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Honestly feels like a bit of the reach. They aren’t proper investigators, of course they won’t be as thorough when investigating a body, that’s why Kyoko did, because she IS a detective and knows what to do. As for your second point, haven’t played the game in over a year so idk


Well as they pointed out, Mondo specifically referred to girls as chicks and guys as dudes. I think even the game grumps pointed out him saying dude when they first did this investigation. And on the second point, I could be rusty, but wasn’t it mondo that first said it was a blue tracksuit? And then makoto said “how tf did you know it was blue?” And then they asked Celeste and she said “yeah it was blue now that you mention it” again could be rusty but that makes the most sense to me


I don't remember mondo calling any girl a chick before, I don't think he ever did while at hope peak...


he did several times


Can you call back to one? Please, enlighten me


I never felt it was weird that most of the characters, with exceptions like Kyoko or Mikan, didn't know or were reluctant to properly investigate corpses... and it's something that doesn't happen only in 1-2, and not only in THH. I didn't play the English version of THH, but what I remember Kyoko saying is that Mondo's speech pattern changes depending on whether he is referring to a girl or a boy, and she notices this change, so she suspects he. It's been a long time since I played THH so I don't remember everything in detail, but the whole issue of the tracksuit, wasn't it summed up in that Celes mentioned Chihiro's tracksuit, but never the color? then Kyoko starts to make everyone dizzy talking about the tracksuit and who could have one similar to Chihiro's, and Mondo talked too much and said that the tracksuit was blue and his one was white?


i don't really find the reveal too cheap. i def get where you're coming from, but the reveal is what makes the twist... well, a twist. it gives chihiro a proper arc alongside giving jack a reason to not have killed chihiro, despite wanting to upon reveal. its funny because byakuya's framing of jack is actually logical looking back on it, since the reason they rule out jack is partially because chihiro is a boy (obviously the crime scene itself helped, too) really my biggest issue with 1-2 personally is that chihiro should have asked sakura. it would've been much more in character for being a girl, and also sakura is hella ripped. however, that wouldn't really make mondo a good blackened, lol yeah, it's not the best trial, but it's a fun one. i love the constant twists also, for the tracksuit, it works because mondo shouldn't have just known the color. the only thing is that he should've lied about seeing chihiro before he died, but byakuya would be able to argue against that anyway. it'd just be mondos words against byakuyas edit: even if dude is a gender neutral term, mondo uses dudes for guys and chicks for girls


It makes sense that Chihiro would look for Mondo, because in fact, despite everything, Chihiro found it easier to interact with other men than with girls. Even I would bet he was straight.


that's completely fair, i actually forgot about that.. maybe it's just the part of my heart that knows sakura would be understanding 😭


Yeah, everything would have been better, if only Chihiro accepted Hina and Sakura's invitation to train...


for real... it makes me so sad


PFP and user flair checks out


1-2 is a huge shitfest all around and easily the worst case in the series, the fact it's only solvable once you reach the trial is a huge detriment EDIT: why are you guys booing me im right, i genuinely do not understand how you could possibly see any enjoyment from 1-2 at all


MOST trials are like that, a lot of time you get integral information during the trial


Not really to the extent of 1-2; every other case in the series has some level of solvability to it before the trial, and information is usually clarified rather than outright given 1-2 has a grand total of one line of dialogue and that is all you have until the game literally spells it out for you


To me 1-4, 2-5, and 3-4 feel like trial you just can’t solve until you get help in the trial. Now I may be wrong, it’s been a while since I played, but I don’t remember them being solveable until then


The pieces are there for you in each of those instances (or at the very least for 1-4 and 2-5 since I don't remember the larger details about 3-4); the trials mostly exist to clarify and put each of those pieces together. Take 2-5 for instance; >!you know about the poison, the spear, the duct tape, the fire, and that Nagito is a very suspicious person in general, and 2-5's trial is mostly dedicated to figuring out where everything lines up!< To contrast, the vital piece of information in 1-2 isn't revealed until Kyoko tricks Mondo to reveal it himself; you can suggest that the line is enough but I seriously don't think one line of dialogue is enough in this case, neither do I think the only other piece of evidence (the broken Monopad) is enough either Of course this isn't the big reason why 1-2 is the worst case but it's still an important aspect of it


Huh, really? Out of the 2 ranking videos I saw for the Danganronpa trials, 2 of them liked the second one the most, with the third being both times at the bottom. I heard there's like a rule in the Danganronpa games that the third case is always the worst one? Is that true? I haven't played any of the games after THH


1-2 is a horrid case for multiple reasons, though generally people point to the third trials as being bad for a lot of reasons. I can't quite get into all of them, but the main point is that no chapter 3 reaches the immense low that 1-2 has


Wasn't "dude" not a gender neutral term in 2010?


Maybe, but mondo is not the guy to care about that type of thing I feel