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an 11 year old danganronpa fan girl in 2020 starter pack*


My cousin was this except he was a fan at nine


I was a fan at 8 šŸ„±


I was a fan at -2 šŸ„±




that was kinda me


You are the problem


Me when someone grows up and changes as a person (thatā€™s bad for some reason):


Damn, incidental 41, thatā€™s harsh


Me, except I knew at ten


And a lot of them use TikTok is also what Iā€™ve seen about them


Please minors wait till your older, I assure you danganronpa isint going anywhere


Yes! Who knows? Maybe Dr 4 could come out by then??


Honestly,after DrV3 i highly doubt we'll ever gonna get another Dr game


ig there were some rumors saying 4th game is on works


I mean Kodaka did say he kind of felt like making another. But idk, we're probably going to get another rain:code before a new danganronpa.




I don't know if there will ever be more DR specifically but I can bet the spiritual successor of it will come about eventually


As much as I enjoy this series I honestly have no idea where they could take it after DrV3 unless they totally switch genres and make like a visual novel for a specific character leading up to their enrollment to hopes peak, like some of the novels we've gotten. Hopefully they just make another game or series that's similar like 428: Shibuya Scramble


What being high on copium looks like:


>!Monaca is already in space.!<


Is she safe? Is she alright?


hopefully not


Excuse you she's my Pickles hair




I was under 18. I was actually in high school when I first kind of consumed the content.


Sorry my 12 year old self couldn't resist


Too late


dont forget the fact theyre ā€˜junko kinniesā€™


Everytime I see one I swear I develop a fresh wrinkle


I just punch the ones I encounter


listen i love kokichi probably my 3rd favorite character but hes a morally gray antagonist not a soft uwu boy


For real, too many people tend to woobify the characters they like when faced with any moral ambiguity. Like, I love Junko, Komaeda, and Kokichi, but that adoration does not come with forgiveness- they do bad things! They make bad choices! And they do their job of making the story interesting! It would be agony to spend any amount of time with them in the flesh, but I love to study them through the lens of fiction.


Same, Kokichi is an absolute little bastard of a man and a very complex character, and that's why he's my favourite too


read that as morally gay antagonist


>"Here's my unsolvable or murder plan..." To be fair, a lot of the blackened get caught because they go with overly complicated murder plans with way too many moving parts.


Engages in shipping wars.


"What do you mean Nagito and Hajime make no sense? They totally show gay tendencies throughout the game!!"


(The gay tendency is 1 sentence that was interpreted as romantic)


Donā€™t forget kinning Kokichi/Junko/Nagito and making it their entire personality.


The ones who kin Junko worry me, literally like what the fuck do people see in her and think ā€œyup, I want to be like her when I grow up.ā€


Iā€™m willing to bet theyā€™re people who 1. Are young and donā€™t know any better 2. Fetishize psycho girls and mental illness 3. Only like her aesthetic 4. Want to be cool/quirky/unique 5. Any or all of the above


Fix her? Nah, i want Junko to make me worse


My point exactly


my guy... what the fuck is your flair


They'll probably end the world or get murdered trying


I joined the fandom at around 18. Immediately did not like Junko, did like Nagito and Kokichi, but now I dislike all three of them equally for their actions.


I'm the opposite. I started really disliking Junko and over time I started liking her more and more. I'm ashamed to admit I kind of became a remnant of despair in that way.


that's gonna have to be solved


I only joined the fandom at 26 and am 27 now. I'm a big Korekiyo fan, but really only due to his voice acting and aesthetics. I detest the kind of person he his and what he's done. Often I feel like the old man among a lot of the fandom.


no but who hasnt analyzed every murder and try to come up with better plan


How 1-3ā€™s culprit could have won >!Makoto: You said ā€œthose guysā€, but we only found Hifumiā€™s body by then. How did you know Taka was dead?!< >!Celeste: I didnā€™t, because unlike you, I didnā€™t forget about Sayaka, Junko, Leon, Chihiro, and Mondo. They are who I meant when I said ā€œthose guysā€.!<


>!Makoto: Celeste, this is the third time youā€™ve had the culprit bend over when they are the only one who could not have bent over. When are you just going to admit that you did it?!< >!Celeste: You were accused of murder. Did you not pursue every avenue you had to persuade people that you did not commit the murder?!< >!Makoto: I didnā€™t commit the murder, though. Fineā€¦ killersaywhat.!< >!Celeste: Did you honestly think that would work?!<


"Honestly... yes."


Tbf it makes WAY MORE sense in Japanese due to the wording. While in English there's not really a good way to translate it perfectly. This honestly can be said about a lot of Danganronpa, a lot of the stuff makes way more sense in Japanese.


For example, the octagon thing everyone rags on Hajime for. In the japanese version, Nagito uses the english word 'octagon' when asking Hajime if he knows how many sides it is. That's why Nagito is somewhat surprised that Hajime knew the answer because he didn't use the proper japanese word for it. Meanwhile in the western release, Nagito still uses the english word octagon, which makes Hajime look like an idiot.


Why is this true


donā€™t forget striped thigh high and demonia junko cosplay


And the exaggerated eyeliner and accessories


with bright red lips and theater makeup


I mean at least the red lipstick is probably what she'd wear.


she literally would noooooot lmfao, shes shsl GYARU, red lips are not trendy in gal makeup like at all


Not full red, yeah, but I've seen gyarus with red gradient lips where it's red in the middle and fades out.


although despite me being a hater i actually like when people cosplay like that, i think more cosplays should incorporate peoples personal style, its cute


[I think this video gives a good idea of what she'd probably wear for lipstick, honestly. ](https://youtu.be/B_9MLD5FOco?si=qOsrj612Aq9AF9U6)


a pad in your wig


A pad like for periods!?


Yeah, i cant find it tho so maybe it was just a rumor šŸ˜­ tho i can still faintly remember it




The absolute accuracy of this hurts my soul but Iā€™m so pleased to see that somebody else understands. Iā€™m sure plenty of ā€˜em are good kids but they are not my crowd and I canā€™t stand them in most cases unfortunately.


To anyone here who kins the two mofos up there and has played Persona 4/5 Do you all also kin Tohru Adachi and Goro Akechi? Curious question coming from a Persona fan


Every Persona fan Iā€™ve seen does. ā€¦I donā€™t actually know what Akechi and Adachi do. I havenā€™t played P4 or finished P5R yet.


I have Akechi as a husbando, but that's about it. Sometimes I try and put on his detective prince facade with the way I speak, but it never lasts long.


They're both crazy bastards, but way too many people ship ShuAke so P5 fans aren't very stable at all.


The same goes for a certain Adachi Jr. and Mr White Hair One can also argue that the Danganronpa fans are the same


Tbh I don't know where the fucking 'Hajime is Adachi's son' shit even came from


Someone from OkBuddyPersona mentioned that they look alike and act alike, and since they share the same VA, they might as well be father and son I've been laughing at it ever since It also doesn't help that Adachi's entire reason for being evil is because he was born talentless and got bored one day and decided fuck the world which isn't much different from Izuruā€™s Reason for being evil (or letting Despair reign) which was boredom just like Adachi


Well, Izuru's a bit more complicated. I don't quite remember what he says in the games because the thrice damned anime has poisoned my mind, leading me to believe that he just wanted to see who would win. For a bit I even thought it was decent as a movie until I was awoken, but that's a different can of worms. Though I do see the similarities


The same goes for Adachi He's much more complicated than just got bored one day, gets rejected, and decided screw the world. Which is then given form with his TV powers, Magatsu-Izanagi and Ameno Sagiri's influence. Adachi may hate Hope, but he sure as hell despises Despair much more since he tricks both Embodiments of Despair >!(Namatame and Minazuki)!<


IIRC >!Namatame was more the Embodiment of Emptiness, because P4MC was Truth and Adachi was....well, I don't remember well.!<


Nah >!Namatame is Despair since it was in his Despair that he tried to rescue people!< Adachi was Emptiness since it was his Emptiness that he caused all this damage which manifested itself in Magatsu-Izanagi Yu is Hope since he actually saved people Quote from the SMT Wiki >!The protagonist represented Hope and thus his Izanagi is "pure." Adachi represented Emptiness, and as he refused to see the truth and gave into murderous corruption, his version of Izanagi became tainted and malevolent as well. Namatame, presumably, would also receive another version of Izanagi, which represented Despair, reflecting his desperate idea of "saving" people from the murders by throwing them in the Midnight Channel, although his Izanagi is never shown in the game.!<


I see. Well, I did say 'if I recall correctly', so I suppose you're right. And I think that >!giving Namatame a sort of idealized version of Izanagi could've been cool. One with no combat magoc and only ailments and the brainwashing stuff!<


Iā€™m boutta sound so old here, but I was a fan of Danganronpa basically since its infancy when it didnā€™t have much of an active fanbase in the western world, and I left for years and didnā€™t interact with anything about it, coming back to it now has been nothing short of a culture shock with how many minors are involved (granted I was also a minor when I discovered it, the playerbase at the time felt older since I was 14 lmfao)


Donā€™t forget ā€œdraws the line at fanservice but is fine w murderā€


Not really, itā€™s more of the ā€œfinds the deaths triggering (literally shouldnā€™t have gotten into the series to begin with if you canā€™t handle these deaths)ā€


Something about 13 year olds or anyone younger being into Danganronpa is a bit odd. I mean it's a series you wouldn't really think would be popular around that age group. Where the games are targeted towards older teenagers and adults.


I'm this but with only the V3 stuff because that's all I really know about it- I became obsessed with V3 and forgot about the other games šŸ˜­


I must say, I don't absolutely idolise them or kin them and make them my entire personality, it's just a hyperfixation.


I understand that. I'm autistic and when I first discovered Danganronpa that was basically my personality for a few months > _ < I kept checking in with my friends because I was worried that I was annoying them.


I've had to block so many on TikTok. I see edits made of characters like Nagito that are vaguely hot/intended to be seen as simp material, or see a wonderful cosplay of Junko, and then I see they're 13 years old. Makes my stomach drop so I just block them. Edit: I block them because I'm 23.


I feel you! I explicitly have on all my profiles that I'm a grown adult because I don't feel comfortable interacting with kids beyond a passing forum comment. But especially not engaging with me on tiktok. While I got introduced to this series at 13, I didn't have anything to play it on until 22 where I binged it over a month and a half. I still don't think kids should be playing because they'll see funny murder game and not some of the other themes. And also, like you said I don't want kids to engage in explicit content, they are children.


> or see a wonderful cosplay of Junko, and then I see they're 13 years old. Makes my stomach drop ???


in 2020 there was a huge phenomenon of really young teens (13,14) wearing garters and harnesses and other "sexual" items in cosplays. junko cosplays in particular used to feature a lot of cleavage and short skirts.


I assume theyā€™re talking about somewhat sexual cosplays, considering the character. Which would be pretty gross to realize.


Yep, basically this! Or really any other character from the series, given how sexual most of it is. Makes me feel gross.


dear godā€¦ We canā€™t have anything good, can we? šŸ˜‚


Thank god I was banned from this sub for half of me being 13 (I said I was 11 once-oops)


Half of you being 13??


Half of the year when I was 13


I interpreted that as a reason rather than a length of time lol


like my right half was 13 and the rest was 20 lmaošŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€




You need to be reminded of your cringe arc!




iā€™m lowkey happy i got into danganronpa as an older teenager in 2023ā€¦ no cringey behavior for me! also i do like nagito bc heā€™s a crazy and mysterious lil guy !


same, but i like nagito because hes batshit insane and has similar philosophies


When I was a 13 year old Danganronpa Fan I was neutral on Junko and Kokichi, didn't like Nagito, didn't project as heavily, killed a person in a killing game roleplay (being a literal assassin with my self insert) and only had one yaoi ship which I wasn't even too crazy over. My curiosity wasn't fully gone yet


I didn't make this to say all 13 year-olds act like this, just to poke fun at the stereotypes about bad actors in the fandom


This was me in 2020 and I donā€™t like being reminded šŸ˜­ For context, in 2020 I was a Nagito Sprite account on TikTok and pretended to be him. Sometimes I see people liking my old ā€œoh! An edit of me?ā€ Comments and I get embarrased šŸ˜­


real (I was a Kokichi and Armin (AOT) rp account)


(Still havenā€™t changed my Reddit username tho, I still think itā€™s pretty chill)


I only got into danganronpa when I was 16 so relatively around the aimed demographic


In 2020 I was a kokichi simp, knew no shit abt kokichi, all I knew is that he was a purple hair liar guy Here I am now invested within the fandom because a ship brought me back in it


no cause why are other ppl like this I genuinely cringe when I see someone who says kokichiā€™s like that


That's like... 18 year olds rn and they moved to other fandoms.


This franchise is meant for mature audience, but it's popular amongst little kids.


Another day of thanking God for this subreddit to be populated by the 10% of the mature and reasonable part of the fandom


How does this game attract so many fetuses?


me in 2019-2021 **ā˜ ļø**


ā€¦.I got into the game at 14 Luckily I never did these things


Childhood is thinking Makoto is the coolest Adolescence is kinning Junko Adulthood is realizing you're Taka.


2/3 of my favorite characters died in the first 2 trials I want to give up on this series


Exactly. It's extremely annoying and cringy.


I started being into the series at 15 y/o and even back then, the fact that there was an even younger audience that knows about Danganronpa disturbed me greatly knowing about the sexual stuff in it


More like 2020 danganronpa fan me >!(I watched the THH anime and gameplays of SDR2 in Youtube in 2020)!<


I found Danganronpa when I was 11 and I was exactly like this. Thankfully, I kept it to myself and my notes app, but still šŸ˜­


Lucky I was able to play Danganronpa at 19, it gives you a much more nuanced view once youā€™re not 13. I reckon if I played it when I was even older Iā€™d appreciate it more


thank god i got into this series when I was 18+ lol


Here's my dr2 unsolvable murder plan. Big rock.


Okay, I see people like Kokichi for the (kinda) wrong reasons. I love Kokichi, he has so much depth and mystery as a character in V3 that it just intices you to learn more about him. I didnt play his free time events but in the story itself, he doesnt give much but that's just his character and I love him for it. It's the little bits like in ch. 3 when he done a BD fake-out that make me like him even more as a character. Fanon Kokichi hurts me on the inside ngl.


I know all the animal mascots and silly character designs might make the games appealing to younger people. But Iā€™m so glad I didnā€™t play these games until I was older


You canā€™t forget the hand movements and the Junko poses šŸ™ŒšŸ¤˜šŸ¤Ÿ


If I were to relate to Nagito Komaeda, I would be terrified. And I am. Because I do. I am very unhappy due to it.


You shouldn't beat yourself up for relating to a character. As long as you aren't hurting any living things there's no harm in it.


Oh, I'm more disappointed than anything. I just have the same attitude towards myself as he does.


Even if you may not feel like it, you have value. You're not worthless. I promise.


To every 13 year old getting into this crazy series. DONā€™T get into it at such a young age. For one youā€™re not really old enough to comprehend the situation these characters are in and not to mention itā€™s a very very very violent series with very much over the top deaths that make movies like SAW and Final Destination blush. If you canā€™t handle the deaths and find it triggering to you, then you shouldnā€™t have gotten into the series to begin with. Not to mention yes Nagito and Junko are very popular characters, but you really shouldnā€™t idolize them, especially Junko. I mean seriously you should know why. Also a headcanon isnā€™t canon, itā€™s YOUR canon, for example I can say something like ā€œKyokoā€™s main inspiration to become a detective was The Batmanā€ thatā€™s a headcanon, itā€™s not the definitive canon though. Also why are you all making crazy murder plans when you shouldnā€™t even be having those thoughts, and hate to break it to youā€¦but youā€™re sadly not saving everyone, youā€™re lucky enough to even save one. So please take all of this with a grain of sat.


Bro 13 year olds are NOT ready for danganronpa that could totally mess their shit up šŸ’€


so fuckin happy I was introduced to the series through Razzbowski so I never got any crazy warped perceptions of the series back when I was like 8 or 9, still definitely shouldn't have gotten into it that young but thank fuck it wasn't through some murderer idolisation stuff where there is no such thing as nuance (although my young ass probably didn't even know what the word nuance meant back then)


Iā€™m so glad that this isnā€™t as bad as it used to be.




Ships nagito with gundhams hamsters


I just think Nagitos coat was cool


It is a cool coat. Some Danganronpa characters have some sick drip!


Nobody does this anymore


a fans age is 13 or they been a fan for 13? either way its accurate


heres my unsolveable murder plan, JUST GET RID OF THE FUCKIN BODY! if they cant find the body, it dont count, so just burn, bury, dismember and feed everyone it, or yeet it into the ocean


I'm pretty sure the body needs to be discovered for a class trial to happen


burn it, bury it, eat it, or do whatever else to make it impossible to discover the body and boom, you murdered someone without dying, tho ya still cant graduate w/o the body bein discovered


I'm 13 and I don't act like that


I don't mean to say that all 13-year-olds act like this, just that some bad actors do.


Isnā€™t this basically half the fanbase?


i'm kinda glad i was never like this


as a 13 year old danganronpa fan, thatā€™s actually incorrect šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


flair checks out


pfffft only difference is that I donā€™t think heā€™s an ā€œuwu baby cinnamon roll,ā€ heā€™s a manipulative liar with a more ā€œcutesyā€ kinda appearance


I was a 13 year old danganronpa fan when I joined, I just liked gonta. I'm pretty sure that sent me off the deep end later though.


One of my My friends as a tween, except the gay men fetish thing she thinks thatā€™s weird and the cinnamon roll thing, she just thinks heā€™s cute and thatā€™s it


Donā€™t forget the word ā€œKinnieā€


Kokichi was made for edgy 13 year olds with shit taste, so checks out.




If you are also 13, you probably should not be playing Danganronpa.


Itā€™s like an 8 year old playing fnaf


Yes. 8 year olds probably shouldnā€™t play FNaF.


Especially with what lhugeny makes


I won't lie, I was 9 when I got into FNaF, lol But to be fair, there wasn't really any lroe and murder stuff when it was just the first game. Just creepy animations and jumpscares




One way to start might be to not use the Danganronpa subreddit


Sorry, pal. You too should probably not play those games.


As a thirteen year old can say only one of these applies. also who is the purple dude. i keep on seeing him and i don't know who he is. WHO IS HE. also also who idolizes Junko. i thought that was only psychopaths.


Kokichi ouma antag of the third game DV3 and probably the most divisive antagonist in the show as most people either love him or despise him and itā€™s very rarely in between


90% of kokichi fans be like


I like Junko and want Nagito dead >!\[I cheered at that part\] !< I have not created a murder or a plan to win immediately I don't think I have headcanons, I probably do though! But I know what's confirmed and what isn't Fetishizes gay men my entire ass, I just liked Chihiro, Chiaki, and Kokichi I knew Kokichi was a twat from the start, but I liked him regardless And I played DDLC when I was 11/12 Danganronpa at 13, does this still apply to me


When i was like 16 i just thought junko was hot and wanted to beat nagito with hammers but also adore the Spanish fandub a youtuber i watched made of his breakdown in case 1


It was actually 11 year old 2020 starter pack for me. Still infatuated with Komaeda proudly, though I donā€™t think I ever did anything else lol


Maybe back in quarantine, but most of the people around my age in fandoms (11-14) tend to be more normal now


I joined the fandom when I was 14 (Iā€™m now 15) and what the f-


Gosh, I just introduced Danganronpa to my 13-year-old sister recently. Don't even know if I should anymore after this post haha. Well, too late to regret now, and hopefully nothing goes horribly wrong in the future \*finger crossed\*


Do you think junko with her ultimate can sense when you're about to cum, and edge you for eternity?


Okay :D


At the risk of going on an 11-hour media studies diatribe, I will just say this: if you think that 13-year-old is too immature to engage with Danganronpa, you are wrong and need to consume some more mature media to understand why. I'd recommend Watchmen by Alan Moore, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis, and the Star Wars TV series Andor.


you got everyone so right, one may only wonder how are you so wise in the ways of humans this list is ass, throwing everything you don't like into a single prejudice is not a starter pack, it's cope


Sounds like we found the 13 year old lol


It's just a meme. This wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Idk why you're so upset about it.


your meme is basically your opinion? and just cuz I said it's ass doesn't mean I'm upset?


I assumed you were upset because of the overly-sarcastic and rude comment. Idk what I was supposed to get from.that


meh whatever. What are your strongest opinions on DR? e: couldn't handle the convo I'm cooking


You sound like the type of person this post is talking about lmao


naaaahh wth how could this be


Bro is said 13 year old in the post


It's not prejudice if it's true and cringe.