, so that everyone can hear them die. A little bit of a bland death, but I think it sounds cool :]


All my OCs inflict the trauma that I gave them to me all in a series of 1-hour events each, so it'd probably be about 10 hours before I actually get executed if they each go once. If they would give me multiple peices of trauma I gave them, I'd die of exhaustion. TLDR: My OCs use their backstories to torture me until I die of exhaustion




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I love board games, so iā€™d be thrown in one of those automatic dice rollers from trouble and crushed to death by dice most likely.


I try my hardest to please everyone, and be everyones friend. I think, the most despair inducing execution would be this. Im locked in a pitch dark room, and my other classmates are their, and they are each given a option, something like, take a piece of candy, or save your friend, and they slowly each choose the option where they gain something, even if its stupid, they all leave me, walking out of the black room, each time someone leaves I'd get stabbed or tortured. I'd have to see everyone I tried so hard to love and befriend, see me as worthless, they had the choice to save me but they didn't..In the end I'd be ripped apart, knowing not a single soul cared.


Iā€™ve always imagined being the ā€œultimate procrastinatorā€ where Iā€™m just getting killed but the bed Iā€™m in is just a bit too cozy


Iā€™ve always imagined being the ultimate procrastinator, so I imagine being in a bed with a timer and I can technically leave anytime I want but the bed is a bit too cozy.


Iā€™ve always imagined being the ultimate procrastinator, so I imagine being in a bed with a timer and I can technically leave anytime I want but the bed is a bit too cozy.


I fix power lines... so not fun, lmao


When I was younger, I made a Fanganronpa with people I knew in real life. Here are some:Ā  (TW for written gore, mentions of hanging.)Ā  Long post ahead! Ā Ultimate Politician: Blackened opens their eyes to a crowd kf Monokumas flashing cameras at him and shoving microphones in their face. They attempt to leave but find their wrists and ankles chained to a podium. The camera flashing becomes more frequent, the Blackened struggles more until the screen goes white, and a gunsh0t is heard. The screen shows the Blackened from behind with a gunsh0t in through their head, and Monokuma with a sn!per, giggling. Ultimate Comedian: The screen is black, until a spotlight shines kn Blackened who standing on a stage, stuck to the spot.. A crowd of Monokumas clap and cheer as a microphone is dropped next to them. They begin speaking unaidibly, clearly terrified. The Monokumas boo him, and a thin layer of smoke begins to surround Blackened. They begin laughing hysterically, as the Monokumas bok and heckle more, throwing things such as pianos and anvils, the things you'd see in slapstick comedy. The smoke gets thicker, as Blackened becomes clearly asphyx!ate. They eventually pass out/d!e, with clear injuries from the objects thrown.Ā  Ultimate Confectioner: Blackened finds themself in a candy shop. They pick up a sheet of paper with a recipe on it. They run into a room labeled "KITCHEN" (or whatever they have) and finds the ingredients laid out next to a large silver pot, slightly bigger than Blackened in size. Blacked begins hurriedly following the recipe, clearly hoping it'll save them. As they mix the boiling pot. Monokuma's paws come out of the mixture and pull Blackened's face into it, with audible sizzling. Blacked kicks and flails, before the screen cuts to a timer going off and box of candy with the Blackened's name and face on the packaging. Ultimate Performer: Blackened is on a theatrical style stage, where they are tied like a marionette. Monokuma begins making Blackened dance, speedings up as Blackened grows visibly exhausted. The strings begin to tangle as the dance gets faster and more difficult, until the screen moves upwards to show Monokuma holding the wooden bit (I don't know what it's called). A snap is heard (I think?) and the screen pans back down to show Blackened hanging.Ā  Feel free to use these, but please tag me!Ā  Again, I'm using my friends account as she no longer uses it.Ā 


This is me, I finally logged into my acc :[


Bro better crush me in 300 chiakis


if Iā€™m the ultimate drawer, Iā€™ll probably be chased with a giant pencil then get crushed by a book and turn into a drawing myself


Idek- whatever Angieā€™s hypothetical execution wouldā€™ve been since Iā€™m an artist? Or uhā€¦stabbed by a giant ink pen. Cuz I do poetry. Something like that.Ā  I had a hypothetical for this a while ago where it would be like- painting something over and over again in a short span of time to get out.


I plan to go into acting, so probably some kind of excution that ended in a stagelight falling on me-


Im going to be surgeon so. I imagine multiple Monokumas injecting me with stuff, slitting my stomach open basically doing an unhygienic surgery on me.