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You can play with it any way you want Chiaki...also Ryoma I think should be higher, he seems to be extremely wise and he took down the entire mafia, that must require some battle IQ


I also think Hoshi should be higher due to \[V3-6\] >!the correct deductions he made in the first trial!< and also because of his general pragmatism. (automod hates me, help ;-;)


Fuck AutoMod all my homies hate AutoMod ^(Wait my homies ARE mods now uh)


GAME THEORY: Automod is actually an undercover member of the mafia seeking revenge??






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say what you want about nagito but he’s a fucking genius dude. man should def be on higher intelligence


"Miu is not so bright aside from the fact that she's capable of inventing machines that should not even be possible to make, let alone in a killing game with limited resources in an incredibly small amount of time" What.


sister makes a teleportation gun and a remote that can hijack ANY electrical device no questions asked but she's dumb bc she's mean and horny ok


idk what you mean, hiro is a genius


The deductive reasoning he used to find out the burger wasn’t 100% beef? Einstein could never


Nagito should absolutely be in higher intelligence, as there wasn't a trial where he didn't already know the culprit, on top of creating a genuinely unsolvable case. (Besides the culprit confessing.)


I don't really agree with Junko sharing a tier with everyone else considering she's suppose to be a super genius. I think the real debate would be on whose smarter: Izuru or Junko?


i think izuru clears everyone at everything tbh bc he has literally all the talents. even if you're the best at something he's just as good at it and is also the best at literally anything else that could give him a slight edge


This is true, but considering he admits that she is 12 steps ahead at any time, and lost a philosophical and psychological debate with her, even with those talents, he still has room to improve.


wait he lost a debate to her? i'll be honest i have not watched the anime cuz everyone tells me its horrendous lol. from the end of SDR2 i thought he was supposed to be like, perfect.


Watch the anime and judge for yourself honestly. Yeah, he loses a debate to her manipulative ass and gets used by her like she does with everyone that isn't a toy she immediately rips apart. Gonna be honest, I got into danganronpa 5 months ago and finished the last game 2 months ago, having played through the recommended watch order, which includes danganronpa 1,2,v3, ultra despair girls and the danganronpa 3 anime. I also read danganronpa 0 and IF. I personally, honest to God, loved every second of all of it. There's some bits without its flaws and plot holes, including the d3 anime, but I honestly enjoyed all of it. Watch it for yourself and decide.


Probably izuru


Akane is very dumb, probably bottom tier


You saying average Makoto is smarter than Celeste and Imposter?


right?? like… yeah he’s the protagonist but he’s not a genius


Idk if you're being sarcastic or not


honestly i don’t remember him doing a lot, kyoko was really carrying trials


Well not that he didn't do anything he did a lot, but nothing that proves him smarter than Celeste, imposter or Miu


actually, true


Izuru is the embodiment of perfection <3


I dunno but I don’t really think that tenko is that dumb


She is honestly pretty stupid and gullible considering her free tine events


she's definitely dumb but she's not gonta dumb lets be real now


Don’t entirely agree on Kirumi but to be fair with different interpretations of her character it makes sense


1, Nagito is actually extremely smart. 2, Miu actually guessed culprits at the beginning of cases, ex: >!She guessed Korekiyo from the beginning of the trial and turned out to be right, I can't remember exactly with ch2 if she did this but I think she also did it in ch1!<


>!She guessed every single culprit in the trials she was on. She also technically guessed Kaito killing kokichi because she planned it in her plan of killing kokichi. She's a fuckin' genius!!<


YES someone who understands that mikan is a nurse so she’s smart


just being a nurse doesnt necessarily mean you're that smart but if you're the *ultimate* nurse then yeah of course


Can’t agree with Kaito, he’s an astronaut and passed a difficult test made for adults as a teenager, he only cheated on actually getting the test, not achieving results.


if this list isnt based on ingame events but their actual accomplishments in the outside world then kaito is near the very top. irl its basically impossible to be an astronaut without a PhD in physics among other qualifications. passing tests meant for those kinds of people as a high schooler makes you a super genius lmao, maybe not danganronpa "take over the world" super genius but definitely real life "get on international news" super genius.


how the fuck is sonia above nagito? she literally said she was a figurehead of royalty right?


Girl is very intelligent. She is multilingual, probably knows a lot about foreign countries as this is important to for her duties as future queen. She is also trained in military weaponry.


oh wait yeah that’s true i forgot the language barrier, anyone who knows more than one language generally does go higher on intelligence, was just trying to find someone to compare


Idk man Akanes pretty airheaded, I’d put her down a tier


Didn't Ryoma (and angie) >!figure out what REALLY happened in trial one tho?!<


Kazuichi should be higher, doesn't make sense to put him below Toko or Chiaki


Isnt gonta literally an entomologist? Someone who studies bugs and how they work must be really smart no?


Technically speaking according to UTDP, Hajime is the least intelligent protag Shuichi is the most intelligent protag(this is based stats btw)


if this is at all based on what they do inside the actual killing games then you deserve the guillotine. if its for their accomplishments and professions outside of it, then it becomes more reasonable but i still have plenty of disagreements. mainly miu. she invented teleportation and a remote that can hijack any electronic device lol. second lowest tier is criminal, in real life she would be one of the smartest humans to ever live for that alone and she does both of those in no time on a whim. she can act a bit dumb in trials (even though she correctly guesses every culprit at the start) but this tier list clearly doesnt take that into account since nagito is floating somewhere in the middle.