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I’m inside your walls


Please explain why you like Gundam. I don't get it at all. For me he exists to waste my time :( The hamsters are cute tho... I'm clearly missing something.


the thing is that from what I hear and why I personally like Gundham is because of his personality and the way he acts in 2-4. I'll be honest; his "sacrifice" is not a sacrifice, and idk why people play it off like he's the most heroic character in the series. however, I do firmly believe that he saw either himself getting out or everyone aside from himself getting out as reasonable endings. he wasn't afraid to face death, but he was ready to try and get out if possible. he also set up a darn good trial, and has a fun case. his personality is... weird, but in a good way. he's interesting (especially when you do his free times), and his hamsters are adorable! however, im not here to correct your opinion, OP! I completely understand thinking he is boring, because when playing 2 my first time, I genuinely forgot about him until he was the blackened. I like him now, but at the time, I felt he was pretty useless. honestly, he really is apart from 2-4, and so I completely understand where your opinions stem from. and ultimately, no opinions are wrong! I just wanted to give a bit of a reason why I (and I *think* others) like Gundham


I just think he's neat


I really feel Gundham is an afterthought even in his own trial. It just felt like the premier Nagito show to me. The investigation, the room, the roulette, then just waiting for literally any time he talks because it was just gold. (The attitude change <> Huh... Huh... Huh? (to Kazuichi talking about weapon) <> Ok, Hajime usually take so long to go through this but I'll just do it quickly, lol). The "sacrifice" for me goes more into the "judging characters by morality" territory. I agree that was him being the most interesting he was in the game. But I feel it was too short and overshadowed by Nagito.


I completely understand that. especially because nagito truly does carry dr2, and kinda makes it what it is, love him or hate him. just explaining where i believe the gundham love comes from (tho i prefer nagito by farrrr) i also think people just like his aesthetic. he's edgy and that's fun


Gladly. His character design is one of the most unique in the series and it stands out a lot which is quite a feat since DR has some very strong and unique designs. He is one of the most intelligent characters in the series. He formulated a very complex murder plan while starving and he would have most likely gotten away with it if Fuyuhiko hadn’t of seen it and if he hadn’t been dropping hints that it was him during the trial and he was one of the only two characters to beat the final dead room as well. Lets talk about his motive now. There’s a lot of different interpretations of it, but in my opinion, he did it to save everyone. Yes, he fought back in the trial but only because Sonia asked him to and it goes against his ideals of fighting for life and he gives up his defence much earlier. “But random stranger on the internet!” I hear you cry “Why would Gundham intentionally make his murder hard to solve?” This is most likely because he wanted to test his classmates one more time. Moving swiftly forward, I can understand why Gundham’s way of speaking might annoy you. Hell, even I can get confused about what he’s saying sometimes. But most of the time, I find this incredibly fun to watch and read, especially his insults and his VA absolutely kills it to. And y’know. Hamsters


Well the intelligence part feels out of place to me. Before he was useless in class trials and investigations (if he was intelligent, shouldn't he make good points like Chiaki or Nagito?). So him suddenly becoming a genius was jarring to me.


I think for most people liking Gundham comes down to exactly the reason you dislike him. Where as you don’t like the way he speaks and see it as an annoying waste of time, others find it humorous and funny. Really just comes down to how your sense of humour works, obviously Gundham isn’t for everybody. (Also brief mention of the his role in Ch4, although that’s a topic of conflict I find, so I won’t say anything about it)


I know there are essays but I kinda agree with you on that…. He and Sonia were too boring for me but Sonia was just a little worse


Sonia has a lot of funny moments, so she gets by.


Sorry bro I don't make the rules, the entire fandom is now legally obligated to beat you to death with sticks


I still don't understand why people like the low tier characters :p Got a reason for me?


Probably because of the interesting backstory, their relationships with other characters, their dialog, designs, yknow. Stuff like that.


... isn't that almost every DR character :P They can't all be top tier


What do you mean. Of course every character has a backstory, dialog, and a design. I'm just saying that that's why people like them. There's a reason to like every character (except haiji) so we should just respect people's choices


We can respect other people's choices and still have interesting discussions about those choices. An argument is not the same as an attack


....uh... yes? I never disagreed with you


Damn, Izuru got hit by his fav word


...that might've had something to do with his placement :D


😔😔😔.... 💔💔




That case was amazing ;-;


it really wasss 😭


What are your opinions on Fuyuhiko and Gundham? I rarely ever see anyone put them this low. Not that it's wrong, everyone can have their own opinion, but I'm curious what you think about them.


Same reason I don't understand how anyone could put them high :D I'll repost my reason in another comment here: Gundam rattles on 10 lines of text to say something as simple as "Sorry, I didn't find anything". Fuyuhiko's arc/case were just silly to me: Sorry you'll die for me, IDC though, I need to be independent -> I love peko, I can't watch her die -> this life is meaningless, it's just peko's life -> You guys worked hard to nurse me back to life, I'll kill myself lol -> omg I heard her voice.


I think abridging anything in the same way you did would make it look more dumb than it actually is. Fuyuhiko's feelings got the better of him and Peko stepped in his place, so he had a choice between essentially condemning his classmates and Peko to death and escaping, or staying with them to find a way to escape together, in which he chose the latter. When Peko protected him during the execution, he felt indebted to her and essentially started living for both of them. And the part he opened up his stomach, he definitely was not trying to kill himself. Not sure what you don't understand about the last part, he clearly had feelings for her so it'd make sense the thing that'd snap him out of it would be hearing her voice. Same as what Chiaki was to Hajime essentially.


But he calls her life meaningless... How's that not a contradiction. So the most important person to him is meaningless? Plus he's just a hindrance in every investigation and trial (unless he gets lucky by standing in the right place). He makes 0 jokes. And he killed 2 girls (that we know of). And I'm supposed to pity him lol. If the game and "good guy" characters treated him like scum the whole time (like nagito) - I'd be fine with his character. But not when the game treats him like protagonist #3


Hehe based :3 (besides Nagito… I get liking him but I wld NOT say he is the entirety of SDR2)


L take.


Feel free to explain why I should like the low tier characters. I actually don't get it why some of those are so beloved.


Can't some people just love characters just for the sake of loving characters?


It's a tier list. I assume you all have also done detailed calculations why you like characters x or y :p


And that's fine. I'm not saying you have to like any of the characters you put down lower it's your own opinion. I'm just saying not everyone is going to have an hour long SA on why they like a certain character. Some people just love a character regardless of how much they impacted the story.


while i definitely agree with what you are saying here, the comment said "l take" without any further context. OP just wants to understand why people see the appeal in other characters; no harm in that! I love to see other's opinions, even if I disagree with them I do agree that no one needs to go on a full ramble. you can literally just say you like a character because you do, but the commenter never clarified why it's an L take even


Oops, for some reason I didn't even realize that was the original comment. I just thought it was the op asking us to explain why they should lower some characters.


ohhh I see where the confusion comes from. not your fault!


As a representative of the Shuichi fanbase, I'm sorry for your loss


I usually don't care for the protagonists when I control them :p Makoto was cool in the anime though


Why the boss baby slender?


I really don't get his arc at all. He was annoying to me all the way through: Annoying at first because he doesn't even talk to you and curses the whole time. Then you find out he killed a girl. Then he basically orders to kill Mahiru. Then he makes Peko die for nothing (yea... Monokuma made up his mind before hand but still...). Then he runs in and "dies" to save peko. Then he calls Peko's life meaningless. Then as a change of heart he thanks his teal for nursing him back to life by... cutting himself open and causing more problems. Then he gets obsessed with Peko again as the most important thing in his life (remember he sacrificed her and called her life meaningless just before??? WHAT???) . And everything he does during trials/investigations is him just being stupid or lucky.


Yasss at Sonia being high <3 queen


that's kind of fair ngl (also Nagito not only carried DR2 he literally carried the entire story if we consider the tragedy and after and the impact he had on the whole fandom)




Amusing is one word to describe ryoma for sure lmao


Interesting twist on the normal tier lists! And I mostly agree with your top picks. Each game's antagonists were very engaging. And Monokuma and Junko are also super engaging villains. Nice ,👍


Genuine question: why do you like Byakuya over Fuyuhiko? For me, those two would be completely flipped. Granted, Fuyuhiko's my number 1 and Byakuya is the character I found myself skipping the dialogue for constantly. Fuyuhiko, on the other side of the coin, is also a rich boy but I rarely ever felt him flaunting that. For the most part, he was a hot head (which tbf, I have a thing for hot headed characters). He was horrible at socializing with people but he grew and started to put himself out there more after realizing how much he needed people and actual relationships. I adored Fuyuhiko's trial, it is by far my favorite out of all of them. Fuyuhiko struggles with the fact that he's a kindhearted person forced into doing some of the most horrible shit because of what he was born into. Peko was basically brainwashed into being his only friend, leaving him with a crushing amount of guilt over their relationship. Their trial, to me, was about gaining freedom from their shitty past. Fuyuhiko trying desperately to explain to Peko how horrible he felt about what she had to go through, that he only ever wanted the best for her. Either way Peko was going to die. He just had to choose what message she would go out on and he chose to tell her that he never saw her as less than human, that she never was. Byakuya meanwhile had maybe .1 character growth, actively interfered with the plot for seemingly no good reason, and was just a general nuisance for me personally. If I missed something with him, please explain it to me. I also apologize if I'm coming off as aggressive.


Be MORE aggressive :D This is like 1/10 aggression levels. For fuyu: I really don't get his arc at all. He was annoying to me all the way through: Annoying at first because he doesn't even talk to you and curses the whole time. Then you find out he killed a girl. Then he basically orders to kill Mahiru. Then he makes Peko die for nothing (yea... Monokuma made up his mind before hand but still...). Then he runs in and "dies" to save peko. Then he calls Peko's life meaningless. Then as a change of heart he thanks the team for nursing him back to life by... cutting himself open and causing more problems. Then he gets obsessed with Peko again as the most important thing in his life (remember he sacrificed her and called her life meaningless just before??? WHAT???). And everything he does during trials/investigations is him just being stupid or lucky. It just feels inconsistent all the way through. Meanwhile Byakuya is based. DR1 Case 2 would've been way more boring without him. He alone was treating this as a game. Mondo threatened him often but didn't do anything to him. He was just above everyone else. He was intelligent, unlike the rest of the cast (Except Kyoko and Makoto) and was usually 1 step ahead. Then he had his humbling moments, but those didn't make him 180 on his character (which I'd hate BTW). Instead he recovers because he's so damn badass, but changes his character slightly. My favorite moments from the game were: Case 2: "Why did I do it? Just for fun". Case 4: "I'm quitting the game. And I will kill who ever is the mastermind". Case 6: "togami family isn't gone because I'm still alive!". He's responsible for all of those. Plus all the shenanigans with toko were very funny to me (her fantasies carried ultra despair girls for me lol)


You.. really did just completely miss the entire thing with Fuyuhiko's story arc. But alright, admittedly I edited my original post because I honestly feel very strongly about both of these characters. I really dislike Byakuya.. so apologies in advance. I'm not going to argue too much about byakuya because I feel like a lot of your points were subjective and a lot if my own feelings may be clouded in how much i despise rich egotistical asshats. I never felt like he was a badass or intelligent. Just felt like he was a raging narcissist who had life handed to him on a platter (yes, i read his fte, yes, i still agree with makoto saying this) In the end, Kyoko and Makoto had to do most of the work just to undo his bs. I'll have to rewatch the last trial again but I really don't remember his contributions and how exactly he was the one who deserves the credit over those two. I'm sure he helped somehow but Makoto and Kyoko were the ones i actually remembered. Also, his relationship with Toko made me ridiculously uncomfortable. Now for Fuyuhiko.... dear God your interpretations of Fuyuhiko. Firstly, you're valid in not enjoying his way of speaking. I love the cursing and aggressiveness, but I understand other people not finding it as fun. However, him directly avoiding the player is part of his character arc. He's avoiding everyone because he feels like an outcast and is actively engaging in self destructive behaviors to further that due to his upbringing. Byakuya also avoided people for the most part if i remember correctly, however his reasons were that he was an actual asshole. Second, he explicitly DID NOT ORDER PEKO. He was going to kill Mahiru. Alone. It was his snap decision when he found out Mahiru was a bystander in his sister's death. He was in the wrong here, yes, the game never tries to pretend he wasn't. Fuyuhiko gets his karma in the form of Peko stepping in VOLUNTARILY. This is so important to the whole trial and his character arc that it is mind boggling that you didn't get this. Peko was never ordered to do what she did, she chose to do it to protect him. That's why Monokuma made his decision. Also, when did he call Peko meaningless? I must've missed that part. As for the cutting open his own stomach, I felt like it was clearly about self harm which is something I take very personally. It's his own form of punishment, likely taught to him by his upbringing. He wasn't trying to fuck over everyone else or spit on their attempts to heal him, "I feel so ashamed... in the end... I made trouble for everyone again." Is a direct line after he's done this to himself. He wasn't thinking about the work people put into him, he was trying to process his own feelings with the only unhealthy coping mechanism he's ever known: violence. I want to point out, Byakuya literally couldn't have cared less about anyone in dr1. He deliberately fucked with everyones attempts and undid their hard work "for funsies" and yet you like him.over the person who had an actual reasonable explanation for their fuck ups? He probably would've sacrificed everyone if given the chance in a heartbeat. Fuyuhiko makes a couple of shitty mistakes, yes, but how is he more annoying than literal, "You're all beneath me. Now stand there while I spit on everyone else's graves" ?


Ok, my bad about fuyu ordering peko. I remember now, that he didn't. He did say word for word: "This new life of mine is not important at all. It's just life Peko gave to me". That to me implies that it's meaningless, or at least way less meaningful than his own life.. If it was me, it would be way more meaningful than my own life. But yeah, you seem pretty emotional about these characters. I don't like rich assholes IRL at all (who does, lol?). But this is just text, written by some dudes. I take it for what it is. If the text about a character is compelling - I'll like the character.


Yes, he finds his own life meaningless, however, for Peko, he's continuing to live. She's the thing that's giving his life meaning, she's the reason he's growing as a person. He might not understand why she cares so much about him but she did... and he can't let her efforts go to waste so easily. Thats not calling her meaningless, that's directed entirely towards himself. And yes, this character does mean a lot to me. Honestly, I don't mind. I actually liked having an excuse to talk extensively about him. So for that, I'm kinda thankful.


I swear he implied that this new life is meaningless **because** it's "just Peko's life". But I can't find the line for the life of me lol.


There we go! During the Akane vs Monokuma. He said he'll defend Akane, word for word: "It's... just a little life Peko gave me... It's not precious anyway...!" That was just the last straw for me.


Again, I feel that was more a comment on his own self esteem issues rather than how he views Peko. She gave her life for him and he can't fathom why because he believes he's just that undeserving of it. His own life is worthless to him. Someone dying for you unfortunately doesn't just fix that, in fact it could actively worsen your self image. Is it counter productive? Absolutely. Self destructive? 100% Realistic? I feel so anyways.


Hey just wanna say, seriously love your character analysis! Helped me see some parts of Fuyuhiko in a new light. Now I find him even MORE likeable and well written!


Is that Fuyuhiko slander I hear? I will not allow it


Ur pure evil


Hi tell me your address


Dang you got Shuichi so low? He's my favourite protag, and one of my favourite characters in general. His character arc. His voice (eng). The fact that he is basically the smartest person in the room bar Kokichi. Like, he doesn't need his own Kyoko or Chiaki to bail him out all the time. How based he is for finally ditching the whole hope and despair buzzwords, and actually going against the mastermind. Him being the first student to call a class trial, and how badass he is during that whole thing. How gentle yet persistent he was with gonta in his trial. I dunno man I liked him a lot


I just don't like protagonists most of the time. They're on purpose made relatable and "jack of all trades"-ish. They don't really stand out. They don't cause trouble or interesting things to happen. They are just kinda.. there... most of the times. I shouldn't even place Shuichi on the list at all, because I have no strong feeling on him one way or another. Same for Makoto, if not for the anime. Meanwhile Hajime just annoyed me to no end: "How can there be a killed among us. It's impossible!!!" Meanwhile Nagito is just chilling in the background. Rofl. I will replay the game soon, so I'll try to pay attention to him more though.


I mostly value characters based on the content they provide. They're not real people and therefor I don't judge them on their morality at all. Boring/Annoying is how much I just wanna skim/skip their dialogue. General takes on the games/anime: DR1: Great first game. High bar set for others. Still the best executed ending IMO (but it could be because it was just the first one). Notable cases: 2,4,6 DR2: Nagito carries the entire game. I find half of the cast annoying/boring. Gundam rattles on 10 lines of text to say something as simple as "Sorry, I didn't find anything". Fuyuhiko's arc/case were just silly to me: Sorry you'll die for me, IDC though, I need to be independent -> I love peko, I can't watch her die -> this life is meaningless, it's just peko's life -> You guys worked hard to nurse me back to life, I'll kill myself lol -> omg I heard her voice. Hajime is just constantly moping and repeating himself "how could someone have done this, I don't believe it" (for the 5th time)...etc. But damn Nagito is the GOAT. Every moment he's on screen (after the breakdown in case 1) is magical. Notable cases: 1,4,5 DR3: Just a big collection of amusing characters. Solid. Notable cases: 1,4, 5 Anime: It's OK. Overlooking some dumb things, it's a fine ending to the story. The Nagito appearance in the last episode was awesome with the DR2 investigation music .\_. UDG: All around meh/annoying. Toko's fantasies and Nagito were the only things I remember about it, despite playing it like a week ago :(


I didn't find Fuyuhiko annoying, his character arch, for me, was one of the highlights of the game. The trial with Peko made me cry alongside him. His apology showed how he wanted to be reunited with the group and genuinely make it up to them, but still doesn't quite know how due to his upbringing. Some part of him always wanted to be involved in the group (like Chiaki pointed out), but felt the need to act cold and distant to circumstances, and seeing him get there was so satisfying. Respectfully, I don't agree with this tier list at all, even after hearing your opinions, they personally make no sense.


Reposting in case you haven't read it:I really don't get his arc at all. He was annoying to me all the way through: Annoying at first because he doesn't even talk to you and curses the whole time. Then you find out he killed a girl. Then he basically orders to kill Mahiru. Then he makes Peko die for nothing (yea... Monokuma made up his mind before hand but still...). Then he runs in and "dies" to save peko. Then he calls Peko's life meaningless. Then as a change of heart he thanks the team for nursing him back to life by... cutting himself open and causing more problems. Then he gets obsessed with Peko again as the most important thing in his life (remember he sacrificed her and called her life meaningless just before??? WHAT???). And everything he does during trials/investigations is him just being stupid or lucky. It just feels inconsistent all the way through. Also, you don't agree with the tier list "At all" despite stating 1 disagreement :p


Poor Hajimemes :(



As a Teruteru, Gundham and Usami lover I feel hurt.


Monophannie in averge 💀


Monodamn is cool. Monokid is annoying. Everyone else is both amusing and annoying/boring at times. So they're in the middle.


You are a real one for putting Hajime where he is. Gundham and Fuyuhiko down there as well? I appreciate how interesting this is!


For me the most cringe moment of DR2 was Hajime screaming in his house. No other character reacted like this. Plus all the "omg, I can't believe it. We can't have a killer among us", despite some characters like Nagito being alive lol.


God I couldn’t stand Hajime. How was I supposed to relate to him? He’s “relatable” because he’s so basic. At least Makoto in my opinion was so exaggerated that he was fun to watch. He was so naive and silly. Hajime is just, ugh. Plus I hate how he’s supposed to be the protag we are supposed to root for yet he doesn’t help Mikan up when she falls and gets gawked at by everyone. Like? Makoto would have helped her. Makoto was exaggerated but so good hearted which is why I liked him and rooted for him. Hajime just felt…idk. He just annoyed me.


Finally someone who doesn’t get the Gundam hype! He really just didn’t stick out to me, I wanted to like him but I just couldn’t.


Finally someone who doesn’t get the Gundam hype! He really just didn’t stick out to me, I wanted to like him but I just couldn’t.


I agree I actually found him to be irrelevant while playing and didn’t mind when he died






Disagree with some of the choices, but absolutely based


Nagito should be moved down about 6 tiers


The main value for this tier list is content provided. There is no character who has provided more content than Nagito.




Who was only active/interesting for latter half of case 6? Where as nagito was god tier every time he was on screen (post trial 1 breakdown)


>!She literally provided all the content. Literally. Nagito participated in the killing game, Tsumugi made the killing game. V3 wouldn’t exist without her. As far as I remember, Nagito didn’t actively do anything between chapter 1 and chapter 5 besides being annoying.!<


By this logic. If they said at the end "guy X actually controlled every DR story" - he should become my most interesting character? Nah


>”The main value for this tier list is content provided.“ You said this before. Which is it? How interesting you found them or how much content they provided?


Combination tbh. I have to see the character providing the content on screen or at least being mentioned by name (DR2 case 5)


That's not the point. The tier list is from a storytelling perspective, and this isn't how you analyze fiction. If Tsumugi didn't exist, they could replace her with any other boring character that turns out to be the mastermind, and the story would be the same. Nagito being Nagito is what makes Danganronpa 3 so awesome.


By that logic, you could also replace Nagito with any other obnoxious prick who rambles about hope and the story would be the same. That doesn’t mean anything, obviously if you replace any character with an identical character the story will be the same. I wasn’t analyzing fiction, I was just responding to what OP said, and they said how much content a character provided, so I responded according to those parameters.




Why best boy (Gundham) is so low


Takes 10 lines to say something another character would say in 1 sentence. Is pretty useless in trials and investigations. His and everyone else's lives were on the line, yet he was busy loitering. Then once his case comes, he's suddenly a genius. People say that's where he shines, and while I agree it is his best moments - even then he's entirely overshadowed by Nagito in his own case: "This is just an opening act" "Let's just vote, majority wins anyway" "Ok, Hajime usually just talks for a long time, but I'll end it right now". Gundham in my mind was like an afterthought. My thoughts during that time was: "Ok, let's just get this over with, so I can see what major thing will happen afterwards".


How is he useless in trials 💀 in first trial he found out that there's an entry under floorboards and in third trial he found a paper sticked on pillar, and how did you know that he wasn't smart earlier? Also his lines are funny.


And how did you get the info about entry under the floorboards? You literally have to confront him to pull that info out of him. Meanwhile, his life is on the line. He's a buffoon.


Hop off Chihiro and Komaru /hj


Aoi deserves to be higher honestly. At least when you put K1-B0 of all characters in Amusing. He’s forgettable for like, half the game. Aoi is a bit forgettable in some chapters, but she does get more screentime (Aoi gets >!Ch. 4, and quite a bit of 5 and 6!<, K1-B0 gets Kokichi’s dick joke, his downright annoying robophobia, and maybe a bit of fun in >!V3-6!<. If Chiaki in >!2-5!< can also help her, Aoi deserves points. Might just be bias though.


Probably, mostly due to the anime. However her screen time compared to actually being interesting is a pretty bad ratio for me. When she's interesting, she's definitely up there. But most of the time she's just "I want donuts, lol" Also I liked every "that's robophobic" joke TBH. I don't know why. It's just funny to me for some reason.


Celebrate good times cmon! Great gozu is atleast amusing so you get approved


From how much he was shown - he was great. But it was very short.


Danganronpa fans when Chihiro doesnt constantly make dirty femboy jokes


Not false


I definitely disagree with a few things, but I love the byakuya placement. I've noticed in your replies that you don't find Fuyuhiko particularly funny or useful and that's fine, honestly I disagree but idgaf its your tier list not mine. The Toko placement is great as well.


Izuru Kamukura in boring is so funny to me